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Q: What was the point of the Sabre Data Protection technology in Elysium?

EgorIn Elysium, we see the CEO of Armadyne, John Carlyle, hammer out some code and upload it to his brain. He is asked if he wants to protect the data and is prompted to choose either "Paralyze" or "Lethal", and chooses the latter. At the end of the movie it is revealed that Max will die if the data...

2 hours later…
Q: sci fi animated tv series or movie series Being Human

Kurlyanimated sci fi series that shows earth has joined a federation of other planets and solar systems and humans being put into the society. We are viewed as stupid monkeys and picked on by the other species. One scene shows an alien classroom and the teacher showing videos of earth and about humans...

daily floof - insert some date
5 hours later…
@YvetteColomb you might need to Capitalise your "Daily" and changed *insert some date* with the actual date and link the photo in your statement with the [link markup](some link here)
Daily floof 2017-07-14, courtesy of @YvetteColomb.
@YvetteColomb yours?
@Edlothiad what will happen if I don't comply :)
@SQB yep she's my girl. The chicken is not lol
all the animals I floof are mine :)
Wait, floof is a verb now? :)
Floof is.
@YvetteColomb The glory will be taken away from you, mua ha ha ha
Is this some sophisticate troll so that @Mithrandir won't realize that either way the daily floof was a pony/horse?
we start by training the room to tolerate real pony pictures and then, when they will have dropped their guard, we will switch to candy colored carton ponies.
Nope. Won't happen...
@Edlothiad what?????? racked with shocks of terror
Thanks @Voronwë for the spellcheck :D
@Edlothiad couldn't help but notice, you're welcome
Q: What is JK Rowling "bad" at?

SkoobaWe all have come to know that J.K. Rowling considers herself bad at maths. She has even admitted it freely; ES: How many wizards are there? JKR: In the world? Oh, Emerson, my maths is so bad. Has Jo ever confessed to be being "bad" at anything else? To possibly limit the "broadness"...

@Zaphod well well, science isn't on the list!
Q: What are the decency standards on stack exchange?

Magikarp MasterI have a particular question that I want to post that deals with somewhat unpleasant concepts. I do not want to rustle any feathers or step on any toes (I learnt my lesson from my question about gender non-conforming magical people in the Potterverse). So I want to ask here and get a better und...

Do you suppose it's time for me to post a question that might be controversial and hard to moderate because everyone thinks they know the answer and we might have to protect it?
Or two?
We more or less have every aspect answered already spread around on the site, but it would be nice to put it together to one question.
...such as?
This is about Harry Potter. What I'd really like to ask is when underage people are allowed to use magic. There are various contradictory evidence on this. (1) It seems like they can't get a wand earlier than the summer they start Hogwarts. (2) It's unclear whether children in wizard family can use magic at home during the breaks with their parent's supervision, but from the way Fred and George tease Ron when they have to help cooking without magic it seems like they can't.
(3) Filch claims students aren't allowed to use magic in the corridors. But can they practice spells outside of class in classrooms or common rooms or something? It would be strange if the teachers would have to supervise them all the time for practice.
(4) On the other hand, Hogwarts isn't compulsory, parents can homeschool their children, which seems at odds with (2).
3) I think we see Harry and Ron practising in their common room, and Harry practises the summoning charm with Hermione in preparation for a task in the Tri-Wizard Tournament.
Relevant posts: scifi.stackexchange.com/q/102566/4918 Are there rules about using magic outside of class? ; scifi.stackexchange.com/q/99615/4918 Why isn't Harry punished for using magic outside Hogwarts? ; scifi.stackexchange.com/q/105399/4918 homeschooling ; scifi.stackexchange.com/q/114772/4918 wands
The whole thing seems messed up. If wizards are expected to never do any magic except during their classes and exams until age 17, then it's no wonder the wizarding world is so messed up.
Also, these comments about the wand crack them up. Re how her mother is looking for wands while the eleven year old Draco Malfoy is buying a robe in Diagon Alley:
@Doresoom - "looking at". My guess is, she'd pick the "proper" ones and then have him try them on. — DVK-on-Ahch-To Jan 13 '16 at 16:52
@DVK good point. It wouldn't do for her special snowflake to end up having a wand only fit for a Weasley end up choosing him. — Doresoom Jan 13 '16 at 16:54
The whole issue is strange. Even if Draco isn't allowed a wand before that summer, what exactly is the turning date when he can buy a wand? Surely he'd get a wand right on that afternoon. Does the turning date just happen fall on Harry's birthday?
Frankly it sounds to me like wizards are idiots.
My take on it is that there are laws on the books that are not strictly enforced.
First off, no magic in the hallways is a school rule, not law. Percy's a stickler for rules, Finch is a spiteful stickler for rules.
@SQB Oh sure, I'm not saying everyone keeps the rules. Draco may have already had a secret wand at home since he was three, but the rule is there so he was publically getting one when he was eleven, which is why he had to make such a show of it and tell it to everyone.
Like I said, we have examples of students practising spells in their common room. So wizards do practise outside of classrooms.
Mrs Weasley tries to enforce the rules at home, because he wants Mr Weasley to not get into any sort of trouble at the ministry, since he's the one earning money for the whole family (well perhaps Charley supports him too). Whereas clearly Harry and Ron breaks every school rule. But I'd still like to know what the rules are supposed to be.
@SQB Is that underage students? As opposed to ones who are over 17 years old.
@b_jonas Like I said, Harry and Hermione practising for the task with the dragons.
@SQB Yeah, there's that.
Still, all this information is spread around, and it would be nice to have a question or two that collects what we know about the ruels.
My guess is that
a) Home schooling takes place in wizarding families, so it would be impossible to use the Trace on them (since it detects magic in general).
b) You can probably get dispensation for home schooling your children.
The Weasleys are probably law-abiding citizens wizards. The Malfoys probably think themselves above such laws.
@SQB Yes, but the Malfoys still have to keep up appearances, like I said.
@b_jonas Yes, so you won't see Draco practising underaged magic.
@SQB There may be special rules about homeschooling. But there's still that scene about Fred and George cooking by magic and teasing Ron who has to chop veggies without magic.
(They use subtle magic to make Ron cut his finger with the knife.)
@b_jonas That "builds character". And like I said, the Weasleys (not necessarily the kids, but Molly and Arthur are law-abiding wizards — Molly more so than Arthur *cough* flying car *cough*).
I think there's a question there, but you're going have to be careful how to word it, otherwise it could get closed as a duplicate, or as too broad.
@SQB Yep.
I wonder what criteriums Narcissa would use to find a proper wand for his son. Are the heartstrings of some dragons more noble than that of other dragons?
@SQB Yes.
I really like Jae Lee's art.
Oh, wow
@Shokhet ^
(Not Jae Lee, that).
^ Now that is Jae Lee.
Cool, I'm going to be following this blog from now on.
Jae Lee also illustrated Before Watchmen - Ozymandias - good read.
Q: Alien TV-show long term invasion

lois6bThis TV show is from year 2004 or so. In the show you see aliens coming to Earth but with discretion. They start investigating on humans. Is a serious tv show, dont remember any comedy moments. Long duration and is the story of a group of families. There are human-alien hybrids and they hav...

two user ask the same question with 30 seconds of each other.... what to do....
Q: Which VISOR does Levar Burton own?

ValorumLevar Burton recently offered funders of his Reading Rainbow show the opportunity to wear his VISOR at an exclusive fan-event. The ULTIMATE STAR TREK "VISOR" Package -- NOW WITH ADDED DATA! // You and a friend will join LeVar and Brent Spiner for a PRIVATE DINNER in Los Angeles, and you will...

Q: Which VISOR does LaVar Burton own?

Brian Ortiz This answer says that Penny Juday, Senior Art Dept Coordinator for TNG, owns the original from the beginning of the series and that another was sold at auction to an unknown buyer. However, in 2012 LeVar Burton was offering a chance to wear his VISOR as a Kickstarter reward. LeVar Burton i...

EXACT same title.... different bodies
Knowing Valorum, he'll close his in favour of the new user's.
Already did.
ah good
I was about to flag for merging.
@Randal'Thor 'eh mate, wotcha tink bout dis?
@Skooba "this country is not like that other"
@xkcd Particularly relevant for SO and the likes, but applies to us on occasion.
@Skooba Wow, that's quite the coincidence. Did something specific trigger those questions?
Also, tut tut, Valorum should know better than to use without ;-)
@Randal'Thor I don't know. I would have to assume so, either comments on another question/answer or a press release/event
@Randal'Thor Valorum apparently asked the other user to ask the question.
@Gallifreyan He requested I ask the question. Guess I took a bit too long lol — Brian Ortiz 1 hour ago
I need to ask. Are my daily floofs up to your standards in here? nothing worse than me posting pics of the animals I love and you all think sigh Not another pic of her cat, horse, dog, ant,....
@Null Aha, that explains it.
@YvetteColomb Anything is better than what @Mithrandir posts.
Or @Derpy's ponies.
hm ok then
I have 100s of pics of my pets
You floofs are great ^_^
@YvetteColomb Cats and dogs are awesome. Horses and ants maybe not so floofy as such.
And the personal touch makes it even better!
@Randal'Thor What about dust bunnies?
Spiders can be very floofy.
@Gallifreyan you are so kind, and if I remember I will dedicate my next floof to you shakes head knowing memory is flawed
Capaldi as well.
@Randal'Thor omg grasps at chest did I hear what you just said about horses and ants? What has a poor little ant ever done to you LOLOL
@Gallifreyan we are riddled with spiders and snakes in Australia
true story
"LeVar Burton is levaraging" ... yes, he does look a bit older now. — Rand al'Thor ♦ 1 min ago
I'm cracking myself up here :-P
@YvetteColomb I demand fresh pics of koalas and wombats.
@Gallifreyan ones I've taken myself? there's a wallaby that is often in my horses' paddocks
@Randal'Thor omg! I laugh at my own jokes!!
Doesn't matter, I just like them :)
@YvetteColomb Oh, you're Aussie? Aussome!
oky doky, I will bear (pardon the floofy pun) that in mind
Australia, the land of Things That Will Kill You.
@Randal'Thor ikr! we are. It's an amazing place. We see other people get hysterical about snakes and spiders and just smile
Yes! it is the land of all things that will kill you - except the things that will kill you in other places that are not here
we have an abundance of crocodiles, great white sharks, brown snakes, taipans, red bellied black snakes, funnel webs, bad politicians.. to name a few
@YvetteColomb That last category isn't limited to Australia, unfortunately.
@YvetteColomb I think Thor has been living in Australia for some time now.
@Randal'Thor lololol looks like a huntsman, they are harmless and everywhere. I have had one drop on my head
@Randal'Thor true :'(
@Gallifreyan really? @Randal'Thor are you over here??
@YvetteColomb No, I meant the MCU Thor.
@Gallifreyan You have no soul.
@YvetteColomb OMG. I can't even imagine.
@Mithrandir Children are hellspawn and you have no taste.
@Gallifreyan ah I see
@YvetteColomb No, I'm a pommie b*****d.
@Gallifreyan I repeat: You have no soul.
@Mithrandir Little crying spawns of Satan.
@Randal'Thor I've had a 5 foot snake in my bedroom. I remember I had my son (he was a baby) sitting at my feet while I was hanging washing on the line. I took him inside. When I went back there was a 4 foot snake where he had been sitting.
@Randal'Thor ah! we'll get along fine. I get along well with pommes ;) I married one (he has died - a long time ago now)\
@YvetteColomb Its reasons like this that mean I will never move to australia
@Gallifreyan creeps off to upload baby photos
@amflare you say that, but I know the real reason is vegemite
@YvetteColomb I mean, to be fair, thats basically just as horrible
@amflare I really love vegemite. [No one puts vegemite in a corner])youtu.be/28A9Jgo92GQ?t=24s)
@Skooba OK, I read your list. 1) Wait, is it Americans or Brits who are/aren't supposed to have washing machines in their kitchens? 2) Wth is wrong with beans on toast?! 5-6) Hang on, Americans don't have eggcups or washing-up bowls? 12) Rofl at "thousands of cups of tea smash to the ground in shock". 16) Yeah, don't use that F-word in Britain. 17) That's why our politics is more civilised than yours ;-)
@Randal'Thor i was disappointed it didn't explain some of these... I still don't know hwy you have "washing up bowls"
Americans have a whole room for the washer/dryer
@YvetteColomb I hate to come over all pommie on you, but ... marmite >> vegemite.
@Skooba Where do Americans put their dishes before they actually do the washing up?
@Randal'Thor in the sink, then in the dishwasher
@Skooba You and your big houses.
@Randal'Thor On the table. Or leave 'em in the sink.
@Skooba Oh, well, if you're too helpless to do your own washing up and need a machine to do it for you ... :-)
@Mithrandir Tut tut, dirty habits.
@Randal'Thor its all about time... also a solid screw that to washing dishes by hand
Also: washing up = cleaning hands
@YvetteColomb I'm looking for something like this ^
Or this.
@Randal'Thor which came first? I actually like marmite. It reminds me of my nanna
@Gallifreyan Awww.
@YvetteColomb I assume marmite, since inventions tended to travel from Britain to Australia rather than the other way round.
@Randal'Thor i am saving up to build more house on my house
@Randal'Thor yes, as did convicts lol
@Gallifreyan since you asked....
Greetings, Earthlings.
> In 1902 the Marmite Food Extract Company was formed in Burton upon Trent, Staffordshire, England with Marmite as its main product
> Vegemite [...] was developed by Cyril Percy Callister in Melbourne, Victoria in 1922.
Australia... is it the place where they hang the world map upside down? :D
@Randal'Thor 20 years! well I'll just blame you guys every time someone hates on vegemite :)
@Gallifreyan ¿uɐǝɯ noʎ op ɥʇɹɐǝ uo ʇɐɥʍ
> A version [of Marmite] with a different flavour has been manufactured in New Zealand since 1919.
I really didn't know that.
Ha @Yvette, even the New Zealanders were quicker than the Aussies! :-D
NZ is a very beautiful place
It really is.
haha they are ahead of us!
literally, in time
@YvetteColomb It appears to be another urban legend.
@Gallifreyan No, but they do centre it on the Pacific rather than the Atlantic.
So it seems.
@Gallifreyan ǝɹǝɥdsᴉɯǝH uɹǝɥʇɹoN ǝɥʇ ɯoɹɟ ƃuᴉɥʇʎɹǝʌǝ sdᴉlɟ ʎllɐɔᴉʇɐɯoʇnɐ ʇɐɥʇ ǝɹɐʍʇɟos ǝʌɐɥ ǝʍ
I must go to bed now. I will floof you all tomorrow
please god I never run for a political position and have that on the front page of a cyber newspaper
Good night afternoon! :-)
@Randal'Thor this is why a simple good day works
1 hour later…
@Gallifreyan Wow those are really nice. Thanks for the ping!
@Gallifreyan Why does Death need a knife?
(In other news, I started Brief Lives)
@Shokhet Maybe she was... cutting? I don't know :)
@Gallifreyan At least as far as I've seen, she doesn't kill anyone. She just...leads them somewhere after they die? That's probably covered in more detail later.
Severing people's life lines
Scissors aren't that intimidating
Anyone Tennis?
Oh that's cool!
Where does that come from?
I don't know what either of you are on about.
@Randal'Thor ten-s-en-ee-one
Tennis, anyone?
@Randal'Thor seems to be a recurring theme XD
@Gallifreyan OK, I suppose that's quite clever.
If you can't understand it, post it on Puzzling :-P
I have one answer on puzzling, that's enough for me
@Edlothiad Someone had it as their license plate.
Ah cool
Q: Why are search results different from suggested similar questions?

TBearSometimes I will search a topic and skim through dozens of questions on the search results page to conclude that a question hasn't been asked, but when I put the exact search term into the title of a new question, far better results pop up and I find the question has already been answered. Has an...

whoa... random LotR fan-theory incoming... I don't know if I should ask on the main site, so I'm bringing it up here first
Go on
...can the Nazgul only interact with Frodo when he has the Ring on?
How do you mean, interact?
like, are they otherwise incorporeal
but since putting the Ring on puts him in the spirit-world or whatever it's called, he allows them to stab him
They're corporeal enough to ride horses around the Shire and ask people questions without being taken for anything more than sinister men.
@Randal'Thor hmm yeah, so I guess they have some form. But they are invisible, and don't seem to use physical force all that much
If they could only stab the people wearing The One Ring, they would not be much use
@amflare their main weapon is the fear they spread in the hearts of men
pretty much only one of them ever seems to actually use weapons. The rest just make people really scared
@DaaaahWhoosh This is a very strange interpretation.
Merry didn't have the ring when he and Eowyn got in a fight with the Witch King.
The Nazgul can interact with whatever they want when they want.
@Edlothiad but they are essentially ghosts, right?
Well if you want to think of it like that yes
they are invisible and... can they fly? I think they can fly
They can't inherently fly
They use Fell Beasts
Also, a wraith is undead a ghost is dead
They can't just fly around
They walk
to be pendantic
Yes, thank you amflare
@DaaaahWhoosh, they're wraiths. There lives were stretched far longer than their bodies could live. They are now just spirits. They have physical form but only in the wraith world (which confusingly is part of the real world) and the cloak forms round the wraith form. The Witch King also wears a crown
@amflare "Excuse me, are you the imprint of a departed soul?"
I guess my main problem with the Nazgul is that they don't just kill people. The Witch-king does, but the rest just hang around. I'm trying to figure out why that is, other than "that's just not how they like to do things"
@Randal'Thor I mean, they are transparent xD
I appreciate that Tolkien's world is full of things that are simply against getting involved, but if the Nazgul were incorporeal then I think it would make a lot more sense
@DaaaahWhoosh The 8 remaining were involved in the fight at the Black Gate
@amflare were they? And with weapons? Not just flying on their beasts of the fell variety?
But bear in mind the rest of the story occurs over about 6 months and we still have 4-5 interactions with the Nazgul. So it seems they are proactively doing things
@DaaaahWhoosh You answered your own question. Don't overthink
Tolkien had less care for everyone killing everything, he wanted to build his world.
yeah, well, I'm trying to build his world too
or at least better understand what he built.
I guess I just don't like invisibility
@DaaaahWhoosh I just checked the book. I appears they were there with their fell beasts and got in a tussle with the eagles before being called off to get the ring from frodo at Mount Doom where they died
So I suppose the whole weapons thing is still ambiguous, since it is not explicitly mentioned
I don't understand what you don't understand
@Edlothiad because the Nazgul are invisible.
Yes sorry changed it
it's not so much that I don't understand, more that it doesn't feel like how things would've actually been. I like the 'Leaf by Niggle' approach, where the world exists, and Tolkien is just representing it based on how it looks to him
Q: Ring-bearers - who can notice what about whom and when?

einpoklumSo, I want to get something straight with respect to the bearers of the 20 rings of power (3 Eldar, 7 Dwarves, 9 Men, 1 Boss). Before asking my question(s), here is some Motivation: Sometimes when Frodo Baggins puts the ring on, he is noticed by Mairon, sometimes he isn't. Sometimes when Fro...

the Nazgul, to me, feel like an equation that doesn't quite match up. Something is off about them, some variable needs an adjustment
when I realized they could be without physical form, things started clicking. So I wanted to pursue that
Umm if your issue is that the other ones don't do much in the physical world, that's because they are very weak
the Nazgul other than the WK would use fear because it was more powerful than they were.
you don't need to be that strong to stab a guy whose weapons dissolve when they hit you
So the soundtrack of The Witcher 3 featured some songs by the band Percival Schuttenbach. But turns out the songs in the soundtrack were actually reworked versions of their previous album songs.
These are tolkiens words not mine :D
@Randal'Thor HA! "they knew him (presumably not Biblically)"
@Randal'Thor That is a really broad question.
@Edlothiad Probably makes it a good dupe target for things like this.
@Edlothiad I guess if they're so weak they can't hold weapons, that essentially works in my favor. It's like that movie, Ghost, where the guy has to learn how to affect things in the physical world. The 8 have learned to use cloaks, WK has upgraded to using weapons
Well why isn't it then?
No they can hold weapons
@Edlothiad :( I'll make it head-canon then
@Edlothiad Likely because trying to find the correct answer for the "dup" would be a nightmare in that WoT
Wall of Text
I'm just being cynical because I'm a grouch
@DaaaahWhoosh this might help
@amflare Wheel of Time.
Why are we close voting a question 3 and a half years old? That seems slightly unnecessary.
@Randal'Thor I forget, how far are you in WoT?
@amflare Why is time something that should matter?
Thanks for the cover @Rand I didn't expect Otis to mess up like that
@Edlothiad It clearly wasn't an issue back then and it seems a reasonably popular question with 1500 views. To go back and revise decisions ex post facto seems unnecessary. Not to mention a never ending task as our guidelines are malleable.
@amflare Age doesn't matter if the question is off-topic.
@Riker At this point I've been the butt of so much ridicule that I feel I should just not say.
@Randal'Thor Too broad and off topic are different flags though.
(I suppose I should clarify, the close reason is "too broad")
@amflare It should've been closed just because no one spotted it then doesn't mean we should now
I'm debating whether it's clear enough to do a mod "Leave Open" vote.
It's broad, but its answerability clearly shows that it's not too broad.
@Randal'Thor lol
that's fine
It asks more than one question, you're going to claim that as not too broad?
It's literally 5 answers in one block.
@Edlothiad Yes, because they can all be subsumed into one question, as shown by the title.
The answer can be boiled down to, "TOR can sense everyone else, and everyone else can sense TOR". Thats not broad. The answer just happened to go into a lot more detail.
I have since retracted my vote
k, fair enough.
I left it to the people and the people have said no. I question what policies we have, but whatever
@Edlothiad it sort of helps, sort of doesn't. I think I'm just going to look for how Tolkien describes them, and how he describes other similar creatures (barrow-wights and that one ghost army), and maybe see if I can figure out what historical wraiths were supposed to be like.
I feel like there should be some sort of consistency, and I want to avoid the normal sort of logic around these things- people seem to like definitive statements with numbers and such, probably coming from RPG experience
this seems more like a matter of the soul.
(Ima run away before I start getting too deep)
The army of the dead are a little different, but you'll see they also do not take up arms.
Q: Should we rewrite the lightsabre colour question?

Rand al'ThorThe question Can lightsabers be ochre? has a very comprehensive answer covering all possible lightsabre colours in both canon and Legends. For this reason, other lightsabre-colour questions such as Can lightsabers be periwinkle? and Has there ever been a black lightsaber? have been closed as dupl...

Greetings! :)
@K-H-W or someone else, do you have information about the story called "Marching Morons" in scifi.stackexchange.com/a/6063/4918 ? The link there is broken. I'm asking because scifi.stackexchange.com/q/163795/4918 is looking for a story similar to "Profession" and would like to know if this matches.
Q: Where is Gendry?

Tyler DurdenI keep thinking something is missing in Game of Thrones, and I just realized what it is: where the heck is Gendry? The last thing I heard he was rowing off after narrowly escaping being one of the Red Queen's human sacrifices: Well, where is he? Rowing to America? Eaten by a whale? Doing a Dae...

"Profession" might be the second most popular Asimov story in story-id questions here.
Meta question. There are five story-id questions where the answer is definitely Asimov's Profession: scifi.stackexchange.com/q/6642/4918 (master) scifi.stackexchange.com/q/6060/4918 scifi.stackexchange.com/q/30918/4918 scifi.stackexchange.com/q/68883/4918 scifi.stackexchange.com/q/94842/4918 (four dupes). There are also a few where the answer might be that but the poster didn't come back to confirm.
Two of the latter have a good description of the story: scifi.stackexchange.com/q/127087/4918 scifi.stackexchange.com/q/95319/4918 .
Since this comes up so often, it would be nice if the master question to which we all mark duplicates had a good description. How should we achieve that?
Oh, I got it!
Thank you all! I have searched so long. — Dr. Bunsella May 14 '16 at 3:10
^ This comment actually confirms that Profession is the right answer there, even if the poster hasn't accepted. So we can make that one the master. I'll flag.
From the description there, Marching Morons isn't the answer.
@b_jonas Just one quibble: does that comment necessarily refer to the answer?
It's a comment on the question, and some OPs thank people for every comment made.
Also, this one doesn't have a confirmed answer, so I guess we should reopen it. (Maybe the closure predated our policy on ID dupes.)
Someone cast a reopen vote, I'll wait in the queues :)
I already reopened it.
You and your review queues ...
@amflare I'm sure you are aware, but you should really try to act on all First Posts. A first posted question should almost always have a comment on it. If you can't comment on it because you don't know the universe then please skip it for someone who does.
@Randal'Thor Hey I skipped a review today. I'm not that obsessed
@Edlothiad Will do
Jae Lee FTW!
Q: Why are these joke question & answer allowed?

Andres F.I understand this question and its accompanying answer were made in jest: What is JK Rowling "bad" at? I have a sense of humor, but unfortunately the question is blatantly off-topic (and not particularly funny either, but that's just my opinion): it's not about the Potterverse, or even about JKR...

@Randal'Thor He came back after the answer and says "I have searched so long." I think he'd say something else if the answer wasn't what he wanted.
@b_jonas Could be as in "Thank you all [for your comments]. I have searched so long [and really want to find this]."
Again, why comment on the question and not the answer?
@Randal'Thor He commented on the question because he's a newbie to SE. But there's an answer that he must have noticed, with lots of info that are probably enough for him to decide whether it's what he wants. He wouldn't say JUST "Thank you all! I have searched so long." if he wasn't sure that's the story he thought of. He'd say that's not the story he was thinking of.
But if you're not convinced, then we can leave that question as is, and figure out what we should do about the Profession questions to get a proper description.
Any Dichronauts readers hanging out in here?
@KyleJones I think someone talked about that recently... was that this chatroom?
I did, a few days ago. Finished reading the book since then.
Hmm no... may have been somewhere else.
Jul 11 at 20:35, by Kyle Jones
@Randal'Thor Only read a chapter or so over lunch, so I can't say yet. It's Egan though, so I'm expecting to knock a good deal of rust off my math skills at the very least. The big idea is that life has developed in a universe with two time-like dimensions instead of one. Egan explores the consequences of that in his usual mind-binding fashion.
Yes, that was you.
Q: What evidence is there for Tolkien's One Ring being based on the Ring of Silvianus?

Rand al'ThorI recently heard a theory that parts of Tolkien's legendarium and the Lord of the Rings story may have been inspired by the real-life Ring of Silvianus: As Wheeler consulted with J. R. R. Tolkien on the name of the god invoked in the curse, the ring and curse may have inspired the One Ring in...

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