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[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in answer, blacklisted website in answer: Do patching an installed PHP package have side-effects? by patriciabock5 on askubuntu.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] URL-only title, bad NS for domain in body, bad NS for domain in title, bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title, +6 more: supplementlab.org/shred-fx/ by yeemhuufk on askubuntu.com
2 hours later…
In this question the duplication is being applied in the reverse direction: askubuntu.com/questions/642991/… so this question should be left open and the other linked duplicate question closed instead.
The other linked question needs one more closed vote to close it: askubuntu.com/questions/656744/…
2 hours later…
@karel it's complete thanks!
oh Mint KDE... do you happen to know whether it works on Kubuntu? Or on Ubuntu with KDE elements installed? Because "it's impossible" is an answer (but we'd really like a reference for that, at least a bug report) and "it works on this other flavor of Ubuntu" is an answer, but "it works on this other distro" is NOT an answer. — Zanna 3 mins ago
I don't know what this is but let's get rid of it
2 hours later…
I think this question can be deleted
3 hours later…
I need one accurate close vote on this question: Ubuntu is not found in boot menu which is duped by me to an currently obsolete dupe after the OP edited his own question. The new non-obsolete duplicate question is currently: Failed to get canonical path of /cow
what might be causing the errors in this question?
@karel voted, but someone had already added that one
Thanks for voting. I added it as a comment, but I can't CV twice of course.
:) yes... when I went to vote, it came up in the choices. I assume that only happens when someone has already voted or flagged the question as a dupe of that one
@Zanna Wasn't that answer valuable? (The author @ed you, or tried to. Had you posted comments there?)
That user has posted many versions of that answer, I believe
I don't remember if I posted a comment... hmm... downvote was not mine
At one time, there was some discussion and controversy about that user answering questions that were obviously duplicates. This answer may have been downvoted because of who wrote it
Well, none of the answers on that master question appear to be by that user or to give those steps presented in that way.
@Zanna (unrelated to what we were just discussing) That question got deleted. I've voted to undelete it.
@EliahKagan right, but they have posted these steps elsewhere to other dupes of that question like askubuntu.com/a/932026/527764 and askubuntu.com/a/929653/527764 and askubuntu.com/a/917849/527764 and askubuntu.com/a/883705/527764
@EliahKagan also voted
Is this question worth custom flagging to request undeletion? It was wrongly closed as too localized by a single moderator close vote, and extremely wrongly migrated to Server Fault, where it was swiftly (and rightly) closed as off-topic, causing the migration to be rejected.
I think this question can be closed as a dupe of this one
@EliahKagan I think that question should definitely be undeleted
I am flagging it now
@Zanna VTC'd.
@Zanna Thanks.
The closure there was.... strange. How could something that was "too localized" ever be considered for migrating anywhere? There was nothing site-specific about the "too localized" close reason!
I mean, it wasn't too localized.
But it also wasn't about system administration.
kind of makes you worry what other strange things have happened that we have no way of noticing
Well we can notice a significant fraction of them with that query you made for questions that were closed as "too localized" but not deleted.
Probably not most. But some.
I believe that this tab in the 10k tools shows everything ever migrated away. We could go through all of the migrations to sites other than our own child meta. That tab includes deleted posts.
it doesn't make much sense for this question to be closed as too localized, but its anonymous feedback is somewhat more negative than positive, suggesting people aren't finding the information they're looking for when they land on that page... could it be edited in any helpful way? Should it be reopened? Is it still relevant? Is there an up-to-date post it could be linked to?
the anonymous feedback on the answer is also more negative than positive, but there's a lot of both
Is there a way to know when the different anonymous feedback came in?
Well, I'm voting to reopen it.
Though I fear people will just vote to delete it when they see it in the queue, on the grounds that it was about an EoL release. But as far as I know, that's not important to the question. Also, the question was posted before the EoL policy we have now was put in place.
I don't know of a way to see when the anon votes came. I always wish for that too
It's too bad, because we can see actual votes day-by-day by looking at post timelines.
the displayed votes date back to 2013 and 2014
@EliahKagan yeah. Timelines are awesome :)
@Zanna Is there a feature request for a SEDE-queryable key to be added for that?
I don't know. Can't see one... I'm trying to write one to see if it appears while I'm writing it haha
Wait, I think it is possible!
oh yes?
When you use SEDE to query for feedback, you're summing individual entries, right? Like, you have:
   pf.PostId as [Post Link],
   SUM(Case When pf.VoteTypeId = 2 Then 1 Else NULL End) AS UpFeedback,
   SUM(Case When pf.VoteTypeId = 3 Then 1 Else NULL End) AS DownFeedback,
  PostFeedback pf
JOIN Posts p ON p.Id = pf.PostId
WHERE p.Id = ##PostId##
GROUP BY pf.PostId, p.LastActivityDate
So can't you access pf.CreationDate?
That is listed under PostFeedback in the big schema-documenting meta post as well as in SEDE.
oh yeah!
I wonder if I could add this to my feedback on a particular post query
Is it possible to write a query that shows a table that shows all the events that have transpired on a post?
a timeline query with the stuff the timeline doesn't show?
Yeah, except that it would show each individual event discretely. (That could be useful, but I'm mainly saying that just because I think collapsing them would be hard.)
This reminds me of something I had been wondering about. When we ask people to edit their posts -- specifically, when someone [edit] in a comment -- what happens? How often do they edit the post after that?
My impression is that it's actually rare that people edit their post after being asked to.
I am specifically interested in how often OPs edit their post after being asked to, compared to how often they comment without editing.
@EliahKagan Also, it wouldn't show stuff that's not publicly accessible from SEDE. (For logged-in users, there's some stuff in timelines that's visible due to privileges.)
oops, gtg to work :(
I'll fiddle later :)
@EliahKagan interesting question...
If you asked it on MSE some wizard would write an awesome query I guess
Are such questions well-received there?
"I don't know SQL, but can someone who does write..."
Depends... people love to write queries
Please don't get me wrong: I think such questions should be well-received. Unlike non-meta sites and especially unlike SO, most possible questions on Meta Stack Exchange are g1mm3 t3h $0m3th1|\|g 0r 0th3r questions.
g1mm3 t3h 0p1|\|10|\|z
I think this was not spam (the other one was). The OP has a system with Outlook. That is almost certainly Windows. So that answer is probably not even NAA.
Should this post be a new question? It's by the OP.
Is this question a duplicate? (Should I have posted my answer elsewhere instead?)
Can this question be improved by editing, with the idea that it might then be suitable for migration to elementary OS? The OP has a workaround (see their last comment) and I suspect fuller answers are possible.
I think this question is unclear. But is there specific information we should ask for? I'm not sure a screenshot will be sufficient, or even necessary.
Is this post NAA? It seems to me that it isn't, because it includes a separate workaround. People who are accustomed to editing files graphically may try to open a graphical editor via SSH when they really don't specifically want that, so I think the answer is valid, though it would benefit from expansion?
Should we edit it? Delete it and ask that a moderator convert it to a comment? Just delete it, and post a new CW answer about using nano (that seems like a bad option)? Interpret the question narrowly, literally, and not as even a little bit of an XY problem and just delete the answer?
Dupe or unclear (but I think dupe).
This suggested edit could maybe benefit from having its second rejection custom-written to suggest posting a new answer.
@EliahKagan yeah... what should we do?
Unless there's some reason to think it was spam that I have failed to noticed, it should be custom flagged.
@EliahKagan Hmm... should that question be closed as a duplicate of this one or is that out of date?
@EliahKagan Not that I know of
@Zanna Yes. Good catch. I've voted to close it as a duplicate. Answers can be merged if appropriate.
great. I've voted
@EliahKagan I was too late, already rejected by Android Dev
Oh well. It's really fine; the message Android Dev and I used does describe the situation.
yes :)
@EliahKagan Leave Closed, but I still hope that can be edited (again) into a bit better shape and migrated.
No longer unclear. (See also the answers.) Oh, you voted to reopen it hours ago. But perhaps others will see this and vote.
@EliahKagan presumably they are talking about icons on the desktop. I don't think I would know how to answer that even with sufficient information, so I'm not sure. What configuration interface should be able to change the behaviour? It sounds possibly like this question
@EliahKagan it doesn't seem NAA to me, but I don't understand why a Recommend Deletion vote completed the review, yet the post was not deleted...
Should questions be closed as no-repro when the information necessary to lead to a correct answer is not present, but there is a valuable answer that is sometimes correct, that appears likely to have been correct, and that other people will find by searching so long as the question is not deleted? I am thinking in particular of this question. I am not convinced that it's really no repro. I'm not sure what people think about this kind of situation, though.
the timeline is not illuminating
Wanna ask on meta? This seems like a bug.
@EliahKagan I vote to close those questions only if they have no answers that I think are likely to help other visitors. I saw a bunch of questions like that in the queue today and I voted to leave most of them open. And upvoted several of the answers and at least one of the questions. But I did vote to close a couple because I didn't think the answers were useful without context. Maybe that's too subjective to be a reasonable way to make this kind of decision.
The one you linked, I didn't vote to close
That seems reasonable.
@EliahKagan yes, I will, unless you want to do so?
Go ahead. I am willing to do it, if necessary, but if you're up for it, great!
I think this question should just be answered. If we close that sort of thing as off-topic, then we'll just get more anyway, since it's something that arises directly when using Ubuntu, and there's no way--except finding an answer--that users are likely to know that it turns out to be a general networking question. Also, it is totally answerable, as the commenter says.
If they don't post an answer sometime soon, I think a CW answer is in order.
Even though it is out of the CV queue, I suspect that this question will get wrongly closed. We should check back.
Is this edit appropriate? I am inclined to think it is, and that it should be accepted, but I am not sure.
@EliahKagan I posted it :)
@EliahKagan Yes I completely agree, thanks for commenting
@EliahKagan looks like a good edit, but I don't know this software...
I don't think this question is actually a duplicate. It's specific, and it's asking how to make an Ubuntu system stop responding. It would be especially bad if people followed the dupe link and tried to run rm on / with --no-preserve-root with the intention of requiring a reboot to fix it.
well, Sergiy has a hammer
still, I've applied mine
Thanks. I've commented in case people are wondering what's going on or why it's been reopened.
@EliahKagan yeah that would be really terribad. The target sucks anyway
The question has already gotten a close vote as unclear, which makes no sense to me. I've edited my comment so it emphasizes the part about how the question is clear because it has specific requirements. I hope that whoever upvoted my comment does not take that to constitute a major change in meaning.
Actually never mind. I've just replaced my comment, which deals with the possible regretted upvote. :)
It occurred to me that someone might have read my comment incorrect as saying that the question I posted it on was vague. This is not so at all, nor is it a justified reading, but previous comments seem to support it because they referred to something that was unclear in a previous version of the question. I think my new comment fixes this possible misreading.
* incorrectly
Sorry for going afk without warning there. The current comment seems excellent. I noticed that con-f-use's answer does end with the suggestion offered in the unexpectedly durable post... which apparently survived by design
Going to sleep :)
Yeah, I noticed that it mentioned it at the end. But it explicitly says to use it "If all else fails," and I'm not sure people who are looking for an answer will actually find that. With that said, if the unexpectedly durable post is not to be edited further, to include specific advise about how to use at least one of those editors, then I think it's reasonable for it to be converted to a comment.
* advice

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