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Not off-topic, wouldn't have been off-topic last week either.
OT no repro - hardware problem overheating
@Natty tp
@EliahKagan I noticed the same thing and I also upvoted that answer.
1 hour later…
@EliahKagan Post already registered as True Positive
1 hour later…
Anybody interested in holding this guy's hand?
I can not get the output. I didn't get any error but there is no output! — Tahereh S 14 hours ago
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Blacklisted website in body, link at end of body: Bee Cash If you need money now by user822201 on askubuntu.com
2 hours later…
I need one close vote to the second duplicate question link for the sake of completeness: askubuntu.com/questions/1028251/…
@karel added. Would you remove your second comment, so that it isn't duplicated? Not sure if it would be regenerated if I removed my auto-comment from the CV
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad NS for domain in body, bad keyword in body, blacklisted website in body, link at end of body, pattern-matching website in body: The anticipates week aren't missing by exwv on askubuntu.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad NS for domain in body, bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title, blacklisted website in body, link at end of body, +1 more: Rapid Tone Diet by Jrwe Cujf on askubuntu.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad NS for domain in body, bad keyword in body, blacklisted website in body, link at end of body, pattern-matching website in body: Yell to sit curse for the gain in value by Varty1970 on askubuntu.com
I am actually getting angry now
I am going to drink tea and come back and think about this
drinks two cups of tea and just feels even more angry
huh ?
btw, we might have to make a list of reopen worthy 18.04 questions
20 hours ago, by Zanna
wow... Fabby actually edited the question to put a please-please-click-me link to... his own answer o.O
@Videonauth meta post a la this
yes kinda
being busy in rl for a while today, but if i come to it before anyone else does i will sit down and check into the 18.04 questions
hmm what should be done here? Still seems OT... That error is usually a red herring... hmm
@Videonauth ugh that looks awful to me
but it is indeed creative!
yes catched my eye directly too
shows me we really should get a table format option
@Zanna I decided to roll it back.
I like him, but I don't appreciate that clickbaiting
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post Low Length; No Code Block; One Line only; Low Rep; 3.0;
@Natty tp
CV opinion ("best editor") askubuntu.com/q/1028332/367990
not sure - maybe expert opinion would be of value there
dupe makes sense...
well that answer seems reasonable given the framing of that question, but isn't the question too broad as written?
wow yeah, so it is
dusts off VLQ flag
@Natty tp
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] URL-only title, bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title, blacklisted website in body, blacklisted website in title, +1 more: mumybear.com/phytolast-south-africa/ by user822333 on askubuntu.com
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post Low Length; No Code Block; One Line only; Low Rep; 2.5;
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post Low Length; No Code Block; Low Rep; 3.0;
@Natty fp
@Natty fp
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Messaging number in answer: How to install on Dell Inspiron 15 5577 by sajad wani on askubuntu.com
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post Low Length; No Code Block; Low Rep; 2.5;
@BhargavRao Is it appropriate to report posts like that to Natty? It should really be deleted as spam, but people seem reluctant to do so (it's longer living than most spam) and it's definitely NAA.
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post Low Length; No Code Block; Low Rep; 2.5;
Is this an answer?
without a compositor?
compositor=window manager I think? so, what is that answer suggesting? Don't use a window manager?
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad NS for domain in body, blacklisted website in body, link at end of body, pattern-matching website in body: Improve Your Level of attention with ActionPro? by ActionPro on askubuntu.com
@Zanna Are all window managers compositing window managers?
maybe some of them are tiling
so, it is suggesting using a tiling window manager
I think there are other types.
wow :)
I also remember reading this article with pictures about how Wayland does the compositing itself and therefore all kinds of tools that made use of the way the X server and compositor talk to each other don't work with Wayland. But perhaps I misunderstood that article
Well, I've commented. I'm inclined to say it's not NAA.
I can't review it in the LQP queue though. The system says it's "not reviewable." I guess I clicked Skip before, in another tab.
I don't want to say it "Looks OK" because it looks pretty bad so far. But possibly I'm just a bit grumpy
can't review... but I don't remember seeing it...
anyway, I agree, seems perfectly fine
hmm... what should we be doing here? I don't know what to say now...
@Zanna Edit the important information from the OP's comments into the question and either answer it or (if it's already answered) vote to close it as a duplicate?
something like that... :S
Another old long-list question needs protections from deletion due to its historical value à la this.
@pomsky I suggest posting on meta.
Whoa! Someone close-voting Bionic questions as OT still! :o
You can also flag it to request a historical lock or ask a moderator in chat but I'm not sure what the result would be. This has many, many views, but I believe less upvotes on it and its answers than the video editing question, and also it is of less broad interest.
I would totally support a historical lock on that question rather than having it get deleted, and I don't see any better option for it -- the question doesn't give enough requirements for it to be a good question by our current standards -- but I think it's possible people will disagree. (I hope they will agree though.)
@pomsky Well if they're bug reports they're still OT even after release.
Also, even for questions about problems with unknown causes, nobody's using the released version. (It's not out quite yet, is it?) They might go away if one were to upgrade the beta into the released version. I would be more reluctant now to close questions as about Ubuntu+1 but it's not inherently a misuse of the system to do it. OTOH if they're question about how to use the interface, and other stuff that wouldn't have been off-topic a week ago, then they're not off-topic now either.
@EliahKagan Not bugs, simple how-to questions, example (although it's too broad currently imo, two questions asked at a time).
I'm actually VTCing that as too broad right now, unless there is some compelling reason not to, so that when it's closed it's more likely to be closed as too broad. Then when it's edited, it will be clear to reviewers what happened and they can reopen it.
And I've upvoted your comments.
@EliahKagan Good idea! I'm going to do the same.
@pomsky Do you have more examples? Of 18.04 questions that have close votes as OT and that either (a) shouldn't be closed at all, or (b) should be closed for some other reason?
If so, we can comment, review, VTC, do nothing, etc. (whatever seems most appropriate).
@EliahKagan I'll have to check.
I've commented for reviewers who may think that question is OT Ubuntu+1.
@pomsky We probably don't need that comment anymore, given your subsequent one, right?
This question has been linked to at Stack Overflow which made it into a hot network question but even so I don't believe that it's nearly as good as it's linked duplicate question.
Since it's closed, doesn't that make it no longer shown in the hot network questions list?
@pomsky The last time you pointed out a similar question to me I voted to reopen it in order to clear the two delete votes that it had accumulated. terdon commented and told me that next time I should flag the question for moderator attention to prevent it from being deleted by one more zealot, so instead of voting to reopen it, this time I am passing on this same information to you.
Yeah it doesn't show, but it's still hot because the link is driving traffic to it.
Well, the target is prominently displayed. It'll get people there, which is one of the main purposes served by duplicate questions on SE sites.
It needs to be upvoted too imo.
@EliahKagan OP obliged, time to VTR. (cc @Zanna, @karel)
@pomsky VTR-ed
@pomsky Voted, 2 more needed.
@karel I would raise a flag then
OK, If you don't want to raise that flag yourself, PM me and I'll raise the flag instead.
@karel I would be glad if you could do that! Thanks in advance! :)
@karel This community's treatment of broad questions is highly inconsistent. I think it was fine to vote to reopen the video editing question. I did so, reasoning that it could have been edited to narrow it without making its answers NAA (it was being interpreted more narrowly than asked, excluding, for example, VLC, even though VLC has some limited editing features).
I'm quite satisfied with the remedy of just locking it though. In contrast, I would not vote to reopen the PHP editor question @pomsky is asking about, because there are many programmers' text editors, and the question doesn't contain anything to clarify what features they want, and almost any programmer's text editor with at least PHP syntax highlighting could be the topic of a new answer to that question. It truly is too broad and cannot be fixed without radically changing it.
@karel I agree that question has been underappreciated. I already upvoted it, though, back in September.
The formerly too broad question needs one more reopen vote.
@EliahKagan it's reopened, no longer needed
@Natty tp
@Natty tp
@pomsky I flagged the question that you commented about, and linked it to your Meta question about a similar topic in the flag's description.
@karel Thanks a lot!
Sounds like a bug.
I remember reading the same bug and a link to its Launchpad bug report in an earlier question. Unfortunately I can't remember which question it was.
@pomsky VTC'd
It would be handy if we could find the other question and the existing bug report, but if they end up filing their own bug report and it turns out to be the same bug, then it can get duped on Launchpad.
Isn't this OT?
Yes. VTC'd OT "Not about Ubuntu."
@karel It is frozen now.
2 hours later…
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post Low Rep; Unregistered User; 1.5;
@Natty tp
@Natty tp
@Natty tp
does that thing even have an uninstaller? Seems like trolling...
@Zanna Maybe? Either way, that answer is really bad. I don't feel comfortable voting to delete it, but it's one of the worst answers I have not felt comfortable deleting.
good find...
How does this NAA post have more than one undelete vote?!
@EliahKagan Anyone with enough rep to vote to an answer they haven't posted should also know they can custom flag it to ask a moderator to convert it to a comment. The post is definitely not an answer to the question (or to anything, unless someone were asking when that specific release party is scheduled to occur).
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post Low Length; No Code Block; One Line only; Low Rep; Unregistered User; 3.5;
hmm... if only we could protect that question already
why did I vote to reopen it?
@Zanna Because it's answerable and related to a specific bug, and because it's only weakly a dupe anyway? I didn't vote to close or reopen it. I was happy people were getting sent to the target question, but I wasn't sure the duplication was totally justified.
yes... I don't think it's really a duplicate, and that's why I voted to reopen it, and the fact that it is gathering useless answers is not a reason for it to be closed
@Zanna I would actually prefer it not be protected, at least at this point. If a Canonical employee or someone else heavily involved in development or testing wants to post another answer to explain the situation, they might not have earned enough rep on AU to post on a protected question. It would give them more hassle on top of the hassle they would already be experiencing trying to get the release out.
good point :)
So, what's the situation with messages from Natty like that one that don't have Sentinel links? I was under the impression that they were for testing purposes. Does attempting to give feedback on them do anything? Also, why did that particular message get posted, for an answer that I had already reported to Natty and that natty had already separately emitted a message for (with a Sentinel link)?
Do you know? If not, I'll ask Bhargav Rao.
@Natty Someone cast a red flag (spam or rude/abusive) on that post before we deleted it. Seems excessive to me... Am I missing something?
Did I misclick in the flag dialog?
sighs with relief to see he cast the NAA flag he meant to cast
I'm inclined to regard that post as NAA. Thoughts?
I voted to close this question as unclear, but perhaps I'm being uncharitable. Had it better be edited and closed as a dupe of that other question we edited about installing software?
Do you know what they actually want to do?
I guess either way is fine. I'm not sure that other question we edited is actually the best general software installation question on AU though. Also, why wouldn't command-line methods still work on a system with a GUI??
I'm not sure... what do they mean by workstation? what do they want to add?
They don't know how to open a terminal window (or switch to a virtual console)!
We should just dupe it to something about that.
They'll probably want to use command-line instructions to install the software anyway because they're setting up services on a desktop system where most of the guides are CLI-based.
Gotta run, I'll be back. If you find our question for, uh, opening a terminal window, and comment about it, I'll VTC as a dupe of that when I get back if it's still open.
(If not, I'll search for it when I return.)
@EliahKagan I didn't find any evidence that pdfshuffler can actually do that so far
I flagged it, anyway
@Zanna I think it can. I'm not sure. I think I saw a different post on another, related question that said it could and that seemed reasonable.
@EliahKagan Ah, yes. This one:
A: Skewed scanned PDF

EmilyDo you mean skewed—as in, stretched in some way, like this: —or rotated? I'm assuming you mean rotated, since I honestly don't think it's possible for your scanner to mess the image up that badly! If you just need to rotate, I would recommend PDF-Shuffler, a GUI-based program that can make ...

@pomsky VTC'd. One more close vote needed.
@Zanna Looks fine. Thanks. I've voted to close this question as a duplicate of the one you found.
I think it might be better to put something else more specific to how to open a terminal in the mix, but either way, I now think it's much preferable to dupe it (so long as the target does have the necessary information) than to close it as too broad.
@Natty fp
^^^ But maybe it could use an edit to expand it, perhaps with the release notes link form the comment.
@Natty fp
^^^ No sentinel link, so the best I could do is check the revision history, which doesn't catch anything in the editing grace period. But based on the revision history, it was never NAA or VLQ or anything.
@EliahKagan Do you thinks OP's point is valid here (and my reply is not) and we should maybe reopen the question if/once it gets closed?
@pomsky No. If necessary, the target can be edited. In practice, this is often unnecessary; people understand that something that applied to one version might still apply to a later version. Also, even if the OP's question were needed in order to help people find the answer, that's a major reason for keeping duplicates on the SE system: to serve as "signposts." I definitely do not want to delete the newer question, but I see no reason not to close it as a duplicate.
I clicked Approve on this edit when I should've clicked Improve. Would you mind clicking Improve on it and removing the unnecessary closing (the last two lines and whitespace preceding them)?
@EliahKagan done!
@EliahKagan Thanks. I also was under a similar impression, but seeing a high rep user making the argument made me doubt.
@pomsky Thanks.
@EliahKagan Do you have the power to "edit" tag wiki edit-suggestions? I only got approve/reject. The suggestion correctly fixed the grammatical tense, but the last sentence here is also redundant now.
@pomsky Yes, I do have that power. It comes with 20k.
@pomsky Thanks, I've edited it. You can let me know if I missed anything (and, if so, yo can submit an edit suggestion to fix them.
Not off-topic (and wasn't off-topic last week either).
@EliahKagan review completed

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