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@manooooh they have their own font but they also got it added to Unicode, so any OpenType font has double struck d as does the stix font for pdflatex
@manooooh -- it's unicode 2146. it was added to unicode as part of the stix project. see the stix fonts (stix2). only a few italic letters have double-struck forms, and they were assigned to the "letterlike symbols" block instead of the mathematical alphanumerics.
6 hours later…
@barbarabeeton 👌
@marmot great profile pic!! Let's continue drawing awesome marmots (and ducks) 😎 🙌
2 hours later…
@manooooh Can't wait to see your contribution to this "competition". ;-)
I'm surprised that you always act after someone posts something about drawings, instead of you having your own initiative. But it's good, you're adjusting to what the community wants hahaha.

I do not know, I'm still not very friendly with the TikZ commands... I love that you want to see some of my work, but I do not have much imagination
@manooooh During hibernation time marmots generally lack initiative. ;-)
@marmot hahaha okay... Mr. magical marmot :)
@PauloCereda not quite good enough if I have to explicitly state the files.
@Skillmon It depends. :) If you want wildcards, that can be arranged in the rule context. :)
@marmot you still haven't passed my entry:-)
@DavidCarlisle, @UlrikeFischer Issues with docs fixed: upload on its way
@DavidCarlisle Yes, because some users want you to get a real German beer from @Skillmon. They pity you only having English bottles with "beer" written on them. (@Skillmon you should give him a Hopf Weisse, if he wins. ;-)
@marmot I thought of a Zwick'l up til now, don't know whether @DavidCarlisle likes Weizen/Weißbier.
@Skillmon How would he know if he likes it. He's trapped in England and occasionally goes to Austria. But you are right, persons who ruined their tongue by putting pineapple on pizzas may not care which beer they get. ;-)
@marmot do you dislike a Zwick'l?
@Skillmon I don't know it ... so it cannot be good. ;-)
@Skillmon Weißbier is OK although @boycott.se-yo' recommends other styes
@marmot Zwick'l is not a single brand, it's a type of beer, an unfiltered Kellerbier.
@DavidCarlisle sex in a canoe?
@Skillmon there is probably some reference there that I don't understand:-)
@DavidCarlisle urbandictionary.com/… (since the reference contains the F word, I might be banned from the site for this. Let's see …)
@HaraldHanche-Olsen @DavidCarlisle this.
ooh naughty people
oh and naughty rabbits
@DavidCarlisle i should flag that as highly offensive
@marmot or shall I wait for your soln?
@boycott.se-yo' It was what came up in a Italian-Czech translation for "pineapple pizza"
Since this chat is so obsessed with ducks: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=18663860
@boycott.se-yo' Really! That product is like making sex on a canoe with a leak!
@Raaja I have no solution, sorry! (I am sitting in a boring talk with shaky internet.)
@marmot ooh a marmot chair
@StrongBad I tried to answer your question, deeply sorry for not providing a better solution... :(
I have an impossibly long word that I get as variable and can't insert any linebreaks into. Thus it breaks out of the confines of the tabularx that holds it. AN example would be This_is_a_program_file_name_to_encode_onto_a_chip_and_comes_with_a_random_numbe‌​r_aswell_39991.hex as one word inside a {0.5\textwidth} tabularx. Is there any way I can force it respect the table boundaries and break?
@marmot Have FUN ;)
@DavidCarlisle Who's to blame for the array hidden feature?
@PauloCereda The ability to hibernate can be a blessing, really. ;-)
@egreg that broke colortbl? Frank but he did supply the fix. I am sure you accept collective team responsibility.
@Magisch yes you will find code on this site to allow breaking after _ or after any letter or at CamelCase uppercase boundaries or whatever.
@DavidCarlisle This is probably one for you: tex.stackexchange.com/q/464679/3929
I used a fully up to date TL18 to confirm the problem
@marmot depends how automated you want it to be replacing _ by \zz defined as \newcommand\zz{\_\hspace{0pt}}
@daleif colortbl update went to ctan yesterday so fix should be arriving soon
@DavidCarlisle erh, what else does colortbl contain? If I look through the log from that example (on my system), no colortbl is being loaded
@daleif well the example worked for me, let me check why it worked... (I'll delete answer for now)
@DavidCarlisle Why would I want to do that? (Translation: you probably intended to write this to someone else.)
@marmot tab completing on @m hit wrong tikzkling
@Magisch see comment above (I pinged marmot by mistake:-)
@DavidCarlisle The only other tikzling so far that starts with m is a mouse.
@DavidCarlisle it worked for me too, until I did a tlmgr update
@daleif yes in my development tree of course I had the new version without needing to get it from texlive, but I had tested in a setup using the installed version of tools....
@DavidCarlisle somewhat adapting tex.stackexchange.com/a/116471/seems to work
@DavidCarlisle Cunning plan that, breaking colortbl, so you can catch @egreg ;)
@daleif arydshln broke, I'll raise it with Frank, see if we can adjust so as not to require a change to that package....
@DavidCarlisle and nice demonstration about the effect of the color groups ;-)
user image
@PauloCereda I love it!
@DavidCarlisle can I get a diff of the current array and the last revision somewhere, easily?
@PauloCereda student of yours or yourself?
@Magisch saw on a blogpost. :)
I do hope that gave at least an extra point or two
@Magisch :)
@Skillmon this more or less github.com/latex3/latex2e/commit/…
@DavidCarlisle thanks for digging. I just quickly skipped through it, and none of the changes seem to change behaviour, or am I completely wrong about this?
@Skillmon the intended change was to make command (eg calc widthof) safe in the argument of p{...} but actually that's what broke colortbl, the change here was an internal rearrangement fo strut handling that broke the patches arydshln does, @UlrikeFischer just suggested a patch on team mail..
@DavidCarlisle could it be that it also breaks collcell?
@DavidCarlisle just tried to compile an old table of mine for testing purposes, but I get errors from collcell for the old files :(
@DavidCarlisle I'm not sure if it was the strut handling. Actually if one remove the color groups added in github.com/latex3/latex2e/commit/45a7f99 it works too. To me it looked like unbalanced groups as arydshln handles start and end differently.
When I try it in an MWE I can't reproduce it.
@DavidCarlisle issue seems like one of my packages. I'll have to investigate.
Strange thing is, that this package should only change tabular inside of another environment, but a plain tabular does result in a Use of \@startpbox doesn't match its definition. error as long as I use *3{c} as column specification.
Ok, \usepackage[table]{xcolor} seems to be at fault.


  test & this \\
  testing & that \\
  tests & those
This throws an error, while the following works:


  test & this \\
  testing & that \\
  tests & those
So it's a colortbl problem. But I have another issue in another table. Further investigating
@Skillmon that colortbl has a problem is known, simply get the newest version.
@UlrikeFischer yes, I saw that. But it is not yet included in TL, so I'll just wait, I think.
@UlrikeFischer but it (colortbl) also breaks collcell, it seems.
@Skillmon it breaks all sort of tabulars.
First secret hat. :-)
@UlrikeFischer that's sad. I hope the array update didn't also create incompatibilities with any of my packages, that I'm currently not aware of (though the ones dealing with tables are not published on CTAN, so affected users should be few).
@Skillmon I'm sort of glad the the memoir version that was just included, now no longer has its own array copy (on the other side, that might have saved memoir users from array related issues as I'm often behind on array updates)
@PauloCereda thanks for taking a look at it.
@StrongBad sorry for the delay, and also sorry for not being able to provide a better answer
@PauloCereda knowing that there is no easy way is a pretty good answer. Cutting and pasting or calling arara from arara seem like reasonable work arounds.
@StrongBad I will keep investigating. :)
@egreg Ooh
@PauloCereda is it worth opening an issue on github? I am happy to provide insight about how I would use it.
@StrongBad by all means, please. :)
@daleif which reminds be. There is a memoir related issue in the oberdiek repo: github.com/ho-tex/oberdiek/issues/42. I don't see a way to handle this from hypcap. Imho memoir should ensure that the anchors are at sensible places (with or without hypcap).
@JosephWright Stealing lines to @PauloCereda? ;-)
@egreg ooh
@egreg he has duck immunity
@UlrikeFischer oi it's a bit harsh to call it a bug:-)
@DavidCarlisle better now?
@DavidCarlisle Bug Pokémon
@UlrikeFischer but... my code was error free, I couldn't know 20 years ago that the array package would change last week:-)
Sep 4 '13 at 19:08, by David Carlisle
The important thing to remember is it's not my fault
@DavidCarlisle hmmm
@DavidCarlisle you should complain to the one who uploaded a new array.sty ;-)
@UlrikeFischer Either him or to the authors of the array package
@DavidCarlisle good plan.
@UlrikeFischer do you think we should reply to jfb's pmboxdraw issue that documentation is just for checking the logs for errors, you are not supposed to look at the pdf output?
@DavidCarlisle ;-). I'm just looking if luatex is the reason that it looks odd (and why is the docu typeset with luatex??).
sorry I wasn't tracking this site when this was posted, I'll fix the package at source. — David Carlisle Feb 12 '12 at 19:45
@UlrikeFischer ^^^^^^
@UlrikeFischer you get same with pdftex (the last lot from Heiko was built with luatex as well, I think there was a comment somewhere that it makes or made smaller pdfs)
@DavidCarlisle you get it because of \renewcommand*{\ttdefault}{lmvtt} in the ltxdoc.cfg.
@egreg ah so we can blame you then
@UlrikeFischer arrrrrrr who invented variable width typewriter:-)
@DavidCarlisle ;-). We can simply add \renewcommand*{\ttdefault}{lmtt} before that example.
@UlrikeFischer yes I just was testing with % \ttfamily\fontfamily{lmtt}\selectfont
@DavidCarlisle or that. And while we are on it: what is this \let\orgdimexpr\dimexpr for?
@UlrikeFischer no idea, not me
:48044046 around line 166 of the dtx:
@UlrikeFischer yep, it is presumably to force \ltx@IfUndefined{dimexpr}{% was that me? I don't recall
@DavidCarlisle -- don't know about that, but i can vouch for the fact that he is familiar with this site
@DavidCarlisle -- think "close to water".
@boycott.se-yo' -- do you like this any better?
@daleif Since all my packages which fiddle with array should do so with \patchcmd or similar, so there should be errors if those fail, I'll just have to check whether the patches still do what they should -- but that should be easy, once I have the new colortbl version locally installed :)
1 hour later…
@PauloCereda Look at my beautiful new hat!
@samcarter ooh
@samcarter How did you get it? I love it!
@CarLaTeX Probably ebay?
@marmot lol
hi, anyone has been having problems with the lipsum package?
@MarcelKrüger context has removed the unicode table from the lualibs files (in the 11/29 commit) ;-(.
@kraDracsO Hi! Nothing unusual so far!
it gives me a error with the kantlipsum package saying that is too old. But i didn't used it or have it installed.
@kraDracsO kantlipsum is written using expl3 code, so it may be that that is too old? Is your TeX distribution fully up to date?
@kraDracsO If you have updated lipsum, you also need to have an updated version of the expl3 bundle.
to be honest, yesterday i installed lipsum. Will try to update the expl3 thing
@barbarabeeton I suppose you know well the answer :)
@CarLaTeX I'll give you a hint: composing a new question is a very good technique to rubber-debug a problem. During writing the question one can usually solve the problem oneself and can click on the "discard question" button :)
@kraDracsO If you want to produce dummy text, have a look at the duckuments package -- it is much more fun than lipsum :)
Thanks @AlanMunn @egreg i did a "full" update of the MikTex and that
I will look at that package, seems interesting

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