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Thanks Dropbox!
@egreg Typographical suggestions? ^^ :)
(Others are welcome to suggest changes too... :) )
@kan Non zero parskip? Don't make me see it. :)
@egreg Yes, using the parskip package... :)
There should be a vertical space after the title (and § is redundant)
@kan Well, remove that line ASAP. :)
@egreg But, then, sometimes, there is a room for confusion... do I use §§ then? :)
I'd put some space also before each exercise. Do you see the contradiction? No space between exercises, but a space between paragraphs.
@kan I've never used § and I live quite well.
@egreg Yeah, I noticed it too but I am unable to see how to fix this.
@egreg :) OK. Removed. :)
@kan How do you type the exercises? Is it an environment?
@JosephWright Certainly TL.
@egreg Yes. Remember you helped me to pass an argument to this environment? :)
@kan are you using sectioning and/or list markup for the section and exercise titles, the spacing is very tight it seems
@kan So add some space before it: \par\addvspace{\topsep} or something like that. The same at the end.
@egreg in the environment definition you mean?
@kan Yes. I can't remember what it is.
@JosephWright Well, no reason to let a file name issue question open, once it's solved, I closed at least one of the mentioned as TL, together with an explaining comment.
@DavidCarlisle I don't follow the question, can you please rephrase? If you mean, how are things ordered, Chapter x is passed to \section*{} and the exercises are environments.
And, the rest are subsections.
Embarrassing question: what is the key binding for copying?
(yanking - C-y right?)
@kan I meant what markup made "1. Representations and Modules" and "Exercise 1.4" although I saw in your parallel conversation with egreg that the latter is from a custom environment. I asked as I'd have expected most class settings would have put more space
@kan yes that yanks the first item in the kill ring
And for copying, what is the keybinding?
@kan M-w
@kan If you look in the edit menu, the keybindings are shown (a modern concession, I usually forget emacs has a menu system at all:-)
@DavidCarlisle I just see: <copy> and <cut>
@kan so do I (just looked) they changed it again:-( possibly related to the fact that in the options menu you can change it to windows style C-x C-c C-v etc (don't do that it would be sooo confusing:-)
@DavidCarlisle I agree: I have just wrapped my head around a few keybindings.
But, this M-w seems to not help me copy from the emacs buffer to this chat textbox. @David
@kan Sorry, bedtime for me. I don't know about you, but it should be either very early or very late.
works fro me M-w in emacs C-v in firefox
@egreg rep cap yet? (you've had 40 minutes)
@egreg very early. :) But, let me tell you how it goes tommorrow perhaps? (Sorry, got lost in emacs world)
@kan I'll be back in some eight hours or so. Ciao
@egreg Sure!! Good night
Now, I am lost where to add egreg's code there: \par\addvspace{\topsep}
I fixed it~
@David Can I ask you a question about counters? :)
@kan you can ask
I am having problem using both of these together:
In this order, the effect of numberwithin is lost.
@kan well not exactly, the counter will reset to 0 on every section still
@DavidCarlisle Should this behaviour change is I use \section*{} ?
@kan yes unnumbered sections don't count
@DavidCarlisle I sense trouble.
Can I cheat like this:
@kan back up from trying to abuse the markup: what effect do you want to produce
@DavidCarlisle I want to number the subsections within sections and the subsection should be numbered as indicated by: \renewcommand*{\thesubsection}{\arabic{subsection}}.
(And, I am also using \section*{})
but sections are unnumbered?
Yes. :)
I know you want to strangle me ... :P
@kan latex tries to make it easy to ensure that section numbers (and references to them) are unique, but if you must, you can do:
I totally see what you're doing here!
I am so stupid, you know.
@kan don't tell me you are using hyperref
@DavidCarlisle why? I don't see any contradictions yet .
@kan because the above almost certainly breaks hyperref. If you have two subsections both labelled "1" humans can (perhaps) figure out what a reference to subsection 1 means from the context but computers have no common sense and they just moan that there are duplicate identifiers and they can not construct the link.... (it's fixable but not at this time of night)
@DavidCarlisle well, the links there are; but, the numbers are mad -- they begin where the previous sections left off...
@kan yes but once you add the above the numbers will be the same so you will get duplicate anchors and your links will break
May be, I'll try to fix this: I'll look into hyperref's manual.
@kan the hyperref manual won't help as it won't be expecting you to warp latex's numbering system in this way
why don't you number your sections?
@DavidCarlisle OK, I think you're also assuming that I still have \numberwithin{subsection}{section} -- I got rid of it as you're already setting the subsection counter to 0. So, I should only fix what gets passed to hyperref, no?
@DavidCarlisle I don't want '1. Chapter 1` and so on...
@kan don't tell me you are manually putting a number in the chapter title? (You'll give @egreg nightmares in his sleep:-)
@DavidCarlisle Oh, wait! Everything seems ok.
@DavidCarlisle I am! I am doing this stupidly! I know! I asked you guys this question! I have a tex file full of notes and exercises and I am to write its solutions, how do I synchronise the process so as to not hard code the numbers involved -- chapter, exercise number and so on...
@kan well insead of going \section*{section 1} go \section{section title} (If you want the section head to have the number in a different position that is a style issue for the class file, it should not change the document markup
@DavidCarlisle Well, I think it might be possible to do this for me... I understand what you mean, if all I want is to have different section head, code the style and update the numbers via markup... is that what you mean?
@DavidCarlisle what commands does \section insert so that page breaks don't happen directly afterwards? Is it just \nopagebreak[...] ? It also seems to have slightly more flexible vertical spacing than just using \\
@kan well the standard sectioning commands will handle the numbers if you let them... look at chapter titles they have wildly different settings in different classes (or using style packages) \chapter{foo} may say 1. foo like a simple section or may start a new page with an image and CHAAPTER 1 <newline> FOO and half a megabyte of tikz decoration, same markup, different output
@codebeard never use \\ to break lines in text (a rule that may be broken, but not oftem)
@DavidCarlisle I often use it to break lines in poetry, is that okay?
@codebeard It is a whole slew of commands centerd on \@afterheading
@codebeard poets do their own thing:-)
@DavidCarlisle can \@afterheading be used manually? (with \makeat...)
@codebeard perhaps if you know what you are doing) but it probably does more than you want (it also handles suppression of paragraph indent in first para of a section) what do you want?
@codebeard perhaps you just want \par\nopagebreak\addvspace{some flexible space such as 5pt minus 2pt plus 2pt}
@DavidCarlisle that sounds like what I need -- thanks :)
@DavidCarlisle would I just add a \noindent there if I wanted to suppress the first paragraph indent?
@codebeard well you could and it would work but it's evil of course you should (as for sections) just use the same markup either way and have a class level setting that decides whether or not first paras are indented. It's like going {\large\bf my section head\par} instead of \section{my section head} anyway bedtime :-)
@DavidCarlisle: You should be in bed...!
@Werner night then:-)
@DavidCarlisle Mwwuuuha ha ha ha! It's time to take over the world! :)
1 hour later…
Is it possible to draw it with TikZ?
3 hours later…
@AdorableCreature The people too? (Yes, they are possible.)
That is just mean!
1 hour later…
Day started with a TL update. Yay!
I can't believe that I'm stuck with the documentation. Everything is ready for arara 3.0, except the documentation. :P
1 hour later…
@PauloCereda use Word, it will be quicker
@DavidCarlisle And painless too? :)
oops, I got a badge for tables:-)
@PauloCereda not sure, never actually tried it myself
1 hour later…
@DavidCarlisle Well deserved gold badge!
thanks, I assume it's in honour of having bug free packages.......
@AdorableCreature Of course it is possible, it is just difficult. Just draw the curves one by one and fit them all together.
Hello everybody
I am using A5 paper and I need to manually set the margins in the book environment
any suggestions?
best practices etc?
@DavidCarlisle Yay!
@Costi \usepackage{geometry}; the manual has many examples
@MartinScharrer Hello
I had another look at:
Q: Latex Standalone always rebuilds / apostroph in filename?

Matthias KauerI have started toying around with Martin Scharrer's standalone package because tikz external does not work with todonotes and I feel that the workflow for standalone makes more sense as far as I have understood it. Now to the problem: It seems that standalone always rebuilds the subfiles that I ...

@MartinScharrer Do tell
and think it might be simply the case of an outdated standalone version, I fixed quoting under Windows a while ago
however, without any feedback from the OP it's hard to by 100% sure.
@MartinScharrer You could e-mail him
I should get a MikTeX installation again, so I can test this kind of issues.
@MartinScharrer I have one: give me two minutes
Perhaps a bit longer: lots of files to install
@MartinScharrer File does end up called 'test3'.pdf, not test3.pdf
@MartinScharrer TL on Windows seems to be fine
@JosephWright You are using the latest v1.1b of standalone, aren't you?
Could you try it with the class option convert={quote={"}} please
@MartinScharrer Yes
@MartinScharrer Hmm
! LaTeX Error: File `'test3'.tex' not found.

Type X to quit or <RETURN> to proceed,
or enter new name. (Default extension: tex)

Enter file name:
@JosephWright Mmm, I have to check were the single quotes come from then
@MartinScharrer Isn't "format C:" easier? :P
@egreg \immediate\write18{format C:}
Should be part of the save command of TeX Live, shouldn't be?
@MartinScharrer Unfortunately it isn't listed in the safe programs for unrestricted shell escape. I'll ask Karl. :)
@JosephWright: I found it now. The quote character was fixed to a single quote which isn't recognised by Windows as such. I fixed this in the class a while ago but it also affects the package.
@MartinScharrer So a bug in standalone?
@JosephWright No in Windows! ;-)
standalone just misses a workaround ;-)
A TeX distro is like an air conditioner: they stop working properly if you open windows.
@PauloCereda This might go in your arara manual. :)
@egreg :)
@JosephWright: Ok, finished it. Can you do me the favor and test it? bitbucket.org/martin_scharrer/standalone/downloads/…
@MartinScharrer Looks OK: no odd chars
@JosephWright Thanks! On a related note: Any ideas why the CTAN upload servers are down?
@MartinScharrer No, but tex.ac.uk/upload is fine :-)
@MartinScharrer I normally send to Cambridge rather than DANTE, so this suits me!
@JosephWright I actually saw that that page is still up, but ctan.org/upload states the whole upload system is down, and with the new site etc. I wasn't sure it the other upload form is still in use.
@MartinScharrer Robin has certainly installed my recent uploads
@JosephWright Thanks
@egreg I added to the theorem environment the space above and below it! :)
@kan Well done.
2 hours later…
@Paulo I have begun writing the post! :)
Now, I need some help understanding the technical aspects of this problem of having long list of new commands in the preamble that could go unused potentially.
egreg might have some pointers. @egreg, please? :)
@kan Cool!
@PauloCereda Any comments, if you looked through? :)
@kan I'll take a look later on today, don't worry. :)
@PauloCereda OK, cool!
2013 coming here soon! Happy new year friends!
@kan Happy New Year!
@PauloCereda Thank you.
@kan: so far, the blog post is very good. :)
@PauloCereda Thank you. :)
I will try and more things that I have in mind.
Thank you to everyone for a great year on the tex exchange! Some great questions and answers, and a really friendly, warm, and welcoming environment :)
@cmhughes Hi Chris! You are also responsible for this great year! Thank you very much for being with us this year. :)
@PauloCereda thanks! Back at you- thank you for being the very friendly host of the chat room :) You are a big part of the friendliness :)
@cmhughes "You are a big part of the friendliness :)" -- Cannot agree more! @Paulo is most certainly very friendly! Thank you, Paulo for making this place great for us!
@cmhughes /blushes
@PauloCereda and I'm glad that you were rewarded with a TUG membership, that's really great! Somewhat related... how about barbara beeton for a TeXtalk interview?
@kan I did nothing special. :)
@kan Comment out everything; you'll see what you're really using. :)
@egreg True, I agree! But, I was asking your opinion about why it is bad to have a long list of unused newcommands. :)
@cmhughes You read my mind. :) My plan now is to have Marc van Dongen in January, then we should go with the girls again: I thought of Nicola, then Barbara. But we can change places. :)
@PauloCereda sounds great, I'd love to hear more about both. Not many people have their name in the TeXbook- barbara beeton is one of them though :)
@kan Nothing, per se (in italics because it's Latin). My habit is to build a preamble for each document, not simply copying over the old one and adding to it.
@cmhughes Indeed. :)
@kan One invariably ends up in defining new commands that do the same thing as others, but are hidden in the long preamble and in memory.
@egreg It looks like the Windows 8 preamble: #include "win31.h" ... #include "win7.h" :)
Re: Interview Thread -- It will be nice to find out about those members of our community who have DEK's cheque! :)
@PauloCereda And #include dos2?
@egreg Oh sorry, I forgot about it. :)
No further questions, your honour. :P
Gotta love our usernames. :)
@egreg Hmm. OK. I'd like to explore the rationale behind the rule -- don't define more commands than you use. I'll look around.
Q: I want to setup Kile correctly

ForhadAfter installing Ubuntu 12.04 I was trying to install Kile as to write .tex file . But this message showing after attempting install Kile and updates: W:Failed to fetch gzip:/var/lib/apt/lists/partial/security.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_precise-security_restricted_binary-i386_Packages Hash ...

Looks OT to me
@kan That's most important for a collaborative work and for submissions
@JosephWright Agreed and voted
@JosephWright OT, migration to Ask Ubuntu?
@PauloCereda My feeling
@JosephWright Let your spirit soar then. :)
@JosephWright agree :)
@JosephWright this one has been resolved in the comments- TL?
Q: The addition of two summation series and other terms

Math is HardHere is my code. I realize that the parentheses are a mess, but I am having difficulty with getting the following addition to work and I was hoping all the parentheses would clear up the issue. The did not. My code is: \begin{align*} f(z) & = z^2 \left( \frac{-1}{z-1} + \frac{...

dipslay LOL
@PauloCereda tel mee yvuo haev nevre msitpyed a commadn mane?
@DavidCarlisle I always mistype my commands! :) The fact of my getting them correctly is a mere entropy thingy. :)
@DavidCarlisle: which emacs command did you use to randomize your sentence? :)
@AdorableCreature fancy putting an answer for
Q: How can I make a graph with irregular time/date intervals on the x-axis?

JokerI have a data set that has values for a set of dates, but these dates don't have a regular interval (i.e. 1 Feb., 3 Feb., 15 Feb., 5 March) . So my question is: is there a package or other method to plot this easily?

@AdorableCreature how many times will your user name change in 2013? =)
It's a LOTR thing, isn't it?
@cmhughes 12.
@AdorableCreature lol =) once per month?
The gravatar for the chat seems to be out of sync.
@cmhughes Yes.
@AdorableCreature will we ever see anything close to your real name? :)
@cmhughes :-) it is difficult.
Last minute bounty for perhaps a bit more fireworks fun for New Year 2013 :-)
Q: How can we display fireworks?

Stefan KottwitzSoon we can celebrate the New Year. How can we use TikZ for drawing fireworks? For example like this, photographed by Kurume-Shimin, found on Wikipedia: Click on Image search for getting further impressions. On the Wikipedia page you can see further effects, just click the image. I would like ...

@cmhughes Doctor Herbert will give the answer in PSTricks.
@AdorableCreature ok- did you contact him?
@StefanKottwitz A duck firework!
@cmhughes Not yet. But he will notice the question later.
@AdorableCreature ok, sounds good :)
Out of sync.
I'm thinking of a new portrait for my office: a 61x91 cm Dark Side of the Moon pyramid. :)
Hi @Jasper!
@tohecz Hello Tom! You look very red!
@PauloCereda Your mum made that?
@JasperLoy I've not finished some work this year, so I'm blushing a bit...
@AdorableCreature Is that you? You look like my friend's sister.
@JasperLoy Yes. :)
@PauloCereda For you and egreg. =)
@JasperLoy A typical Italian dish. :)
@PauloCereda Yum!
@egreg I'm sure your mum's tortellini is more yummy. :)
@PauloCereda The asoect of your mum's is wonderful.
I believe also the taste. :)
@egreg Make sure to visit me when you come to Brazil. :)
@egreg thank you!
@Costi You're welcome!
We need Australians around here.
So they can tell us about the new year. :)
@PauloCereda It is the new year here already!
@JasperLoy It is? Oh my! Happy New Year!
@PauloCereda Isn't one supposed to say it before it happens though?
@JasperLoy It is still January 1st for you, so it's good enough. :)
@PauloCereda Haha, no I ask because someone mentioned in the other room that one must only say it after it happens.
@JosephWright I was writing the same about \afterassignment\token\setbox255. :) That's a funny peculiarity of the language.
@egreg What does it do? :)
@egreg I suspect it's one that passed the pgf team by!
@PauloCereda Read Joseph's answer. I'm trying to find a workaround.
@egreg I guess it only shows up with plain as the OR is so simple
@JosephWright Here's the obvious workaround:
\input tikz

\def\shipout{\afterassignment\pgfutil@@Fire@EveryShipout@Test\setbox255= }

Hello world
@egreg I've not checked what the test is up to in pgf
@JosephWright I don't know; but it obviously has to be performed after the box has been built. So doing it \aftergroup will solve the issue.
I mean, unless there's some other \aftergroup in the box.
But it should be OK.
@egreg Fails for \shipout \box <number>, though, no?
@JosephWright Yes. Ouch!
One has to check whether the following token is \box.
@egreg Or \copy or ...
@JosephWright It must be \box, \copy, \vbox, \vtop or \hbox. Let me check the TeXbook
@egreg Good plan
@egreg Redefining primitives is always very risky
@egreg You still need a \romannumeral-type expansion to look ahead for hidden tokens, I think
@JosephWright It can be also \lastbox or \vsplit to
@JosephWright I don't think so; if the token is \hbox, \vbox or \vtop do the two steps as above, otherwise simply \afterassignment
@JosephWright How can I make siunix accept non-numbers again?
@egreg No, but if you just \futurelet you'll be caught out by \def\awkward{\box\mybox}\shipout\awkward
(preferably non-globally, just for a single instance)
@Gnintendo \num[parse-numbers = false] ...
@JosephWright wouldn't that change it for the remainder of the document?
@Gnintendo No: the optional argument to \num, \SI, etc. just applies to that one use
@JosephWright So I would use that like \SI{\num[parse-numbers=false]{4%}}{blah\per blah}
@Gnintendo No, \SI[parse-numbers = false]{4\%}{blah\per blah}
What are the uses of the num command?
@Gnintendo It's there mainly as a 'companion' to \SI: can be used for 'consistent' behaviour, for example
oh, in siunitx's large numer formatting and the like?
@JosephWright Can you give me a quick example of the proper way I should do scientific notation with siunitx?
@egreg Perhaps you are right: a quick test suggests expansion is not allowed here
@Gnintendo \SI{1.2e3}{\metre}
@JosephWright Cool!
I didn't know it would do that :D
@JosephWright Hmm. It is: \def\x{\box0}\setbox0{A}\shipout\x works
@egreg Ah, right, so you do need something like \romannumeral`-0\expandafter\futurelet\expandafter\let@token\expandafter\followon@function
@JosephWright And how do I globally set the per-mode to do / instead of ^-1
@Gnintendo \sisetup{per-mode = symbol}
@JosephWright Yes, just trying.
@JosephWright Does SI itself take that argument?
@Gnintendo Yes: the optional first argument to \SI, \num, \si is for setting up keyval options
Hello everybody!
@JosephWright It's without hope: it's a very big bug in PGF. You can't even say \shipout\box0
Nor \shipout\vbox{x}
@JosephWright Thanks
@Gnintendo No problem
@egreg Oops :-)
@JosephWright Does He-4 act as a very good radiation shield?
@JosephWright Probably the redefinition should be made only during the output routine.
@Gnintendo No: you want heavy atoms
@egreg Yes, sounds safest
@JosephWright For "normal" documents the workaround I gave should be OK, then.
@egreg Yes, I guess so
@egreg As I commented, I suspect they've missed this as a complex OR only calls \shipout at the 'last minute'
@JosephWright Well, right, Pb-208 is widely used, but would a sufficiently compressed He-4 do a similarly good job?
@Gnintendo No: not enough nucleons
@Gnintendo You can't really compress soft matter that much
@JosephWright On the other hand, with \output={\shipout\box255} it works.
You know what? I've just won $50 from StackExchange!
@tohecz Wow: how?
Q: Scope Expansion Project (UPDATE Dec. 31)

Brett WhiteThis is being done in hopes that it will help add a healthy dose of theory and academic questions in addition to the tools and application questions that are already predominately found on this site. Previous reading on this matter can be found here, and then here. How it works: There will be a...

@JosephWright So it mostly becomes an effective-covered-surface-area issue when shielding something?
@Gnintendo There is that, but I think you also have to look at collision cross-sections
@JosephWright ^^ this way
@tohecz Nice
@tohecz They must be angling for some ads at some point to justify this spending!
@tohecz Not a real check, but that's good news anyway. :) Good way to start the new year!
@egreg exactly!
@egreg So will you post a separate answer to the shipout question?
@JosephWright Here's what I've come up to:
\input tikz


It works also commenting out the \output line
@tohecz Not fair, how are @egreg and I going to win anything if you have to ask a question to enter?
@DavidCarlisle But it's on another site. :) After all I made a question on Meta.TeX and also on Meta.SO
@egreg I'd have -`0 or similar as it never gets affected by any other numbers, but that does not matter directly here (more a point of best practice)
@DavidCarlisle Don't tell me you don't have typography questions ...
@tohecz There are things I don't know, but asking a question on stackexchange is clearly beyond my capabilities
If I do \char"E001 in lualatex with fontspec, how would I get the same character in pdflatex?
@Gnintendo What character is it?
a floral character
I don't even recall how I got it to display with \char
I just know I could do \char"E001 \char"E002 to get the effect I wanted
@Gnintendo Which font?
and I was trying to determine how to do that in pdflatex
@JosephWright EB Garamond
any ideas? :s
@Gnintendo You (or someone) needs to provide many 256-charcater segments of the unicode font by re-encoding subsets at the font level and then loading them as separate fonts to (pdf)tex, so "E001 will have to be mapped to some number less than "FF in some font, but there is no way if knowing in advance how or if that particular font has been so encoded.
@DavidCarlisle There's really not an easy way to just use the character in pdflatex? :s
@JosephWright You're right.
@DavidCarlisle sad day? :(
@Gnintendo a font in classic tex is an array of 256 glyphs, if your font has more than that you have to make it available as multiple fonts, either by some "semantically" arranged subsets or (as the cjk package does) by just formally mapping unicode ranges to font subsets with stylised names such that the macro package can work out the font name and font code just from the unicode number.
@DavidCarlisle By the way, I'm loading the font with the ebgaramond package: mirror.ctan.org/fonts/ebgaramond/README
@Gnintendo It's new years eve and I'm under the influence so you only get general principles, I'm not going to look at actual code;-)
@DavidCarlisle I can load a package or something if I need to?
@Gnintendo Doesn't work like that
@Gnintendo Font handling is a complex business in 'traditional' TeX
@JosephWright totally unlike the lua font handling in luatex which is completely transparent?
@DavidCarlisle Oh don't
@JosephWright Bad news: \shipout accepts also a <filler>.
Completely supporting it is doomed to failure, I guess.
@egreg Not surprising
@JosephWright Maybe Heiko has some clever trick.
@egreg He tends to avoid trying to replicate primitives: see pdftexcmds, which very deliberately uses two expansions in all cases
I wish there was some way to just have pdflatex display a specific unicode character T.T
@egreg I guess you can remove spaces and \relax with a loop
@Gnintendo It's not a Unicode engine: sorry
\input tikz.tex
\def\shipout{\afterassignment \zzz \setbox 255= }

\ifnum\currentgrouptype=4 \expandafter\aftergroup\fi
\pgfutil@@EveryShipout@Test }

Hello World
@DavidCarlisle Needs e-TeX, no?
@JosephWright well yes:-)
@JosephWright doesn't tikz?
@DavidCarlisle No
@JosephWright well I don't care, it works with pdftex in TL :-)
@DavidCarlisle Fair enough, but won't work for a patch to go into pgf (unless they've changed their requirements and I've missed it)
@JosephWright see earlier comment I made to Gnintendo:-)
@JosephWright a tex3 way might be to put a skip on the list and see if it is there with \lastskip in \zzz if it is remove it and do the pgf thing, if it os not delay that step with aftergroup
Happy 2013, @egreg!
@cmhughes That's great!
@cmhughes Time is 0:07 here, so there's a nice sound track to seeing your TikZ animation
@StefanKottwitz well, happy 2013 to you!
@JosephWright posted classic tex version as an answer:-)
@tohecz Thanks! Same to you :-)
@tohecz Happy 2013 to all who are already in 2013. :)
Let's wait for the others. :)
@egreg or let's speak to @kan or @Harish, they've been here for hours already ;)
Back from the mass. :)
@PauloCereda I'm playing the organ at the morning service
@tohecz How nice!
@PauloCereda yes, just the newyear songs are weird
@tohecz :)
but I got $50 from StackExchange as a gift, so I'm quite happy now :)
@tohecz oooh!
@PauloCereda you can get it as well:
Q: Scope Expansion Project (UPDATE Dec. 31)

Brett WhiteThis is being done in hopes that it will help add a healthy dose of theory and academic questions in addition to the tools and application questions that are already predominately found on this site. Previous reading on this matter can be found here, and then here. How it works: There will be a...

@PauloCereda Did you sing the "Te Deum"?
@egreg Today it was "Gloria in excelsis Deo". :)
@PauloCereda We use to sing the "Te Deum" after the evening Mass of 31 December. In Latin and complete. :)
@egreg It must be beautiful. :)
Tell me: is this a good thing to buy for the SE money?
@tohecz I think it is. :) Of course, I think some countries have their own religious traditions on church songs. :)
@PauloCereda I have the Czech ones, I wanted the Swiss one, but it's really expensive
@tohecz Ah I see,
@PauloCereda it's EUR 50 too much

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