had a long long sleep and just woke up after i sleeped from late afternoon till now
sad to close this question i mentioned above but i now have this tab open since two days waiting for a response from the OP having my VM locked down in this state where i treid to reproduce the outcome of the OP. I might have an idea what he/she is seeing there but to be sure i as well would need feedback
My guess is after the installation of the themes-extension i got sent to a gnome -classic session which i think has happened to the OP
Ah, the one i just skipped becasue i was unsure how to handle it
and yes i think this information might be useful but this should be put in words not in the command line, or made a complete comment line above the command line
@Videonauth Re this comment: askubuntu.com/questions/983041/… -- It's too late, it was closed anyway, now it has to be reopened and the other question closed as a duplicate of it or it's no deal.
But why does /usr/local/share/ca-certificates have to already exist for that edit to be correct? Isn't the idea that if it exists and contains certificates, then they provide custom configuration?
I believe that should be /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/. See man update-ca-certificates, which talks about there being a whitelist for /usr/share/ca-certificates/ but about how it implicitly trusts everything in the /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/ directory. — Ian HicksonOct 6 at 7:46