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@DavidCarlisle Postponing the inevitable.
@AlanMunn Or gaining an unmerited draw.
@egreg s/unmerited draw/epic recovery/ I think you meant?
@DavidCarlisle How's the score?
@egreg 247 for 6 (England need another 284 runs to win) still rained off
@egreg In other words our bowlers are batting and need to survive one day of Australian bowling for us to draw, Australia just need 4 wickets today to win, so the more rain the better:-)
@DavidCarlisle Australia's climate is dry.
@egreg rain stopped: we've lost another wicket already:( 259-7
@DavidCarlisle Oh no!
What's a wicket? :)
@PauloCereda It's an out. I'm sure that helps. :)
@AlanMunn ooh! :)
People that were in now are out, right? :)
@PauloCereda it looks like this and Australians are throwing balls very fast at it and trying to knock it down:-(
304-9 :(:(
    Australia beat England by 218 runs
    Australia: 570-9 & 132-3 (39.0 overs)
    England: 172 & 312 (101.4 overs)
    Venue: Adelaide
@DavidCarlisle Oh my!
6 hours later…
I have never been lied to by data in a .txt file which has been hand-aligned.
@Canageek .zip and .exe are off the scale I guess.
@StephanLehmke I'm surprised .jpeg is lower then .jpg --I've never seen a .jpeg in the wild
I was coming here to see if somebody has posted it already :)
@Canageek I thought it was a Mac custom.
@StephanLehmke Could be. Never seen a .jpe in the wild either.
Anyway, midnight here, so time for me to sleep
@DavidCarlisle: @egreg answered a longtable question. :)
2 hours later…
@PauloCereda he probably got it wrong
Hey, why don't you guys use the TARDIS so you can change the results of a cricket match against the Aussies? :)
Looks like UK-TUG will be able to take PayPal for renewals this year :-)
Anyone heard anything about the TeX-sx TUG membership?
@StefanKottwitz There is something up with your blog: looks like a trojan has got installed :-(
@JosephWright Yay!
@JosephWright Not yet.
@JosephWright Oh no!
@JosephWright What is the TeX-sx TUG membership?
@Johannes_B StackExachange agreed to pay for 'corporate' membership of TUG: eight people can therefore get TUGBoat for 'free' as our 'representatives'
They've paid for a couple of years, but renewal must be just about due
@JosephWright I am also thinking of becoming a TUG member. Well, this would be joined membership with DANTE :-)
Q: Do we want Stack Exchange to become an institutional member of the TUG?

Stefan KottwitzI suggest Stack Exchange Inc. becomes an institutional member of the TeX User Group. I'm glad that many votes alread show interest in this topic. So let's work it out! What are the benefits for our site, for SE and for the TeX community? What is required? How does it work? Feel free to add a...

@Johannes_B Sensible: joint membership is often cheaper than doing it 'stand-alone'
@JosephWright You are right, easy decision. I am going to send an email to our office.
Oh no, I have to convert a paper of mine to Word.
@PauloCereda Lucky you: welcome to my world
@JosephWright It was a great experience. I won't renew though, I think it's time for other member to earn the privilege. :)
@PauloCereda Fine: at present I've not heard anything at all about renewals from the Powers
@JosephWright :) I'll prod you later, there are tons of TikZ/PGFPlots in it. :P
@PauloCereda You'll need to extract them as pictures
@PauloCereda Is the main site down also for you?
@JosephWright boo. :)
@egreg Problems here
@egreg seems like that
@PauloCereda How was working with Word? I didn't touch it in a long time.
@Johannes_B I'm about to start yet. :)
@PauloCereda Good luck
@Johannes_B Danke. :)
Back to normal. :)
@JosephWright I started defining *semantic* commands for quantities in any kind using siunitx.

\DeclareSIUnit { \density }{ \gram\per\cubic\centi\meter }
\DeclareDocumentCommand \Density { O{} m } { \SI [ #1 ] { #2 } { \dichte} }

I have the bad feeling that there is some tripwire i am not seeing. Can you (or anybody else) think of any drawbacks from the above?
Stupid me!

\DeclareSIUnit { \density }{ \gram\per\cubic\centi\meter }
\DeclareDocumentCommand \Density { O{} m } { \SI [ #1 ] { #2 } { \density} }

(the original definition in my document was german)
1 hour later…
Can anyone help me with the tex4ht --> Winword conversion? Will this effectively execute the endfloat package macros and move the figures and tables to the end?
@Indian Hi! Sorry, I gotta go so I can't find the correct question, but this was discussed on the site before.
1 hour later…
Q: Poems related to mathematics

waj cheemaI am supposed to be presenting a poem in my undergraduate math class, that relates to mathematics. The point of the presentation is to show the beauty of math , and the fun of it ,and also it will help us "appreciate math more" according to my professor! Which I definitely agree with. The poem th...

@PauloCereda Jabberwocky?
My lecture today was on change of bases and matrices for linear maps. Big obstacle for the students.
@egreg I think the first three years of studying (university) maths is comparable to the first three years of highschool english (or say italian for english native speakers): all the lectures are more or less 100% english from day 1, but whatever angle you start from, you only understand fragments of it until at some point in time, you start to see the whole picture.
@Indian I don't use endfloat package, but I tried small sample and it seemt it does what you want with tex4ht
@Canageek I wonder, earnestly, what harm can PDF do? In Chromium, I have to accept two security warning dialogs before I can open a downloaded PDF.
@egreg :)
@StephanLehmke Which makes difficult to teach maths to students who don't understand why it's important for them (they're CS students).
@StephanLehmke I believe that the trustworthiness applies to the "typical content", not to the file-type (at least that's how I understood it). Notice that GIFs can't conain viruses ;)
@egreg Oh no, CS students.
@PauloCereda Today I met one who was in my class three years ago; quite bright, I should say. He's from Morocco and currently he's in Munich at TUM.
@egreg How nice! :)
@Jake I spot an owl! Hi!
Roses are red,
violets are blue,
math is hard,
ooh a kangaroo!
@PauloCereda But, generally, CS students are bad at math. ;-)
@egreg and other subjects. :P
@PauloCereda Kangaroo? Australia? Cricket?
@egreg depends what type of CS students probably, and where. For me, CS is a sub-category of maths ;)
@egreg subtle reference. :)
@tohecz I was just teasing Paulo. The average CS students realize math is important only later and in the first year they put it aside.
@egreg I guess the delusion of CS people to consider themselves "good enough" at maths is as wide-spread as the delusion of maths people to consider themselves "good enough" at CS ;-)
@StephanLehmke @egreg yeah, you both have a point :) and btw, that's the reason why I have a math supervisor at a CS dept ;)
@egreg, @Stephan, @tohecz: and I'm in a Computer Engineering department. Think of the madness. :P
A TCS guy with engineers. Oh boy.
@JosephWright @cgnieder has put it in one single macro. texwelt.de/wissen/fragen/2588
2 hours later…
@PauloCereda My number of bronze badges is 1234
@PauloCereda Well this TCS guy is doing everything from programming via customer projects to sales ;-)
@egreg ooh! :)
@StephanLehmke you are my hero. :)
I am not really having the best of days and I am wondering if maybe someone can help me?
In what way is tex.stackexchange.com/questions/149175/… a duplicate?
Also, what happend to the link to this chat room? I had to go trough google to find it here...
Q: Request for revert of the top bar background colour

toheczI would like to request that the background colour of the top bar gets reverted to the previous warm brownish. There are three reasons for this: The black top bar is the most emphasized element of the site now, which is surely not the intention. Its colour doesn't fit the warm, smooth and pleas...

Q: Is there a possibility to have the previous design of TeX-stackexchange page?

Przemysław ScherwentkeToday I suddenly saw my personal information on the page very small and on the black background. It looks like a necrology! Additionally, not the same information as earlier appears. In particular I cannot find the cummulative points for Q&A's in the central part of the status bar. The next chan...

@jonalv I'm not sure whether it's a duplicate, since, honestly, I don't understand your question :-/
@jonalv The link to the chat is under the StackExchange logo on top left
ah there we ahve a link. Thanks :)
@jonalv Nearly the same question has been asked before.
yea, it's just that I (and I will happily admit that my brain is frying here trying to learn pgfplots for the first time) looked at that question / answer over and over again and could not solve my problem. Also I can not see the solution I got in that question so I am having a really hard time understand in what sense it is a duplicate. And since I want to learn pgfplots for the moment I would love to understand how it can be a duplicate. It's not so easy for a bear of very little brain...
@jonalv And do you get it from the Jake's answer?
@jonalv The new version of pgfplots (2.9) has a tutorial. This should be a good starting point. Save one afternoon, read it carefully and reconstruct the examples.
@jonalv If jakes answer has the solution, you can accept it.
@Johannes_B: Interesting, where can I find that?
@jonalv The manuals to all instaled packages should be on your harddrive. You can acces them by opening a terminal and type texdoc pgfplots.
Another location would be texdoc.net, but sometimes, the information there is a bit outdated.
neat :)
I usually just google but this was handy
You can *always* find the newest version on CTAN.
The syntax is pretty simple: `http://www.ctan.org/pkg/pgfplots`
But be aware, that you might not have the newest version installed on your system. So, updating with the package manager of your distribution might be useful.
@Brent: hello, my dear Brent! Do you remember Mussum? :)
@Johannes_B @jonalv With TeXLive you should always get the proper version of the documentation through texdoc pgfplots
@Johannes_B just to please you :)
@tohecz Yez, but texdoc.net is a different thing. ;-)
@cgnieder You did very much. i even threw in some rep points.
@Johannes_B I noticed, thanks :)
@cgnieder Please have a look at http://www.golatex.de/fussnoten-linksbuendig-t12130.html

Is this really *soo* hard to understand for a beginner?
@cgnieder I just called dips on "Wie defniere ich mir eigene Befehle?"
@Johannes_B I didn't mention texdoc.net ;)
@Johannes_B Well, it seems to be... I guess the main point is that it needs time to create a MWE if you're not used to and people rather want a solution to their problem than to learn something seemingly unrelated. It's not obvious that learning how to build a MWE is a great investment for the future
@tohecz But i did :-) Well, i hope @jonalv did understand it.
@cgnieder it's not so much about the MWE, it's more about defining a new command with an argument.
@cgnieder I just tested it out with an intelligent woman, who also uses LaTeX, though not su much as we do. She couldn't solve this question herself by reading the 2 linked pages. I guess she could have, i she would have been really interested, but still ...
@Johannes_B Ah, that :) It probably depends on the background you have. With programming background or mathematical knowledge or having used cell references in a spreadsheet the idea of an argument that replaces #1 and #2 is not so hard. But if you don't have any of that it's hard to tell how difficult it is
anyways, gotta go, might catch you later :)
@Johannes_B I probably need to write an introduction to LaTeX myself one day... :p
@tohecz Bye
@cgnieder Hurry up, so i can wish it for our contest over at texwelt :)
@cgnieder Exactly. :) Besides, some things are relative; I can remember the classical example of variable swapping, where people do a = b and then b = a. :)
@cgnieder Variable swapping? isn't there a package for this?
@Johannes_B I meant people might not seen the problem. :)
@PauloCereda Oh, i didnt't realise you were writing. Exactly, they are not aware of sometjing strange. One has to say »Think about that«
@Johannes_B Yep. :)
For example: Tjink about meter, it is just a small letter m. Now, what about the mass of something? it is also a small letter m.
Once they are conscious about it, everything will work out just fine.
@Johannes_B :) bitbucket.org/cgnieder/tutorial but I haven't worked on it for a while
@cgnieder I'll have a look at it tonight
@cgnieder: don't run, you are in arara 5.0 beta test super great ultra hyper über program affililiation bonus milleage points with a lot of ducks corporation limited edition. :)
@Johannes_B still has so many open ends ... and even some open starts :p
@cgnieder There's a bug in there. Oh wait, it's German. <3
@PauloCereda Anything that is »super great ultra hyper über« and has ducks must be fun ;)
@PauloCereda :p
@cgnieder <3
@cgnieder Das tutorial ist exzellent! :)
@PauloCereda :) I'm not so sure... once it covers all necessary basics I'll need some proofreaders ... but that'll not be any time soon
@cgnieder Beware of Marco. :) He can add at least ninety new sections/chapters. :)
@PauloCereda I have to keep that in mind!
@cgnieder Always open for proof reading.
Seems legit.
@Paulo We once had an exchange student. He said »german is such a soft and warm language. For example SCHMETTERLING.« And he said that last part in a very enraged way. :-)
@Johannes_B LOL
must... resist... posting... something... from... YouTube...
@PauloCereda :-D
Sorry, people. :)
If there's any consolation, I used to listen to Rammstein. :)
@PauloCereda »Logic is a little tweeting bird chirping in meadow. Logic is a wreath of pretty flowers which smell bad.«
@cgnieder ooh! :)
@cgnieder pure gold. :)
@PauloCereda Indeed! :)
Looks like I have a channel for German learning here :)
@StephanLehmke :-)
Is there any Rammstein song containing the word Schmetterling?
@Johannes_B When I made Abitur we've recorded a song Zahnstein with lots of drilling noises it it... ahhh, the good ol' times
@PauloCereda It would be interesting to hear the same video without making the German parts artificially rude :-(
@StephanLehmke That's what I thought. :)
German is famous for sounding harsh, in particular when compared with French or Italian, but I don't know about English TBH ;-)
You can make any language have a harsh tone, artificially. Think of the »I am scared of germans« video. I f he says »La tour d'Eiffel« it can sound pretty scary, too.
Well, nevertheless. Gotte go. Have a nice evening :-)
@topskip: Patrick! :)
Hi Paulo!
luaotfload | Scanning OS fonts... ... hours later
even worse:
luaotfload | Scanning OS fonts...Bus error: 10
Bus error? Taxi error? Subway error? WTF?
@topskip Uh-oh.
@topskip Maybe a late side effect of Xaver...
@StephanLehmke :))
At least TeX has learned how to give meaningful error messages at last.
@StephanLehmke I am glad it's Bus error 10, not 11.
@topskip Exactly what I was thinking.
I had a problem with pdftex suddenly dying mid-compilation quite randomly for several weeks once, and it turned out to be a problem with some bad bits on a SIMM RAM card.
You can see that pdftex is the only application seriously using memory on my system :-)
@StephanLehmke that is the last thing I'd consider being broken
@topskip Well all was well again after the RAM was changed :-)
@topskip ooh TeX hot swap. :)
Luaotfload is even slower than Java.
@topskip Holy cow.
At least I got rid now of "error 10" :))
Q: Lualatex (luaotfload) broke after upgrading to Mavericks

jdevuystEver since I upgraded to OS X Mavericks—post hoc ergo propter hoc—I can no longer compile my dissertation using LuaLaTeX. When running lualatex I first got the following error: luaotfload | db: reload initiated; reason: “unresolved font name: ‘lucidacal Segmentation fault: 11 'lucidacal' pre...

@topskip Should've gone for Ruby.
@StephanLehmke my new language is "Go". Ruby sucks :)
Dec 6 at 16:53, by Paulo Cereda
Meanwhile, Fernanda Lima is on stage too. <3
Best part of the World Cup so far. :)
@StephanLehmke Yes, yes, YES! I'm sick of Python suggestions. :P
Oh my, for the first time I'll have two workstations in my office! Kinda spoils you.
Do we have a link back to the main site from meta?
Does anybody here own a MacBook air?
@JosephWright Thank you! There was an external script call in the header, I removed it this morning. I will move the externally hosted blog to my own server soon, so I can protect it better.
@StefanKottwitz Good plan
@JosephWright I rented a second server with 48 GB RAM, so plenty of space :-)
@PauloCereda, @JosephWright:
@StefanKottwitz Wait, WHAT?!
>Hi. I am a Japanese user of standalone package. This package is very nice to
manage graphics files, but I noticed some bugs in this and related packages.
Let me report them here.
@MartinScharrer Oh my! For real?
@StefanKottwitz 48 Gb RAM: really?
@PauloCereda Yep, and its a very good bug report.
@JosephWright Not even our PS3's combined reach the computational power of Stefan. :)
@JosephWright: There were some clipping related things in it, I could forward it to you.
@MartinScharrer Cool! :) Any fixes too? :)
@JosephWright Yes! And 1 Gigabit/s bandwidth, with 200 Mbit/s guaranteed
@StefanKottwitz This is probably not the kitchen one. Might be the one near the fireplace. :)
@StefanKottwitz Cost?
@PauloCereda Yes, and he cited all related version numbers!!!
@StefanKottwitz What is it running? :)
@MartinScharrer Oh my!
@JosephWright 59 Euro per month for the pure server - actually I pay more than 130 Euro or so for 2 servers and add-on IPs and a subnet and domains etc.
Don't let my wife know.
@StefanKottwitz I pay 12,99euro/month for a virtual server. 59 Euro for a pure server sounds right.
@MartinScharrer Cool: I've got various things to look at that for expl3
@PauloCereda It's running Debian
I have the impression this must be a duplicate of something
Q: How to fill a boxed code correctly

kostas Someone who knows how to fill with color only the box? \begin{shaded} \begin{lstlisting} if (a < b) { printf("A is smaller than B!\n"); } a = b; \end{lstlisting} \end{shaded}

But all the questions I could find with search were more specific.
@StefanKottwitz No Fedora? :(
@JosephWright sent
@PauloCereda: I hope LaTeX was used for this poster: xkcd.com/980
@StefanKottwitz I wonder if the server is registered for Farouk Kottwitz. :)
@MartinScharrer OMG
Ten bucks that @percusse can do that in TikZ and ten bucks that @David can do that with picture mode. :)
@PauloCereda I already have Redhat, where Fedora is based on, at work, so the Debian is for the fun
@StefanKottwitz As long as it's not Ubuntu, you can even have CentOS. :)
@StefanKottwitz You can bet on getting this starred here ;-)
@StephanLehmke It's definitely a trap. :)
@StephanLehmke Well, so she will better understand why we don't afford a car
@PauloCereda This one is similar, but smaller: xkcd.com/radiation
@MartinScharrer Cool! :) I like this one very much. :)
@StefanKottwitz We can all send you "thankyou" mails you can show her.
@MartinScharrer I wonder how much research went into that...
@MartinScharrer: I started to write a Pokémon table, but I didn't go far. Here's where I stopped:
@StephanLehmke Yeah! Maybe it came from some official site. There is a CSV file with the data for download.
@PauloCereda I can't see any ducks.
@StephanLehmke That's one of the problems. :)
@PauloCereda Aha
@PauloCereda: HAHA, xkcd.com/802_large
@MartinScharrer LOL
Dopamine sea FTW!
At least I captured a duck in my Pokémon game. :)
I play Pokémon. /blushes
@MartinScharrer data.gov is certainly a possible source, but you still have to find and aggregate the stuff.
@topskip: aaah good times:
Jul 4 '12 at 10:58, by Paulo Cereda
user image
@DavidCarlisle One for you;
Q: Alternating row colours in tabulary?

Oli WalkerI managed to get alternating row colours working when using tabular but when I converted them to tabulary to make the tables match \textwidth the row colouring became messed up. Now it completely ignore the defined starting row and also changes the colour of the rows depending on the number of r...

@StefanKottwitz that's only 10€ /month more than my server. It would be a good place to do my typesetting runs, until I fix the memory leaks...
@StephanLehmke Herbert's answer is OK isn't it (I didn't check)
@DavidCarlisle I think so, but I thought there might be a reason why it's not always reset...
Let's all hack graphicx so for every \includegraphics, it includes this instead of the original image:
@StephanLehmke well I run tabular internally but I can't be expected to know to reset a counter added some years later by another package. Actually I do reset all LaTeX counters (as latex maintains of list of them for resetting at \include) but looks like xcolor just does a plain tex allocation \rownum not \c@rownum aka \setcounter{rownum} so it doesn't get reset.
@TorbjørnT. That's certainly a possiblility, but still much more complex somehow.
Maybe there should be a generic question "How do I use this feature which is explained in the manual" with one answer "Read the manual".
Then all semantically equivalent questions could be marked as duplicates of it.
@StephanLehmke good idea, although that still leaves questions for manual-less code like tikz
1 hour later…
@PauloCereda Such doge
For Ipad users, a free application called Calligraphy Art, a $2.99 value :-) Get it in the App Store. It is free for 24 hours.
@StephanLehmke Sounds good to me :-)
1 hour later…
My next badge goal: Populist with the competing answer by @egreg. tex.stackexchange.com/q/49444/2693 Still some work to be done, but I remain optimistic. :)
@AlanMunn ooh I just helped:-) populist is tricky, I got within one here once but slipping back again now tex.stackexchange.com/questions/55400/what-does-z-do/…
@DavidCarlisle Now you're within 3 (or 4, I'm not sure how if the 2x threshold has to be met or actually exceeded by 1)
@AlanMunn Good luck. ;-)
@egreg The tricky part will be you getting more votes.
@JosephWright Yep. :)
@AlanMunn What do I need to do? :)
@PauloCereda Prepare your sockpuppet army.
@egreg I've been looking at a lot of art in the last few days. Does your love for modern music extend to modern art too?
@AlanMunn It depends. I like Klimt and other “abstract” artists. I definitely dislike clowns like Duchamp or Koons.
@egreg I just went to a Magritte exhibit and also a retrospective of Isa Genzken which were great. And I just saw a whole ton of Renoirs, most of which I didn't like. I agree with your opinion of Duchamp and Koons.

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