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00:00 - 21:0021:00 - 00:00

@StephanLehmke: Temporal logic is used a lot by a few guys from Software Engineering to build concurrent models. :)
OMG @MarcoDaniel is here! :)
Hungry! I am going to prepare Maggi. :)
I'm more of a fan of Petri networks. :)
@kan ooh food!
@kan According to en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maggi "In India, Maggi instant noodles are a favorite for an anytime meal. From dorm rooms of colleges to late-night cooking in home kitchens, it's an all-time favorite."
@JosephWright: can you please zap this message? chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/message/7084027#7084027 It's conceptually wrong, I was just kidding. :)
@PauloCereda Yeah and I am a new fan of these songs: youtube.com/watch?v=Pwe-pA6TaZk and youtube.com/watch?v=zlfKdbWwruY
@egreg Maggi is delicious. :)
@egreg Ah! Yes. :)
I missed my dinner, hence.:( (Don't look at what time it is in India).
@MarcoDaniel Awesome! Where's Brazil? :)
@kan I was a bit puzzled, seeing you around. :) Do you ever sleep?
@PauloCereda Never got the hang of those. But then I've never been interested in timing issues ;-)
@PauloCereda I believe Brazil is also part of the the video ;-) -- And a Brazilian wrote an awesome comment
@StephanLehmke I had to work with an adaptive model of those. Then things got really scary. :)
@PauloCereda Graph-structured formalisms are always a pain...
@StephanLehmke They are. :) But I love'em! :)
@StephanLehmke: The paper I submitted on semi-automatic layout generation was based on automata. :)
The reviews will be sent any day now. :)
@PauloCereda Thumbs up! My student is just putting the finishing touches on his work using genetic algorithms.
@StephanLehmke I'm eagerly waiting to read his papers. :)
For something completely different, Dortmund (late national champion) is playing against Munich (record national champion) tomorrow. After having been outstanding in champions league and mediocre in national league, there is a lot of suspense how Dortmund will perform...
@StephanLehmke Will you go watch the game? :)
@MarcoDaniel Found it: Rio de Janeiro, first video. :)
@PauloCereda Going to the stadium is not really my cup of tea, though my father and my daughter (and a lot of colleagues) love it. I've never been in Westfalenstadion ;-)
@StephanLehmke When I'll visit Germany, I'll definitely go to a stadium. :) Probably watch Dortmund or Bayern. :)
@MarcoDaniel: are you still around? :)
@egreg I definitely do. Just that some days are more productive than the others. :)
@PauloCereda for some minutes ;-)
@MarcoDaniel Take a look at our shared folder in Dropbox. :)
a question for TeX.SX or GD: CDF derivative of pdf? How does this work?
someone should write a pdf2cdf utility :D
@PauloCereda mp3 version ;-) I did the same ;-)
@MarcoDaniel Germans. <3
Just used {\ifnum0=`}\fi and \ifnum0=`{\fi} in an answer. ;-) But David is not here to comment. :(
@StephanLehmke: can I send you an email later on? :)
@PauloCereda Of course. My email address is in the profile.
@StephanLehmke Danke. :)
Have to go home. Bye.
See ya, Stephan! :)
And got a green tick by an answer like this: "You can't do it".
@egreg :)
@egreg Have you come across this kind of "normalisation"? A vector in ℚ^4, for eg, (0, 2, 3, 4) being "normalised" to: (0, 1, 3/2, 2)... that is, the vector, being divided by its first non-zero component.
@kan Not that I remember.
@egreg Ah, OK. :)
@kan It's what's done in Gauss-Jordan, however.
@egreg Yes, to reduce to the reduced rwo echelon form. :)
@kan: in other news, how do you like my recursion attempt? :)
@PauloCereda Did I miss your code?
@PauloCereda Oh! Wow!
Why didn't I think of this? :(
@kan Been there, done that. :)
As I said before, prefer your iterative code. :)
This recursion thingy is just for practice. :)
This is a very good technique, actually.
@kan You mean, recursion?
Writing a function and passing the list itself!
@kan Ah. :)
@PauloCereda No, I mean, your implementation of recursion...
You have an exercise for me, now? :)
or, well, for the reader, anyway. <3
@kan You may rest now. :) You've been a good aprentice. :)
@kan: IMHO we only learn to write good code with time. :)
Well, time is definitely a parameter, but only one of the several parameters. For instance, I believe in looking for opportunities where you can write some code...
@kan time measured as "time spent coding"
@tohecz even then! perhaps, I am being misunderstood. By coding, I mean "Real" coding, well "Complex" coding or whatever.
@percusse Are you really suggesting to use PP instead of beamer? ;-)
@PeterGrill I don't care much about the arrows, but I'm wondering if there's a less kludgy way to have the arrow from T to C avoid the VP structure? (Other than adding the temp node manually.)
@AlanMunn I was not sure from the question if the OP cared. But, I don't know tikz-qtree so can't comment on the rest...
@PeterGrill No, I realize that, but what I'm asking you has nothing to do with tikz-qtree but with tikz more generally. So is there any way to specify a way to draw between two nodes and avoid some other part of the drawing?
@AlanMunn Oh, let me have a look...
@AlanMunn Ok, I see one minor improvement: You could draw it all in one step: \draw [-latex](T.east) |- (tmp.center)-| (C);
@PeterGrill But there's no way to avoid making the tmp node manually?
Other than that I do recall there was an interesting question on here about drawing lines that avoided objects, but I don't know a better way.
Here is one link, but I recall a different diagram: tex.stackexchange.com/questions/27899/…
@AlanMunn You could always use tex.stackexchange.com/questions/55068/… I guess, but then the distance would have to be specified manually.
To all the mods : Can we also invoke a message similar to this one?
Q: Why is the sudden increase in number of Git submitters on Debian popcorn graph in 2010-01?

Jungle HunterAlmost every article I've read 1 comparing Git and Mercurial it seems like Mercurial has a better command line UX with each command being limited to one idea only (unlike say git checkout). But at some point Git suddenly became looking super popular and number of Git submitters on Debian popcorn...

@AlanMunn Oh, you could use \draw [-latex](T.east) |- (current bounding box.south)-| (C);
I mean the We're looking for long answers that provide some explanation and contex... part
@egreg Why not giving MS another chance ? Go on then... You know you'll like it. :P
@TorbjørnT. :) It's always fun to see your own questions quoted at you! Thanks, Torbjørn, I'd forgotten about that one.
@PeterGrill Cool. That works really nicely. It's not really a general solution since it's only an accident that the structure to be avoided is at the bottom of the whole picture. I'll add a comment about doing it that way in this particular case, but the tmp node solution for the moment is more adaptable to other situations.
@AlanMunn Not sure if there is an easy general solution. I guess you could use the fit library to define new nodes that you want want to avoid and go around then. But that still requires a temp node to be created.
@AlanMunn Also a small twist :P
    \draw [-latex](T.east) |- (current bounding box.south)-| ([yshift=-1.5mm]C |- DPt1) arc (-90:90:1.5mm) -- (C);
@PeterGrill Right, that's what I thought about, but it seems more effort than it's worth.
Bah whatever SE , you win :)
@percusse Sweet!
@AlanMunn Instead of a temporary coordinate you can use a relative coordinate via |- ++(x,y) or |- ++(240:3cm).
or even south of diesen film label.
@percusse What would be the syntax of the south of version?
@AlanMunn Ah so that doesn't have a node name I guess. (I'm not too familiar with it), is it a node label?
@percusse No, it's named Obj but I still couldn't figure out the right way to substitute the (++240:3cm) with something involving south of Obj.
@AlanMunn Oh it can be something like |- ([yshift=-1cm]Obj.south)-|
@percusse Perfect. I like that solution best of all. It's much more general, and it allows you to avoid the structure in a way that is sensible with respect to the tree nodes themselves. I'll update the answer.
@AlanMunn In 10 mins I can upvote, heheh
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