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which reminds me that I haven't tried playing asteroids this year.
I seriously have thought that next year run the bash, but dont let anyone see what hats they got till its over.
that would stop all the bad hat behavior.
@Glorfindel yes, yes
total coincidence
@David So, you gets hat but you don't get to wear them? Doesn't seem pretty useful
@Derpy you know you are only the second person to mention that to me.
played asteroid. Let's wait 10 minutes.
not that I really hope it will work.
This Hatter one is very confusing
@David Would it? It would make it difficult to determine secret hat triggers or even their existence... but people would open up chat talking about them and sharing screenshots and proof. It would still be a mad dash to get hats just to show them off at the end... The leader board doesn't help either.
The hatter has "fourth or the six day of the week"... are we assuming the week starts on Sunday or Monday?
@TheSharpieOne sunday. so yesterday was the 4th
I asked two questions yesterday late (16:44:44 UTC and 20:15:35 UTC). The first received several answers and upvotes, but didn't get any comments until this morning. The second did not get any answers, and only two upvotes, but did receive a comment very late yesterday.
with timezones such as the Where in the world... that spans a few days... since for me, the sixth day hasn't even happened yet and could not be proven, but somewhere it is the sixth day
Is The Hatter perhaps needing a 4 and a 6 in the time of the question?
so... the fourth or sixth day somewhere in the world?
so, then UTC matters?... so that should be added to the Gdoc
But, I didn't get the hat until the next UTC day.
so the Gdoc is just incorrect and probably should not be bold
Well, nevermind, because (as mentioned previously in chat here) this guy got Hatter, and the only question has neither a 4 nor a 6 in the UTC timestamp. :-/
the whole "6 o'clock somewhere in the world" is very much like "It's 5 o'clock somewhere" meaning that because the timezones are usually a different of +/- 1 hour... somwhere is 6 o'clock at any given time
20:15:35 UTC is probably 06:15:35 or 18:15:35 somewhere in the world
Well, sure, but then anyone who asks a question should be getting Hatter, going by that logic.
Though, if there was a 15min padding (which would seem reasonable) you would have missed it by 36 seconds...
good point, to test that lets find a user that posted a question around that time and did not get a hat
Other questions asked even closer to that time did not get that hat...
maybe other things have to happen as well (such as an upvote or an answer?)
so, i got 150 rep on 3 different sites over 2 days, and its been like 20 min and no hat
have i done this wrong
there is debate over 150 over 15 days for 3 different sites or 150 in one day (and 15 days to get 150/day on other sites)
do we know whether association bonus counts/doesn't?
15 of my rep on movies is due to an accepted answer
@nitsua60 that is a good question... because there is 100 points right there, instantly getting you 2/3 the way
i think they said the association bonus doesnt count
Which, depending on the behavior they're trying to incentivize, might make sense. 'We want you to try branching out, so here's this thing that youcould do in your existing communities, but will be easier in new ones.'
@Himarm And any reputation you get by begging doesn't count. ;-)
Q: Make hat disappear on hover

PythonMasterNo this is not a question for hat-haters. The problem here is that any user with the right hat in the right place with the right size can cover their reputation and even some badge counts: I mean you could go to the user's Activity page to find out but the hat seems a little weird covering th...

guess getting 150 over multiple days doesnt seem to work /sigh
The association bonus doesn't count, but you're allowed to get 150 over multiple days. Has been confirmed on Meta SE.
then im being cheeted
Look at how good this answer is... and it only got 8 votes.... It's a shame that only 2 more vote would get me a silver badge which would get me a hat... stackoverflow.com/a/31274545/1873485
id be a shame
To be clear, I am not asking people to upvote...
how many comments does it take to get the "8,123123123123123" hat
the bernies favorite number one
the GDoc claims 8
@Himarm amateur. "It would be a shame" isn't scary enough. You should have replied with "You meant 3, right?"
on the same question
@EmilyM If you are trying to cleanup/refine the criteria for that in the GDoc, I cannot help. I am using the doc for the information I am telling you :\
User who want earn the hat each must post 8 comments (1 user post 8 comments, not total 8 comments) on a post and ping the OP
This is important: You need 8 comments posted by each user; less than 5 comments will not trigger it.
Each comment must have at least 1 upvote
If the OP also want the hat, he/she need to post 8 comments too, pinging the other user
Question must be edited by user or OP
User who deletes 5 of the upvoted comments will earn the hat
(I’m not sure about the deleting part, but past users all stated that they have deleted some, not all 8 of the upvoted comments)
@TheSharpieOne you're implying upvotes, not good :/
Well, implying that good answers should get upvotes :)
@EmilyM about 8,243,721 comments. Try not to get rate-limited or suspended by the server because it thinks your a spam bot...
@TheSharpieOne Only if we stumble upon them independently imo
I mean, having less than 10 UVs on that is a chrime in and of itself
@TheSharpieOne what hat are you referring to here?
im trying to get it here
@TheSharpieOne Oh look - it now has 10 UVs! I wonder how that happened!
@bluefeet 8,243,721 (C&P'd from the GDoc for @EmilyM)
@TheSharpieOne please don't imply for upvotes. I will upvote if I stumble upon something good independently
@TheSharpieOne yeah, that's just wrong
i thought it sounded elaborate
not to mention spammy
@bluefeet I know, it's not confirmed, but is believed to be a superset of the criteria
why does the 8,1212211 hat have the exact same strat as the blue foot hat
why would SE deliberately make a hat that encourages shitposting comment spam
@Himarm probably b/c people got them around the same time
@Himarm it doesn't
@EmilyM hates are intended to encourage good behavior... not spam.
@EmilyM we didn't
i understand it doesnt, but thats the exact same thing we tried yesterday to get the blue foot lol
@bluefeet while you're here, would you mind expounding on your pinned comment on the starboard? I'd like to be sure that I'm avoiding nonsense, and couldn't see anything (presumably deleted comments?) on that post to serve as a warning/reminder.
I know they wouldnt, it was more rhetorical- it was what i asked myself before trying to follow the instructions to disprove it or get the hat
also thank you for answering questions bluefeet
mods are gods
@EmilyM ..... ummmm.... there was an hat for getting 10 starred messages in chat once, and there was also the Sun Wukong ones for the question that got votes/upvotes so.... plenty of background for that :P
@EmilyM Yay, I am a god.
@nitsua60 Pretty much anything you wouldn't do normally on a site. Spamming comments
@Derpy they specifically called themselves out for bad behavior hats and said they would stop that this year
they overestimated the maturity of the internet
@EmilyM we tried, but people still go a bit overboard
@bluefeet If I didn't do anything I wouldn't normally do on a site... I would only have 3 hats right now :(
@TheSharpieOne what wouldn't you normally do?
Then you're doing it wrong
@EmilyM found out:
> Sumo Judge - Give stars to 8 users in chat
Well I got to 4 comments, on topic even, before I felt too dirty to continue my spammy attempt at hat-getting
@bluefeet vote using the app... I hardly use the thing... only when I get notifications.
But it's normal for others
I use the app for 90% of my activity
@TheSharpieOne but it's not out of the norm for you to use it. But you wouldn't go spamming comments normally, right?
or at least I'd hope not
If you do, then I think Santa is going to put you on his bad list
It's not a bad thing... but it's something that I wouldn't normally do. Hats encourage different behaviors... some good (or decent) others not so much (even though the intent was not to encourage some of the things that are happening)
@bluefeet mmmkay. Thanks.
@bluefeet what happened on this question that was so bad? It looks normal to me now
@TheSharpieOne this=) I logged in on my phone for the first time in a year =)
My point was that people are going out of their way to get hats.
@EmilyM everything has been deleted
@bluefeet you realize that if Telkitty see this one, she will take it as a proof that the "Telkitty Chat Delay Script" really exists?
@TheSharpieOne Hopefully, by doing more of the good things they know how to do.
@EmilyM but about 30 deleted spammy comments
aaahhh.... That helps.
Rule: don't ask for unconstructive favors in this room or anywhere :P
@nitsua60 Yes, like helping with the review queues... and not just closing things to edit them to reopen them to get 180
Vote on vote worthy stuff
@TheSharpieOne Yeah, there are certainly some that can be gamed. But even when I've been tempted to do something... unseemly, I think perhaps there's a benefit there: it's gotten me to stop and think a little more about what I think a close vote, for instance, means and does.
Winter bash chaos 2016!
is strikethrough supported in chat?
I spent much more time perusing old stuff when I was chasing Elementary than usual. But for every edit I made there were a half-dozen posts where I said 'eh, there's really no need to touch this thing.' And in the process I grew more-familiar with new corners.
like this
no problem you're welcome glad to help =)
I also was able to find the help link with the formatting guide. It could be better positioned closer to the textbox
finnaly got my hat
took almost an hour
which one?
I still havent gotten Amped Up
I got Amped Up from a link posted in chat of all places.
I tried that but nada
You just need to find five friends that find your link interesting enough to visit :)
And make sure the link is from the Share box so it has your user id on the end
I mean I could just spoof it or guilt trip a few friends but that feels meh. Ive tried getting it legit by posting in here without begging. Hopefully Ill get it sometime
do links directly to your user page count like this? It ends with my user id after all.
@EmilyM I would guess not, but I don't know.
Sharing useful links as you normally would and giving it time is probably the way forward.
@EmilyM no the share link you copy from below a post
@David ? It is linked to the correct parent user.
@Loong yah... Not sure what I saw.
that is really weird. I'm confused.
Oh. how stupid of me! I clicked on the stared message by him, which took me to the transcript, where the mod names are not in blue.
@EmilyM yah that should work.
@EmilyM Yes, but make sure it has your userid in the link so you get credit
@AlexanderO'Mara welcome back
scifi.stackexchange.com/questions/132400/… 20 more views for this puppy for a gold (views not votes)
@David So, ask a question tomorrow on the hour?
I have no way to prove that till tomorrow.
@Himarm well I viewed it
Why 4th or 6th day of the week?
Is there some Mad Hatter connection?
@AlexanderO'Mara exactly!
@AlexanderO'Mara six o'clock is tea time....
Q: Mobile site does not have winter bash pulldown in notification bar

Jason CThere is no snowflake on the mobile site, and there does not appear to be any other way to see Winter Bash notifications. This is a bug report and/or feature request. Workaround is to switch to desktop site on mobile to check.

What about the 4?
Wait so i cen get it tomorrow
remember in Alice in Wonderland She asks the mad hatter about his watch. She guess that is tells the 4th, but he replies 2 more then that. Hench 4th and the 6th days. 6 o' clock is the easy part, that is tea time.
5 mins ago, by David
could also be 10/6, the label of his hat...
or 4-2 => 42
which is also the number of boxes in another scene in the book...
We went through this on SFF.SE already
see here:
Q: Was Douglas Adams influenced by Lewis Carroll, with his '42' answer and others things?

AncientSwordRageIn this QA, http://scifi.stackexchange.com/q/311/3804, which says that Adams got his number from good old-fashioned garden-gazing. But while I was looking for the sum completed by the apes in Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy I came across something peculiar, Lewis Carroll seems to make more refe...

@Derpy true but all that does not account for why we only say the hat yesterday, and not at 6 o clock on the first day of the bash.
could also have been a bug that prevented the awarding of the hat earlier
@David Oh, personally I like to think that 42 is the number of points on Twilight cutie mark, so you probably are better ignoring my suggestions.
@bluefeet nah, SE is immune from bugs.
(but actually " because of a bug" never even entered my mind)
@bleh Tomorrow is today, as it is yesterday....
@Derpy No it's not. 3 O'clock is tea time in any civilized country :)
@Mithrandir after two edits you deleted it?
As my avatar shows, I got They Live. Looked through the transcript so far and found one negative guess (reviewing an edit on a very old post). I'm guessing it may have to do with viewing a question in a different way (per the movie), but I can't imagine how.
I have to ask a question at 6am???
@David Yep, links weren't working.
I can say that I only recently started reviewing edits, and editing, in earnest. Maybe editing an old question? Answering an old question?
@EmilyM Interesting link, thanks ;)
@PaulBrinkley very interesting. did not think of that movie tie in.
@bleh what is the number in your profile?
@PaulBrinkley I suggested rejecting an edit that later got approved, or vice versa, but that happend (legitimately, it was on Puzzling and edits from the OP on answers on their questions are confusing (especially if you don't know that they're the OP)) and no hat.
@bleh 746F2077616B6520757020697320746865206A6F79206F66206C696665
thats hex
its for to wake up is the joy of life
specifically, it's ASCII encoded as hex pairs
represents the ASCII string "to wake up is the joy of life"
What about hex pairs?
@PaulWhite your welcome haha
@Himarm 4
so close
ive been saving this for winterbash all year
should be 10K by 3 minutes
Enjoy your 24 @Himarm
Don't you have it when the badges take forever to arrive
yeah gold badges take a while
Mine took 2 hours o_o
What's known about the "6" hat? I recently got it and I have no idea how
I think it has something to do with comments.
...But IDK.
I got it after deleting a bunch of comments.
There was a cleanup hat last year around deleting comments, maybe "6" is this year's cleanup hat?
@Mithrandir That would be hilarious. And frankly, hard to get on SO (where I was). Too bad it didn't work. Maybe something similar?
I'm outta idea.
@Mithrandir Maybe editing a post and having another post over-edit it somehow? Except, posts are locked for editing, right? So maybe just Reject and Edit? Maybe combined with something else?
I've Rejected and Edited, no hat. I've used all of the options as well.
I've been encouraging people to fix these with suggested edits so that I can Review, but...
@TheSharpieOne I don't think I've deleted any comments recently
@David hey, not sure about your Hatter theory - see this user got it on Ask Different, see the post dates..
hi, guys
I just got secret hat "6" by doing nothing more than answering questions, and reviews (close questions, vote to delete comments, etc.)
I also maxed out on rep on that site 3 days in a row
but I literally just got the hat while I was away on lunch, and the activity at that time were simply some upvotes
so it might have something to do with having 6 well received answers in a certain time frame
Nope, got it without answering
well, you're Gandalf so you would know :P
but I do have 6 well received answers within 24 hrs, which is a marvelous coincidence
I have been cleaning out comments and now have the 8,243,721
How many did you have to clear?
@Willeke Your own or other peoples comments?
My own
(I remembered last year there was a hat for cleaning out something like 25 comments.)
maybe to get the "6" hatyou need to get upvotes on 6 dif answers in a day
That in itself might help getting a few more hats, look at how the secret ones were gotten last year.
alot of people getting 6 are getting it after an hour or so, i wonder if you do exactly 6 actions in 1 hour
Do something on xx:06 maybe?
doubt it
they never get much more nitpicky than a several hours timeframe (usually 24 or more)
im surprised they removed my hint for getting the taco hat
I followed that instruction to get it on 2 sites, and had other ppl get it following those instructions as well
and blue in the face seems to be about getting a comment convo going
or replying to 10 dif people in comments
Last year I got a hat for posting an answer at xx:08 or something like that.
Test answer posted on 20:06 local time.
mm, timer here is one minute off mine on my computer, will try again 21:07
I have been editing a lot without posting a reason (but not 6 in a row without other activities yet) and no hat for it.
hello guys I'm ready for a new hat
You are probably refering to the hat you could get on Fridays around each round hour (when it was 5:00pm somewhere in the world).
Do you expect one?
That is an other one.
@Willeke not really I meed to search some candidates
I am not completely sure but I think I got a hat on a site where I am a new user. Maybe for just posting, maybe for having one of my answers being accepted.
I just got 8,243,721 after deleting a bunch of comments. I'm pretty sure that's it
I didn't count how many though. Around ten ish
@DJMcMayhem from various questions and answers?
Can confirm, I just did the same and got the same.
@TimmyD how many comments?
I've deleted well over 10 of my own comments since the start of WB and nothing.... Maybe there is a timeframe?
Do not forget the 'non secret' hats. I just done my second day search, one more tomorrow and I will get a hat for it.
@AndreiROM I deleted probably a dozen within as many minutes. All my own comments.
Maybe a time frame or 'no other activities in between'
@TheSharpieOne yeah. All rapid fire with no activities between
@TimmyD from different questions or one? Were they your questions?
They weren't (all) my own questions
I did open my 'comments' and selected all that were useless. Widely spread on questions and answers, and over time.
I do not ask many questions so no relation to that. As far as I understood last year, any 10 or any 25 or whatever the number.
so... older comments?
Yes. I went on a deletion spree just like Willeke. The only other action I did during the time was flagging some comments as "Obsolete" now that I deleted my comment.
I had been careful not to flag the last few days before WB, so I got my gold badge and gold hat.
All were originally posted in the past month or so.
Mine were posted mostly March through June.
AFIK the comments can be new too
I did a clear out last WB and was working back to join the clean area.
@Willeke dang. I wish I had thought about that
ok, I just delete 10 mostly useless comments... we'll see what happens
I recently got a gold tag badge, maybe I could have saved it
I was told, had a very good coach last year. He ended 2 on the overal leaderboard.
But no other golds I'm close too
Has decided to leave so is not around this year.
You can be lucky and like my coach last year have a Q that goes viral.
He posted within the WB period and got a gold badge out of it within the WB.
I don't think I have that kind of network reach
No hat, so I do not think it was the xx:06 for the 6 hat.
But it might be 6 o'clock somewhere, so post on the hour.
Though... maybe if I spam the communities I am apart of in other social networks... but still 1k views is a lot... I would probably get 1k people to see my post, but not take action and click the link...
You need one that goes beyond what you can reach yourself.
I am hoping for a silver badge for that. No silvers in my list I can reach, I fear.
the easiest silver is first to answer with +10 and accepted. Not that hard. If you have some accepted answers that you know were first and are less than +10, getting +10 know gets you silver
it's the Enlightened silver badge
That is what I meant, silver for an answer (or question) and not for repeated activities.
on another note, deleted 10 comments and no hat... so...
maybe I just need to wait a little longer
I deleted comments and I got the hat.
Some of the comments had upvotes.
I think I deleted around 10 comments, and maybe half of them had upvotes.
Maybe upvotes are the key. I did delete some upvoted ones, if not many.
Same here
I just got 6
It's weird, you'd think deleting upvoted comments is something SE wouldn't want to encourage
@EmilyM Any idea for a correlation?
Yep just got 8,243,721
I think the comments having +1 is key. I deleted 10 that didn't have any +1... nothing happened. Then I deleted 5 that had +1 and now I have the hat
@TheSharpieOne interesting
well, at least +1, some had more
No new hat yet, so I do not think the 6 is for xx:06
@TheSharpieOne All your own old comments, right? Any timeframe in particular?
@techturtle All my comments, no particular timeframe (though I did have to go back to find some with UVs that could/should be deleted)
Did you do other thing in between?
@Willeke I did flag 1 as obsolete as when my comment was deleted the other comment was... obsolete
So likely activity does not matter or not much.
Q: "Your Hats" is unreadable

NobodyNadaThe corner of the hat dialog has the title "Your Hats," but the dark grey text is unreadable on a dark blue background:

just deleted abunch of comments, including with upvotes, and got the hat
the exact number, or whether upvotes are required, is a mistery
Was I the first one to bring that in?

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