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From today on wards, MArgazhi month is beginning. This is related to Tiruppavai.
The Tiruppavai (Tamil:திருப்பாவை) is a collection of thirty stanzas (paasuram) in Tamil written by Andal also Nachiyar, in praise of the Lord Perumal, (Vishnu). It is part of Divya Prabandha, a work of the twelve Alvars, and is important in Tamil literature. Kodhai Devi or Andal incarnated on this earth in the 98th year after the beginning of the Kali Era (3102 BC). She performed a wonderful vratham or prayer called Dhanurmasa vratham to tell us that, by practicing this vratham, one can attain all materialistic happiness along with the eternal bliss. The period,from when the sun moves into the...
@KeshavSrinivasan Finally after great research I found the Linga Purana quotations made by Yamunacharya from Linga Purana.
Jul 9 at 8:51, by Keshav Srinivasan
@Tezz So did you get a chance to look at the Sanskrit edition of Yamunacharya's Agama Pramanya, to find the second Linga Purana quote?
@KeshavSrinivasan I'll update my answer soon...
@SwiftPushkar there is nothing such as context there.. that verse just comes while describing ParaBrahman.. If you want the whole paragraph.. the whole paragraph is as:
XXII-1: Salutations again and again to Hiranyabahu [One who has
ornaments of gold on the arms or possessing a form having the golden
hue], Hiranyavarna [He who is the source of the syllables of the Vedas
which are as precious as gold], Hiranyarupa [He who is shining in
splendour], Hiranyapati [the Lord of riches wholesome and charming],
Ambikapati [the consort of Ambika, the Mother of the universe],
Umapati [The master of Uma, Brahma-vidya personified as such],
Pasupati [the Lord of all created beings].
XXIII-1: Supreme Brahman, the Absolute Reality, has become an
androgynous Person in the form of Umamaheshvara, dark blue and
reddish brown in hue, absolutely chaste and possessing uncommon
eyes. Salutations to Him alone who is the Soul of the universe or whose
form is the universe.
XXIV-1: All this verily is Rudra. To Rudra who is such we offer our
@SwiftPushkar the 23.1 there is that verse.. this differs from my translation in that answer because this translation is based on explanation by Sayana commentary...while I have translated the verse as it is...
@SwiftPushkar Urdhwareta here has been translated as absolutely chaste...
@SreeCharan Happy Birthday!..😀😀🎂🎂
@TheDestroyer I don't know... it literally translates as Age of Apsaras...
@Tezz - Oh , ok got it .:) 😊
@Tezz - A request ,pls.do comment on my question & answers if they are lagging something or missing something , or totally wrong etc.so that i will be able to know if my answer is correct or not.As a reviewer 😊 in this way i will be able to improve myself while giving answers or asking questions.
@SwiftPushkar Ok will certainly do...
1 hour later…
@Tezz Thank you
2 hours later…
@Tezz Oh, thanks for updating it
@KeshavSrinivasan Yes, the environment around Mutri of Tirupati is different
@KeshavSrinivasan though I was only of 11 years old at times of visiting Tirupati. So, don't remember the felling.
@KeshavSrinivasan you've discussed with me earlier that Sri Ramanujacharya has written a Grantha on the meanings of Veda something like Vedarth (if I remember correctly). So, I want to know whether it is about Samhita or Brahmanas?
@Tezz as having good knowledge of Jyotisha I think you can provide useful answer the following question:
Q: What is duration of thithi (hindu panchang)?

venkatesanWhat is duration of thithi (hindu panchang)

@Pandya ok.. I can answer it.. but I'll answer latter... I should search for scriptures containing those methods...
@Tezz ok.Thanks. no-problem
@Btw, how about Tejaswi? Haha
@Pandya "Sri Bhashyam" a commentary on upanishads. "BhagavadGitaBhashyam" commentary on BG. "Vedartha sangraha" summary of vedas.
@Pandya Tezz can answer it. Haha.. (assuming you know his real name)
@TheDestroyer Good one.
@SreeCharan You know his real name right?
@TheDestroyer Yes He was Tejaswee Pokharel with hisown photo. Then changed picture to Shri ram worshiping Shiva and now dakshina murthy with name Tezz.
When I joined
@Pandya @KeshavSrinivasan I feel this is off topic.
Q: Correct gender version of Sanskrit name तेजस्वी or tejasvī

Krishna PriyaNot sure if this is a relevant question for this site. Is Tejasvi, a masculine or feminine term or name in Sanskrit? Any references from Hindu scripture or Sanskrit literature on how this word is used? Some websites say that Tejasvi is neutral, while, Tejasvee or Tejasvī (with a long I) is mas...

It's about Sanskrit Language.
But this sentence makes me to think
"Any references from Hindu scripture or Sanskrit literature on how this word is used?"
Sv added it to make it valid.
@SreeCharan Yes, Vedrtha Sangraha /cc @KeshavSrinivasan
@Pandya What is /cc
@SreeCharan carbon Copy.. Pandya is bit professional :P :P
@SreeCharan a way of forwarding the discussion to others. Just like you found in mailing system (carbon copy)
@Pandya i just found Hinduism meta is not secure as its protocol is http while main site can work with https.. I use Https everywhere extension to make all webpages https but meta Hinduism is by default http..
in Shadow's Den on Meta Stack Exchange Chat, Aug 14 at 6:44, by Pandya
I've got idea of using /cc from this room!
@Pandya Ok. i was just joking..
@TheDestroyer I do use GNU IceCat in which that is pre-installed. You can find GNU IceCat for Android from F-Droid
@TheDestroyer no-problem.
@Pandya But most of the times i use windows.
@Pandya I think you are hard core fan of open source softwares.
@TheDestroyer ^^ on my Android
@TheDestroyer Yes, actually "free software" not "open source" :p
@TheDestroyer I assume you be aware and familiar with philosophy of GNU project ?
@Pandya I'm not such a hardcore fan but in my opinion there's some problem with Capitalism that is making west to live. Even Capitalism is making west to become more Rajasic. So, i usually use pirated softwares. This is infringement rather than stealing. I feel it gives some bad karma but as i do it educational purposes. I feel it's like a Kshatriya eating meat..
@Pandya a bit.
@TheDestroyer if you don't mind gnu.org/proprietary/malware-microsoft.html
@TheDestroyer ok you can try gnu.org/software/for-windows.html
@SreeCharan By the way, which Vedanta philosophy do you believe in?
@Pandya See my profile‌​. I have updated it after u asked me.
@SreeCharan Nice, I think Vishishtadvaita. So, now @KeshavSrinivasan has got one of his philosophy. Haha
@SreeCharan I appreciate your quotation from Rama Rakhsha Stotra.
@TheDestroyer - I think https is not of much use on meta , cause the the Q/A are visible to all , that mean there is no need to encrypt the data while sending and receiving also no money transaction sort of thing is there , so ..
@Pandya Thank you. It was Hanuman who said it in my dream. Believe it or not. #miracle
@SreeCharan - Yes , a nice & neat profile 😊 , i think you joined before me right , but you were not much active ,cause haven't noticed you 👍👍
@SreeCharan wow! Tell me when you realize Veda in Turiya we're looking for original and full versions.
@SwiftPushkar There was a problem with my PC for 5 months. So inactive.
@SreeCharan - oh ok 😊
@SreeCharan Yes, I believe some people comes with spiritually of previous births. Let me mentione related verse.
@Pandya I am a normal human being and a devotee of god.
@SreeCharan - by the way nice answer with , commentary 👍👍
@Pandya "you've discussed with me earlier that Sri Ramanujacharya has written a Grantha on the meanings of Veda something like Vedarth (if I remember correctly). So, I want to know whether it is about Samhita or Brahmanas?" The Vedartha Sangraha is mainly about the Upanishads, not about Samhitas and Brahmanas. It is Ramanujacharya's explanation of Visistadvaita philosophy. It's the only philosophical work of Ramanujacharya that's not a commentary on some other work.
@Pandya So in that sense it's analogous to Adi Shankaracharya's Upadesa Sahasri and Vivekachudamani.
@SreeCharan Bhagavad-Gita 6.37 to 6.4
@KeshavSrinivasan oh! ok. Thanks.
@SreeCharan BG 6.37 to 6.45. (Btw, I think @Tezz and @KeshavSrinivasan comes under such yogi/bhakta category. Haha!)
@Pandya Then what is yours and what is mine?
@KeshavSrinivasan btw:

@KeshavSrinivasan How to reply.

Jun 28 at 4:29, 15 minutes total – 16 messages, 3 users, 0 stars

Bookmarked Sep 19 at 4:58 by Pandya

I've some work, will be back later. Good-bye @SwiftPushkar
@Pandya - I think they are under yogi /swami under "Supreme bliss" catagory ie. Anand "आनंद" eg.Swami Tejananda & swami keshvananda 😀
@Pandya - ok ,see u later ,bye 👍😊
@SwiftPushkar lol
@Pandya Yeah, I keep forgetting about that feature. By the way, you can read the Vedartha Sangraha in Sanskrit and English here: ibiblio.org/ramanuja/vedarthasangraham/…
@SwiftPushkar Haha
@KeshavSrinivasan Margazhi stars today
@KeshavSrinivasan @SreeCharan - Similarly like "Bhagavad Gita Bhashya" by Shree Ramanujacharya.Here in Maharashtra Saint Dnyaneshwar (12 th century) has written commentary on Bhagvat Gita , called "Dnyaneshwari" ज्ञानेश्वरी , but its not widely used because it's in Prakrut language. By the way did Ramanuja wrote commentary in sanskrit ?
Yes sanskrit. He was an eminent scholar in sanskrit and Tamil.
@SwiftPushkar Yeah, Ramanujacharya's commentaries were all in Sanskrit.
@SwiftPushkar Ramanujacharya did compose some Tamil works, but they're lost now.
@SwiftPushkar Who is Tejananda? Tezz?
@KeshavSrinivasan @SreeCharan - oh ,ok , is he related Bhakti tradition or shree vaishnava tradition ?
@TheDestroyer - yes 😀
@SwiftPushkar Ramanujacharya is a Sri Vaishnava Acharya. He's the most famous Acharya associated with the Sri Vaishnava sect.
@SwiftPushkar You said you follow bhagawad sampradaya. What is it?
@SwiftPushkar He's the one that turned Sri Vaishnavism into a major sect of Hinduism, although he's not the founder of Sri Vaishnavism. The founder was Nathamuni, who lived hundreds of years before Ramanujacharya.
@KeshavSrinivasan Do all Sri vaishnavas follow Visista Advaita now?
@SwiftPushkar But don't forget our old name for Tezz..
Oct 8 at 16:40, by The Destroyer
@SwiftPushkar Yeah.. Shree Shree Shree Shree Sadguru Mouni Tezz Babaji.
@TheDestroyer Yes, since the Sri Vaishnava sect was founded it has always followed Visistadvaita.
@KeshavSrinivasan Before Ramanuja?
@TheDestroyer There were acharyas before ramanujacharya too.
@TheDestroyer Yes, Nathamuni was the one who founded the Sri Vaishnava sect and the Visistadvaita philosophy.
@SreeCharan Oh, do you recite the Thiruppavai during Margazhi. I don't do it because I'm born and raised in America, so I can't speak Tamil.
@KeshavSrinivasan Can't we say nammalwar a Srivaishnava? He was before Nathamuni.
@KeshavSrinivasan Ohh.. Nathamuni lived before Adi Shankara?
@KeshavSrinivasan @SreeCharan - it's a general term here , it's not a sampradaya , a term found in Shree Bhagvat purana called "Bhagvat Dharma" .Since most people follw Varkari" sampradaya (vaishava) here & not much variation.I am not from Varkari sampradaya , but most people follow the instructions given in Bhagvat purana , like General way of life or General Dharma.
@KeshavSrinivasan I recite it with telugu font. I can't read tamil too.
@SreeCharan Nammalwar is certainly part of the Sri Vaishnava Guu Parampara; we have Vishnu, then Lakshmi, then Vishvaksena, then Nammalwar, then Nathamuni. But Nathamuni is the one who turned the beliefs and principles embodied in the Alwars poems and turned it into a sect of Hinduism.
@KeshavSrinivasan What does "namma" in nammalwar mean? namma means "our" right?. Our alwar. Am i right?
@TheDestroyer Yes. He is also called shadagopan.
@TheDestroyer Yeah, it means our Alwar.
@SreeCharan Oh, it's nice that you recite the Thiruppavai. By the way, do you do Sandhyavandhanam?
@KeshavSrinivasan In the morning only.
@KeshavSrinivasan - yes , on wikipedia i have read that 😊abt.Nathmuni , but there is also a sampradaya called "Nath" sampradaya here eg.Macchindra nath , so previously i was confused about the Nath word , but it's clear to me now😊
@SreeCharan Do you know Tamil?
@TheDestroyer no
Omg.. what's going on here.. it looks like in this chatroom after few years I would have Tezz Sahasranaamam.. my names are being increased..😀😀
@SreeCharan OK, that's better than nothing, as long as you recite the Kamo Karshith Japam the next day to make up for it.
@SreeCharan - see my above comment ⬆abt.wht.u asked ☺
@KeshavSrinivasan Who is Nathamuni? Is he Sesha or Vishnu?
@TheDestroyer Nathamuni was a human being, but he was an incarnation of an elephant-headed attendant of Vishvaksena; see my question here:
Q: Was the Sri Vaishnava Acharya Nathamuni an incarnation of Ganesha?

Keshav SrinivasanThe Alwars (also spelled Azhwars) are a group of 12 ancient Vaishnava saints who lived in Tamil Nadu and are famous for their poetry in praise of Vishnu. The 4000 verses of the Alwars were compiled by the Vaishnava Acharya Nathamuni into a book called the Naalayira Divya Prabhandam, which is cons...

@Pandya "Btw, I think @Tezz and @KeshavSrinivasan comes under such yogi/bhakta category. Haha!)" I don't understand what you are telling..
@Tezz तत्त्वमसि
@TheDestroyer haha...
@TheDestroyer Ramanujacharya's guru's guru was named Yamunacharya, and Yamunacharya's grandfather was Nathamuni.
@TheDestroyer See my question here for more information about Nathamuni:
Q: What is the secular account of the compilation of the Alwars' poems?

Keshav SrinivasanThe Alwars (also spelled Azhwars) are a group of 12 ancient Vaishnava saints who lived in Tamil Nadu and are famous for their poetry in praise of Vishnu. The 4000 verses of the Alwars were compiled by the Vaishnava Acharya Nathamuni into a book called the Naalayira Divya Prabhandam, which is cons...

@TheDestroyer - i think you should also have a name like say Yogi SanatanaNanda , wht u think abt the name?
@SreeCharan By the way, I can understand Tamil but I can't speak it, due to being born and raised in America. But I understand it fluently, like I watch Tamil movies and my parents talk to me in Tamil, and I respond to them in English.
@SwiftPushkar i'm just Jiva. I am not yet qualified for these names. Now, Keshav and Tezz are qualified to be conferred such names.
@SwiftPushkar If you don't mind? How old are u?
@SreeCharan - As you have asked" You said you follow bhagawad sampradaya. What is it?
" in case u missed my reply here it is - it's a general term here , it's not a sampradaya , a term found in Shree Bhagvat purana called "Bhagvat Dharma" .Since most people follw Varkari" sampradaya (vaishava) here & not much variation.I am not from Varkari sampradaya , but most people follow the instructions given in Bhagvat purana , like General way of life or General Dharma.
@TheDestroyer - No you certainly deserve" Yogi" or pundit title😇
@SwiftPushkar Vishnu is called Bhagavan generally and Shiva is called Iswara. Durga is called Bhagavati.. Bhagavata Dharma can be Vishnu dharma or Vaishnava Dharma.
@SwiftPushkar By the way, speaking of the name "Keshavananda", did you know that Ramanujacharya's father was named Keshavacharya? :-)
@SwiftPushkar He was named after the deity of the Adi Keshava Perumal Temple, which I discuss in this question:
Q: What scriptures describe Vishnu freeing the Bhutas from the curse of Shiva?

Keshav SrinivasanI just came back from a trip to India, and one of the places I visited was Sri Perumbudur. As I discuss here, it is the birthplace of the famous Sri Vaishnava Acharya Ramanujacharya. But my question about the Vishnu temple here, the great Adi Keshava Perumal temple. The story of this temple is...

@KeshavSrinivasan I think you always visit temples when you visit ndia. Day at temples and night at your home.
@SreeCharan Haha yeah, visiting temples is one of my favorite parts of going to India.
@TheDestroyer - Yes , technically its right , but all the people accepted that as a part of life , irrespective of sect.as a general rule.So many people are not vaishnavas but they follw this as GR.The sect concept is not much active here , literally equal to none.
@KeshavSrinivasan - oh , no i wasn't aware of that 😊
@TheDestroyer Why did you get that doubt?
@TheDestroyer - So here irrespective of Whether one is Vaishnva or not people accepted "Rules from bhagvatam" as standard set of rules.
@SwiftPushkar Even in Andhra, sects are not prominent. Most of the people here are Smarthas and visit venkateswara. But people worship Shiva more in Kartika Month.
@SwiftPushkar I'm not against Bhagavata. Even i like childhood acts of Krishna. But ISKCON manipulates its meaning demeaning Shiva and Durga and moreover their version of Bhagavatam is famous and easily available on net. So, newbies will get different interpretation.
@SreeCharan As you were using more tamil words, i got that doubt.
@TheDestroyer - Yes , that's what here is also , so a person from "Varkari" sect.also visits Shiva temple & celebrate Shivaratri with equal devotion.And Ganapati is worshiped by allmost all Maharashtrian people.So the diff. is barely visible between sects.
@TheDestroyer A user got the same feeling that he has asked this question
Q: Are there non-ISKCONic translations of the Bhagavata Purana?

James YenMost translations I find online, that are comprehensive, for the Bhagavata Purana, are related to the International Society for Krishna Consciousness. Are there any non-ISKCON related translations? Theologically, I find this bothersome, because the ISKCON present Krishna as being the Supreme God...

@TheDestroyer - Yes , agree with you abt ISKON , their philosophy is also not much popular here .And people know this thing.
@TheDestroyer It is because Sri Vaishnava tradition has more influence of tamil. Gods have name in tamil also.
@SwiftPushkar Yes. We shouldn't care these differences anymore when other faiths are increasing their population in India. Islam in north and Christainity in South. I fear tamilnadu will become Christian state sooner. People should kick these kind of regional parties which divide on Religion by giving lucrative offers.
Rama is called chakravarthi Tirumagan. Lakshmana called illayaperumal, Krishna called Kannan. etc.,
@SwiftPushkar ISKCON targets urban areas. It targets IT people.
@SreeCharan Ok.
@TheDestroyer - yes , that was exactly i was abt to say😊👍👍
@SwiftPushkar But Christianity is not like Islam. When muslim population crosses 20% in a area, then that area is no longer secular. Kashmir and eastern areas of west Bengal are best examples.
@SwiftPushkar But Christianity can also be dangerous like in North eastern India.
The National Liberation Front of Tripura (or NLFT) is a Tripuri nationalist organisation based in Tripura, India. It contains an estimated 550-850 members. The NLFT seeks to secede from India and establish an independent Tripuri state, and has actively participated in the Tripura Rebellion. The NLFT manifesto says that they want to expand what they describe as the Kingdom of God and Jesus Christ in Tripura. The NLFT is currently proscribed as a terrorist organisation in India. == History == The Baptist Church of Tripura was initially set up by missionaries from New Zealand in the 1940s. Despite...
@TheDestroyer - Yes , 👍 I think ,some people/ organizations r working in those states now to change the situation & to educate people abt.Hinduism .
@Tezz What is Satarudriya?
@Tezz - NilaLohita shiva
@TheDestroyer - The Rudra-Adhyaya, known also as the Satarudriya, occurring in the Yajur Veda, is a soul-stirring hymn offered to the all-pervading Almighty, designated as Rudra-Siva. He is present in auspicious, benign forms by way of sustenance of all things created, and also as terrible forms which He assumes at the time of the dissolution and destruction of the cosmos at the end of time.swami-krishnananda.org/invoc/in_sat.html & swami-krishnananda.org/invoc/in_sata.html
@SwiftPushkar Hmm.. nice Image...
@TheDestroyer Sri Rudram hymn is also called SataRudriya because it is present in all 101 Shakhas of Yajurveda...
@Tezz Ohh ok. Entire Sri Rudram?
@Tezz Why a samhita in Shiva Purana is named after Shatarudriya?
@TheDestroyer @SreeCharan @KeshavSrinivasan - See this , it's related to what shree charan asked "The sect is a "Shaiva-Vaishnava synthesis" and "nominal Vaishnavism, containing a free mix of other religions
" It is believed to have originated in Karnataka and migrated to Maharashtra ." & Two distinct traditions revolve around the worship of Vithoba in Maharashtra.& n some traditions though, Vithoba is also worshipped as a form of Shiva. So the situation here is a mix with no diff.in btw.philosophies Due long (600) years of mughal rule here.
@TheDestroyer @SreeCharan @KeshavSrinivasan @Tezz - but this "Bhagvat Dharma" is different than ISKON , its more like a tradition than a particular sect ." Vithoba" or "Vitthal" is popular form of shree krishna here.
so it's a complicated thing to describe 😊
@TheDestroyer yes, entire Sri Rudram is called SataRudriya because entire Sri Rudram is present in all 101 Shakhas of YajurVeda with minor variations...
There are some minor variations in Sri Rudram.. which I discuss here:..
A: Are there any Variants in Samhita of Vedas?

TezzYes, Samhitas do have variants as per Shakha. Originally as per Mahabhasya of Patanjali there were 21 Shakhas of RigVeda, 101 Shakhas of Yajurveda, 1000 Shakhas of SamaVeda and 9 Shakhas of Atharvaveda. Thus total 1138 Shakhas of total Vedas. Now, we have only about 12 Shakhas of Four Vedas Su...

@TheDestroyer I think I should read Shat Rudra Samhita to know it.. it may be due to explanation of many Rudras.. or due to occurrence of verses of Sri Rudram etc...
@TheDestroyer haha.. reading purport of Bhagvatam in Vedabase site is funny..😀😀
@SwiftPushkar yes, Bhagvat Dharma is very different than Iskcon...
2 hours later…
@TheDestroyer do you know where does Shiva tells Parvati that her name represent Pranava.. as Om being a u m and Uma being u m a ...?
@Tezz Don't know. But interesting.
2 hours later…
@TheDestroyer - It isn't called as a Bhagvat Dharma as such in actual practice , but as there were lot's of bhakti parampara saints from Maharashtra.They started to spread it through "Kirtans" , Abhangas , when there was Mughal Rule & Lot's of restrictions were there , for worship.But gradually it became part of tradition itself so not only from bhagvatam but people also follw regular rules with majority
agricultural population because they don't know sanskrit , follow what the saint's are saying.So ultimately it's the part told in MB ,Ramayana ,Gita & various puranas itself , but little more share from Bhagvatam teaching , because of various saint's 😊
@SwiftPushkar Yeah. Bhakti movement in 16th century. I hope another such Bhakti movement will happen in India.
The Bhakti movement refers to the theistic devotional trend that emerged in medieval Hinduism and later revolutionised in Sikhism. It originated in the seventh-century Tamil south India (now parts of Tamil Nadu and Kerala), and spread northwards. It swept over east and north India from the 15th century onwards, reaching its zenith between the 15th and 17th century CE. The Bhakti movement regionally developed around different gods and goddesses, such as Vaishnavism (Vishnu), Shaivism (Shiva), Shaktism (Shakti goddesses), and Smartism. The movement was inspired by many poet-saints, who championed...
@SwiftPushkar @KeshavSrinivasan BTW, Radha became famous during Bhakti movement.
@TheDestroyer Are u going to answer this question?
Q: Is Rig-parisishta real rig veda?

Shritam BhowmickDoes Rig-parisishta a real supplement to Rig Veda? Origin of doubt: Rig-parisishta (the supplement to the Rig Veda): radhaya madhavo devo madhavenaiva radhika/ vibhrajante janeshu. "Among all persons, it is Sri Radha in whose company Lord Madhava is especially glorious, as She is especially g...

@SreeCharan i have very little knowledge about Vedas.
@TheDestroyer - Yes , but Bhakti movement actually started in 11-12 th century as i have mentioned & we also discussed previousely sant Dnyaneshwar was from 12th century.And he is considered as 1 st to start this movement in MH.
@TheDestroyer But the question revolves around radha. So I thought u may answer.
@SreeCharan Haha. Nope.
@TheDestroyer - both answers are 5 star 🔯🔯🔯🔯🔯 👍👍
@SwiftPushkar धन्यवादः
@TheDestroyer Are you talking about the South Indian phase of the Bhakti movement or the North Indian phase?
@KeshavSrinivasan i think North India.
@TheDestroyer Yeah. Because in the South Indian phase, the Bhakti movement centered around the Alwars and Nayanars, and the Alwars never mention Radha, although they do mention Nappinnai.
@KeshavSrinivasan I didn't know there were two Bhakti movements.
@TheDestroyer - Keep it up 👍👍 ➡धन्यवाद , keep learning 😊
@TheDestroyer And the Nayanars obviously didn't mention Radha as they were Shaivites.
@SwiftPushkar ☺🙂
@KrishnShweta - Hi 😊 💐 ,
@KeshavSrinivasan There is a myth that radha and nila or nappinnai are same. But they are different persons.
@KrishnShweta Hello
@SreeCharan There's a lot of different opinions on that. Some believe that Radha is a fictional figure who was based on Nappinnai. Others believe that Radha and Nappinnai are just different names of the same woman. Others believe that neither Radha nor Nappinnai ever existed.
@KrishnShweta - How's exam preparation going on ?
@SreeCharan It's also unclear to me what the relation is between Nappinnai and Krishna's queen Satya, as I discuss here:
Q: What is the relation between Krishna's cowherd wife Nappinnai and his queen Satya?

Keshav SrinivasanMost people know about Radha, who is said to have been Krishna's lover and his favorite among the Gopis, whom Krishna spent time with during his childhood in Vrindavan and Gokulam. Yet the Sri Vaishnava sect (of which I'm a member) doesn't emphasize Radha. In part that's because Sri Vaishnavas fo...

@SwiftPushkar Very bad because I have cold.
@KeshavSrinivasan Even Shiva Purana mentions Radha in Shankachooda Story which is quite shocking to me.
@KeshavSrinivasan You said you can't read tamil. So here is Tiruppavai in english with english meaning.
@SreeCharan We are from same location (Hyd)
@KrishnShweta - Yoy will soon get well & u have to Carry on study after that anyway right .So u also keep it up your study 📚
@KrishnShweta Wow. Where in hyderabad?
@SwiftPushkar Hmm.. I've decided to start my studies tonight.
@SreeCharan You, @KrishnShweta and Sv are from hyderabad, though i'm not sure about moonstar2001.. 3 users from Hyderabad.
@SreeCharan Thanks
@SreeCharan sorry! can't reveal.
@TheDestroyer sv lives at US. He said D.C. moonstar2001 is he/she from hyderabad?
@KrishnShweta No problem.
@KeshavSrinivasan Why Padmavati Ammavari Brahmotsavas happened last month? i think during Kartika month.
@SreeCharan He is from Hyderabad. Moonstar2001 is Telugu woman.
@TheDestroyer sv speaks and reads telugu. I know that.
@KeshavSrinivasan - Do you know abt.Bhakta pundarik , i just want to know , where he & the Vitthal story is mentioned , do you know anything abt this. see en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pundalik
@SreeCharan He told me he is from Hyderabad.
@SwiftPushkar Vishnu is called Pundarikaksha but i don't know why he is called so.
@TheDestroyer - Oh , I guessed that @sv. is frm.Banglore
Nov 25 at 4:32, by sv.
@TheDestroyer Born, raised in Hyderabad.
@TheDestroyer Pundareeka means a lotus. He is called such because He has eyes like lotus.
@TheDestroyer It means that his eyes are the color of lotus flowers.
@KeshavSrinivasan - Yes right , but this pundarika is associated with Shree Krishna because Vitthal is considered as avatara of Shree krishna and his wife is also called Rukhmini. ie.Vitthal-Rukhmini.
@SreeCharan @KeshavSrinivasan Thanks! I was thinking it was related to Sage Pundarika..
@TheDestroyer - yes it's related to sage pundarika
@SreeCharan @KeshavSrinivasan Even in Shantakaram Bhujaga Sayanam.. sloka.. Vishnu is described as Kamala Nayanam..
@TheDestroyer yes
@SwiftPushkar I was talking about Pundarikaksha name.. not about temple you said.. But Narasimha Purana has story of Pundarika getting Moksha by grace of Vishnu.
@TheDestroyer- oh ok i will check that out thanks ,do you know which chapter 👍👍
@KeshavSrinivasan Is your first name Keshav or Srinivasan?
@SreeCharan First name is Keshav, last name is Srinivasan
@SwiftPushkar Chapter 64 of Narasimha Purana.
@SwiftPushkar Do you know Tenali Raman?
@KeshavSrinivasan - केशव श्रीनिवासन , identity what is this sanskrit word :)
@SwiftPushkar He will use this tool learnsanskrit.org/tools/sanscript
:p :P
@SreeCharan - Yes , read stories abt him , when in school , but now most of the stories can't remember , he is famous figure
@SwiftPushkar You may be surprised to know that he wrote Panduranga mahatyam. Panduranga is named used for vitthala in Telugu states.
@SreeCharan Panduranga is real or fiction?
@SreeCharan - Yes i am surprised , also in Karnataka Vithoba is popular :)
@TheDestroyer He is said as incarnation of Krishna. There were movies too. You may know.
@SreeCharan Yeah. Bala Krishna movie.
@SreeCharan - Yes B&W movies
Ohh.. Panduranga was Krishna? Shocking!
I thought he is Sage or Guru ^.^
@SreeCharan I don't know exact story but know his story only from Bala krishna movie. But why did Vishnu take such avatar or what made people to think him as Vishnu/krishna?
@TheDestroyer - Yes that is the real mystery
@KeshavSrinivasan What are your views?
@SwiftPushkar It is said there was a bhakta named pundareeka. He canged to righteous path after being a drunkard and other bad habits. He loses his limbs. Then he realises the reatness of his parents and God. Satisfied by his devotion, Krishna appears before him and calls pundareeka. At that time, Pundareeka didn't notice that it was god. He says "Please wait for some time. I am serving my parents." As it took very long time, Lord turned to a stone.
@TheDestroyer @KeshavSrinivasan @SreeCharan - I think the story & the avatara is just for us to know the importance of our parents and how we should take care of our parents in their old age
@SreeCharan -☺,👍👍
@SwiftPushkar May be. Do you know Vamadeva who played a prominent role in bhakti movement? He was a disciple of Panduranga.
@SwiftPushkar May be. But i think this doesn't have any scriptural basis. But as he made Sri Krishna to appear, people might have considered him as avatar of Krishna.
@TheDestroyer You say pundareeka is worshipped?
Krishna is worshipped as panduranga
or vithala
@SwiftPushkar By the way, there's a rishi named Pundarika discussed in my question here:
Q: Who is the sage Pundarika who saw Vishnu coming out of a Shiva Linga?

Keshav SrinivasanI'm currently visiting India, and I just passed by a Vishnu temple in the town of Thiruparkadal in Tamil Nadu. Thiruparkadal is Tamil for "ocean of milk" (Kshirsagara in Sanskrit), referring to the divine abode of Vishnu; the reason it's called that is that it has a Ranganatha temple, depicting ...

@SreeCharan No. As you said Krishna appeared and became idol. It's not easy to make God to appear in physical form. So, after this incident people thought he was divine and that too Krishna Himself.
@SwiftPushkar My Sanskrit name would be Keshava Srinivasa, not Srinivasana. In Tamil we add an n to the name Srinivasa to signify that we're talking about a young person.
@TheDestroyer- The form Vithoba is more popular , but few know he shree krishna
@SwiftPushkar Just like in Andhra, Venkateswara is famous and many people just don't know he is Vishnu.
@TheDestroyer Many know it.
@KeshavSrinivasan - 😊ok👍👍
@SreeCharan I mean people from rural areas
and some people with minimum knowledge about Gods.
@KeshavSrinivasan Have you ever heard of Bhadrachala Shree Rama. He is the only temple I know where Rama has four hands.
@SreeCharan What are your beliefs on Radha, Nappinnai, and Satya? I think Chinna Jeeyar Swami said references to Radha are metaphorical, and that there wasn't an actual Gopi named Radha.
Q: When did this Kali yuga start?

KhanjanCan we know/Is there a way to know the start date in Gregorian calendar of current Kali yuga?

@SreeCharan No, I never heard of it before. It seems it was built in the 17th century.
@KeshavSrinivasan Did He? To clear those myths, a book was published named "Nila samhita". TRanslated into telugu.
@KeshavSrinivasan I told you about Sarayu River where Rama tasted her fruits.. It's the same place
@SreeCharan Oh, what does it say?
I accept Satya and nappinnai. Radha as one gopika at nandavraja.
@KeshavSrinivasan It is a recent published work. I didn't read it yet.
Which state do you stay?
Lord Sree Sita Ramachandra Swamy Temple in Bhadrachalam is a Hindu temple of Lord Rama located in Telangana, India. The area is called as Bhadrachalam and is the venue of grand celebrations on Rama Navami day, when the wedding anniversary of Lord Rama and his consort Sita takes place with much fanfare. == Legend == The temple in Bhadrachalam is closely connected with the life of the 17th-century saint composer Kancharla Gopanna who was known as Bhakta Ramadas. Gopanna was the Tahasildar of Bhadrachalam (second half of the 17th century), is said to have used money from the government treasury to...
There are Jeeyar ashrams in the US too.
@TheDestroyer Yeah, we talked before about how there seems to be at least three different locations which claim to the be spot where Rama and Shabari met.
@KeshavSrinivasan The thing is Rama holds Counch and chakra in reverse direction.
@KeshavSrinivasan BTW, Bhadrachalam Temple belongs to Telangana while surrounding villages belong to Andhra. Bifrucation of Andhra Pradesh effects.haha..😁😁
@TheDestroyer lol
Hey all , Will takw your leave now GN /Good Day to @KeshavSrinivasan , Bye , TC ,👍👍👍 2 all 💐
@SwiftPushkar Good night.
@SwiftPushkar Bye. Good night.
@SreeCharan Are you asking what state in America I live in, or what state I stay in when I go to India? In America I live in New Jersey. My family is from Tamil Nadu.
@SwiftPushkar Good day for me, good night for you :-)
@SwiftPushkar Good night
@SreeCharan Yeah, there's a Chinna Jeeyar Swami Ashram near my house. I went there a few months ago to attend a lecture by Velukkudi Krishnan.
@KeshavSrinivasan Now HH chinna jeeyar swamy is in NJ.
@SreeCharan Yeah, I'm planning to see him. My aunt is trying to work out some way I can get private time with him so I can ask him Hinduism questions.
@KeshavSrinivasan Oh. Good luck
@SreeCharan Thanks. By the way, so you think Nappinnai, Satya, and Radha are three separate people who were all living in the time of Krishna? If so then how would you explain what happened to Nappinnai after Krishna went to Mathura?
@KeshavSrinivasan Isn't nappinnai same as nila devi?
Not sure
@SreeCharan Well, Nila has two usages. Vishnu has three wives: Sri Devi, Bhu Devi, and Nila Devi. Sri Devi incarnated as Rukmini, Bhu Devi incarnated as Satyabhama, and Nila Devi incarnated as Yashoda's niece, known as Nila in Sanskrit and Nappinnai in Tamil.
@KeshavSrinivasan who is Nila Devi?
@SreeCharan So sometimes "Nila" is used to refer to the goddess, other times it's used to refer to her human incarnation.
@TheDestroyer Nila Devi is one of Vishnu's wives. See my question here:
Q: Who is the seer of the Nila Sukta, the Vedic hymn to Vishnu's wife Nila Devi?

Keshav SrinivasanMost people know about Radha, who is said to be Krishna's lover and his favorite among the Gopis, whom Krishna spent time with during his childhood in Vrindavan and Gokulam. Yet the Sri Vaishnava sect (of which I'm a member) doesn't emphasize Radha. In part that's because Sri Vaishnavas focus on ...

@KeshavSrinivasan Are there any Puranic stories about her?
@KeshavSrinivasan Nila samhita is not available online.
@TheDestroyer Well, it's confusing, but look at this chapter of the Garuda Purana where Nila is described as the daughter of Agni, and then Vishnu gives her a boon that he'll marry her when he's born as Krishna: gdurl.com/0hAu
@TheDestroyer It suggests that Krishna's queen Satya was also an incarnation of Nila Devi.
@SreeCharan Here is what Chinna Jeeyar Swami says about Radha: chinnajeeyar.guru/chinnajeeyar/…
@KeshavSrinivasan Thanks for the info
@KeshavSrinivasan I will read that chapter in Sanskrit and English.
@KeshavSrinivasan Is community a moderator? Does it delete comments?
@SreeCharan Community is a bot, but yeah it has moderator powers. I don't think comment deletion is one of its activities.
@TheDestroyer By the way, concerning the name "Pundarikaksha" I'm reminded of the famous story of how Ramanujacharya became a Sri Vaishnava. Ramanujacharya was originally the shishya of a Advaitin guru named Yadava Prakasha. One day Yadava Prakasha was teaching them Adi Shankaracharya's Chandogya Upanishads Bhashya. There is a verse of the Chandogya Upanishad which says that the supreme lord's eyes are "Kapyasa". Adi Shankaracharya interprets the word Kapyasa as "the color of a monkey's butt".
@TheDestroyer When Yadava Prakasha taught that portion of Adi Shankaracharya's commentary, hot tears starting coming from Ramanujacharya's eyes. Yadava Prakasha asked Ramanujacharya why he was crying, and he said "How can you think that the Chandogya Upanishad compare the supreme Lord's eyes to a monkey's butt? Kapyasa means lotus flower, not a monkey's butt. The verse is saying that the supreme Lord's eyes are the color of a lotus flower."
@TheDestroyer Yadava Prakasha was furious that a student would correct him, and from that moment on he developed a hatred for Ramanujacharya, and even tried to kill him. That's what ultimately led Ramanujacharya to leave Yadava Prakasha and to become a Sri Vaishnava.
There were other debates too. I don't know in particular.
@TheDestroyer Ramanujacharya was inspired to become a Sri Vaishnava after hearing the Stotra Ratna, a hymn to Vishnu composed by Yamunacharya which I discuss here:
Q: Was one of Yamunacharya's verses to Vishnu inspired by a verse of Thirumangai Alwar?

Keshav SrinivasanThe Alwars (also spelled Azhwars) are a group of 12 ancient Vaishnava saints who lived in Tamil Nadu and are famous for their poetry in praise of Vishnu. The 4000 verses of the Alwars were compiled by the Vaishnava Acharya Nathamuni into a book called the Naalayira Divya Prabhandam, which is cons...

@KeshavSrinivasan Are DP's recited at your home?
@SreeCharan Are you talking about Divya Prabandham?
@KeshavSrinivasan Yes. Your family seems to me as orthodox.
@SreeCharan I recite the first few verses of Periyalwar's Thirupallandu on almost a daily basis.
@SreeCharan And yeah, I have plenty of family members that recite Thiruppavai during Margazhi.
@SreeCharan Have you heard of the Thirupallandu? You can read it here:
@KeshavSrinivasan I have hard copy of it.
@SreeCharan Oh good. So do you recite the Thirupallandu?
@SreeCharan I like it because it's the only prayer where instead of asking something for yourself, you're asking something for Sriman Narayana.
@KeshavSrinivasan My mother learnt it. I recite when I give harathi. I don't know the entire pallandu.
That too rarely.
@SreeCharan I also don't know the entire thing. I just know from "Pallandu" until "Pallande".
@SreeCharan By the way, in my question here I speculated that the reason the Thirupallandu doesn't mention Garuda is that Periyalwar was an incarnation of Garuda and he didn't want to wish himself long life:
Q: Which Alwars mention the gods whom they're incarnations of?

Keshav SrinivasanThe Alwars (also spelled Azhwars) are a group of 12 ancient Vaishnava saints who lived in Tamil Nadu and are famous for their poetry in praise of Vishnu. The collection of their 4000 poems, known as the Nalayira Divya Prabhandam, is considered by many to be the "Dravida Veda", or South Indian Ved...

@KeshavSrinivasan then what about "embar"? some say he is also incarnation of garuda.
@SreeCharan Periyalwar composed the Thirupallandu when he had a vision of Vishnu flying on Garuda in the Koodal Azhagar temple in Madurai. So it's strange that the poem doesn't mention Garuda at all.
@SreeCharan I haven't heard that Govinda Bhattar is an incarnation of Garuda. But both Madhurakavi Alwar and Periyalwar were incarnations of Garuda.
@KeshavSrinivasan Did Shankara really interpet like that?
@KeshavSrinivasan This page says emberumanar left His body placing his head on embar's lap. But the Thirumeni in Sri Rangam is still.
@SreeCharan Oh, I didn't know about him being an incarnation of Garuda.
@SreeCharan Yeah, I've seen his Thirumeni in Sri Rangam.
@KeshavSrinivasan I mean sat still. Embar is depicted same as Ramanuja except for ear rings.
@TheDestroyer Yes, Adi Shankaracharya really interprets it like that. He interprets Kapi as monkey and asah as the part of the monkey's back where it sits.
@KeshavSrinivasan How is this possible when Ramanuja left his body by sitting sitting still?
@SreeCharan What do you mean by sitting still?
@KeshavSrinivasan Isn't the thirumeni in sitting position? How was it preserved? I heard that preaching the way of life of vaishnavas, He left His mortal body.
How was it made to sit in sitting position?
@KeshavSrinivasan @TheDestroyer Let's continue chat tomorrow. Good night to The Destroyer and Good day to Keshav.
2 hours later…
@SreeCharan Maybe one of his followers just put it into a sitting position, and it stayed that way due to rigor mortis.

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