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00:00 - 21:0021:00 - 00:00

@Bageer Oh that makes sense. Thanks!
2 hours later…
Is there a way to view one's chat history?
@AlanH like your own?
@BenjaLim Sorry, I had to go out to visit a friend who broke his neck yesterday and is in traction. No movement of limbs yet.
@robjohn :( im sorry to hear
@robjohn Best wishes, Rob. Virtual hug.
@J.M.: such an uncharacteristic avatar...
Thanks guys...
@robjohn Quite sad. Let's hope he bounces back quickly.
@robjohn Yeah, I figured it was better to express a general feeling of discontent in my avatar instead of, you know, mouthing off publicly... ;)
@J.M. He can't have surgery for at least two weeks because of the blood thinners he's been taking :-(
@Alraxite each should be described on this page
but I guess my description is not sufficient
4 hours later…
Excuse me, I want to chat with some user on MSE, can I open a new chat room and then invite him to join?
you can chat here
I know, but how to invite someone?
To inform him in the comments of a question?
Hello jerry: this is the first time ever that I chat. I hope I will manage.
Hello, nice to chat with you!
Thank you again for your encouragements!
I saw people on this site usually use their real names, why is that?
Well, I used to use my nickname on other forums, so do other people...
The advantage of using a real name is if your question/answers are good enough, you become well known in the community. :-)
Ah, so my name will be "well-known" if I post some good questions/answers.
Yup. "Famous"
OK, I will try that now
Let's see?
Stll nick name?
Ah, it works! You more than deserve my encouragements. People use their real names because there is practically no risk of seeing malicious people taking advantage of this frank display. You see, captchas can be faked, but very few people in the world (and probably no criminal) can explain as well as you why anon-degenerate curve of degree d can be embedded only in projective space of dimension at most d :-)
Can you guys see my real name now?
not in chat yet, but on your user profile
OK, maybe I need to log out then re-log in
wait a moment
Also, since no money is involved on this site, there is no incentive for criminals to try and interfere. The positive side is that real names create a friendly atmosphere: I prefer to be addressed as Georges rather than, say, Donaldduckfan...
Still nick name?
Yes, you should click "Apply to all stackexchange sites"
Ah, I will try then
OK, it's done!
The English expression of Chinese name loses many information...
Like my name, "Yu" means rain, "Chen" means morning, "Liu" is a common surname.
Oh, fantastic: thanks for the change. What part (if any) of your name corresponds to the first name in English, like John or Peter? In other words, what is the friendly address I can use when communicating with you?
I think my old nick name jerry is good, also western people usually call me Yuchen. Both are fine.
@GeorgesElencwajg By the way, I like your beautiful writing very much! Especially your answer related to scheme theory!
I have a question which made me stuck recently
Things are happening fast here! Rereading the thread I realize that my posts look a bit surrealistic because there were many interventions by other users between mine. And I see it is happening right now! Anyway, thanks for your kind words.
It is an exercise from Vakil's note
He claimed: for any finitely generated graded ring $S$ which is also generated by $S_1$, then $X:=\operatorname{Proj} S\cong \operatorname{Proj}(\oplus_{n\geq 0}\Gamma(X,\mathcal{O}_X(n)))$.
I failed to prove it. There is a natural graded ring morphism from $S$ to $\oplus_{n\geq 0}\Gamma(X,\mathcal{O}_X(n))$, but I cannot prove that this morphism induces a regular map (i.e. morphism) of their Proj.
Dear Yuchen, thanks for your explanation of Chinese etiquette: I think i prefer Yuchen to jerry. I'd rather not discuss mathematics on chat, since the pressure of answering immediately would be too stressful. Also I would prefer to have the option of not answering if, as is very usual, I have no idea for solving the problem! So, may I suggest that you go on asking your future questions on the main site?
OK, I will consider to post it on the main site. I am a little hesitate to ask a question, since I want to work out it by myself, and I doubt the validity of this statement.
Also, I would like to take my leave now. Is the etiquette here to warn that you are suspending the communication or do you just discreetly quit the chat room?
I mean, I just remember this problem
I'd like to chat with something else, not exactly math
Without "with"?
Are you plane to leave now?
Yes, I'm leaving: bye-bye for now.
I don't know much about the etiquette here, I just leave directly, maybe say some words like "bye" "I'm going to sleep now" etc
See you!
One last thing: I see you can modify your post in real time (you just added "see you!"). How do you do that?
just post two lines one after another soon
like this
you can try it
OK, let me try:
will it work?
Of course~
Ah, yes, fantastic: thanks Yuchen !
You are welcome, see you later~
I am not sure whether I should post this on meta, since that thread is emotional enough so I am not sure whether it is a good idea to bump it.
But to me it seems that the problems with that particular user are more about not following the rules written down by room owner than about not following network-wide rules.
If that is the case, proper action seems to be ask the room owner to do something about it. (I suppose he has possibility to ban user from a room, if that would be necessary..)
I thought I'd ask in chat, since a room owner is here now. @robjohn
@MartinSleziak What are you referring to?
@DominicMichaelis Wohoo
How come someone who is so often in chat missed such a drama....
Considering his timezone, robjohn is probably sleeping, he just stayed logged in.....
I missed that drama too, maybe because i don't read to many messages which aren't sent to me :D
Well, I would not know about it, if there were not the meta thread.
@MartinSleziak Robjohn is generally away when those specific two users interact. (Due to the time zone and their timing).
@GeorgesElencwajg Wow nice to see you here on chat!!!
@GeorgesElencwajg I really miss you on the main site
@GeorgesElencwajg Mais je peux pas voir les livres de Geometrie algebrique
a cause d'avoir des examens
@Chris'swisesister I wanted to say, however angry you may become with the site, do not delete your account, whenever I am in mood to solve some integrals, I go to your user page and try to solve the integrals from there. :-| :-)
@JayeshBadwaik wow, thank you very much. It's the best compliment I could hear. :-)
@JayeshBadwaik how is it going there?
@JayeshBadwaik and you fail (at least I do) :D
@Chris'swisesister Welcome. :-) I am doing good. Studying topology now.
@DominicMichaelis it's just a matter of practice, nothing special :-)
@DominicMichaelis I want to show I'm somewhat smart, so I'll say, I can do some of them given some time. :P
@JayeshBadwaik Really? What book would you recommend to the study of the topology?
@Chris'swisesister I am personally using two books in combination, Janich as the guideline and Munkres to fill in the gaps.
@JayeshBadwaik thanks.
@DominicMichaelis Have you studied analytical mechanics yet? If yes, what do you think are the prerequisite to study it?
not yet
okay, I am thinking of studying it now.
The dual category of short exact sequences are the short exact sequences aren't they ?
What exactly skullpatrol did? He was always nice to me.
Same here. Or I missunterstood him :D
hey. I'm looking at this problem Find all possible solutions to the equation e^(ix)=i
And I really don't get what it's asking! :(
Find all $x$ such that $e^{ix} = i$.
oh damn! Now I feel extra stupid! :0
Thanks so much! @JayeshBadwaik
Does someone have a Pullback of an epimorphism which itself isn't an epimorphism ?
in categories, necessarily in non abelian categories as it holds in abelian
I am such a freaking genious :D
I found the ultimate way to study :D
I started yesterday with my seminar which is due in a month and I thought "why to hell do you start so early" ?
Then I realised because of I was trying to procrastinate my stochastic homework
So I will continue picking one lecture which i really really dislike and can procrastinate without procrastinating :D
And when do you do your stochastics homework then?
@DominicMichaelis Good! and Better :-)
I won't do it at all but the exam is easy so nevermind about that :D
3 hours later…
is it possible to express random variable absolute central moment using low moments?
@MattN. What's your suggestion on how to deal with users that call other users of retards?
@GustavoBandeira how are you
@somaye Hello. I'm fine. You?
@GustavoBandeira i am fine too but feel alone right now
i do not feel good
@somaye Oh. What ya doing?
@GustavoBandeira i come back from my work right now
and i feel alone
i feel bad
@somaye Oh.
Don't worry, be happy! =)
@GustavoBandeira ok
@somaye How's your work?
i feel i am not enough good and enough useful
my work goes good
it is not problem
@somaye Good enough for what?
i feel i must study more
more sussessfull
and more important person may be
@somaye Just do it sometimes per day, it'll be fine.
@GustavoBandeira i think i do not have enough energy to do it
@GustavoBandeira i feel death
@somaye Have you felt this before?
@GustavoBandeira before i was more SERIOUS about my goal
and i had goal
but now
i confuesd in my living
@somaye Be right back.
I'll be back in a min.
see you
@somaye I'm back.
@somaye I feel this sometime.s
@GustavoBandeira really?
but i think you are active enough
@somaye Yep. Sometimes I think that everything is worthless.
@GustavoBandeira as me right now
and i think i do not what i must do do
@somaye Yep.
@GustavoBandeira what about you recently?
@somaye Yep.
@somaye Well. I'm quite motivated. Not so motivated for piano though. :P
@GustavoBandeira doyou like to talk ym?
@somaye Try to read about motivation, perhaps it's going to be useful.
@somaye I like, I guess I just can't now. Let me see.
motivation ? i read about it?
@somaye Perhaps it's a good idea.
@GustavoBandeira ok i do not disturb you have nice
ba bye
@somaye You're notdisturbing.
@GustavoBandeira but you are busy i think
@somaye look:
I've started my journey in the study of mathematics with mathematics for the nonmathematician - I couldn't simply open a textbook and study it for no reason. This book was very important for giving me motivation to study stuff today. The problem with textobooks is that they are kinda cold, there are no dreams, no speculations, no fantasies, only that black, cold text. - I kinda need a little of that dreams and stuff to proceed. — Gustavo Bandeira May 17 at 16:58
@somaye That kind of stuff - on how to obtain motivation is important.
@somaye I'll have to go out now, see ya later.
@GustavoBandeira bye for now
@MartinSleziak Sorry, it was almost 2 AM and I was only here for a short bit. anon and I are room owners (I made anon an owner when I was made a moderator since I knew that my time would be divided). However, it may be that I am not here as much, but my observance has been that skullpatrol's behavior has mellowed recently. If that is not the case, then someone needs to notify me or anon (don't bother Mark Gravell). I see that mixedmath has added himself as a room owner, so he is also fair game.
robjohn I did not have nothing urgent.
Basically just a follow-up to that question on meta.
@MartinSleziak Thanks for not stirring the pot more than necessary :-)
My questions was whether contacting room owner would not be a more appropriate course of action than flagging in situations similar to the one described in the meta-thread.
It would probably since the problems were more centered on the room etiquette than on SE guidelines
That was what I was thinking.
@MartinSleziak However, the problems that Matt N was citing, abuse of others, is an infraction of SE policies.
Hopefully, we won't have problem like that too often.
@MartinSleziak I think there were other mitigating factors at the time, as well.
I guess so.
It seems that many people tend to avoid chat for completely other reasons - it is easy to spend a lot of time here.
@MartinSleziak yeah. If you get involved in a conversation, it can take a bit of time.
@robjohn Have you ever heard of the Generalized Riemann Integral, or Henstock Kurzweil Integral?@MartinSleziak
tagged partitions
I recall either t.b. or Pete L, Clark mentioned in one of the answers that letter that was circulating around.
@MartinSleziak Rubber ducks!
@MartinSleziak What letter?
Several mathematicians were writing to teachers of introductory courses, that they should teach this instead of Riemann integral.
That it is so much much better.
@MartinSleziak Oh, I have heard it hasn't many adepts.
@MartinSleziak It seems to be nicer, yes.
@PeterTamaroff The letter is here.
I did never study K-H integral in detail.
What I understood as the main advantage is "better" version of Fundamental theorem of calculus.
@MartinSleziak Yes.
The equation $$\int_a^b F'(x) dx=F(b)-F(a)$$ always holds.
@MartinSleziak Steven Abbot presents it in his book, "Understanding Analysis":
I kinda read over it yesterday night.
So I did not remember it correctly. I did not see it in one of answers here, but on Pete L. Clarrk's website.
Might read more thoroughly today.
@PeterTamaroff Hmm... I actually used that integral in an answer once, not realizing it was not the Riemann integral.
@robjohn Really? Interesting!
He writes there: I have seen passionate letters (e.g. click here) written by integration theorists urging that the Kurzweil-Henstock integral replace the Riemann integral in all courses starting with calculus. Their argument seems to be that almost no calculus student completely understands what a tagged partition is, so their understanding of a tagging which is d-fine with respect to a gauge function d will be about the same.
I don't quite buy it at the calculus level but it might be interesting to teach this integral in an undergraduate real analysis course.
Apparently, according to the GRI $$\int_0^1 \chi_{\Bbb Q\cap[0,1]}dx=0$$ holds true.
@MartinSleziak Yes, true.
@PeterTamaroff really?
@robjohn Yep =) Quite nice, huh?
hey guys I have a question for you? hello? anybody there?
@PeterTamaroff how can that be done with an integral that partitions the domain?
@robjohn Let me look it up.
@SahilChaudhary Did you ask on main?
what is main? as posted the question on the site?
@SahilChaudhary Yes.
Basically, we enumerate the rationals of $[0,1]$ as $$\{r_1,r_2,\dots\}$$ and define the gauge $\delta$ to be $\delta(x)=1$ when $x$ is irrational and $$\delta(r_k)=\frac{\epsilon}{2^{k+1}}$$
This makes any generalized sum less than $\epsilon$.
I think I am being won over by this integral. Might as well study it.
The last message was posted 152 days ago. What?!
@GustavoBandeira what message? what room?
@robjohn This room.
The message keeps appearing.
@GustavoBandeira is your computer clock off?
I guess I had fixed it.
@robjohn Did you see it?
I guess I had fixed it.
@PeterTamaroff you mean your gauge, not Gustavo's post?
@robjohn I mean the Dropbox file I just gave you =)
9 mins ago, by Peter Tamaroff
@PeterTamaroff yes, I got the document
@robjohn Nice. Well, Abbot works the Henstock Kurzweil integral in section 8.1
The book is awesome. I even mailed him to thank him for it. =P
@PeterTamaroff yes, I have been reading that section.
@PeterTamaroff Is it the Springer one? In the UTM series, they have one book with the same title.
@GustavoBandeira are you still getting that message?
hey guys I am back, I posted m problem. Please take a look
@robjohn Yep - but it's probably the computer. I'll restart the browser.
@SahilChaudhary Don't post it in the chat. Posting it in the main will make you obtain a lot more exposure.
Is inner product the same thing as dot product?
@GustavoBandeira No idea.
I'm off to eat.
@somaye, I cannot tell whether you have logged off. Are you going to be alright?
could you please tell me what's incident edge? :(
graph theory ?
1 hour later…
Hi, Let A be a set. what's your suggestion to create a set B with cardinality |A| such that B and A have no intersection.
every set does have some intersection, even though they might be empty
two sets have intersection iff they have a common point.
You are talking about a non empty intersection
What elements do you have in your sets ?
yep. arbitrary set.
and what cardinalities ?
that's also arbitrary.
you just could give a hat to every element ;)
i like hats
$\hat{\text{mister hat}}$
@robjohn I have read about a interesting sequence of functions such that $$\operatorname{l.i.m.}\limits_{n\to\infty}f_n=0$$ but the pointwise limit of the $f_n$ fails to exist!
doesnt work
@WiseStrawberry \widehat
$\widehat{\text{mister wide hat is now in the house}}$
is there a \bigasshat ?
@WiseStrawberry Heh, there is a limit.
\overline has no limit, I think.
$$\overline{\text{mister wide hat is now in the house}}$$
$\overline{\text{lets try this again, are we gonna make it?}}$
mister flathat though

\hat{\overline{\text{Mr. Widehat.}}}
i wanted to give my overline a hat.
@PeterTamaroff its a small hat though.
@PeterTamaroff In what sense does the l.i.m. exist?
why dont we just say $\lim_{n\to \infty}$ ?
what is l.i.m.? :D
@DominicMichaelis I don't know, but that is what Peter wrote above
@GustavoBandeira Nothing of course because I would agree. Jonas phrased it quite succinctly: if you're offended by it it probably includes you.
@robjohn Limit in the mean.
@PeterTamaroff oh, that is not so surprising.
$$\lim\limits_{n\to\infty}\int_0^1 |f_n(x)|^2=0$$
@robjohn OK, true.
you can even find sequences which don't convergen pointwise anywhere
@DominicMichaelis Yes, this is one.
The one I'm talking about converges nowhere.
1&\text{if }\frac{n-2^k}{2^k}\le x\lt\frac{n-2^k+1}{2^k}\text{ and }2^k\le n\lt2^{k+1}\\
@robjohn I think my example is the same.
but do you have a functoin in $L^1$ such that it fourier series diverges everywhere ?
Take $[0,1]$. $I_1=\chi_{[0,1]}$. Split it in half. $I_2$ is the indicator on the first half, $I_3$ on the second. Split in fourths. $I_4$ is the indicator on the first fourth, ($[0,1/4]$) and then up to $I_5,I_6,I_7$ in each fourth, in order. Then split in eighths, and so on.
@robjohn Have you ever heard of this?
**PROP** Let $S$ be compact and let $\langle f_n\rangle$ be a sequence of *continuous* functions defined over $S$. Then $f_n\to f$ uniformly if and only if
$(i)$ $f$ is continuous on $S$.
$(ii)$ For each $ \epsilon >0$ there exists a $\delta >0$ and $m>0$ such that $n>m$ and $|f(x)-f_k(x)|<\delta\implies |f_{n+k}(x)_f(x)|<\epsilon$ for each $x\in S$ and each $k=1,2,\dots$.
dinis theorem ?
@DominicMichaelis I know Dini's theorem differently.
right dinis theorem is a bit different
@DominicMichaelis "Right, Dini's theorem is a bit different."
See: it reads and looks better!
Oh ok I will try to do so.
@DominicMichaelis By the way, I am trying to prove that.
you mean answer?
@DominicMichaelis Heh. Yes.
00:00 - 21:0021:00 - 00:00

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