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@JosephWright Somehow the full answer to Roland's nominating statement doesn't appear. Some sort of display bug? It seems to be there in the edit history.
@AlanMunn I see the "read more" button and can read the complete answer
@CarLaTeX I have no such button. (FF 91)
@AlanMunn I don't know, I see it both with Chrome and with Edge
@CarLaTeX I've posted a question on the main meta site. meta.stackexchange.com/questions/370974/…
@AlanMunn I see the button even on Firefox 93, but I'm on Windows 10
@CarLaTeX I guess we'll have to see if others can replicate it. I also turned off any extra CSS I was using and Greasemonkey but no change.
@CarLaTeX Thanks for testing!
@AlanMunn You're welcome!
Hi chat!
@BAYMAX Hello!
Am wondering about the style of the font used ina beamer slide
please find the attached two types
I actually want the first type
any ideas how to tweak my beamer code so as to get the firs ype
The second one is a very common and I think is a default font in beamer set
@BAYMAX Beamer uses a sans serif font by default. To use the default serifed font you can add \usefonttheme{serif} to your preamble.
but am wondering about
5 mins ago, by BAYMAX
user image
is this a serif theme @AlanMunn
Thanks@AlanMunn !
@AlanMunn Like @CarLaTeX, this one is 'works for me'
@JosephWright If this is all a conspiracy to get me to use Windows it ain't gonna work.
@AlanMunn Just checked with Safari, it looks fine there
@JosephWright So FF on Mac does work for you?
@AlanMunn Yes, it's my main browser
@JosephWright Weird. I wonder what's up with me. I've just tried it on another Mac and same problem.
@AlanMunn Hmm, it is strange yes
@AlanMunn I also can see the "read more" button with my Android tablet with Chrome...
1 hour later…
@BAYMAX serifs are the little bits at the ends of the strokes like the horizontal at the top of b a seriffed font has them and a sans serif font is just French for not having them.
@AlanMunn I see the read read more (FF95 on windows)
@AlanMunn works fine for me with FF 93 on mac big sur
@AlanMunn Are you using any addons? Maybe restart in troubleshoot mode with addons disabled?
@AlanMunn As a workaround, you can read the post here tex.stackexchange.com/posts/619484/revisions and tex.stackexchange.com/posts/619483/revisions
@UlrikeFischer I just noticed that the last named person to take the blame for breqn is... you
@DavidCarlisle ooh
@PauloCereda is ElectionBot related to Psmith?
@DavidCarlisle a distant cousin perhaps, one of those boring relatives. :)
@PauloCereda I was tempted to ask it the cricket scores
@DavidCarlisle ooh
I need to bring teh bot back
@PauloCereda we miss you, loyal friend Psmith!
@samcarter ooh
@MarcelKrüger Looking forward to your additions to l3color ;)
@PauloCereda The listing is missing "Duck Ambassador"
@samcarter ooh quack
@PauloCereda ooh dinner
@DavidCarlisle oh no
another interesting twist when using breqn package. Now this fails $y=x y'+y'^{3}$ with ! Double superscript error. But without breqn, no problem at all., This must be known thing. But easy to fix. I changed it to $y=x y'+(y')^{3}$. MWE

$y=x y'+y'^{3}$ %gives error with breqn only
I had $y=x y'+y'^{3}$ there for ever, never had issue with it. But I expected these things to happen when adding breqn package.
@Nasser Well it's ambiguous
@PauloCereda lol I wondered where that was going.
@PauloCereda OMG
@AlanMunn It's hilarious
@PauloCereda and it works!
@AlanMunn :)
@JosephWright quack :)
@CarLaTeX it does :)
@PauloCereda quack
@PauloCereda Quack!
@JosephWright ooh a duck
I was learning in the mod chat that the Powers require multiple candidates in a mod election
Apparently some small sites struggle with that
@JosephWright An election with only one candidate is a bit strange :)
@JosephWright ooh don't cry for me, Argentina polyglossia
@CarLaTeX I was thinking local council elections: there is a call to stand, and if there are fewer candidates than spaces, they just get appointed with no voting
@JosephWright I can think of some local user groups where that happens
@DavidCarlisle :)
@UlrikeFischer you are barred
@DavidCarlisle I should ask the bot what "Meek STV" is.
The single transferable vote (STV) is a voting system based on proportional representation and ranked voting. Under STV, an elector's vote is initially allocated to his or her most-preferred candidate. After candidates have been either elected (winners) by reaching quota or eliminated (losers), surplus votes are transferred from winners to remaining candidates (hopefuls) according to the surplus ballots' ordered preferences. The system minimizes "wasted" votes and allows for approximately proportional representation without the use of party lists. A variety of algorithms (methods) carry out these...
@UlrikeFischer @samcarter did already
@UlrikeFischer but vote before dinner, otherwise they don't count
@JosephWright In Italy we vote for the mayor even if there is only one candidate (it may happen in very small towns)
@CarLaTeX Ah
@CarLaTeX Here in the UK, parish council elections are largely uncontested (this is the lowest level of local government)
@JosephWright as in they beg enough people to stand to keep the administration quorate
@CarLaTeX Do you also have reopen nominations or similar?
@DavidCarlisle Yes, exactly
@DavidCarlisle My dad did it: we had an election once, that was weird
@DavidCarlisle and the reply was pretty disappointing - the name sounded more like a Dr Who villain or something ...
Ooh, @topskip is here
I have a feeling the election chat room is going to be a series of bot replies to people testing out what the bot does
@DavidCarlisle Rigging elections gastronomically!
@JosephWright has been a long time
@topskip Indeed
@topskip Keeping well?
@JosephWright yes, absolutely!
@JosephWright They "reopen" the nominations only if there are no candidates
@samcarter LOL
Looking at tex.sx quite often, although I hardly ever use LaTeX...
@topskip I hope we have some content of interest to non-LaTeX users
I look at LuaTeX questions all the time, but other people are much faster to answer these questions
@topskip Don't worry, the important thing is that you don't eat pineapple pizza
@topskip Ah, cool, so you have @MarcelKrüger as a competitor ;)
I really admire the things @MarcelKrüger does
@topskip :)
@topskip Me too - recent ideas on colour spaces, for example, very sneeky
I don't follow what he's doing, but once in a while I peek at his sources to learn how to handle fonts etc.
@topskip Sounds about right ;)
I'm collecting the most common ways how people load input files in their .tex files -- doesn't need to be exhaustive but the better it gets the better our log parser will be. Currently I have:

LoadClass, LoadClassWithOptions
usepackage (including comma-seperated lists)
RequirePackage (including comma-seperated lists)
input (both syntaxes)

Something obvious I missed?
@yo' \import (not that I'd recommend it but seems to be used a lot)
@yo' Do various listings tools, which include files, count?
@yo' or the stuff from catchfilebetweentags?
@yo' \InputIfFileExists
@PhelypeOleinik have we added the \ExpandableInputThatWontMessUpYourTable yet I thought we had but couldn't see it?
@DavidCarlisle No, we didn't yet. It's under discussion
@PhelypeOleinik :)
@DavidCarlisle \ShootYourselfInTheFootInput
Jun 2 '18 at 14:01, by Harald Hanche-Olsen
@barbarabeeton LaTeX makes a great foot gun.
@JosephWright \WeStillNeedThisAsJosephHasntReimplementedTablesNotToUseHalign
@DavidCarlisle If you're fed up by the brexit chaos, you can use these command names to apply for German citizenship - they should proof you understand the concept of our language :)
@samcarter not really -- thought of them though!
@PhelypeOleinik that's a good one!
@DavidCarlisle But LJR has ;)
@DavidCarlisle thanks!
@JosephWright yes but that would input the file 10 times I suspect
@DavidCarlisle Well possibly yes
@samcarter After a false start, should have beamer out
@MarcelKrüger I'm going to have to solve the TDS issues in l3build: they held up a beamer release ;) (And @HenriMenke will appreciate it!)
@JosephWright yeah!
thanks everyone! And any expl3 versions of any of these, while I'm at it?
@samcarter Now we wait for the bug reports
@yo' \file_input:n
@JosephWright thanks!
ok thanks everyone!
@yo' \file_get:nnN(TF)
@JosephWright yes, I'm sure they will come :)
@AlanMunn -- I'm using a Linux laptop with Firefox, and it works for me. But I can't help with a Mac. Sorry. (My old Mac is essentially beyond help.)
@barbarabeeton There seems to be a bigger issue with scripts, see e.g. comments for meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/412377/…
@JosephWright is the filename first?
@yo' Yes, filename then (catcode) setup
@JosephWright ah and it reads and parses the file then, right? (sorry I should have opened interface3)
@yo' Yes, reads the file to a tl
@samcarter did you change something dramatic?
@JosephWright ok, not useful then for our application -- we're improving the log parser to show a useful location when an error happens within a file not in the project file tree
@yo' Just \file_input:n then, unless you want the 'line by line' reading functions too
@JosephWright no, not these. Thanks a lot!
and also we want a command-line or texmf.cnf option to make the logs actually parseable :D
@JosephWright I'm still thinking about the interface for the l3color stuff. Experiments with automatically using ICC profiles (e.g. github.com/zauguin/luaicc/blob/master/test.tex) showed that (especially with \color_profile_apply:nn) sometimes the customized conversion should even replace the default ones, so to do something like that controlling the fallback isn't enough.
Then my main usecase is gone, so maybe it's enough to just define conversions to the corresponding device colorspace automatically like for separations.
@topskip @JosephWright <3
@UlrikeFischer transparent shadows for smoothtree and smoothbar outer themes -- might cause questions from people who don't use -dALLOWPSTRANSPARENCY
@samcarter texlive really needs to distribute and advertise its own script that adds that by default
@DavidCarlisle good idea :)
@samcarter ps2pdfallowtransparenencywithoutneedinganoptionbecauseimadeanewscript
@DavidCarlisle yesssssssssssss
@samcarter ^^ enough to make me the new Chancellor?
@DavidCarlisle Given the alternatives, you would even have good chances without the script :)
@MarcelKrüger I'll have a browse
@MarcelKrüger WE should probably finalise the Lua-base colour plans as well
@DavidCarlisle -- TUG works that way, but if the number falls below a minimum, the president is supposed to appoint replacements.
@JosephWright Have we decidedRight. Do you know what's left to do there?
@yo' -- There's \verbatiminput (package verbatim) and \read (not sure about in LaTeX). Both special purpose.
@barbarabeeton \vertbatiminput shan't generate an error within the input file, so that's fine probably :) \read is very special and I'm not touching it :D
@topskip <3
@PauloCereda Hi Paulo!
@PauloCereda Thank you for - you know what!
@topskip ooh
@PauloCereda thank you for the same (I suppose) :-)
@yo' ooh
more secrets <3
@samcarter Yes, I've had the comment problem too.
@samcarter But now it seems to be working again. (The read more and the comments)
@MarcelKrüger I'll check this evening
@AlanMunn yes, main meta says it was some cache thingy meta.stackoverflow.com/a/412382/2777074
@PauloCereda thank you for the dinner menu which also arrived
@DavidCarlisle oh no
Over 500 people have visited the election page :)
@JosephWright -- But only two volunteers so far.
@JosephWright can I flag the bot for abusive replies? :)
@barbarabeeton That's OK - the key is we need more than one
@PauloCereda Please don't!
@barbarabeeton I am sure that there are others considering whether to stand: this is not a simple decision I suspect
@JosephWright -- I'm hoping so, and yes, it is not a simple decision.
@JosephWright full ack
1 hour later…
Sometimes I wonder if the people who post spam on latex Q&A sites know about the female/male ratio of tex users? I could imagine better places to sell "Trendy Celebrity Inspired Handbags"
@MarcelKrüger ooh ICC profiles
@samcarter I want one
@samcarter Birkin bag?
@samcarter But I think we have at least three women, don't we? That's three bags sold!
@Skillmon -- Just because I happen to be female doesn't mean such a bag would interest me. I don't happen to own a handbag that's less than ten years old, and the newest one is actually a copy of an older one -- but doesn't wear as well, since the manufacturer was sold, and the new owners didn't care as mech about quality.
@barbarabeeton Wait, are you telling me not every female is instantly influenced by some online spam ad?
@Skillmon -- The only way you could claim that is to claim that I'm not a woman. I know several people who'd be glad to disabuse you of that hypothesis. Even if I used to climb trees and at least used to be able to climb rocks while on belay.
1 hour later…
@DavidCarlisle The one in roasted duck size? Or do you just want a small one for a leg or two?
@JosephWright Actually the body of the post then talked about shoes and watches, so not sure about the brand :)
@Skillmon :D
@DavidCarlisle very trendy!
Hat thrown.
@topskip Hi! Long time no see.
@AlanMunn "the the" -> "that the"
@UlrikeFischer or teh teh
@AlanMunn "if the do" -> "if they do"
@AlanMunn "other that regular" -> "other than regular"
@AlanMunn -- Your typing is much like mine (or @DavidCarlisle's) before proofreading and correcting. But understandable.
@barbarabeeton surely you are not suggesting that my early drafts may have typos?
@DavidCarlisle -- What? Would I do that?
@barbarabeeton I should hope not.
Thanks everyone for the edits! I was writing this just before a meeting, so I had no time to proofread.
1 hour later…
@DavidCarlisle Oh I see good info! thank you!

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