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As of right now, too many people are ruining the formatting and not following the rules
@AndrewLi sounds good to me. if and when somebody else has something to add they will come here
@David did my message just disappear?
It did for me on mobile
@AndrewLi what message?
you mean the one I replied to?
The one you replied to about restricting access
no still here and visible.
Anyways I'll restrict it to only users I approve (please tell me who you are!) then I will set it to comment/suggest mode
@David bug in mobile I guess
do I need to log in, or will the anonymous animal still work?
won't bother me any - I had never even thought about editing that document...
@David dunno.
We'll see. In a few minutes I'll set up a test document
Why the heck do people keep changing the emoji definitions +_+
PS why is what I put under the hatter not bold?
The amount of pointless bold is appalling. Can someone remove stuff that doesn't fit the format?
Trial Runs and reports of success can be bolded though
which mine sure was
We need more tests
I got mine in the morning around 10AM CDT
what question did you ask?
@AndrewLi I would guess it was this question
@David Mine was hovering at around 25 upvotes by then
I didn't check my phone though. Could have been 9AM CDT
@AndrewLi yesterday morning, or this morning?
7 hours ago, by bluefeet
could also have been a bug that prevented the awarding of the hat earlier
maybe? I'm not sure any more.
I got it along with @alecxe
Same time IIRC
Does that disprove anything?
I dont know, I'm not really giving it much though now.
Ask alecxe about it.
Is it okay to ask for views
can i get some views on this post of mine
did anyone click
thank you :)
@EmilyM good answer
thanks :)
@EmilyM I did.
Coincidentally, It also received an UV shortly after I finished viewing it. what a coincidence
haha well im not asking for upvotes, but if you thought it was good content and gave it an UV then thanks :)
nor did I admit to UVing it - I just stated that it coincidentally received an UV shortly after it received a view from me :)
That's what I'm unsure about
Sharing good post is good, but upvoting them is ehhhh....
Let me bring it up on meta
UVing good posts is ehhhh???
No, asking for upvotes is bad (although asking for views not sure about). I dunno, it feels like a gray area to me. Seeking input from community: meta.stackexchange.com/q/288655/332767
added an answer, hopefully it is UV worthy.
but I'll let you stumble upon it yourself instead of posting the link to it so you won't feel obligated to not vote on it...
I want some more input before I vote or accept
I just got Blue in the Face shortly after receiving an upvote on a comment. It seems that the trigger was "10 upvoted comments posted during winter bash".
of course - meta is for gathering opinions.
@EricWofsey hm, sounds about right
@EricWofsey Hmm. We'll consider. Maybe run some tests?
(and accepting the answer would seem to signal "I don't want more opinions now, I have one I like")
And by tests, I mean not spamming comments
no, of course not...
@X-27 I'd rather receive a community accepted answer for what I should do (as a general consensus) than opinion
Not "I don't want more opinions now, I have on I like", but more "The community believes this as the right course of action"
so... how many answers need to agree with mine for you to feel ok about voting on linked posts?
I want to see others' votes
and more comments :P
Haha. Got amped up on Meta.SE
Technically, is it ok to test hats if I clean up all my actions?
for example
I commented a lot on a specific post, then delete them myself
Well, I'm pretty sure mods can see deleted comments, so...
Yea, true
Thanks :)
While you could technically spam a bunch of comments and then delete them all before they could get flagged, I doubt it would be "ok"
And then there is this:
Yeah, mods can. Spamming people with comments has consequences
yesterday, by bluefeet
Ok, folks this goes to everyone. The nonsense that just transpired on this post needs to end immediately. I know you want hats but if you continues to be disruptive, you'll be suspended until after winter bash ends.
^ that
@AndrewLi Nope, spamming myself
Then delete them
"if you continues to be disruptive, you'll be suspended until after winter bash ends." - bluefeet
@Panda that still brings it to the front page
Comments does?
although "you continues" isn't proper grammar, the point remains.
Oh, didn't know that
while you may be able to get away with it, it would not be "ok," and you would make it look really bad if a mod ever saw a list of deleted spam comments....
Yea, lol thanks
plus, you'd risk annoying bluefeet...
and it was people doing crazy stuff in past years that removed the fun hats.
like Archimedes and Hairboat's revenge...
Blue in the Face
I guess if it's OK to ask for views, then maybe some on this answer of mine. Albeit not the best answer of mine, needs some more visibility imo
@AndrewLi viewed.
@X-27 Thanks :)
(But notice, I didn't instantly vote on it)
I don't care about a vote
maybe after I read it...
That'd be smart :P
1,000 unread messages, figured I'd check in . . .
@veryRandomMe Wha!?!?
you were pingged 1000 times!?!?!?
slight hyperbole, but there were 1k messages
I'd love to get 1k pings, but everyone else seems to have weird objections to spamming me... :(
@X-27 naaw those were removed because they were really time consuming for employees
Plus we have lawyers now and poking employees isn't cool anymore
Lol ;)
@bluefeet really it was the lawyers that made you stop that?
That thing when your hat covers your face.
Anyone gotten The Hatter today?
@David ;)
@AlexanderO'Mara I think I know the criteria for The Hatter
The question needs to be asked at :00 or :15 min
And get at least 1 upvote
I thought it was 4th or 6th day of the week, at 6 somewhere in the world?
Need at least 1 upvote
Not sure about the 4th day or 6th day though
20/12 —> 20:15:07 UTC
19/12 —> 17:15:00 UTC
22/12 —> 20:00:03 UTC
22/12 —> 21:00:17 UTC
22/12 —> 21:15:18 UTC
22/12 —> 21:15:34 UTC
^All received the hat
So on the hour, or 15 after the hour?
Both are fine
Technically, the 6 in the world somewhere doesn't matter, I think
It's always 6 somewhere in the world
So, what's the significance of :15?
No idea
Not sure if it's awarded at :30 or :45
@Panda Guess I'll see if this works: stackoverflow.com/questions/41294985/…
Blarg, nobody online...
I am
@AlexanderO'Mara just passed by that question
@AlexanderO'Mara What are you testing?
@TrojanByAccident The Hatter
What's the theory?
Doubt it @AlexanderO'Mara
Posting question at :00 or :15 and +1, gets you Hatter.
@Panda Based on these chats.
Not confirmed and it's been 10 minutes
I never posted a question around the time I got it
@AlexanderO'Mara Well, you have hatter. nvm, saw wrong
@AlexanderO'Mara not quite. yes it is awarded at 15, 30 and 45, but not all hours.
@David Which hours?
@AlexanderO'Mara looks to me like you will get it from that one.
Ya got it @AlexanderO'Mara
So what's the criteria???
@AlexanderO'Mara I have not calculated it all but it goes by the time zones.
see there are some half hour and 45min zones.
that is how you can get the hat 15 mins past the hour
Yep, just got it.
@AndrewLi I posted it this morning.
@David Where? On the doc?
14 hours ago, by David
The Hatter: ask a question on the fourth or the six day of the week when it is six o'clock anywhere in the world.
the first part of that might be wrong, but I'm 100% sure about the time part.
4th or 6th meaning saturday or thursday?
Yes, it is thursday today
I understand that
So any :15 or :00?
Why 4 or 6 though?
has to be 6:00
12 hours ago, by David
remember in Alice in Wonderland She asks the mad hatter about his watch. She guess that is tells the 4th, but he replies 2 more then that. Hench 4th and the 6th days. 6 o' clock is the easy part, that is tea time.
But I got it wednesday
Or Tuesday. I forget
@AndrewLi no meaning Wednesday, or Friday.
well, it is friday in some parts of the world
that explains it
@David oh, makes sense
UTC friday has started already
Why is 4 wednesday?
1 = Sunday
@TrojanByAccident maybe, there were a few users that got it today (I think)
so ask any question on Wednesday or Friday at 6 PM UTC?
@AlexanderO'Mara exactly
6AM or PM? 6:00 or 18:00?
@David It is Friday in many places (It's 2 pm somewhere O_O)
I dont think it matters
@AlexanderO'Mara I left for a while. You got The Hatter?
@AndrewLi either, I think
@Panda Yes!
@KazWolfe 6:00 anywhere in the world
It's still 6:00 somewhere
so question at the top of the hour?
@AlexanderO'Mara Great, then the theory should be correct :)
So just on the hour or 15 after on wednesday or friday?
I'll try posting a question later
One of them anyway.
@KazWolfe :15 also works
Anyone got "8,243,721" ?
Because +0:30 and +0:45
@BhavinRamani yeah
@BhavinRamani Yes
@BhavinRamani Yea
I have deleted my 10 comments (upvote 1), Does this gonna work?
any idea how you guys got it?
Google Docs has a theory
so Wednesday or Friday UTC, at the top of any hour. Okay.
@BhavinRamani We're they directed towards OP? Were they useful and meaningful comments (not criteria but please don't spam useless comments)
Does the day of the week matter?
Think so
Oh ok
I just had an answer downvoted within 30 seconds of posting it
Review your answer. May have been justified
Oh look, a comment!
So if I post a question tomorrow at 6 PM (PST), I'll get a hat? Interesting.
@KazWolfe thats what I'm going on (and I have two of them now)
I will test tomorrow then :D
@KazWolfe you have a min to post it. Make sure it is between 6:00:00 and 6:00:59
I'm guessing that's the time I hit the "post your question" button.
You need a upvote
(And, can I do this on mobile? And get a potential hat trifecta?)
Just posting won't award the hat
@KazWolfe Doesn't seem to matter
Yeah, posting, but the upvote also needs to be within the minute. Does it?
Don't think so
and please don't ask for an upvote just for the hat :P
No, I upvoted alex's after 15 minutes
So, let's go for Mad Hatter and Lounging Around with one question :D
@KazWolfe yep, you can combine it with other hats.
now i just need a good ubuntu question.
@KazWolfe NO like any other hat, the UV can come latter.
alright then, let's do this tomorrow. Will post back with results.
@KazWolfe I already know what you will get.
(More confirmation is good)
so i'll try to post a few questions tomorrow, as near to XX:00:30 as possible.
@KazWolfe this one got it at 45 secs
@David (account for network lag and server/client time difference)
@KazWolfe I just post when my computer time says X:00
and i guess 10 AM (PST) is optimal, as it's UTC 6 PM on Friday.
dont know. I got mine at 9PM yesterday and 11PM est today
I just got “6” on Worldbuilding.
@JDługosz wow, what did you do?
that one still has me confused.
All I was doing was posting comments on this topic
i think "6" is a certain amount of comments in a time period, with a vote threshold.
Which is a question I posted.
@JDługosz yah, I dont get it.
I posted one comment now. A couple others are a few hours ago.
Ok, I looked at my “all actions” list. In quick succession I commented, edited an answer, and commented.
2.5 hours prior, I made three comments. So, 6 concecutive actions on the same topic, involving both comments and edits.
See worldbuilding.stackexchange.com/users/885/jdługosz?tab=activity assuming others can see it.
Ah, I recall the first comment I saved and then edited right away. The action list shows the final form only, not separate actions. Maybe editing your comment is significant?
Good morning hat hunters
Got Blue in the face
I'm still wondering how to get 6
2 hours later…
@BhavinRamani that is how I got it and depending one some comments it seems to be confirmed
@rekire Thanks, I will today.
@rekire Is it sharp at 6 o'clock, or around 6 o'clock(+- 10 min.).
@BhavinRamani It's sharp
Seconds doesn't matter
@BhavinRamani I saw also matches with 5 minutes delay
Q: Why aren't there hats in the iOS App?

PandaWhy aren't hats shown in the iOS App? There does seem to be hats in the App as seen in the About page: As seen, I'm using the iOS App version, the TestFlight version.

@rekire It cannot just be 6 o’clock, otherwise we would have seen this hat on day one. Please do not edit anything into that meta post unless it is confirmed as per the Google Docs thingy.
Anyone using the iOS app has this problem? ^
@Wrzlprmft keep in mind the differnt timezones, there are also timezones with 30 or 15 minutes offset
That even strengthens my argument. Given that at almost every (if not every) full hour it’s 6 o’clock somewhere in the world, we should have seen that hat from the very start of Winter Bash and much more frequently.
15 hours ago, by bluefeet
could also have been a bug that prevented the awarding of the hat earlier
I have a quick question
how can I hide emails from VAs

I want to do this automatgically:

alice ([email protected] is a customer)

sends an email to [email protected]

that email gets fowarded to my VA with a unique address

[email protected]

when the VA replies to this address, the same message gets sent to the customer ([email protected]) from [email protected]
@TeeraMusic wrong chat^^
@TeeraMusic You seem to be at the very wrong place. I cannot even tell you what the right place would be since I do not know what VA is.
@Wrzlprmft However I got the hat at the very first try. I asked a question at 20:00:03 UTC
@Panda Looks like intentional disinformation to me.
@Wrzlprmft Yea, might be ;)
still trying to get amped up : askubuntu.com/q/862371/522934
@rekire Yes, but that still only makes a statement about that particular time.
@Videonauth still trying to get Loungin' Around here: stackoverflow.com/q/41290814/995926 ^^
I got The Hatter
@Panda when did you ask?
I think top of the hour
@rekire what you need for that hat ?
@DavidPostill If we are going to argue about that, then I should probably point out that Chado doesn't define a "set time", and that is the most civilized ritual involving tea I can think about. ^_^
Maybe I should ask for my tea to one of the chat bots in the anime room?
@Videonauth in total 10 upvotes for the nice question badge which is the trigger for the hat
anyone know probleem with Amped Up fixed or not?
@Alex There was a Meta post about it.
Wild speculation: 6 is triggered by upvoted comments. E.g., a comment that is upvoted within six minutes. Or: two comments within six minutes, one of which is upvoted.
@Wrzlprmft they all want the hat :D but how get Amped Up ? 6 click with period 1 hour ?
@Alex That had nothing to do with Amped Up. It was about the hat named 6.
@Wrzlprmft hmm. and what about Amped Up? earlier was problem with receipt... the problem is solved?
@bluefeet the problem with receipt Amped Up are solved?
Q: Where is my Amped Up Hat?

Ankit SharmaFrom winterbash2016.stackexchange.com Amped Up share a link to a question on social media that gets 5 clicks I share one of my Movies & TV question on twitter with the share link under the question. Below is the twitter stats: More then 12 hours has been passed since I crossed 5 l...

@Wrzlprmft thx
The Hatter is still a mystery for me...
@Wrzlprmft, how did you get hat 6 ..?
@Vikrant See the doc for details. Anyway, I do not know; I just speculate.
@Vikrant I asked a question at a full hour
There is no explanation for Secret Hat 6, friend @Wrzlprmft
@Vikrant Just so we are on the same page, I am talking about this
hmm they also don't have exaplanation
@Vikrant Yes, but I report in detail, what happened before I got the hat. Which of these actions was relevant is something that we have to find out empirically.
what is the Last day of Hats?
> What is going on? Why do I see hats?
From December 19th through January 8th, you'll be able to earn hats all over the sites! Ask, answer, vote, edit, and chat, and you'll uncover hats hidden in all kinds of places.
@Vikrant not sure you meant this, but here you are
Yup, I did mean the same. Thanks @Derpy
has anyone tried the link "I hate hats", wait for ten minutes and then re-enabling hats?
oooohhhhhh.. so That's the number 10
(not that I really hope for something so creative..)
@Vikrant 10 because the hat script runs every ten minutes
a moderator gave hint for hat; it's about 10
yes but, it's about a unique hat
@Vikrant wasn't that bluefeet talking about the blue in the face hat?
also - another year, another Bash without Ladycorn hat.
yes yes... exactly! ohh.. my short term memory (¬‿¬)
It must be >=10 minutes ( ≖.≖)
nothing so far.
@Derpy That hat would be awarded on all pages, which would be quite a striking feature.
@Wrzlprmft usually, hats that couldn't be attributed to a specific site were just attributed to Meta.
Okay, still a noteworthy feature.
I think they already did that in the past for hats like Sumo Judge
i can not get Amped Up Hat (: was 6 clicks.
anyone can click on link in https://twitter.com/QAwiki/status/811352255857299456 ?. need 5 clicks different users. after click please tell me for statistic.
btw, has anybody ever notice if the clicks need to be by logged in users or just different IPs?
@Derpy thats the question came in my mind...
@Derpy i check different IP not auth users. I do not want register bogus accounts.
but I think, when it comes to HIT, it must be talking about IPs
@Alex, this is mine My Post I just Hit yours ... 👍(≖‿‿≖👍)
they could check that the users that clicks the link is actually an authenticated Stack Exchange user
otherwise, it should be pretty easy to get 5 different IP.
probably even by playing with tor
@Vikrant i make click)
hope more 4 will come up soon... (っ^▿^)
@Derpy yes, and for check this me need 5 click from auth users
@Vikrant you clicked on my link ?
I already told you that :D
@Vikrant )
Some speculation: I recall getting the "Elementary" hat just after searching multiple times for other user's posts, eg. "user:10 starcraft". Could anybody check this?
@user143228 i get Elementary for edit 5/4 q/a which has been created in 2010 - 2011 year
@Alex +1
@BhavinRamani thx
@Alex I got Amped Up
@Vikrant apparently she gives for click authorized users only
You can share it any social network and all-together It should get 5 clicks from 5 IPs...
@Alex clicked
@Derpy thx
@Alex not Authorized Users buddy.. other 4 clicks were of my friends not connect with StackExchange at all
@Vikrant hmm, but it not wor for me. may be need pause between click.. i get click different IP with period 1-2 minutes
NOTE: and other 4 clicks were recieved yesterday..
@Vikrant or may be need share link on answer only...
ohh my Bad
I forgot to tell. You must share link to Question
not Answer
btw, it should work even without sharing....
yep, i read again - share a link to a question )
but any question or my only ?
meta.stackexchange.com/q/161331/171199 - technically you should even be able to share links for others users if you build up the correct link.
When is "Don't Wanna Taco 'Bout it" hat awarded? Any idea?
@SenjutiMahapatra See the sidebar.
@Loong oh, well, not really a problem in my specific case since that is just my primary user. I just use this one when I want to use the chat outside home.
can anyone tell about Hat: The Hatter
@Vikrant I can tell you it is not awarded for being mad enough to work on a grease monkey script to enable hats all year long....
(͠≖ ͜ʖ͠≖)👌
@Derpy Can you make it a positive sentence?
@Vikrant It is awarded for doing some still unknown activity on the site, which probably isn't the one I mentioned before.

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