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@f" My comment on that post is referring to the comments, not the post, itself.
2 hours later…
What puzzle is kind of like an armed takeover?
a pseudocoup
2 hours later…
We talked too much yesterday :p
Q: What is the difference between the per-site metas' FAQ and Featured tags?

jmort253With the introduction of the new Community Bulletin, I'm finding myself confused between the purpose of the red featured tag and the red faq on the per-site metas. In the above sidebar, in the Community Bulletin, one of the questions listed has the tag faq and the other has the tag featured. ...

Have a look at the answer.
It says "Anything important for the site should have this tag."
And I just saw an old bad answer: puzzling.stackexchange.com/a/27572/17482
2 hours later…
@f'' I haaaaaate you
Does this look like a math question?
I am VTCing it.
@manshu That's a perfectly fine answer with a mistake in the markup
and yes, I'd say the question you linked is a math question
@question_asker There is no explanation in that answer.
last time I clicked on it it took me to the one above
which is not amazing but fine
I blame the mobile app
sorry manshu
it's 100% math textbook
I bet I could find an almost exact duplicate in my old grade 9 text book (except with km instead of miles) :p
That another 1% was remaining bcz I thought it was a physics question :p
I'm starring that so that when somebody else comes along they can see that it's not just me that thinks it's a math textbook problem
somehow, y'all notice these things, but when I point them out, I get accused of making them up and people tell me it's just me that sees these
so, it'd be nice if literally anyone but me spoke up
I see them
I was complaining about them like a week ago
@question_asker Now you talking like "The Sixth Sense"
@manshu did you read the conversation the other day? where people were being like "no one else is mentioning this, you're making it up"
In the Sphinx Lair?
woooow not only is the maths Q not a puzzle
it also has no unique solution
I got this:
in The Sphinx's Lair, Mar 9 at 22:04, by GentlePurpleRain
@question_asker Have you actually found anyone else on this site that feels the way you do about it? Have you considered that maybe it's your views that are skewed and that the majority of users are happy with the way things are done?
@question_asker Is it what you are talking about?
No, manshu
@question_asker Then I have no idea of any other conversation.
@KoA How do you know?
@manshu I know you don't! Who cares. It'll just get brushed aside again
unless I'm mistaken, I just got two solutions -> one gave 19/14 miles, the other gave something else (close, but not the same)
@question_asker ok then...I'll try to find that conversation.
@manshu don't bother, it won't get us anywhere
resumes Ride Along 2
Is there any way to keep extra spaces in between words? (or at least to align words in columns?)
Use this: $\space$
that feels so cheeky but it'll do
Using qquad is better because I need that much space hahaha
That's something I didn't know.
I type a lot in LaTeX, used to most latex commands now :p
Just wanted to know if there's a less "hacky" way to do it
@KoA Are you implying that I am a hacker? Thanks.
I meant it in the same way as using Unsafe in Java is hacky
I....don't know anything about Java
puzzling.stackexchange.com/q/32608/21503 maybe I added a hint to my question now :p
I noticed something about the note. Every word has some relation with the word below it.
@manshu tl;dr for Unsafe: it's basically a class in Java that's "not supposed to be used" because it lets you do things that Java "isn't supposed to do"
Each row can be solved by itself
I mentioned this in chat before, but instead of "bounty" it would be more correct to say that the community would want the ability to "tip". This isn't what I've proposed in this answer, and can be put into another answer. It would then be sort of a compromise between the Supervote and Bounty. It would allow us to give up our points (+5, +10, +15) like a bounty. It would be unlike the Supervote in the sense that it costs us extra to reward the question more than it deserves. — Wesley Situ 14 hours ago
"tipping" was literally zero of the options any of us had put forth
no one made that suggestion, so I don't know why this was declared to be what the "community" wanted
And maybe that's why there were some downvotes on that answer.
Well obviously
But that's not the point of me pointing that out - it's really counterproductive to go "oh this thing I just made up is what the community wants" when the two things we had all explicitly mentioned were already in the post (and, not coincidentally, the highest-voted answers, still)
that's why it's downvoted that, that's what meta is for
What I'm saying is: there's a difference between "making a suggestion" (which it would have been, if not for that comment) and claiming it's "what the community wants"
And the option of "Ask the question asker to answer their own question, and then award a bounty on that placeholder answer." seems counter-intuitive. It suggests that first the question asker should put efforts in making and asking the question and then put more efforts in answering his own question just for rep.
and, as wrong and awful as shog was yesterday, I understand why he would think we don't have our shit together when 99% of us are going "this is what we want" and one of us is going "yes, that's true. what we want is [completely different thing]"
@manshu 100% agreed
I don't know who upvoted that answer.
I feel like that guy (who proposed that answer) just wasn't listening at all
lol yeah
again, that's a "this is a workaround that doesn't solve you problem at all but allows me to do the part of my job that I love best: nothing"
If none of those requests will be accepted, I am gonna invite Shog to participate in this community to know about it a bit. :p
look I can't stress this enough - I was absolutely astounded at the way that dude interacted with us. If I talked that way to anyone at my job, I'd be out on the street in under an hour.
Hey @Will
@question_asker And I need a job same as Shog9
Q: A calculation error made a rebus

fffredWhat does this little rebus mean? 14 0 Is fourteen wrong or what?

Any ideas on this question?
I was trying to figure that one out
I have a question.
@Will that is?
Q: Should we accept edits that only insert spoiler markup?

Joe Z.I've seen a few edits in the suggested edit queue that consist pretty much entirely of people inserting spoiler markup for questions. I understand why it's desirable, but I'm wondering if the decision to mark something as a spoiler shouldn't just be left to the answerer themself.

In general, people say no.
I say yes.
It's a matter of personal style though.
For answers or questions?
We don't want spoilers to be in the way for other potential solvers, who want to solve it on their own.
because the question says "questions", and honestly, I think it should be up to the OP to decide what's a spoiler in their question
I'm assuming for answers, questions don't need spoilers unless the asker wants to use them
but answers should always be spoilered, and I feel like that's pretty well agreed-upon at this point
But the question is: who want to solve puzzles on their own after it being solved?
lots of people
most people, in fact
this collaborative thing only started relatively recently
I like solving after it's been solved, it's a good way to practice :p
@question_asker I am one of the founder member of it :p
@manshu same here!
in fact...I was the first one
dammit. I forgot about it.
... oh no, is manshu malfunctioning
I only remembered this:
in The Sphinx's Lair, Mar 10 at 17:18, by manshu
@question_asker Let's solve this puzzle with collaboration ...ready? or do you work alone?
but in all seriousness, I think it's just good practice to spoilerize answers unless they're just going to be deleted, in which case don't waste the effort
Q: Should (and/or are) top voted answers (allowed to) use spoiler tags

David MulderReading this answer (see comments) or this question here on meta, are answers expected and/or allowed to use spoiler tags for the reason: Doing a favor for those who don't want to immediately see the solution when they load the page. - generalcrispy and since we'll be discussing v...

questions on the other hand... I'm of the mind to just leave question formatting to the OP, unless there's a problem with it that is definitely, obviously not intentional
Q: Spoiler markup: ____________________

Josh Caswell What? You don't find my title helpful? You had no idea what you were going to read before you opened the question...I see. This site is getting on the Stack Exchange Hot List a lot lately! I've been clicking over fairly often and finding good stuff to read. I'm also finding quite a bit of th...

@manshu keep in mind, all of these posts about spoiler markup are two years old
but old is gold
in fact, a lot of stuff we use for reference from the meta is 2ish years old, and kind of outdated
it's kind of silly to point to a years-old meta post as some kind of policy when the site currently seems to run in a different way
that said, obviously, I'm always in favor of questioning policy :)
We really do need to revisit some of the old arguments.
Last question about spoiler is one year old
@Will Which do you have in mind?
also, another thing that's meaningful to me when looking at meta posts is: how many of the people making their opinions known actually, you know, use the site? because honestly? the opinion of someone who isn't a regular here doesn't (and, imo, shouldn't) mean shit.
I don't base what I do on what the people who lived in my apartment before me liked.
I like these kinds of examples. :)
The big one is spoilers & whether they should be a policy/recommendation/guideline or merely an optional nicety.
to be clear, I'm not saying the people who posted those things are "wrong" because they're not here anymore, just that their opinions don't hold much weight with me
well my unofficial answer is that it would be nice if it was a policy just to make sure it happens uniformly across the site, since it seems like most people don't want to accidentally read the answer before they get a chance to try to answer.
but I would like to hear arguments against them
@manshu I'm dying to see the answer to that math problem
it's 54.6 miles
that hasn't been accepted yet!
but in all seriousness
Gamow accept answers after two to three days of posting the question
dude's comment back to you made it sound like the answer was "interesting" in some way (which doesn't rule out the possibility that it's Still Just A Math Problem)
@question_asker I agree that the solution is nice. But it still is a math problem.
oh, I agree
I'm just saying that may not be the solution he's looking for
he's very picky about the solution he chooses
He usually chooses the most upvoted solution
talking as if I have read a book on him
lol since when is that a thing that this website is OK with?
(we're not OK with that, we've never been OK with that, at least not from anybody who isn't Gamow)
@question_asker it's his choice.
nice privilege he has
I meant that it's his choice to choose the answer to his own question.
nice privilege he has
And this privilege is given to all the questioners
manshu you are a master of jokes
lol. that was a nice joke.
joke of the day
we got another non-hint on the sculpture question: puzzling.stackexchange.com/questions/31146/sculptures-in-a-park
I am very bad with the puzzle of encoding and decoding. Let it be alphabets, symbols, numbers or pictures.
one day, people will learn what a rebus is
@question_asker Why shouldn't a question asker get to choose the answer that he likes best? Why must he be put on some sort of clock for when he chooses the answer?
Maybe I'm just confused by your comments :)
@LeppyR64 You misunderstand me! I agree that a question asker should be allowed to choose. But go ahead and post a puzzle and don't select the correct answer when it's posted and see what happens.
Ok so you were jabbing at the community, agreed :)
haha yeah
also, in what universe is this a common phrase: puzzling.stackexchange.com/questions/23895/…
Well the word "some" was wrong in the answer, per the rebus and comments, but..
yeah....far from a common phrase
I mean, I guess it's a rebus in some abstract, technical sense
but I feel like you are sort of supposed to make it a phrase people have actually used, ever.
literally zero non-that-question google results for any version of that phrase
literally none
So i'm considering adding a hint to my puzzling friend 2 that says "you guys don't need hints, its all here already"
A: A calculation error made a rebus

MenaceI have to try this one !

people really, really don't know what a rebus is
also, I'm not convinced that HNQ is governed by anything other than clicks
This one did make me think of a very, very short rebus, though
$\xcancel{4}\ 0$
see that shows up as just xcancel and some markup, is there something I am missing?
oh I've got the mathjax plugin for SE chat for chrome
not for nothing
@LeppyR64 Nice, but I'd feel bad about stealing your answer.
@GordonAllocman ayyyyyyyy
I tried all kinds of combinations, but didn't try a subtract and a pairing combined, yet :(
The radio station host I used to listen to would say that a lot so that's why I got it so fast
@GordonAllocman I kept trying to make "not one for..." and "strike one for..." work
I liked it though
(for the rebus I linked before)
I answered it not one for small talk, but its a stretch
He said it was a move in the right direction it seems though
yeah I do think we're supposed to be separating the 1 and the 4 into "one for"
but I can't figure out where to go from there
I tried combinations involving 0 as "love"
but no dice
Can someone look at my answer here:
I'm having trouble formatting the number grids in the spoilers. I want the columns to line up and don't know how to do it.
@Khale_Kitha Fair enough. I'll go in and summarize it all later today when I can get to a real pc.
I was checking back on the good apple hunting puzzle, and I realized how silly the "we suspect foul play" line is thanks to a comment haha
lasered in half "nothing to see here, looks like a simple accident"
while strapped to a chair, no less
Finally found a way to get your grid to line up, Leppy - what a pain
I'll give you 5 letters.
are those five letters g,a,m,o,w?
A: A calculation error made a rebus

Kevin CruijssenProbably very far'fetched, but: because:

I repeat: no one seems to understand what a rebus is
Just because you have to figure out the formula to plug in the numbers doesn't make it any less straight-forward..
@Khale_Kitha Yeah I don't understand that guy's response
Some answers on that are pretty bad
I mean mine was a stretch but it at least follows the ideas of a rebus
I wonder if the rebus has something to do with a fortnight
But don't have time to look into it
@GordonAllocman You at least posted an answer that a) understands what a rebus is (i.e., doesn't try to solve it like it's an equation) and b) uses an actual "common idiom"
people see a rebus and they're like "uh I worked it out, it's 3.255." or "hmm, seems like this one works out to the phrase 'I rode my bike up and down a hill in the rain on a Tuesday in November but then a gremlin hit me on the head and I fell down and that's all I can remember for now'"
I can't find any idiom using two weeks or fortnight from a simple google search but maybe my google-fu is a little weak today
Inb4 someone makes a rebus for "I rode my bike up and down a hill in the rain on a Tuesday in November but then a gremlin hit me on the head and I fell down and that's all I can remember for now"
I was going to say, for the "not for nothing" rebus, even that is one that I'd be reluctant to post, since it's a phrase you really only hear in the US northeast
Yeah, was looking that up, for a second, but I can't find any instance of "not one for nothing" in a search, anywhere
(I feel like a family guy character might say it, since they're in RI, but I don't watch that show so I don't know)
@Khale_Kitha yeah, I can't find anything that's of the form "not one for [any synonym of 'zero' or 'O']"
Again, I need to stop this, but..
I had better search results with: "not one for nuthin"
You can try to work from there
that sounds like a misuse of an actual idiom tbh, I hope that's not the actual answer
haha yeah
Could be lyrics of a song, or the name of something
Per what came in that search
I got the impression from the poster's comments that they probably get what a rebus is
I'd be perfectly okay with a non-idiomatic phrase, for a rebus, if it's lyrics
"In English. Note that, just like many rebuses, it translates into a common idiom" from OP
it sort of depends, imo
I'd be OK with lyrics if it was like, a really famous song. As in, a song that's been prominently played for > 20 years
                  \/ Sleep
No ---------------->Brooklyn
"It's from this new underground band that has like 4 followers, but you've probably never heard of them..."
that's been prominently played for > 20 years, hasn't it?
Hah, probably
Bah, I'm too behind for this - bbl
but seriously, I could probably pick at least a hundred lines from a hundred different songs that no one would just "get" a rebus of
they might be able to work out the meaning, but it wouldn't be like "oh, obviously" once they did
Actually no sleep til brooklyn came out exactly 20 years ago
Actually, it'd make a decent rebus if I changed "No" to 0 and "Sleep" to ZzZz
I lied because I can't math
29 based on release, 30 based on recorded
lol that jokewad is trying to play word games to justify keeping that gamow puzzle
1 + x = 5, what is x? yields a unique and simple solution too...
100 :)
obviously the solution isn't unique
"x = 4"
"x is a letter"
"x is the representation of all of my hopes and dreams being crushed"
Thanks @Khale_Kitha. I thought I tried that, but maybe the preview porting just didn't represent it correctly.
>>>>5 wow I'm good at maths at midnight
x is clearly 1/5, that + is really a ÷ I just made it super blurry
np, leppy
I tried to bring this up again the other night but I got super brushed off
@question_asker at least now you are a little cleaner
gives q_a a shopvac
A maths puzzle is a puzzle that involves maths. If there's no actual puzzle elements, and it's just maths, then that's exactly what it is. Not a puzzle.
like, please, by all means, show me where the puzzle part is instead of just going "nuh uh, it's a puzzle."
Its like if I posted a definition and claimed it was a riddle
"I'm the opposition to the abolishment of the Church of England"
"You're antidisestablishmentarianism"
Q: A highly musical rebus

Richard RoeWhat does the following rebus represent? DSo0+ The answer, as the title implies, is something musical.

That's a fun word to type
I like that one, @GordonAllocman
I can't tell if I like it yet
lol the top 3 related are negatively voted rebuses
damn, that calculation rebus answer is making me bank
a lot of rep
So I can withdraw my money from you?
Sure but there will be a 110% withdrawal fee
But since we are pals, I can knock it down to 100%
@GordonAllocman Yours is easily the best answer there
Ok then, I want to withdraw minus $500
("Not for teens" comes close but doesn't explain the zero)
I couldn't understand why 14 is not one for, and 0 is small talk.
@manshu the strikethrough is "not" and 14 is one four
(dunno about the zero being smalltalk but like I said, it got closer than the other answers)
we call that bar 'strikethrough'. I didn't know that.
@GordonAllocman Why 0 is a small talk?
strikethrough, strike out, etc. lots of ways to refer to crossing something out
I almost want to post the one I posted here earlier, but it's not good enough to be my only asked question
which one is it?
$\require{cancel}$ $\xcancel{4}\ 0$
it's been answered already anyway
Idk why 0 is small talk, which is why it was a stretch. 0 is small i guess. It was the only idiom I could think of that used "not one for"
I also have a streched answer.
it is "Strikeout for team before zero" :p
All I thought about was crossed out 44 is still 44
its 14 though?
I know that's why I'm all like error 404 meme not found
btw, I am in an out, so it may not have been considered
Instead of "not one for"
Consider "No one for"
yeah I considered that too
since "not one for" is an "evolution in the right direction"
No one for zero
believe me, when I couldn't come up with anything on my own, I googled the shit out of every permutation I could come up with
Really? You star my 'kk'? lol
"You" being an encompassing pronoun.
The new music one is driving me insane
@Khale_Kitha kk = Khale_kitha
TIL I don't like rebuses because they are hard :/
You figured out Brooklyn :P
Right, but the thing is you either get it right away, or never :/
dammit. I always confuse between the dp's of KoA and q_a
@LeppyR64 @Khale_Kitha Good job. Due to the fact, that I can't split up the bounty (what would be reasonable here), would you mind if I pick Khale_Kitha's answer? I have seen KK working hard on this one, contributing a lot. Any other suggestion?
I'm really afraid to know what 'dp' meant in that context.
@Khale_Kitha display picture
@manshu I'm just loss don't mind Me!Me!
don't say meme around manshu
@Khale_Kitha True. I might take it personally. :D
Dank memes from outer space
I read that as damp memes.
No complaining... okay.
It generally takes him a few minutes to respond, fondor
I am not from outer space. I am from Mars. We are neighbors.
Since he doesn't get the message, right away
ok, thx. I'll be patient.
OK, due to fffred's comment on that other rebus, I'm not convinced he does understand
Finally, the title of the puzzle is more obvious now :-)
LoL, I didn't read it as that, at all.
I just figured that you meant that the only way the agent could have solved this, quickly, is that he was trained in this method.

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