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I'm trying to relate Axiom Systems to Formal systems, can anyone help me ?
I know any formal system has 3 constituents, a language, a set of axioms, and rules of inference
what about an axiom system ?
is it a set of axioms ? does it also require a language ?
is it a specific kind of formal system ?
@nerdy You seem to have many questions. Why not ask this on main?
It's actually one question : How is an axiom system related to the concept of formal system eheh but i think i'll do that
@nerdy Maybe @BrianM.Scott can help? How is your headache Brian?
1 hour later…
well, that concludes "figure out if the spider in the corner is dangerous". Conclusion: Probably not, but let's vacuum it up anyway.
@TobiasKildetoft How mean.
1 hour later…
@TobiasKildetoft I capture them in a jar and toss them in a bush outside, unless it's a black widow.
@robjohn I've never actually seen a black widow IRL - are they terrifying as I have heard?
Hello everyone, may I ask for your opinion on this question: "Shall I pursue a teaching career in Math, or shall I continue with PhD?" My deadline for paperwork is coming, and I still can't decide >_< I plan to work with Geometry for PhD, but I don't know about possible research topics on this field.
@Cecile what kind of geometry?
I prefer Hyperbolic Geometry or Algebra Geometry, but I'm not sure on the difficulty level though. I just have the interest.
@Cecile how much math have you studied thus far and from what country are you?
@DanZimm we have black widows where I live, they have lighting fast reaction time, very quick
So far I learn almost all undergraduate courses, except differential geometry and complex analysis. The "geometry" that I know so far is only Euclidean and some Hyperbolic geometry (the Klein and Poincare models). I hesitate on doing PhD on this field 'cause I'm afraid that my knowledge is not enough >_<
@cyclochaotic eek small things that move scare me at first sight
when they move away quickly its even wrose
@Cecile what country are you from? and have you taken topology?
I'm from the U.S. I'm taking an intro course for topology now.
diff geometry from what i understand is usually a first year grad course
@Cecile I wouldn't really be the guy to talk to about geometry, otherwise in general I would say go for the PHD
@Cecile stay in school as long as you enjoy it
what is differential geometry
and why isnt it offered in undergrad
it's offered in undergrad, but I didn't take it back then due to time issue (my classes all overlapped)
@Islands like calculus on manifolds (at least thats how i understand it) - from my experience that wasnt offered in undergrad
@Cecile you must go to a better school than i do xD
hm.. my school doesn't even offer it in grad
I just keep thinking... if I really do apply for PhD, what would be a research topic that I can choose >_< I'm really uncertain on that. That's why I leave the option of teaching, but... ah, so hard to decide!
@Islands technically mine doesn't either, by our math grad program is only masters
@Cecile do you have a favorite prof of math youve run into?
@Cecile go talk to a professor about cutting edge research topics
@cyclochaotic I did that and my prof said exactly what he's researching right now xD
seems biased based on who you ask :P
then again depends what you consider cutting edge
cutting edge with relation to what
Yeah, I do have a really nice professor, but his main field is ... differential geometry >_<
I ask him b4, and he said ... "that's hard to choose"
does anyone know about chabauty methods?
@Cecile (I am not in grad school but I plan on going too grad school) I pretty sure you sort of figure out what you want, and will, research in grad school. Of course it probably helps to have an idea of what field you want to research before grad school.
Perhaps read some preprints on arxiv.org to get some ideas
@Bageer just curious, what are you interested in studying?
@DanZimm I am leaning towards algebraic type of subjects, last semester I did an independent study in geometric group theory.
@DanZimm I also really like the idea of category theory and topos theory, but I don't know much about them.
@DanZimm What are your interests?
Does number theory seem to be the "easier" field? In my opinion, it's all about numbers, no topology or analysis is needed.
@Bageer ah very cool - all things I'm ignorant of
Cecile: what about all those easy-to-state, hard-to-solve problems?
@Bageer I'm currently doing independant study with a prof on measure theory and specifically lebesgue theory and then onto analysis of modern PDEs
there's a lot of them and they are all from number theory
@Cecile I find number theory the most difficult
Here's a simple problem, prove than any non-prime even number is the sum of two primes :)
@cyclochaotic heh...
@Cecile Going to grad school just to study the "easy" subject seems misplaced. I think you should go because your passionate about the subject. (maybe I am just reading to much into what you have been typing)
@cyclochaotic isnt that a conjecture?
I think this would be the most interesting problem to work on: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inverse_Galois_problem
We can't even generate arbitrarily large prime numbers.
@DanZimm Hah, I know almost nothing about analysis. I plan on picking up some analysis and topology to do some sort of independent study on the gap conjecture (a conjecture in geometric group theory). It seems to have a lot of applications to differential geometry (I believe Milnor came up with the conjecture).
@Bageer my meaning of "easier" is in terms of research topics, but in terms of the materials, I think topology is good. 'cause it's more to set theory (ex: open sets) than the "epsilon-delta" as in real analysis
@Bageer it's my thing, I love it! My school doesn't offer any sort of category theory or group theory classes. we have abstract algebra and advanced abstract algebra, the former im taking next semester and the ladder the semester after that
$250,000 to the first individual or group who discovers a prime number with at least 1,000,000,000 decimal digits at the EFF
no group theory?
seems like a standard 3rd year class?
@Cecile you can get pretty deep into topology and it can get analysis-y xD
@Islands thats in the abstract algebra class
you learn about groups rings and cosets
yeah, although I took a whole year of real analysis, I'm quite lost after things get to 3-dimensional or more.
Oh, my friend once said Complex Analysis is "easier" than Real analysis 'cause there is no "epsilon-delta" to deal with. Is he correct? Or maybe just 'cause he's taking it?
@Cecile complex analysis can be "easier" depending on how the prof teaches it
it can be a very deep topic or a much more applied subject thats less analytic
@Cecile if youre ok with 2-dimension why not 3?
'cause something like volume of a Hypersphere... I figured out the integral but have no visual picture in mind >_<
I also plan to pursue teaching credential in the morning ('cause I have to teach 2 classes), then do PhD from the afternoon. But my friends said that's too heavy of a workload. @_@
@Cecile gotcha - i suppose im more into general analysis as opposed to real analysis so I'm pretty used to the lack of visualization
@Cecile if you want to really understand that stuff topology helps
I got freak out after going to the school website and seeing the requirement of "passing qualifying exam and core exam with MS grade level by the beginning of 2nd year". The topics are algebra, real & complex analysis, but I know nothing on complex analysis & shaky on real analysis >_<
@Cecile eek yea analysis will getcha
1 hour later…
@Alasdair Can you tell me exactly what you are trying to do?
I am having trouble reading your question
What exactly do the variables $x$ and $y$ represent?
They are not mathematical
Just explain the problem
The variables represent agreement and disagreements (contradictions)
It's an equation for measuring agreement between different sources
My problem is only that I want to be able to include the number of sources in the study as a variable in the equation
The equation is meant to represent a minimum level of statistical significance
I can give you a link to the paper
It seems you are assigning values to each variable what do these mean?
This will explain it:
You seem to introduce alot of your own definitions, but regardless there is very often a huge number of functions that will satisfy some simple set of statements
Just because one function takes on several of your desired values and satisfys some propertys does not mean it represents what you want it to represent
@DanZimm If you don't know what they can do, they are not any more terrifying than any other spider.
@robjohn whoop for ignorance of being in the midwest? xD
@Ethan, I don't understand what you mean
I understand that the value is not a true probability
@Alasdair Can you clarify several terms for me you used.
"statistical significance"
"minimum probability"
Mutual agreement are multiple sources that appear (by the researcher) to agree with one another, i.e. they make statements that say the same thing, e.g. "the sky is blue"
How are you defining statistical significance?
Statistical significance is anything that meets a presumed level of acceptance, which in this case is the premise that 3 agreements with 0 contradictions is statistically significant
The word significant by itself seems kind of vague, what one considers significant is certainly subjective to that particular individual
@DanZimm do you have brown recluse spiders there?
Obvious that one has to be accepted by the reader as being logical
That's why I tried to explain it in the paper, but I will rewrite that bit if it is not clear enough
@somaye: Hi friend. I was watching TV. Monazereh mididam. mazerat mikham.
Minimum probability is similar to statistical significance, it is basically where I'm saying that 0.9 is AT LEAST = 90% probability
@Alasdair I don't understand
It's how I convert the value output from the formula into something that can then be used mathematically
So I'm saying:
@DanZimm Do you know about galvanic cells?
@robjohn never heard of them nor have i seen a brown spider so i guess not
If 3 sources agree and 0 disagree then this has at least 90% chance (or better to say less than 10% chance of not being the case) of representing a true agreement
@Ethan nope no idea xD
@Alasdair I still don't understand what you are trying to do, can you explain in as simple terms as possible what you want
@DanZimm They are in parts of the midwest
Say I have 50 books about caring for rabbits. Of these 50, 3 of them say that rabbits need water everyday, 0 say that rabbits don't need water everyday, and 45 don't mention how often water should be given.
@Ethan theyre cool though
I say there is a 90% probability that those rabbit books are all in mutual agreement from this
Or to put it another way:
@DanZimm I have to draw a picture of several for my chemistry homework lol
There is less than 10% probability that the rabbits books agreed by chance
How are you defing probability
That level of probability is only assumed, the reader has to accept it logically
And how are you calculating it?
It is calculated with the equation
in the paper
It works as I wanted it to
You mean
I just want to now expand it to include the number of sources
@robjohn id shit my pants if i saw that btw nice job with that $2^{88}$ post
its the same thing
Oh right yeah, I haven't got the hang of mathtex thingy
Ok and $x$ represents?
and $y$ represents?
y goes first, I put it the wrong way round on my first post, then edited it
y is agreements
x is contradictions
Ok so we have a list of sources about somthing
And $y$ represents the number of sources that agree with one and another?
So If I have $5$ sources that say somthing is true and $3$ that say it is false
$y=5$ $x=3$?
1 - \frac{1}{ \left(\frac{y^2+1}{x^2+1}\right) }
OK and you want the number of sources?
In terms of that
Currently 5 agreements and 0 contradictions = 0.962
@Alasdair you need to put it in \$\$
Ok Alasaider the number of sources should be $x+y$, because this is the total number of true sources and false sources
Well no
That is assuming all your sources are declaritive on a given topic
They don't
Also some can both agree AND contradict
what do you mean?
The sources are books, sometimes the authors say one thing, then later say something that contradicts the first thing
Give me an example using that rabit stuff from before
Ok then $x$ and $y$ are assigned to each statement in each source?
Oh wait
It's just the total
the total number of sources
So in theory x+y could be > z
y is number of sources that agree
x is number of sources that contradict
You need to express your desired quanity in terms of $x$ and $y$
Ok alasdair
You want the total number of sources
I have the total number of sources
Based on the value $$t=1-\frac{x^2+1}{y^2+1}$$
What I want it the total number of sources to be a factor in the equation
The number of sources is not calculated from y or x
I don't understand, then add it to the equation?
What do you need help with?
You want $t$ to be significant some how by adding in another factor?
If this is this case it is still not clear exactly what $t$ is representing other then its given equation
All I want to do is modify the equation so that the exponential curve levels off at the number of sources
I would avoid using specific terminology like 'exponential'
if y==z then t=1
It is not clear what you are saying is exponential and with respect to what, there are 2 variables
And either way I don't see anything with exponential growth
@Alasdair what do you mean levels off
@Alasdair it increases quadratically
with respect to y
Yeah, I need to look into definitions
@Alasdair don't worry about it
By levels off I mean becomes 1
If the number of agreements (y) = the number of sources (z) then the product (t) should be 1
Oh, also assuming that x=0
If $x=0$
what is $z$?
z is number of sources
If $y=z$ then $t=1$ is what your saying?
@DanZimm Thanks. As you can see by the step-by-step, nothing deep is used.
And $x=0$
@robjohn yea I'm a bit lost in step 4 atm but I was gunna come back tomorrow when I could think more clearly
How about $$t=1-\frac{x^2+1}{y^2+1}+\frac{x^2+1}{z^2+1}$$
But if z=100 and y=3 and x=0, then t should still be pretty high
Like >0.5
substitute $y=z$ and you get $t=1$
Because y is much more important than z
@Alasdair $$t=1-\frac{x^2+1}{y^2+1}+\frac{x^2+1}{z^2+1}$$ satisfies those conditions
If we set $y=z$ we see that
Alasdair here use this
because the $\frac{x^2+1}{z^2+1}$ cancels with itself
I'll need some time to figure out mathtex language to read that
@Alasdair I will post it on your question ok?
@DanZimm $\cos((90-k)\pi/90)=-\cos(k\pi/90)$ and $\cos((90-k)\pi/180)=\sin(k\pi/180)$
chatroom has latex support
@robjohn but I don't see where $cos((90−k)π/90)$ comes from
@Alasdair refresh your question I edited a bit
Do you see my comment?
@DanZimm The product on the right; the indices are changed from $46\dots89$ to $44\dots1$
y = agreements, x = contradictions
oh i think im getting it now
Yes if they are the same $t=1$ in your equation isn't that what you wanted?
@Alasdair There are numerous ways to have this condition satisfied though
well I'm getting off have a good night all
@DanZimm night
Sorry, Internet died
I think you have x and y the wrong way round
y = agreements
Anyway, let me put the equation into Excel and see what the table produces
No I have it right you, said if $y=z$ then $t=1$ right? then that equation satisfies your conditions
I am still not seeing the significance of this though
There are numerous equations that satisfy this property
Just because some function interpolates the values you want and satisfies several conditions, does not mean it will be an accurate model
Well I guess I have to clarify the exact definition of "accuracy", and this is dependent on a number of other things, though regaurdless
Hopefully you get the underlieing idea
OK, the results are interesting
But now it always equals 1 at y=10 if z=10, even if x>0
What other condition did you want?
You want it only to work if $x=0$?
I want it to work with any values
I mean...
You equation seems right, except that is only works when x=0
If y=10 and x=10 then obviously t cannot be 1
As that is 100% agreement
But there are 10 contradictions
If y=x then t=0
if y=x then t=0?
Yes, if agreements = contradictions then significance level is 0
0 means no significance
Your equation looks like this:
0 1 2 3 4 5
0 0.010 -0.980 -3.950 -8.901 -15.832 -24.743
1 0.510 0.020 -1.450 -3.901 -7.332 -11.743
2 0.810 0.620 0.050 -0.901 -2.232 -3.943
3 0.910 0.820 0.550 0.099 -0.532 -1.343
4 0.951 0.902 0.755 0.511 0.168 -0.272
5 0.971 0.943 0.857 0.714 0.514 0.257
6 0.983 0.966 0.914 0.829 0.709 0.555
7 0.990 0.980 0.950 0.899 0.828 0.737
8 0.995 0.989 0.973 0.945 0.907 0.857
9 0.998 0.995 0.989 0.977 0.961 0.940
10 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000
For z=10
@Alasdair one second
@Alasdair How about this, I posted something new on your question
2 problems with that, (1) it's not quadratic, and (2) t is still 1 where x>0 (it should only be 1 if x=0)
Squaring it makes the numbers too small as well
I think I get the idea though
what is the use of fuction truncate in maths?
4 hours later…
Hi, I have kind of a silly question. Janich's topology book gives the the definition of topology as a pair $(X,T)$ where $X$ is a set and $T$ is a set of subsets of $X$ (called open sets), such that
1. Any union of open sets is open.
2. The intersection of any two open sets is open.
3. $X$, $\phi$ are open.

My doubt is, in the second condition, what prevents us from applying transfinite induction to the rule of intersection and extending the rule to "Any intersection of open sets is open" (which is obviously incorrect) ?
Even why can I not apply the simple mathematical induction?
You can apply mathematical induction to conclude that any intersection of a finite number of open sets is open. Can't help with transfinite induction.
Hmm, yup, any finite intersection is good.
@JayeshBadwaik If you tried to do the transfinite induction, the limit step would fail.
You would be able to prove this for $\omega+1$, assuming that it holds from $\omega$.
But the assumption that it is true for each $n<\omega$ is not enough to prove this for $\omega$.
BTW topological spaces such that any intersection of open sets is open are called Alexandrov spaces or finitely generated spaces.
@MartinSleziak Thank You :-)
Hello all
Can anyone recommend me a reference for self teaching complex analysis?
I know as high as vector calculus. If anyone could give me a recommendation that'd be great :)
@ZettaSuro Hello. Perhaps #160132 adresses your needs?
Also #30749
@Lord_Farin Explain that Complex Analysis has certain prereqs, man.
@Lord_Farin See this
@PeterTamaroff Oh, you're right. I might have momentarily misread vector calculus as multivariable calculus.
@Lord_Farin Mhm.
I'm off now.
@PeterTamaroff Bye!
Dear flagger: the only reason I dismissed the otherwise 100% absolutely valid flag is that it was made 20 hours late. And I can't honestly understand the reason of this appalling delay.
@Lord_Far What are the prereqs?
I have done multivariable calculus as well
@amWhy Sorry, I wasn't - I'm visiting my mother and girlfriend. What's it? Someone made a question in portuguese?
@ZettaSuro As Peter rightfully remarks, there are some prerequisites to starting with complex analysis. It is highly recommended to first progress through real analysis, and one will benefit from multivariate real analysis (although it is not strictly necessary).
@Chris'swisesister A good afternoon to you.
@Lord_Farin hello! The same to you! :D
ohh I see. I have been interested in real analysis for some time, but have never taken it and don't know much about it
out of curiosity, what are the uses and applications of real analysis?
@ZettaSuro It is basically the rigorous version and foundation of limits, integration, differentiation. The ideas used are employed to generalise many concepts to more abstract settings than the real line.
ohh ok. Is it used in applied mathematics, or is it all theoretical?
Also, it is usually one of the first points in education where students encounter mathematical proof-writing. // It is used in applied mathematics all the time (the results, anyway), but in principle it's all theory. Getting a good grip of the techniques employed is a very important part of attaining some sort of mathematical maturity.
Hello @N3buchadnezzar, @Dominic.
@Lord_Farin Hi
@Chris'sw, @Dominic How are you doing today?
cool. I think I'll look into it. It seems to also be a very popular topic here
Thinking about chain complexes
@Lord_Farin I'm working on a very beautiful product $$\prod_{k=1}^{\infty}\frac{k^2+k+1}{k^2+k}$$ How about you?
@ZettaSuro It's one of the topics where people tend to get stuck, so they come here a lot to ask their questions. :)
@amWhy Look. If Zev threatens my family, I'll blame you! :P
@Chris'swisesister :(. Slacking through another day I could use to do useful things. :S
ah makes sense. Thanks for your assistance!
@ZettaSuro Most welcome! Good luck!
@DominicMichaelis That's those things used for, say, de Rham cohomology, right?
yeah but right now I only need them for some category theory
@Chris'swisesister Product converges; I'm not good at evaluating them, though.
@Lord_Farin yeah, I know. It's an amazing product ...
@DominicMichaelis That's not something I have seen before; but then I'm not really into that part of the subject.
@Chris'swisesister A reflex is to take log and use the power series expansion (warranted as $\frac1{k^2+k} < 1$ for all $k$), subsequently interchange summation.
But I'll be going now, trying to salvage a bit of my day.
@Lord_Farin I see. That product can be viewed as another superb product.
Bye all.
@Lord_Farin bye
@GustavoBandeira I see! Thanks! ;-)
1 hour later…
@JulianKuelshammer Procrastinating not studying for my DG exam by computing some hilbert polynomials
No upvotes? BoooOooO!
@N3b Hi! :DDD
Hello, I need moderator some, is there any?
@N3buchadnezzar how are you?
@N3buchadnezzar ow :-/
@Cortizol What happened?
@Cortizol Oh, let me see if I can fix it.
$$\sum\limits_{m = 1}^k {{{\left| {\frac{1}{m}\sum\limits_{n = 1}^m {\frac{{{n^{ - q/2}}}}{{{{\left( {\sum\limits_{n = 1}^k {{n^{ - q/2}}} } \right)}^{1/p}}}}} } \right|}^p}} = \sum\limits_{m = 1}^k {\frac{1}{{{m^p}}}} {\mkern 1mu} {\left( {\sum\limits_{n = 1}^m {{n^{ - q/2}}} } \right)^{p - 1}}$$
Should it look like that?
@PeterTamaroff Yes
maybe it's too big for comment
OK, delete the comments and add it.
No, it had some failing code.
@Chris'swisesister hi, Chrissy, how are things?
@PeterTamaroff I can't see edit button for some reason
@Cortizol Just delete those comments.
@PeterTamaroff I mean, delete button
@PeterTamaroff See i.imgur.com/JnDJUbW.png
@Cortizol LOL; you just broke the internet.
@Charlie hi. I'm fine, thanks!:-) I was working on some series. How about you?
@robjohn are you here?
@Charlie previously I worked on a nice product $$\prod_{k=1}^{\infty}\frac{k^2+k+1}{k^2+k}$$
@Chris'swisesister I don't know, I'm studying some set theory, it's nice, but I don't know if I'm fine
@Charlie I can't say "I'm fine" every day but there are some exceptions :D
@Chris'swisesister I think he/she means "good"
@Charlie Another version, more beautiful (working on the generalization right now) $$\prod_{k=1}^{\infty}\frac{k^3+k^2+k+1}{k^3+k^2+k}=\text{sech}\left(\frac{\sqrt‌​{3}\pi}{2}\right)\sinh{(\pi)}$$
@PeterTamaroff you almost don't like.it, huh...
@Charlie Ah?
@Cortizol just back, but leaving again soon
off for some hours, bbl
howdy all
@DanZimm Hello.
@PeterTamaroff how you doing on this fine day?
@DanZimm It is a fine day? Where?
@PeterTamaroff I'm sure it is somewhere xD
@DanZimm anything nice going on?
@Charlie it seems to be a nice day out by me
@DanZimm good to know
Hi @anon
mh mac lane says that here it follows by exactness of the second row that that $f(x')=0$. But you don't need exactness there as we are in Ab anyway ?
sorry, I'm on the internet for offishal bizniss
can't talk
You don't need to talk you just need to type ;)
@DominicMichaelis how are you today, Dommy?
@Charlie I think it is going slowly upwards
I draw some colored commutative diagrams :)
@DominicMichaelis I'm glad to know
00:00 - 18:0021:00 - 00:00

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