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How to save coordinates in tikz? I mean: Suppose
\coordinate (a) at (2,2);
I'd like to define two new coordinates, namely (b) and (c) obtained adding two directions to (a). For example, something like (b) = (a) + (1,0) and (c) = (a) + (45:3)
@Sigur E.g. by loading the calc library \usetikzlibrary{calc}` and saying \path ($(a)+(1,0)$) coordinate (b) ($(a)+(45:3)$) coordinate (c);
@Sigur If you don't want to load calc, you could do \path (a) + (1,0) coordinate (b); \path (a) + (45:3) coordinate (c);, which works "by accident" (IMHO).
@marmot, thanks so much. I suspected that it should be easy.... the 2nd solution is nice
By the way, do you know how to add more arrows?
add arrow/.style={postaction={decorate}, decoration={
mark=at position .75 with {\arrow{latex}},
I mean, maybe at .25 and .5 also
I would use the underappreciated /.list key
\begin{tikzpicture}[Sigurs mark/.style={postaction={decorate, decoration={
mark=at position #1 with {\arrow{latex}},
\draw[Sigurs mark/.list={0.25,0.5,0.75}] (0,0) -- (5,3);
@Sigur ^^^
@marmot, perfect. Thanks so much. I spend the last 2 hours trying to draw this:
@Sigur Another (perhaps freaky) way to add coordinates is to use shift
\begin{tikzpicture}[Sigurs mark/.style={postaction={decorate, decoration={
mark=at position #1 with {\arrow{latex}},
\coordinate (a) at (2,2);
\path[shift={(a)}] (1,0) coordinate (b) (45:3) coordinate (c);,
\draw[Sigurs mark/.list={0.25,0.5,0.75}] (a) -- (b) -- (c);
@marmot, but the code is complicates, since I didn't know how to save the coordinates... lol
I did a lot of try/error
@Kurt Why did you reject this edit? It is correct and doesn't change the intention of the question.
@marmot, how to change the arrow orientation?
not changing the endpoints, since I'm using it for a closed curve
The perhaps simplest possibility is to use `arrows.meta` , a very quick partial thing:
\begin{tikzpicture}[Sigurs mark/.style={postaction={decorate, decoration={
mark=at position #1 with {\arrow{LaTeX[reversed]}},
\foreach \X in {1,...,4}
\node[scale=3,transform shape] (c\X) at (2*\X,0){$\boldsymbol{\cdots}$};
\node[circle,draw,fill=gray!30,inner sep=2mm] (c\X) at (2*\X,0){};
@Sigur ^^
@HenriMenke The edited part is a question. It could be the reason for following issues to have wrong definded commands in the code of question. Because there is no mwe it is hard to proof and therefore I would not change it.
@marmot, amazing. thanks a lot. let me study everything. regards.
@Kurt Sorry, but I think you are wrong. The question does not concern the \href macro at all but the adaption of the bst file where actually \url is used.
@HenriMenke Yes thats the problem there the code uses (wrong) \href, the bst uses \url. No one can know if the now changed \href was a problem or not. That exactly was my reason to reject. In case one can not decide the relevance let it unchanged ...
@Kurt Yes, you can know because the error comes from BibTeX where LaTeX macros are completely irrelevant.
@Sigur You can try this (which is however far from elegant):
\begin{tikzpicture}[Sigurs mark/.style args={#1/#2/#3}{postaction={decorate, decoration={
mark=at position #1 with {\arrow{LaTeX[reversed]};
\node at (0,#3) {#2};},
\foreach \X in {1,...,4}
\node[scale=3,transform shape] (c\X) at (2*\X,0){$\boldsymbol{\cdots}$};
\node[circle,draw,fill=gray!30,inner sep=2mm] (c\X) at (2*\X,0){};
4 hours later…
@CarLaTeX Already upvoted.
@marmot Thank you, also for leaving the answer to me :)
@CarLaTeX I didn't know that one can use \centering in this context. And you're welcome! ;-)
@marmot I see now that the OP also ask "I also want to cite him/her properly while referring to him/her." do you think he is speaking about citing?
@CarLaTeX Maybe. My crystal ball got stolen.
@marmot LOL
@marmot I left a comment
@ChristianHupfer Votre traducteur automatique est très maladroit. Il aurait du traduire « Mon Dieu, pourquoi n'écrivez-vous pas en français là-bas ? »
1 hour later…
@AndrΓ©C I didn't use a translator at all-- My knowledge of French is even more limited than my knowledge of LaTeX ;-)
@marmot No, I just modified the html for taking a screenshot. Right-click -> Inspect Element, then right-click on the code line -> Edit html. Allows you to modify your reputation to your liking :)
@DavidCarlisle A better example for the testsuite: 🍍πŸ₯“πŸ• (\pineapple\bacon\pizza) ;-)
user image
@AlanMunn ^^ :)
So the next version of LibreOffice introduces the ribbon UI, similar to Office...
@UlrikeFischer: quack? :)
When a zebra and a donkey mate, this is the result. This is Zippy – He's a Zonkey.
ooh a zonkey
@UlrikeFischer \def\@CarLaTeX{🍍πŸ₯“πŸ•} ...
Friends, I need help! I need to print the page number before a certain part in my document. I thought of \arabic{\numexpr\value{part:tutorials}-1}, but I am getting nowhere... thoughts? :)
@PauloCereda there are none here
@DavidCarlisle ooh bots
@PauloCereda \value takes a counter name not a label and \arabic takes a counter name not a number so you more or less want \the\numexpr\pageref{part:tutorials}-1 except \pageref doesn't usually return a number-ish number hence Heiko's zref suite which offers a pageref variant that does always give a number (even if it is just 0 the first run)
@DavidCarlisle oh thank you! I will check it out!
@DavidCarlisle Hmm sadly no luck so far... But I will keep trying. :)
@PauloCereda \getpagerefnumber{foo::label} if you need the value in expandable context..Requires refcount package, but most likely you're loading hyperref anyway, so refcount lurks behind the scene ;-)
@ChristianHupfer ooh let me try, thanks! :)
@PauloCereda Number of Cereda-'ooh's so far: 10000000000000000 ;-)
@PauloCereda: How about renaming yourself into Paulo Ceredooh? ;-)
@ChristianHupfer ooh a huge number
@ChristianHupfer nope :)
@PauloCereda Damn... think about the simplification... each time you typing something or are addressed with @ there would be an 'ooh' ;-)
@ChristianHupfer ooh we could exploit the counter
@UlrikeFischer: no announcements? :)
@marmot amazing! thanks a lot. I should really relearn tikz.
@Sigur Me too, but I have to learn it first. And I have been using it for years.
@marmot, I have been studing your nice code and trying to create some other draws I need.
Could you please, take a look in the code below and explain why gamma_2 is not where it should be?
\begin{tikzpicture}[Sigurs mark/.style args={#1/#2/#3}{postaction={decorate, decoration={
mark=at position #1 with {\arrow{latex[reversed]};
\node[right] at (0,#3) {#2};},

\foreach \X/\Y/\L in {1/0/1,2/1/2,3/.5/,4/0/m}
\node[scale=2,transform shape] (c\X) at (2*\X,\Y){$\boldsymbol{\cdots}$};
\node (c\X) at (2*\X,\Y){};
\fill (c\X) node[below]{$a_\L$} circle (1.3pt);
I expect it on the right, like other gammas.
@DavidCarlisle oh no!
@CarLaTeX people should mention the macro \@CarLaTeX as often as possible, you'd get a ping and would recall its definition
@DavidCarlisle If I allow you to smuggle this in the test suite, @CarLaTeX will probably no longer speak with me ;-). How about \@CarLaTeX@dontlikethispizza? As egreg has an dontlikesanserif-option it would be only fair ...
@UlrikeFischer \@CarLaTeX@thatsnotapizza
Interesting. latex-latex works in tikz to produce 2 arrows at ends of line. Also, |latex-latex to produce 2 arrows with a vertical bar on the left. But |latex-latex| does not work to produce the vertical bar on the right!!!!!
@Sigur \tikz\draw[|latex-{latex} |](0,0)--(1,0);. (the rules for arrow shorthands are a bit complicated, see Arrow Tip Specifications).
@UlrikeFischer, well, TikZ is good enough and we forgive for this complication... lol
@egreg Could you please have look at tex.stackexchange.com/questions/456493/…. I'd like to know How to get the result directly from \BuildCommands? I mean when calling \BuildCommands{AAA,BBB,CCC,DDD,EEE}, the typeset will be "AAABBBCCCDDDEEE".
@AlanMunn yesterday's evening was "fun" here: just below zero and raining. I think I have never seen so much black ice on literally everything. Probably if @PauloCereda's any cat were outside, it would have gotten a layer of it as well...
@yo' oh no
@yo' what's black ice?
@PauloCereda an almost invisible layer of ice caused by rain coming on surfaces below the freezing point. It's quite dangerous as it's hard to see and it's super silppery. When driving, that's the point where you really appreciate ABS, but it cannot save everything obviously.
@Sigur It is because of 0/$\gamma_\L$/\Y and \node[right] at (0,#3) {#2};. So \Y is a shift that is 1 in the second mark but 0 in the others. You are using \Y for two purposes, the shift of the center of the circles, and also for the label distance.
@PauloCereda It's one of the reasons why I like deep winter better...
@marmot, now it makes sense (to me). Thanks.
@yo' oh my
I feel so dirty /sob
@PauloCereda haha
@PauloCereda should I?
@UlrikeFischer yes. :)
@PauloCereda is there still a password?
@UlrikeFischer totally opened. :)
@barbarabeeton The tikzlings hope that you will now have more time for the chat and (with the help of @SamCarter, @PauloCereda, @CarLaTeX and me and Gert) worked very hard the last days for a suitable welcome party:
user image
@PauloCereda did you see that a cat and a hippo sneaked in?
Just to thank and to show what I have done with your help, friends.
user image
@UlrikeFischer OH MY
@Sigur nice!
@yo', thanks.
There's a bear, a mole, a penguin, an owl, a marmot, a sloth, a mouse, a pig, a coati, a bee, a hippo, a cat, a koala and a duck!
@UlrikeFischer -- oh, you are all just too nice! that's a delightful welcome. but may i delay it for a few more hours? i'm trying desperately to get all my tugboat records saved before this computer is shut off from me forever. tomorrow i will have more (relatively) unstressed time.
@barbarabeeton glad that you could make if for a short view!
@barbarabeeton, I think you need one of this now: 5ti.com.br/6736-large_default/…
@PauloCereda and a Khuck (in bottom left front)
@Sigur -- actually, gordon got me a 4 terabyte brick a few weeks ago, and i'm trying to fill it up. but thanks for the suggestion.
@barbarabeeton 4TB? could be easy :) Anyway, good luck with moving out!
it seems that a user named fjbu has deleted his profile. Do you notice that? :-)
@lyl Sorry, that's not at all clear
@ArtificialStupidity Oh? That'd be a shame; he's made some great contributions.
All of these pigs you guys have been coming up with are way too complicated. I don't see how you're going to be able to compute anything with them!
I believe this pig would be a lot more practical:
user image
(Largely inspired by/"borrowed" from @samcarter)
@PauloCereda -- black ice is what caused me to go splat last year and gave me a new hip for christmas.
@barbarabeeton oh no :(
@Circumscribe Spherical pigs? Shouldn't these be cows? ;-) Very nice!!!!
@marmot If don't see why this approximation wouldn't be valid for pigs if it works for cows. :)
Don't worry btw; it only looks like it's frowning because the sphere is curved.
@Circumscribe Good point. (For pigs the approximation seems to be more accurate.)
@Circumscribe, @marmot, they are homeomorphic.... lol
@Sigur I think they do not have genus 0...
So a spherical cow can moooove
@marmot, specially because the nose ring!!!
@PauloCereda, muuuuuve lol
@Sigur Yes.
@Sigur LOL
@PauloCereda Of course that exists, I'm not surprised at all. :)
@Circumscribe :)
Suppose two if(s): a and b and two options opta and optb, so that opta makes a true and b false, and optb makes b true and a false. In this case, the order of option I use matters, right? Or not? I mean, \usepackage[opta,optb]{foo} is opposite to \usepackage[optb,opta]{foo}, right?
@Sigur it depends on the internal definition, but normally the last one should win.
@UlrikeFischer, good.
@Sigur it depends if foo uses \ProcessOptions or \ProcessOptions*
I have no electricity :(
@DavidCarlisle So emacs cannot run?
@PauloCereda I have this battery thing for emergencies to keep emacs running, but there are no lights or cooker etc:-)
@DavidCarlisle ooh
@DavidCarlisle That's bad! The human nerves use electricity.
@marmot ooh it's alive, it's alive
@ChristianHupfer ^^
@DavidCarlisle Huh?
@ChristianHupfer I wondered if you'd be mean and complain about the palindrome?
lights come back on!!
@DavidCarlisle No, my life is not that bad that I have no other occupation ;-)
Since yesterday's infrastructure update for TLMGR, things have broken for me (Windows 10). Now, I get weird messages like
Can't spawn "cmd.exe": No error at //icnas1.cc.ic.ac.uk/kg314/texlive/2018/tlpkg/TeXLive/TLUtils.pm line 2484.
@Krishna Ask on the texlive mailing list. There are the people which can investigate this errors.
@UlrikeFischer yes, will do
@marmot power restored!
@DavidCarlisle Were you running off a UPS?
@FaheemMitha no: a laptop battery for the laptop and a phone battery for the internet:-)
@DavidCarlisle Oh, I forgot about laptops.
I have a UPS here. Don't really use laptops. You use a laptop at home?
@FaheemMitha I have not had a desktop machine at home (or work) for years
@DavidCarlisle Huh. I find laptops tres uncomfortable.
emailed [email protected] even though I am not subscribed to this list
I mean tex-live [at] tug [dot] org
@ArtificialStupidity Congrats but may I say your image is horrible?
@CarLaTeX at least it's not yet another duck
@DavidCarlisle hm
@DavidCarlisle :P
@CarLaTeX Thank you. An adorable mutated duck.
@ArtificialStupidity @DavidCarlisle you got nowhere to go ^^^
@DavidCarlisle and @UlrikeFischer remember my earlier query on completely archiving my Phd thesis for posterity?
David had suggested to create a virtual machine
it looks like Peter Szabo has just solved my problem!
"historic-texlive is a set of scripts and binary executable for Unix for easy
and convenient installation of TeX Live 2008--2018. All Unix platforms are
supported. Windows (i386-cygwin, x86_64-cygwin, win32) isn't supported.
historic-texlive is useful for compiling old .tex documents reliably, to
reproduce the original output files (.dvi, .ps and .pdf)."
There is no justice in the world:
@DavidCarlisle I wish I could accept both solutions. The one you posted is cleaner and more straightforward but egreg's is more flexible. I couldn't choose so I tossed a coin: heads for yours, tails for egreg's. It was tails. — noibe 2 mins ago
@DavidCarlisle Monte Carlo
@PauloCereda no, evil forces acting through the ether I suspect
@DavidCarlisle He should have told you that his coin has two tails.
@yo' Yes, exactly the same problem here. Although today we have -9 and high winds with blowing snow over the layer of ice... A wonderful combination of zero visibility and zero traction.
I remember my first experience with zero traction conditions
in America
was dangerous
@AlanMunn @Krishna I used to have a bike with these tires. This actually helps (but not for the vision ;-)
@marmot can I ask a quick biblatex question?
@Krishna You want to ask @moewe (unless you want a TikZ answer to your biblatex question ;-)
@marmot \usepackage[style=tikz]{biblatex}
@StefanKottwitz Have you tried that?
@marmot I don't have a color printer, so I did not try
4 upvotes in 9 minutes for a very trivial answer, tex.stackexchange.com/a/473981/101651: record!
@StefanKottwitz You do not need a color printer. (I thought the point of compiling stuff to pdf is that you can simply delete the files instead of printing them. ;-)
@marmot That was the quickest shabby excuse I found :-)
@StefanKottwitz It is not shabby but better for the environment. (Imagine the papers that appear every day on the arXiv got printed, let alone read.)
@marmot mine, not yours
@marmot I rarely print. I still use my first toner cartridge with the laser printer I bought 10 years ago on ebay. I wonder if my cheap ebay spare cartridges may still work.
@StefanKottwitz I am even more progressive: I neither print nor read. ;-)
@marmot online in write only mode :-)
@StefanKottwitz Yes. This helps to avoid misunderstandings. ;-)
@marmot So I understand that you use TikZ. No printing nor reading, just drawing and admiring.
@StefanKottwitz Cross out admiring.
@marmot Ok!
\tikz\node[cross out,draw]{admiring};
@StefanKottwitz More like this:
David Carlisle \tikz[baseline=7mm]{\node[scale=6,red] at (-1,1){\pgfuseplotmark{heart}};\duck}
@marmot Add pineapple and worcester sauce.
@StefanKottwitz There are no such plot marks yet.... but if you are interested in crystal balls, I might be able to help.
@marmot I'm not interested in balls, thanks.
@StefanKottwitz They could be very useful when trying to interpret certain questions....
@marmot I got some. ;-)
Maybe not made of crystal.
@marmot where are the pancakes?
@StefanKottwitz My crystal ball got stolen.
@DavidCarlisle How would I know? My crystal ball got stolen.
@marmot ^^ you just can't trust those ducks
@CarLaTeX You didn't get the votes for the answer, but for the title of the document shown on the screen shot, I believe. ;-)
@marmot maybe, lol!
@Krishna Since the @marmot is unable to answer your biblatex question, you can try me. I won't suggest a TikZ solution, promise.
@DavidCarlisle I know!
1 hour later…
@DavidCarlisle you are mean
Jun 29 '17 at 16:15, by Paulo Cereda
@DavidCarlisle you are not mean :)

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