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how do you pronounce ghoti? (thankshu for reminding me to edit)
it has been 7 messages since @humn haven't edited anything.
He got spooked by optimistic Pangloss.
ok...6 now
And the answer might be fish knot
K_K, i still love your 5-times-edited-on-purpose puzzle
I didn't learn that one in boy scouts
hehe, humn
i just wish I hadn't had to edit it, later.
@humn Karen puzzle
It's a slippery one, q_a.
a different one, manshu, ....
The fish knot. A derivative of the slip knot, but more slippery. :P
I don't remember
...I don't know why I'm still laughing at that.
Oh, wait, I know..
May 13 at 15:21, by Khale_Kitha
And Khale is a complete nutter who finds amusement in the smallest things.
Wait. Fish knot is not a word?
Q: What's the next two numbers in the series?

The RefferedWhat's the next two numbers and how did you get to the answer? The series: 2, 4, 4, 8, 12, 16, 48, 64, 288, 448 Hint 1 Hint 2

I just saw that and was about to post it
hint: coming soon
...to a puzzle, near you.
resists adding that, as a comment
There's a use—mention distinction problem with that puzzle
are the hints coming soon, or is "coming soon" a hint, twice?
(It's almost definitely the former)
Not found in oeis so either its a pretty good question or a really bad one
q_a, come again? (joke)
Apr 5 at 19:27, by Khale_Kitha
Please keep in mind; the measurements below are highly accurate (as are their relationships to each other). However, the descriptions are for entertainment purposes only. Unless you win money, then you owe me 10%.


Never gonna happen!

**At some point in the future (also; At some point)**

We’re in pure Nostradamus territory here. We have a magic 8 ball and even it said, “Ask again later”.

**In the future**

This isn’t going to happen during any variety of soon you care to use. In fact, it’s pretty far out there. Not as far as ‘at some point’, but we’re certainly not suggesting y
I hope you guys are ready for puzzling friend part 3 (coming soon) where I employ the use of methods needed to solve it
"I employ the use of methods needed to solve it" - Still trying to solve this puzzle.
What's the strikethrough syntax, in here? @humn
I hope you guys are ready for Sherlock puzzle part 3 (coming soon) where I Moriarty (have something)
If I can get my idea to work, it will probably be a bit harder that the last one (harder relative to who is trying to solve it I guess)
I have an idea, for a chemical puzzle. Can you solvent?
K_K: three - dashes at each end - - - without spaces - - -
ah, okay
@question_asker Here's a rebus for you: COLA
so what is it?
It refers to: pretends to be dramatic A drink!
Yes, humn
took me a second to realize you were answering, haha
Kala Khatta?
this is rebus
LoL, why did you edit your answer, humn, when you had it right
seven up?
yes, lol
just edit-happy, K_K, it was meant to be a new line asking if it's rebus, what is it?
but how?
Weak rebus, obscure reference, you are well on your way to making a puzzle for here!
I wanted to do it earlier when we were talking about it, but didn't know how to do a strikeout, outside of LaTex, lol
lol, Gordon
when you nose gets kinda runny, you may think it's kinda funny but it's
Another rebus: What activity is it? SHIT
hmm, maybe it's s
Oddly, a book I remember my librarian reading to us when I was like 6
Some things, like snot, stick with you.
@Khale_Kitha Take your star and get outta here....
There is another thing that sticks with you.
Your skin, if you're lucky.
btw you probably wont see my next puzzle until like friday since it requires a lot of work to make and i'm lazy
Yeah, I still haven't figured out how to use Blender to make my next one, so I need to think of an interim puzzle.
My interim puzzle also involves a fair amount of work :/
I have been procrastinating a puzzle idea for 2 months now.
Why make puzzles when we have trash bag puzzles to read?
looks at q_a's puzzles
yeah ..true
Ah, that's the shortcut for taht..
10₧ for Griffendor.
But this year, Slytherin wins.
huh what now
wants to find bad puzzles. gets directed to own user page. cries.
ah, the classic trick
@GordonAllocman I know how it feels.
Oh, and humn..
did manshu ever get sufficient credit for getting "fated" into the last puzzle? bravo!
This wall's for you, @Alconja
It wasn't until I completed the crossword that I found that I can make a word 'fated'
@Khale_Kitha You approach the door
That's what I thought of, too :P
@humn what is this!!!
and door hits you
@question_asker it's a fence
ah! that's actually... what it looks like
Expensive fence
Too many fenceposts
- - - | - - - - - - - - - - - - | - - - - - - - - - - - - | - - - - - - - - - - - - | - - -
Wow, it worked.
It is a number line
how? (got it, great!)
like that
without the spaces
ahh..that's how
works with spaces too: | - - - - - - - - - - -|
Not I, use |
single |
Lift, q_a! Lift!
-|=|-        -|=|-
I... what
-| |- -| |-
They look like little dumbells =D
I'm trying, I'm trying
that showed up is asterisks right?
Another rebus: I it's You
i don't see *s
just remembered, two clues from a real crossword recently:
damn its hunter2, i ruined the meme
blank stare
wuss: _ _ ssy
intractable one: _ _ _ _ ard
@humn hussy?
they weren't my first guesses
@humn haggard?
This is a room of polite and humble people.
just....not worth knowing
(just being rhetorical)
I suppose I'm the only one, to whom, that word makes them think of Rhett
I'll never learn your fencepost trick
from rhett and link?
q_a, two more -- dashes -- at each end ----> for 3 total at each end... ahhhhhh...
From gone with the wind
Oh, that one's interesting
ɬ ɬ ɬ ɬ ɬ ɬ ɬ ɬ ɬ ɬ ɬ ɬ ɬ ɬ ɬ ɬ ɬ
somebody tied a bunch of ribbons on my fence
wtf happened there.
My text was assimilated!
@Khale_Kitha This guy is weeping.
Is that it? He looks Borg, to me.
The tennis player?
I'm really curious how that happened..
ɫ ɫ ɫ
I think we've gone past Etc and into Sandbox, now.
vvvvvv is that crossed out?
right, though, K_K, i saw someone playing in the sandbox with strikethrough
ǁ ǁ ǁ ǁ ǁ ǁ ǁ ǁ ǁ ǁ ǁ ǁ ǁ ǁ ǁ ǁ ǁ ǁ ǁ
now my fence makes a clicking noise!!!
Snape killed Dumbledore
now that was a niche joke
eyyyy @Khale_Kitha somebody just upvoted my answer on CCC
Yeah, and my question
must've been Pangloss
one of us got more rep ...
ah, the ol' pangster
where's K_K's puzzle with the re-edits?
Now i like that one =D
checks my own inbox. Finds nothing
how do you force a space?
Q: Historical music

Khale_KithaA song is represented by the changes you see, before you. What song is it? (I promise it's not too broad, just take a closer look.) love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love lov...

that's the one, manshu
fixed is the only way I know of, in here, q-a
BTW @humn I need to say something that I should have told you long ago.
the fixed font button, I mean
Or maybe with ` marks
If those work in here
no such luck!
My rep was not deducted on that pink question of yours even after its deletion.
all the better, manshu, you deserved those other ^votes anyway
Barb wire
|-x-x-x-*-x-x-| with some fur
I fixed my problem by using em dashes
which, for reasons only I understand, I have memorized the alt code for
(it's 0151, if you were wondering)
Clarke Kent is Batman
the strikethrough won't work for me
it stopped working?
q_a, you can ALT-key em dash?
yeah, alt+0151 on the numpad
Yeah, it's the line, so it doesn't get made small by the font
- vs —
sure—enough! (didn't even know that about the ALT key... now manshu owes me another life lesson to keep up)
lol, humn
¿que pasa?
there are a few things near the end of the ISO-whateverthenumbersare page that I have memorized
I have so many alt codes memorized, it's like 90º :P
Alt +987 = █
or just 219
like alt+0223 is es-zett
haha, just think of all the ones you've forgotten

at least you could, if you hadn't forgotten them
Scratch and win: ████████████████████████
13 years of spanish drilled that one into me
I hate when someone says: What was it I was going to say?
My response is always: "I don't know, you never told me."
then they say: "never mind"
"What was it I was going to tell you?"
I like "what was I going to say" just as a placeholder, like "don't start ignoring me yet, there was going to be more and if I think of it soon, I'll start saying it"
haha "there was something I was going to tell (or say to) you and I forgot" always gets me real worried
Let me outa here before this things blows...
What's wrong with it?
Where'd you have it fixed?
I just had it worked on.
Who worked on it?
The man that's got the garage...
Well, he ain't no good.
The man you want is the man...
I had him.
He's the one that ruined it.
Well, I see you got plenty water,
But are you outa gas?
No, it ain't that. I think maybe it's...
Oh, it couldn't be that.
Well, there ain't much wrong with it.
What you need is some of them new gadgets.
You know, the kind that you buy...
Friend: What was it I was going to say?
Me: The same thing that you planned me to listen
Too few stars on the pinned start over there -------- >
"Well, I see you got plenty water" got reminded to fill the water bottle
I still wish taht calling it the starboard had caught on
@humn what is that?
This is the starboard.
the percect double entendre
I read that as "percocet"
At least the double entendre is painless.
how did you pin?
Feature as the room owner
Q: Every day is Thursday

aqw Sunday is Thursday Monday is Thursday Tuesday is Thursday Wednesday is Thursday Friday is Thursday Saturday is Thursday But... Thursday is sometimes Saturday Where am I?

Does anyone else feel like the room name should be changed or is it just me?
@question_asker, that quote? A vaudeville bit by Frournoy Miller
The only thing about the room name that gets me is that looking at it in a tab title, it's visually similar to the main Puzzling page
but I don't care enough to suggest changing it
Oh..so it IS just me.
@humn oh wow, that's cool! I hadn't heard of him before that
I had thought about putting bountied posts in here, like Sphinx does, but figured it'd be a bit redundant.
thank you
@Khale_Kitha yeah - the ELU chat is set up to show a feed of some kind and it drives me nuts
I wondered if that would be the case, too
Though bounties, here, are pretty rare
@humn why am I not surprised to see that amos and andy was almost definitely plagiarised from an all-black act.
lol @ the upvotes on my comment on that puzzle you linked, q_a
ha, q_a, really, by the way that was supposed to be Flournoy Miller with an "l" in the first name
@Khale_Kitha hahah I only saw it now! nice
....that clarifies things..... rofl
@humn I figured it out, google corrected it for me
it's 6 now
this monkey's gone to heaven
Did you happen to see the new pinned star, q_a?
This is the starboard. It's on the starboard side of the page.
It's nice that you can star your own messages.
I would have starred my all the messages.
Yeah, there's a reason I rarely star things, lol
What? Whatever you stars goes there pinned?

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