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00:00 - 18:0021:00 - 00:00

What's the difference between a polynomial being zero and being identically zero?
@Gigili Identically zero means it is the zero polynomial, that is, each coefficient is zero, so $p(x)=0$.
What do you mean by "The polynomial is zero"?
@PeterTamaroff I don't know. I was just wondering why the book is saying $f$ is identically zero and not simply saying it is zero.
Thank you.
@Gigili Well, it is because the former is precise, and the latter is vague.
A polynomial doesn't equal a number, unless you evaluate it at a root, say.
Yeah, I got the point.
@PeterTamaroff Uhum. Great, thanks.
@Gigili You don't drop here often now.
And do you know what property does it have when it's an integer polynomial?
@Gigili Integer coefficients.
That clears things up.
One last question, Peter. Do you know what exactly is meant by the word certificate in the context of computational complexity?
Umm, smile?
I'm sure you'll understand that better than me...
A reversed smile?
@Gigili That's clearly a smile!
Ha! OK, thank you for your help.
@Gigili No worries. That'll be three cookies and a cake.
They're all prepared for the one who answered my questions. Enjoy it.
I support skullpatrol
Bye for now @Peter.
@Gigili Bye.
@Charlie hi
@PeterTamaroff hi
@robjohn hi
@Chris'swisesister hi
hru guys
I asked a new question today.
I Always do when I enter chat :)
@Chris'swisesister hi , hru ? what are you doing ?
@mick I'm always working. How about you?
@Chris'swisesister I asked a question today
Im learning retard smile
@mick I see. I wish you have luck!
@Chris'swisesister Did you see my question ?
Here it is
@mick your math is too advanced to me.
@Chris'swisesister you have 11.5 k !
im just 1300
@mick do you wanna make a deal with me?
@Chris'swisesister lol trade ?
@mick yeah, sort of.
im only 14 , im not sure if such deals are legal :)
@mick now, look at $$\prod_{k=1}^{\infty}\frac{k^2+k+1}{k^2+k}$$ Compute it straightforward in one line (because is possible) and then I attend any problem you want.
yes ? @Chris'swisesister
in one line ? @Chris'swisesister
@mick yeah, you read very well.
at this hour ?
@mick at this hour? No, during this year.
I was planning to go to bed. is it telescoping i need ?
Does compute allow the result in terms of gamma function ?
@mick compute it precisely.
@Chris'swisesister Shouldn't be too hard.
@PeterTamaroff agree
@Chris'swisesister is it 29/16 ?
I don't think that works.
@mick which problem are you referring at now?
@Chris'swisesister your product of course
@PeterTamaroff that is not a summation. :-))))
@Chris'swisesister do you know the result yourself ?
i bet 29/16 IF rational that is.
@mick how much you bet?
@Chris'swisesister 2 rep :)
but you did not answer my question :) do you know the result ??
@Chris'swisesister what is it ?
@PeterTamaroff why you say that ?
@mick 2.428189792098870
@Chris'swisesister those are just digits , give the closed form
@mick OK - $\displaystyle\frac{\text{cosh}\left(\frac{\sqrt{3}\pi}{2}\right)}{\pi}$
@Chris'swisesister I give up , show me how you did it.
@mick I think it's better for you to let you think of it. It's a simple question.
@Chris'swisesister is it ?
no telescoping or factoring ?
I do not think its simple considering it has cosh in it
@mick I'm going to sleep right now ("naked" as you suggested in a previous comment)
@Chris'swisesister you drive me crazy !!
she drives me crazy ! :)
outragous :)
@PeterTamaroff hey
@mick hi
Hey people, does anyone have a suggestion how to make a powerpoint for mathematical purposes? I have tried using MS powerpoint 2003 (I don't have newer versions..) and the built-in equation editor is absolutely terrible. Problem is that I have to do it on my teacher's pc so I can't download programs
@OmnipresentAbsence Does your teacher have LaTeX and more specifically Beamer?
@omnipresentAbsence If not (and you are willing to learn a bit of LaTeX) you could probably use writelatex.com.
If you mean a beamer as in a video projector, yes.
@Omnipresent Not a video projector, Beamer is a LaTeX package that is used to make presentations.
I have to give this presentation the day after tomorrow so I'm afraid I'm not able to learn a lot of new stuff
I'm quite sure he has not
@robjohn Hey
@BenjaLim 'sup?
@robjohn Supposed to have studied for a differential geometry exam last night but instead didother shit like computing hilbert polynomials :D
Just woke up that's at least what I should be doing :)
@robjohn wat bout you?
@BenjaLim just got back from an art fair with my wife.
@robjohn ah ok
@OmnipresentAbsence Well that writelatex.com has presentation templates. You can see if that works out for you.
@Bageer Yup I'm trying to figure it out using the template. Thanks!
Btw, the latex here just shows up as plain source code for me. Can anyone suggest something?
@Alraxite Look to the right side of the screen for "LaTeX suppot for chat" link.
unless your talking about the main site, then I don't know
@Bageer Oh, thank you. And yes, I'm talking about chat.
Um, what is the difference between 'start ChatJax' and 'render MathJax'? Sorry, I'm a bit unfamiliar with all this stuff
I kind of don't understand the description...
@Alraxite Not entirely sure, I typically just use start ChatJax. I think render MathJax just renders once so any new latex that might come to the page after you render you would have to render again, not sure though.
lets see $\LaTeX$
Yup, MathJax seems to do what I thought
ChatJax does a loop so any new latex that gets posted automatically gets rendered
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