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02:00 - 18:0018:00 - 00:00

@Gallifreyan im not a buff but the question looks sufficiently answered to me
Stjepan Sejic's Poison Ivy looks great:
as a kid i had somewhat of a crush on poison ivy
I need a volunteer from the audience to create the Watch2Gether room where we will do the film night. Anyone?
oh create, i dont know how to do that
The volunteer will have the high honour of creating the playlist (just two links, no big deal), starting the playback, stopping the playback so that off-site users can catch up, and then resuming the playback. And then shutting down the room and turning off the lights. Oh, and moderating the chat over there.
@zabeus You just go to that site and press the yellow button in the centre of the screen.
haha i thought you meant for testing now, im not sure if i'll be there for the film night or not
valorum isn't going to do it? even if he can't come here i thought he'd be running that room
Indeed, I asked him. I hope he'd be up to it, because he knows what to do and how to do it.
Alien: Covenant was ok
@Ixrec That was quick!
it has been three hours =P
so, best part is that it does NOT have Prometheus' problems of characters being implausibly dumb or plot not making sense, Covenant definitely makes sense and doesn't have any immersion-breaking stupidity
the worst part of Covenant is that it uses its connection to Prometheus primarily to shut down the possibility of exploring any of the interesting stuff Prometheus hinted at but failed to deliver on
I completely agree with the comparison to The Force Awakens I'm seeing online, Covenant does have a huge number of similarities to the original Alien to the point that you could accuse it of being a reboot/remake/whatever
except the cat, they forgot to put a cat in this one
So why again is Australia competing in the Euro vision Song Contest?
lol, Eurovision is extremely inclusive
Did someone get confused by Austria et al?
I think the first time they participated they were supposed to be a special guest
One of those guests that won't leave.
> Although Australia's participation in [2015] was set to be a one-off event ... it was confirmed in November 2015 by SVT that Australia would participate in the 2016 contest.
Great, this room has continued the tradition of killing my phone *eyerollď
do any SE chatrooms not do that?
for me it loads fine, it's just so bad at incremental updates it ends up doing a full refresh more often than not
All not SFF-rooms, apparently
Perhaps it's the styling?
supposedly we have custom styling
not sure if that applies to chat
Most other SE chat rooms are white.
well, yeah, I mean more than color and background image
@Mithrandir is that the mobile chat room, or the desktop version?
All three
Desktop, old mobile, and new mobile
oh, I was talking about mobile (I assume new)
Well, first song with by Israel. You know, Israel. In Europe.
II thithink itsit's tgthat SFFSFF usessusers popost wayway mmore imimages, eslespecially gifs
desktop's not great but never problematic unless my laptop is in a bad mood and bad at everything
is your phone playing up again, Mith
@Mithrandir that's quite a stutter.
if you said this after a gif spam I would've attributed it to that
but mobile backlog doesn't go back nearly far enough to get you more than maybe one or two images if you started from here
*shrug* I don't know, except that it keeps crashing the browser and closing
If I do a reload, I see Poison Ivy and a tweet.
@Mithrandir which browser? And what phone?
for me SE is no worse than slack and gmail and every other website (since none of them seem to care about being lightweight)
Perhaps you should file a bug report on meta, but I'm reading this just fine on a phone I'm often annoyed with because of its sluggishness.
Stock browser, Android 4.something I think
So perhaps it's your phone.
@Mithrandir Android 4.* is a bit old.
It seems to be working slightly better now though
@SQB Yeah, I know. :(
Wow, you can actually reply on the new mobile interface!
Perhaps it's the starboard or something silly like that.
Starboard isn't shown on mobile view.
can confirm
part of what makes the new mobile chat better is you can actually see chat messages by default
I don't know; they might be loading the entire star board in the background.
Now that that image is out of scroll, it's not imploding.
I don't know if the new mobile even has a star board in it, haven't seen it yet
It doesn't, that I see
not that the starboard is the most useful feature ever
But I'm not blue in the new view
And you guys aren't italicized
huh, you're right, I never noticed that
*heads to meta*
@Ixrec in the hamburger menu, top left.
found it
My browser also has trouble with https, so it's probably just me.
this is why you use mobile Chrome instead of stock browsers ;P
No space :(
@Mithrandir ... you're more into fantasy?
@ArtOfCode Chrome is a brutal space hog. Use Opera.
Try all the browsers and make up your own mind.
I actually enjoy good space opera stuff, like Trek
But yeah, I actually am :)
did you have a bad one in mind?
I watched the first one (don't kill me, Rand!) and... bleh.
Also, I am never going to remember the room ID...
Oh dear. Eurovision fans.
@Mithrandir You weren't supposed to watch the first episode!
That's the whole point!
It's not Star Wars, it's more like Parenting SE.
wait, first episode as in The Phantom Menace or as in A New Hope?
Except for the Maul fight, which was ok.
By the first one I mean Star Wars, aka A New Hope
@Mithrandir If you don't like that, you have no soul.
@Gallifreyan the proper term is "You're dead to me."
... *shrug*
Although I probably like the later two films better.
@Mithrandir hey, at least there are two of us dead to them
A New Hope is a bit cringy at points. Empire Strikes Back is the good one.
I'm not a big movie person, anyway.
And bleh, the latest book order never arrived :(
The Hungarian entry was good.
Now it's Italy's turn, with the dancing gorilla.
Yes, Eurovision is silly.
for those unfamiliar with Eurovision, just watch that and you'll know all you need to know
I'm frightened by the title
What did I just see?
Reflected light.
The Portuguese entry was a really beautiful song, and well sung.
The Croatian entry is sung by a young Pavarotti, who described the song as "a duet between Michael Jackson and Andrea." Sung by one man.
Australia's turn. What would happen if they won? The next edition is supposed to be held in the winning country.
@Gallifreyan Keith Richards vs. Paul McCartney?
@SQB I'm imagining an ax fight between them right now
Q: Story featuring spaceship Sleipnir

Robert GarnerThis story involves a female crew member who ends up outside the ship, dead, and is horribly distorted, possibly by a black hole. The name of the vessel is the Sleipnir.

UK entry to Eurovision: "I will never give up on you". Hmm. Really?
Wow - 2 Alan Wake games currently have a 90% discount on Steam!
@SQB oh, that's ironic
Romanian entry features both yodelling and rapping.
@Mithrandir or possibly sarcastic. I don't know if they had already decided on their entry at the time of the exit vote.
What is the status if the BExit?
Maybe even cynical.
@EnigmaMaitreya I believe the details are being actively negotiated.
So was Aliens worth the price of admission?
@EnigmaMaitreya see chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/message/37378308#37378308 and the messages just after it
Ok I read it guess I will need to postpone till later Wife wants to go in to the city to her favorite Vegan Restaurant tomorrow
Q: What happens to all that flesh,that the Walking Dead eats?

The AlphabidWell,I was watching TWD S6,and during episode 1,when that walker bit-off Carter's face,I started to wonder!

Guess I will go look for Marvin some more, you with think a robot with a brain the size of planet would be easier to find.
@Babelfish Makes you wonder what he would ask, if he knew what the Kingdom did with the Walkers they kill
@Mithrandir What was the inconvenience I experienced?
You mentioned Marvin, and this is The Restaurant at the End of the Universe. We needed that line somewhere.
@Mithrandir OH I get it, some times it is hard to determine what is real and not real despite being told this is reality. I am not at all sure that ship got the right reality
At least I still have my arms. And I'm not a penguin.
@Mithrandir And she does have a Heart of Gold but still I question her assurances.
I am going to assume the Movie is still on at the scheduled time.
That is in one hour from now, right?
Dunno. I never watch the movies :P
@JoseAntonioDuraOlmos Yes, it is supposed to be
@JoseAntonioDuraOlmos Yep :) The video room is set up ;)
Now if only they could get an animation overlay of the guy with the 2 bots making fun of a movie ..... but not this one
Our Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind film night starts in an hour, at 10PM UTC (11PM BST, 6PM EDT). Get ready, and meet in the video room ;)
@Mithrandir Thanks and a good idea
@Mithrandir bows
@EnigmaMaitreya you're welcome/thanks
@Gallifreyan I charge you with the obligation for unpinning it after the movie is over :P
@Mithrandir Are you mad? I'll be sleeping like a log :)
@Gallifreyan don't, logs aren't alive
Perhaps @SQB or @Ixrec will then.
I'm already in charge of the viewing room so yeah I was gonna do the unpinning
not that that detail requires explicit scheduling beforehand
@Gallifreyan for me, or for you?
What did I miss?
> It's been a hard day's night, and I been working like a dog
> It's been a hard day's night, I should be sleeping like a log
@Mithrandir ^ The lyrics.
@Mithrandir Reminds me of a Novella, were the Galactic Empire could not peacefully conquer a planet because its Currency was Obligations. They were scaled, could be traded and used to purchase. So all the Galactic Wealth could not bring the planet into the Empire.
Oh. Never listened to the Beatles.
@EnigmaMaitreya it's an answer somewhere here. Great story.
@EnigmaMaitreya that sounds interesting
@M&TVFeeds Die. Now.
@SQB I will need to look for it then.
@Mithrandir It is an interesting book .... a good read if you will
The main point of the story, though, was that they didn't recognise any authority. "No I won't" was said a lot.
I was literally clicking on the Trash room right before you did that
@Ixrec brofist
You ever get that feeling something interesting just happened but some how you managed to miss it? :)
@Gallifreyan Another good movie
@EnigmaMaitreya the M&TV feed posted a new question that happened to contain a spoiler for a recent movie not hidden by spoiler markdown
@Ixrec Oh, that one .... yeah good call
@Gallifreyan I blinked. What happened?
@SQB that thing I just said
Ah, I see. Good job.
Ok, decided on a Burger, Fries and an Original Coke Cola with real sugar, for the show.
@SQB your eyelids closed over your eyeballs, removing dirt and bacteria and moisturizing your eye, and then reopened.
(I don't hear you laughing)
Something happens to my sense of humor when I'm sick, apparently...
@Mithrandir sorry, had my mic turned off.
@SQB 'tis okay, I have my speakers off :P
@Mithrandir I don't have a mic or camera on this computer and the speakers are not connected to this VM
Story ID incoming; I think it might be a dupe, so easy rep for someone who wants it.
Enjoy the movie; I'm going catch some sleep.
@SQB Good night!
perhaps we should schedule the next movie night a bit earlier
@Ixrec Perhaps it should be Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy.
I also wonder when the next set of episodes for Dirk Gently's Detective Agency is going to be released. I am looking forward to it.
Q: explorer lands on "deserted" planet, accidentally infects and kills local life forms

Robert GarnerI think he's a human astronaut. His boots have germs he is not aware of, which prove fatal to the aliens. It might be by Arthur C. Clarke.

I think and are too close to exist separately.
@Mithrandir Tomorrow. Or on Monday.
Thanks for coming everyone, I'll be starting the movie at 10 past the hour to give some people time to make it.
Good night folks! Enjoy the film ;)
I really have forgotten everything about this movie.
I have no idea why that reset the video, not touching that again
hey @DaaaahWhoosh
hello! Am I late?
we're at 6:30
is there a link to a place I can start from the beginning?
that's not really how the shared video room works lol
That was painful! Maybe my symphathies are on the wrong trak? :)
or... have I missed anything?
watch2gether.com/rooms/1gg0st8z7l4jpfj4xd just go in there now so you stop missing stuff =P
I can't tell if I've missed a lot, or if this is anime
I assume it's the latter
It's anime. I've never watched one.
if it's anime, I accept the fact that nothing will make sense for a long time
you're not really expected to fully understand what's going on at this point in the movie anyway
How's the film?
the main plot hasn't started yet
@Edlothiad enjoying it so far, just amazed at how little of this I remember
That's cool. One of my mates is off to the A&E so I reckon I'd have preferred a night in watching nausicaä
Do I know that voice?
adorable fox-squirrel
is that... Picard?
whoa, it is!
well... color me engaged
apparently Mark Hamill and Uma Thurman are also in this? that's it for the names I recognize anyway
I was thinking that, but didn't want to embarrass myself
but yeah back to the gorgeous post-apocalyptic jungle of doom backgrounds
only one baby all year? guess that gives us a good indication of their remaining population
@DaaaahWhoosh the opening bit you missed was mostly Yupa finding a kingdom that had been "consumed by the jungle"
the jungle being a regular jungle + giant bugs?
post-apocalyptic poisonous giant insect jungle of doom
ah. sounds pretty
it is
I gotta say, all this facial hair is making me feel inadequate
I'd probably have shorter hair if I lived in a valley of wind
getting blown around everywhere is the only downside to long hair
is Nausicaa's flyer(?) the only aircraft they have?
seems like it
those guys are terrible pilots
...unless they're all infested too
nope, they're just jerks
oh man, this just turned into the absolute best movie
if you're here to talk why did you just assassinate their king!?
apparently because that's what peace looks like
well that's convincing
yeah we're totally different from that other kingdom in your exposition
I guess if they have parts of a legendary giant that probably does make them a little different
ooh, they have a Chekov's gunship
indeed they do
she left her mascot behind!
note to self: don't call someone a fox-squirrel
at least they're not aggro'd yet
Q: Was it really just coincidence that Seven wound up on Voyager?

ApproachingDarknessFishSeven of Nine's relationship with the Voyager crew began when she was selected to "speak for the Borg" during Voyager's temporary alliance with the Borg against Species 8472. The Borg have assimilated thousands of worlds and trillions of individuals, but relatively few humans. The probability tha...

Q: Do you guys know of a book that involves detectives, disembodied brains, and conspiracies?

Elim Garakheap novel, told first person, about a futuristic detective who searches for a missing person and finds out that the government uses disembodied brains to control weapons, specifically tanks.

ok, the insects have limited telepathy
and tentacles.
aaaand, does the playlist feature work...
the music for the action scenes is very video game-y
yeah, seems kinda out of place
considering how there's like no music now
Teto's been really good at holding his breath this whole time
I was thinking about that, but he's from the jungle, right?
now that you mention it I can't remember if Yupa made that clear or not
so he can breathe the poison just fine
yeah let's go with that
oh wait, she's got no mask either
this under-the-jungle place looks very non-poisonous
well, I guess that answers it then
I like it when characters ask the same questions as the audience
¿Where does the light come from?
this pretty thoroughly confirms her theory about it being just the soil
it looks like there are simply enough holes at ground level to let light in
oh, aye. Light rays.
oh, so this guy is from the same place as the first ship, and he shot down the people in the later ships as revenge?
yeah, this guy and his sister were from Pejite (sp?) which is where the Tolmekians (sp?) invaded to get the giant warrior
awww look at Teto
this doesn't look at all like mankind playing with things it's not meant to
if anything, that's how you make an Evangelion
hello all, i've been eating dinner and unable to participate in chat but have been watching :)
np, lurkers are very welcome
you're making some very strong assumptions about how much control you're gonna have over this giant
@Ixrec thanks for hosting
thank Gallifreyan and Valorum for doing all the setup
this music really is all over the place
hm, why did the insects go after Pejite first?
...oh, that answers that
so, they destroyed their own city?
to kill the Tolmekians that had invaded their city
oh, okay, that makes more sense
having sword-wielding knights, rifles and tanks in the same army seems a little odd
oh they have automatic machine guns too
that's why I'm loving this so much. Knights in tanks. So impossible, but so badass
I'm cool with it since mixed tech levels is a common and plausible post-apocalypse thing
unfortunately, I'm guessing none of their armor is bulletproof
probably not
lol but look at that, they make it work somehow
I like that one guy who just tripped over himself in the middle of the charge
well, they are on a plane.
are the purple orbs just supposed to be bullets
pretty much
that is not the right reaction to have when a guy makes an entrance that badass
especially not if it's patrick stewart
"just shut up" lol
im sensing a pattern in miyazaki movies
(or several themes)
which one? (there's definitely some)
good guys living in harmony with nature, giant creatures, ancient weaponized robots, young princess-type heroine, flying machines, old wise woman
and a cute animal sidekick
What about the badass old warrior?
could be i couldnt remember the others, havn't seen all his movies yet :)
also the characterization of the "bad guys" is way better than most hollywood movies
some of that is more common in anime in general, but yeah those are definitely common things
@JoseAntonioDuraOlmos Yupa? now that you mention it I can't remember where he is right now
not that he could take down an entire army, as badass as he is
@zabeus yeah, no one being truly evil is one of my favorite tropes in these Ghibli movies
Princess Mononoke had a very similar thing going on with the "anti-nature" humans being proper characters
wow, that was a hell of a gamble
yeah i was just thinking the same thing about mononoke
and her in communication with the animals
lol that was not good for morale
I would not be standing that close to that thing even if it was on my side
welp, that's straight up nightmare fuel there
now that's an anime superweapon
02:00 - 18:0018:00 - 00:00

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