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@AlanMunn -- no, i hadn't; thanks. i like the last sentence: "the president is not a philoligist." learned something else -- a large number of mutually unintelligible cyrillic representations for the various languages of the "stans". i agree that the abundance of apostrophes will most likely result in unfortunate confusion. hope that good sense prevails.
1 hour later…
Anyone knows how to adjust title height in tcolorbox?
2 hours later…
@anderstood There are two length keys: toptitle and bottomtitle for space above and below the title respectively.
2 hours later…
@PhelypeOleinik Someone will object that the language of the site is English... I'm wondering if an ask-ask bird exists...
3 hours later…
@DavidCarlisle me too ^^^
@PauloCereda Curiously, I did wrong where you did wrong!
@CarLaTeX ooh :)
3 hours later…
@CarLaTeX <3 That would be lovely!
@PhelypeOleinik LOL
1 hour later…
@UlrikeFischer what do you think about this? tex.stackexchange.com/q/410402/2891
@michal.h21 will look at it in a few minutes
@UlrikeFischer thanks. I am sure it worked in November, when we communicated with Christian and he fixed some issues.
@michal.h21 It works for me (after I deleted an older tex4ht.env which interfered ;-().
@michal.h21 Just saw that a lot of files of the OP are outdated.
3 hours later…
@AlanMunn Perfect, thank you. I could find it.
Hi, Texstudio creates some error messages to stderr. I try to understand them. https://paste.pound-python.org/show/GFRNo0dbKPdYAwbMkuV5/
Does "inconsistent command arguments:" mean there were duplicate definitions?
@JonasStein who knows. :)
Quack! Hello @PauloCereda. Quick question: Is there a simple way to make Arara not stop when it fails to run a directive?
@PhelypeOleinik hmm I never thought about it for version 3.0. :( In Version 4.0, definitely.
@PauloCereda Okays... Thanks :)
@PhelypeOleinik Do you have a specific scenario? Maybe I can think of something.
@PauloCereda It's nothing vital, but... We have this huge report (2000+ pages with lots of figures) that take a huge time to compile.
I am updating it and I would like to make it run pdfLaTeX + bibTeX + pdfLaTeX without stopping, even with a few errors.
Then I would scroll the .log catching them.
But compiling everything for each error is VERY time consuming U_U
@PhelypeOleinik arara: pdflatex: { action: nonstopmode }
@egreg I use with nonstopmode. But the problem is that pdfLaTeX returns non-zero exit code, then Arara stops after the first compilation, and most of the updates are, unfortunately, related to the bibliography Ç_Ç
Thus I would like it to run bibTeX even if pdfLaTeX failed.
Thanks though :)
@barbarabeeton I agree with your comment to tex.stackexchange.com/a/410578/121799 but there are many other things that one may fine-tune, so I didn't edit the answer.
If version 4.0 is an option, I can help. :)
@PauloCereda Nah, if it is not yet implemented, then it is too much effort for little result. I can do it manually without problems. I asked because I like to automate stuff :P
@PhelypeOleinik Version 4.0 is done, not released though. :)
@PauloCereda Ooooooohhhh =D
I just have to compile the source from GitHub?
@PhelypeOleinik I can give you a binary, if you want. :)
@PauloCereda Yes, please! :)
@PhelypeOleinik Just a minute, please. :)
@PauloCereda Many thanks! :)
@PhelypeOleinik My pleasure, poke me if you need any sort of help
@PauloCereda Okay, sir! Quack!
2 hours later…
@AlanMunn I LOVE the first question (by the way, I did wrong only Jesus' possesive case)
@marmot -- oh, no hard feelings. there's a limit to how many changes one feels obligated to make in a poorly structured mwe. (if one even exists.) more often than not, i'm tempted to suggest that the op please take time to read a good beginner's manual.
@CarLaTeX -- same here. but i can't help observing that their possessive rule is inconsistent, depending on the antiquity of the possessor.
@barbarabeeton Well, if they read this (me included ;-), I guess that the number of questions would be only a percent of what it is in the real world, or even less. Just imagine how much your reputation score would drop ;-) (In this question, I just tried to talk the OP out of using tabulars for equations, and including pixel graphics...)
@CarLaTeX Me too. In Norwegian we handle that even more strangely: We drop the final ‘s’, so the possessive of Jesus is Jesu. Maybe it's imported from Latin or something like that.
@marmot -- probably wouldn't affect my reputation score very much. if you haven't noticed, i haven't even cracked 65,000. i'll probably never reach 100k.
@HaraldHanche-Olsen -- the "traditional" (mid-20th century and earlier) method of indicating possessive for a name ending in "s" is to simply add an apostrophe, no additional "s". that's what i learned, and still prefer. but "xxxs's" is the "modern" way to do it. fie.
@barbarabeeton Indeed, I am used to think of Stokes' theorem myself, not Stokes's theorem. Amusing anecdote: When Johannes Martinus Burgers was asked whether he had any objection to a certain equation being named Burgers' equation, he is supposed to have accepted this, “so long as it isn't called Burger's equation”.
@barbarabeeton The rules in Norwegian are a bit different: Append s, no apostrophe, if the name doesn't end in s. Append apostrophe, no s, if the name ends in s. But the possessive of the proper noun Hans is Hans's. Reason: “hans” is the possessive third person male pronoun.
@HaraldHanche-Olsen -- eek! it does make some sense, when it's explained like that.
@barbarabeeton But the reason for “Jesu” still eludes me. Perhaps @AlanMunn could explain it, but he's AWOL.
… and the possessive of Bacchus is Bacchi, at least in Swedish and Norwegian. Latin again, I suspect.
@HaraldHanche-Olsen Språkrådet (The Language Council of Norway) to the rescue: sprakradet.no/svardatabase/sporsmal-og-svar/…
@HaraldHanche-Olsen -- in english, the final "s" doesn't disappear from the name "jesus". the fact that there is no "s" added after the apostrophe could be pushback from adherents to the "book of common prayer", although even that has undergone an "updating". (the older version really has a much more pleasant sound to my ears, as does the king james version of the bible compared to more modern translations.)
@TorbjørnT. Du store min! … so it does indeed come from Latin. Also, Paulus/Pauli, Colombus/Colombi, etc.
@barbarabeeton Oooh, so it's not only my poor English!
@barbarabeeton Indeed, the bible is supposed to sound archaic. There are more modern translation in Norwegian too, that just sound wrong to my ears.
@HaraldHanche-Olsen Oooh, that's curious, too!
(For some reason, I feel more positive towards Bacchus than Paulus – better known as Paul to English speakers.)
How do you limit the size of your tikz matrix to a specific total height?
or rather set it to a specific height
Disclaimer: This ↑↑ is apropos of nothing.
With biblatex how do I get the entrysubtype it doesn't seem to be a field and there is no \ifentrysubtype
never mind I am a moron. It looks like they changed some of the tests
@HaraldHanche-Olsen Just your style: explain the stuff I can explain, and leave me to explain the stuff that has no explanation. :)
@AlanMunn So I am leaving the fun stuff to you. What is there to complain about?
@HaraldHanche-Olsen Spelling conventions generally aren't fun. They're semi-arbitrary rules designed to maintain the social power structure.
@HaraldHanche-Olsen For example, it makes no sense whatsoever that the possessive form of it is its and not it's. But maintaining that distinction is a good way of sorting out people who learned it vs people who just do what makes sense.
@HaraldHanche-Olsen The Jesus' vs Jesus's rule is exactly the same sort.
@AlanMunn :) I did get very confused about it myself, after spending too much time on the Internet, where the its vs it's spelling seems totally random. So I went back and relearned it, and immediately regretted it: For now I practically jump out of my skin every time I see it done wrong. Which is many times every day.
@HaraldHanche-Olsen Logically it should absolutely be it's. The traditional claims about the ambiguity w.r.t the contracted it is is a total red herring.
@AlanMunn Well, that the contraction of “it is” is “it's” makes sense to me. Perhaps because I am not a linguist … But I can definitely see that “its” makes little sense. (Well, it would, in Norwegian. Different story.)
@AlanMunn isn't it/its just the same as he/his apart from the unfortunate spelling leaving it looking like it's ?
@HaraldHanche-Olsen Oh, I agree that the contraction makes sense. It's just that the standard "argument" for spelling the possessive without the apostrophe is to avoid ambiguity with the contraction, but this is just nonsense.
@DavidCarlisle Well that's at least a better logic. :) But I would say no, because there's really no grounds by which you could argue (other than the spelling itself) that its is a distinct word form unlike the other possessives.
@AlanMunn I guess my favourite contraction is fo'c'sle … but I digress.
@AlanMunn I was going to bring up he/his too, but hesitated. Good thing that @DavidCarlisle is less cautious, so we got that cleared up.
@HaraldHanche-Olsen There are many English names that have that amount of reduction.
Apr 29 '14 at 8:59, by David Carlisle
@PauloCereda Never learn grammar from an Englishman.
@HaraldHanche-Olsen that's not so much a contraction as a pronunciation guide:-)
@DavidCarlisle Exactly!
@DavidCarlisle Which is extremely uncommon in English, I might say!
@AlanMunn but presumably it's Ok to learn from a Scottish Canadian American?
@DavidCarlisle But forecastle never believe it.
@DavidCarlisle I am the very model of a modern grammarian.
@DavidCarlisle And I only live in the U.S.
Anyhow, I am reading Morris Kline's Mathematics – The Loss of Certainty. I hadn't quite grasped before the immense lack of rigour in mathematics in historic times, despite the tremendous successes, not to mention the social status, the discipline enjoyed. I have only got to the 19th century in the book, and things are beginning to look better, but still …
Let's all learn some Eskimo dialect
@PauloCereda There's a app for that. tusaalanga.ca/ios
@PauloCereda maniyok
www.ctan.org awol?
@DavidCarlisle It seems so
@DavidCarlisle ctan.org responds (a bit sluggishly)
@DavidCarlisle with https (which the chat room software swallows)
@egreg people using plain tex on 640K pcs running emtex need an update from me.... github.com/davidcarlisle/dpctex/issues/7#issuecomment-358139255

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