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(votes did not match up)
Another one solved I guess
bluefeet has been watching
@Panda how long of a time frame are we talking?
But--- how did @Terriblefan get it???
Got Elementary with "Confirmed - Edited 5 questions from 2008 on SO"
So I confirm that too.. :D
@TAsk I dont suppose that it mattered if that were answered or not, right?
So I just got 6
@David I did everything in 30 min or 1h at most
@Rob Yea, I think 6 is for 6 total comments on 1 question
For commenting twice and editing once
I've commented far more than 6 times since WB.. and only twice just now
could if just be post 10 comments during the bash?
@David Do you mean editing answers ? No I just edited questions only.
@David For which one?
@Panda blue
@TAsk Oh, ok I thought you were editing questions
No, can't be, I commented 6 and 9 respectively on Day 1 & 2
I'm sure there's a timeframe
right so there is something simple here we are missing
@Panda No 6 on one question either - I only commented twice
All my actions were on this post for the last 2-3hours
Two comments and one edit
@Rob Does the question has 10 comments in total?
2-3 HOURS????
3 deleted with answers
Yea, I got 6 yesterday on a answer with 6 comments in total
I doubt it's 6 comments on a post though. Then everyone would have the hat
I commented 2 of them
@Rob exactly
But it's still vague
Remember it took >24 hours for the first appearance
for blue this guywreacks the 10 comments with in X time frame idea
Plot twist: All secret hats are awarded randomly
I still say its voting
@Rob nah
@Rob most definitely not
I wasn't being serious :)
I know
maybe a bug
@Rob No, it can't be
again nah.
Just that we can't figure out the criteria
somebody would of fixed it by now
the bug for the 2017 hat was fixed in 30 min of the start of the bash
but we don't know the criteria and so no one reported it
2017 hat?
That would have known by now
and also why is it blue in the face???
@Rob First Responder
names have meaning most of the tim
Cause it's named after Bluefeet by Bluefeet
@David Would I be able to get Hatter tomorrow?
@bleh dont really know. but I can assure you that after we know the trigger the connection to the name will be clear.
@Panda now this is just my theory, but no.
but whats your theory
I want to talk with bluefeet first
for reasons
ok understood
@David Sure, thanks
hey any hats for reviewing?
@BhavinRamani No
and there will not be any
but why?
SE people have said that there will not be any hats triggered for reviews because people were abusing the system (not doing good reviews) just to get the hat.
Ditto goes for flags
Well don't award the bad reviews or flags :P
Q: Secret hats in winter base in 2016

Pratik ButaniSo far, I got one secret hat that is Where in the world? in winter base 2016. I'm wondering what other secret hats are out there and how to earn them? Anyone got?

@bluefeet I just stood up and yes I got the hat :-)
They Live criteria "Review a edit suggestion on an old post (3+ years)?" didn't work.
@rekire Which hat?
@Panda what is the trigger?
@rekire Blue in the face?
Good morning guys
Goood Morning.
@BhavinRamani Mild Mannered
@rekire How did you get that?
The trigger seems to be like unsung hero after 12h
Okay.. so answer with score zero and accepted
or no other answers were there ?
I also got mild mannered. I do have some accepted answers with no votes
^ plausible
But a bunch of people would have it by now if it was that easy?
But someone in the shared soc said they got it without any answer
@rekire Good late night
Shared doc
Trying to get hats and studying for finals is not a good combo
@TAsk Disproven, I got an accepted answer with 0 score and didn't get it
@AndrewLi +1, trying to get hats and doing anything else is not a good combo
10 = 2 in binary
10 tasks?
I deleted some comments yesterday and got it sometime during the night
mild mannered?
I knew it...
I haven't answered since WB started
Nothing good to
My SO profile says 7.7k rep but here it says 8.1k?!?!
8.1k total on SE
I never realized that
Wait, but I have more than 317 total...?
lol yes chat is global across the SE network (SO is separate.)
2 mins ago, by Rob
8.1k total on SE
1 min ago, by Saiid
Wait, but I have more than 317 total...?
all the SE site that are under stackexchange.com use the chat.stackexchange system. SO has their own chat.stackoverflow.com (because they are so huge) Your rep here is
the rep that is displays here is the total you have across all your accounts. (not counting ones below 200, I think)
a test
ok mine is at 26.6k
Yep, ones below 200 are not counted.
The only other community I participate in is Meta.SE :P
Just answered. Wish me luck on mild mannered!
I think you're best Mild Mannered is to answer low-rep users, who cannot upvote yet.
All users can upvote answers to their own question, can't they?
@AlexanderO'Mara I haven't even gotten a response from OP
Can you check something for me Alexander?
Can I call you Alex? :P
Meant O' Mara, but if you're a JS guy sure
well, only if terrible JS guy
Theory for blue in the face: Post the tenth comment on a post
I need validation if this is correct and how it can be improved
@TheGreatDuck nope. Didn't do that and I got but you can definitely try
I wrote that answer at midnight. Just need some peers to make sure it makes sense
Great explanation! — Felix Kling 1 min ago
My life is complete.
@rekire For Blue in the Face?
I'm not sure about mild-mannered, haven't gotten it :D
@AndrewLi Most people do.
@AndrewLi What?
Ah, looks like someone took care of it.
Thanks anyways ;)
What is the Mild Mannered secret hat for ? Any idea?
@SenjutiMahapatra one of good theories is "accepted answer with 0 score"
also really good guess starred 40 min ago in this chat:
@УмеренноУпоротаяУтка and wait for 12 hours that is the key
@AndrewLi any idea how you got the TheyLive hat?
@rekire may be
@rekire it somehow related to review edits of old posts...
@УмеренноУпоротаяУтка so you need to have luck to get such a question in the review
@rekire Try one of the verified review patterns in the Docs
You should be able to get TheyLive
@Panda trying..
@rekire It should work, good luck :)
@Panda done let's wait. I also used a custom reject reason
I earned 6
@BhavinRamani great. do you know your steps?
Finished reviewing Triage and Suggested Edits
Answer a question (currently -1) and comments
@rekire You got TheyLive :)
Any idea how you got 8,243,721?
@Panda How did you get Blue in the Face?
My theory is that "Post 10 comments in 45 min, with 3 of them having 1 upvote and majority of the comments made in review queue"
@Panda yes :-D
It definitely related to review
as it makes person angry who has low quality post
And that's what 'Blue in the Face' mean.
It can be only related to link only answers.. may be.
@rekire :) Any idea how you got 8,243,721?
@Panda I deleted some of my comments at that time not sure if that is related. I wrote about 16 comments which got upvoted and deleted them
@rekire Oh, thanks
Just curious, why delete 16 comments?
Anyone free to test 8,243,721? Thanks :)
@Panda im available
@Stewartside Sure
One moment
So, "user and OP post 8 (could be more or less) comments (pinging each other) each, at least 1 vote for all comments, question is edited by user/OP"
sounds good, you wanna get a question?
@Stewartside Do you want to try on any of your questions?
Or old ones should be fine too
Sure, I start commenting
@Stewartside Yup, commented
@Stewartside Think you need to edit your question
6 mins ago, by Panda
I think we can follow his example, http://chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/50144?m=34268801#34268801
so edit now?
or after 8 comments?
@Stewartside I think now
lets keep commenting till above 8 comments @Panda
@Stewartside Great
@Stewartside Great, let's wait for 5 min then self-delete them
@Stewartside Think we can delete them now
will do
now lets sit and wait :P
@Stewartside Thanks, now let's wait, we should get it :D
Since the test earlier was successfully
13 hours ago, by bluefeet
Ok, folks this goes to everyone. The nonsense that just transpired on this post needs to end immediately. I know you want hats but if you continues to be disruptive, you'll be suspended until after winter bash ends.
@Panda @Stewartside ^^^
Yea, but we deleted the comments
@Panda That's really not the point.
A: Discouraging "soul-selling" for hats

bluefeetWinter Bash and hats are the fun way that we like to end the year. We very carefully try to come up with triggers based on normal user actions on the sites, like asking questions, answering, commenting, and many others. Gaming for the hats is always a problem, which is why we try to make sure ...

> There is nothing wrong with testing theories to get secret hats, but you should still be following the same patterns you did before hats and after hats. If you change your actions to get a hat, then make sure it would still be something you'd be doing outside of Winter Bash.
A long time ago, a software house created an online game and called it Lord of the Rings Online. They added achievements for the players to get and they added a title one could get for reaching level 20 without dyeing once. Then they left and watched. After a while they returned, and were much surprised to see user harsh others users and trying to get them to die so that they couldn't get the title...
@PaulWhite good luck
@Derpy Sorry I'm not following you. What does that mean?
@PaulWhite "good luck in your attempt at making users behave :P"
Ah I see. Well thank you then.
(Alternate meaning: if you create an hat that requires a chain of comments, don't be surprised when the users will "game the system" to force a chain of comments)
Sadly, we users aren't generally responsible enough to avoid disruptive behaviors when there is an hat to get.
Well I can only speak from my own experience, but so far, in my own corner of SE, our users have been very 'responsible'. Anecdotally, that is broadly true network wide this year. Those that are disruptive tend to be small enough in number and visible enough that warnings are effective.
Well, I don't really agree completely, but please don't let my view distract you. I am pretty strict when it comes to certain types of behaviors and my tolerance level for those would be pretty low, so it is only natural I drift towards a more pessimistic opinion on "be nice" issues.
hey there
just recieved 'mild mannered' secret hat.
just have no clue what it could be.
@5chdn There are a couple of mildy popular theories on the star wall -->
@5chdn you have an accepted answer with no upvotes for about 12 hours
I probably recieved it for this thread. ethereum.stackexchange.com/q/10752/87 - I also left comments which already included the answer.
all theories are valid with this answer. hum.
added my theory to the doc. \o/
They should add an hat called "A secret for few" for users that have an animated avatar.
Could be an idea for next year.
you can have animated avatars?
@5chdn you have one.
Obviously, it doesn't get displayed normally. Unless you patch it back like I do.
@Derpy i know the avatar source was animated when i uploaded it. but never saw the animation on stack exchange sites. where do you see it?
Just a little greasemonkey script, nothing to fancy.
@5chdn see above. I use an userscript to restore the animation.
@Derpy pretty cool.
Not that there are many animated avatars around in the first place.
Thankfully :)
I used to hang out on a forum (a long time ago) where a couple of people had animated avatars that were pretty cool the first hundred times I saw them.
peeps, got doubted about hat 6
not able to figure out strategy for it
I'm pretty sure "Don't want to taco about it" is for editing three questions in which you add an extra tag and don't give an edit reason. Getting the hat now on site after site.
yup, it is!
Blue in the Face may be as simple as getting a 10th upvoted comment in the Hat Dash period.
No, I don't think so
@Panda , @PaulWhite see this post
and for Blue in the Face Read this Comment
Yeah you linked that already. I read it.
I have done that practice, maybe it will take 6 hours to reward Hat
It's possible.
@Vikrant Hats are rewarded every 10 minutes. If you've hit the trigger you will get it
You're not going to wait 6 hours to get something you've already qualified for
So, I m not getting.. 6 then... (╥﹏╥)
@Panda, I did follow same as we discussed, what am I missing.. ( ≖.≖)
@Vikrant Yea, technically I'm not sure if the one I posted is the trigger
I was randomly commenting when I received the hat
Could Blue in the Face be related to using AutoReviewComments several times? Because I just got this hat and that's exactly what I was doing. I also got a response to one of my comments.
1 hour later…
Q: Hats are placed in the top left screen corner if user icon (from facebook) is blocked from loading

Byte CommanderI use Firefox with the "Disconnect" add-on which has the feature to block e.g. content from Facebook etc. Some of the SE users' icons are from Facebook so if we block that, these icons do not load and are invisible, which is acceptable though. However, during Winter Bash, there are hats added ...

Anybody with the app: can you repro this?
Just had a 0-upvote answer accepted, no comments on question or answer. Possible mild-mannered candidate? rpg.stackexchange.com/a/92120/23970
[holds breath for 8 minutes]
@nitsua60 I guess you will die. since you have to wait for 12 hours
@rekire whyzat? (The waiting part, not the dying part.)
@nitsua60 I got the hat I know what I'm talking about :D
I don't, which is why I asked. Are you going to tell me what you mean?
Okay, bye. Thanks.
@AlexanderO'Mara you around?
well here goes
The Hatter: ask a question on the fourth or the six day of the week when it is six o'clock anywhere in the world.
remember that is just my theory.
so asking a question tomorrow at 6ish?
@David: Not convinced, someone on my site has Hatter but hasn't asked a question this week.
@Chenmunka link please.
@David: Whoops, I take it back - he asked one yesterday.
@David Why "anywhere in the world"?
@David It is always (briefly) 6 AM somewhere ...
@Panda timezones
@David Yea, it's always briefly 6 AM somewhere
3 hours ago, by bluefeet
@Vikrant Hats are rewarded every 10 minutes. If you've hit the trigger you will get it
3 hours ago, by bluefeet
You're not going to wait 6 hours to get something you've already qualified for
> `And ever since that,' the Hatter went on in a mournful tone, `he won't do a thing I ask! It's always six o'clock now.'

A bright idea came into Alice's head. `Is that the reason so many tea-things are put out here?' she asked.

`Yes, that's it,' said the Hatter with a sigh: `it's always tea-time, and we've no time to wash the things between whiles.'
@PaulWhite unless you qualified for only part of the hat six hours ago, and just now got the rest.
18 hours ago, by rekire
@bluefeet it was accepted about 7 hours ago
18 hours ago, by bluefeet
@rekire have a little patience and maybe you'll get it
and I got it about 12 hours later
@rekire what hat, are you talking about?
@David Well obviously :)
this stuff is not obvious to everyone in here.
@David you said implicit that you don't need to wait hours until you get the hat I say in that case you need to wait.
@rekire what case, what hat did you get then?
@David I mean it's obvious that you can only earn a hat once you've qualified for it.
I believe the idea of "having patience" is more about acquiring hats naturally rather than going hard out to get every hat within the first couple of days.
@David Mild Mannered
It's all opinion of course since the only people that really know will neither confirm nor deny until hats are over.
Still fun either way.
@rekire ok
still nothing for Blue?????
@bleh that is regarding comments and editing
@rekire Well yeah but we havent solved it????
Blue got to do with commenting
We apparently solved 8m
@bleh not fully
The criteria for 8m has to be something we normally do
we dont uaually delete all of our upvoted comments
You never delete your comments?
I guess I've always done it wrong
@bleh I got the hat before deleting comments. I normally delete all irrelevant comments
Unless they're chat comments or comments like yesterday :P
@rekire ok now which hat are you talking about?
apparently it's confirmed on google doc
@David blue in the face
I dont put much trust in that thing...
Oh I'm talking about the wrong hat I guess sorry.
Blue we definitely don't delete your comments
:) this is why I keep asking.
too often different people are talking about different hats.
You don't to delete comments to get blue
that 8,243,721 hat came in a cleanup action of blue in the face
@rekire can you please expand on that?
@bluefeet well before you said not to spam with comments I made a test run. when I deleted my comments from that the 8,243,721 hat was triggered
Just got the '6' hat on Meta Stack Exchange. I haven't done anything for the last 30 minutes and cast only one (up)vote today, 5 hours ago.
as I said in the Tavern, I am pretty sadden that The Hatter is not given out for asking a tea to the bot in the chemistry chat room. ;_;
The two answers I posted today are both accepted and currently have a score of 4 resp. 2, which is combined 6. Coincidence?
@Derpy lol
@Glorfindel sounds plausible
@David as I said, I get that they try to promote traffic and site usage with the hats, but since many experiments ends up in destructive behaviors, probably having secret hat for doing funny unusual things would be better.
And both answers have 3 comments each. 3+3=6. Another coincidence?

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