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@Peter, some American baseball pitchers used to soak their pitching hand to reduce blisters. It may or may not have really worked, but it was certainly tried by some.
Oh, well. Bye for a few hours.
@WillJagy TTFN.
@WillJagy Later/tomorrow
@Charlie Hi.....
@PeterTamaroff how are you?
@Charlie A little cold, you?
@Faust7 might it be a reasonable conclusion to draw at this point that your question asking skill need improvement?
@PeterTamaroff not cold yet. I'm ok
@peter have you been doing anything nice lately?
@Charlie Nice?
@PeterTamaroff anything
@Charlie I had my midterm on Saturday. I overslept today, missed my Analysis I class.
Gave 7 tennis classes on Sunday (that's prolly why I overslept!)
@PeterTamaroff ooh!
@PeterTamaroff maybe.....
@PeterTamaroff I like to listen to these things while programming
@Charlie I'm listening to Django Reinhardt now
@PeterTamaroff hmm
@Faust7 interesting profile description, Mr.Faust
1926 Faust is a classic
with Dr.Caligari's gabinet and Nosferatu
Nice movies
Good night, @Peter
@Charlie Nighty night.
@PeterTamaroff Sleep well.
@user1 sup?
@PeterTamaroff Hey
@user1 How it's a' going?
@PeterTamaroff I am a little sick, probably a virus.
How about you?
@user1 Just cold, reviewing my Number Theory, hoping to get through Landau's book completely.
@PeterTamaroff Number theory is fun, but I get the feeling that I suck at it.
@user1 ORLY? Why?
@PeterTamaroff I have the same thing with analysis. My intuition misleads me more often than it helps me. :)
@user1 Hmmm, maybe you need an intuition software update!
@PeterTamaroff Good idea!
@PeterTamaroff Why do $x,y$ have to be distinct here?
@user1 If they are equal, it is a triviality.
$$2^nx^n\geq 2^nx^n$$
Ah, so it does not have to be required. ;)
@amWhy Thanks for your answer.
@GustavoBandeira My pleasure!! As always... ;-)
$\Huge \ddot\smile$
There you go!
I never understand what you mean with "there you go".
And blue, too!!
"There you go!" It's just colloquial for, say, "you've got it now" or, "that's right!"
It doesn't mean "go" anywhere, let alone there. I think it's spoken more than it's written, but I sometimes "chat" like I speak. Other times, I chat like I write.
Oh, Understood.
We have a similar expression in portuguese. And it mean a completely different thing.
But it seems to be pretty related.
Kind of like "you're good to go!"
It's weird, when you think of the literal meaning of a lot of expressions: e.g. "spot on!" I often ponder where such expressions originated...
In portuguese, we have "se liga" - the translation would be "turn yourself on" - not in the sexual context, it's "turn yourself on" as any electrical device. But in the end, it means "pay attention".
Do you guys know where I can find some difficult questions about polynomials?
@AlexanderJones Do you know Barbeau's Polynomials?
Does it have good problems in it?
Hopefully I can find a PDF of the book
I found this question in a maths olympiad from the 70s and it is a very good one but recent olympiads dont have polynomials :(
Q: Roots and coefficients of a polynomial

Alexander JonesQuestion What is the minimum possible value of $a^{2}+b^{2}$ so that the polynomial $x^{4}+ax^{3}+bx^{2}+ax+1=0$ has at least 1 root? Attempt I divided by $x^{2}$ and got $$x^{2}+\frac{1}{x^{2}}+2+a\left(x+\frac{1}{x}\right)+b-2=0$$ by letting $$x+\frac{1}{x}=X$$ the equation becomes: $$X^{2}+...

What do you mean with "difficult questions about polynomials"?
I have a test on polynomials so I want to practice
The questions in my school textbook are not enough :(
I found a PDF of the book, the question look very good, thanks :)
All x are y.
Some y are z.
Therefore, some x are z.
why is this false?
nvm, I see there could big a bigger set of $y$ in which $x$ is a subset of
so that those y that are $z$ are not overlaping with the set $x$
@AlexanderJones Did you like it?
Yeah, it's a good book.
@AlexanderJones You can also search some problem books, I guess Springer has a lot of titles.
@GustavoBandeira Yes, he has many problem books, I will look into them, thanks :)
@Alex if you want a difficult one try to prove that the polynomial in three variable $x^n + y^n -z^n $ has no zero over $\mathbb{Z}^3 $ :D
when $x,y\neq 0$
Initially I thought that was fermats last theorem lol
it is
it is ;)
you wanted a difficult one ^^
I think proving it is a waste of time haha
you mean trying to is a waste of time
id have to agree with you but you shouldnt of told them that. =)
Nvm, it doesn't sense you are the one thinking it is a waste
Ignore my giberish
how many arguments does the proof lend itself too?
What do you mean?
the point of theorem imho is so that you can use it without having to make a diffrent argument
i know two proofs the one by wiles and a "simple proof" which is longer
how much time dis the proof of fermats last theorem save people?
the one from wiles is about 100 pages long
The tools required to prove it are by far the means of what I have studied, but looking at the problem itself, i can't see why it would be beneficial in other areas
i have seen the book called the proof of fermats last theorem
@faust7 the conjecture itself saved at first 1 person
Was wiles proof beneficial in any way?
i couldnt read the majority of it as an undergrad
there is a simple algebraic proof which has several cases everyone about 500 pages long ;)
@Dominic i dont follow?
@AlexanderJones I think the results discovered in a quest to prove the theorem are useful
@Faust7 Wolfskehl wanted to make suicide when and before he done so, he got noticed about fermats last theorem and was so fascinated he didn't make suicide
Though I can not judge any of it, as I understand very very little of it, this is just an interpretation of related articles I have looked at
cause he was thinking about it all night.
i dunno i think theorems like bolzano-wierstrass and implicit fntion theorem are very valueble
im never going to pull fermats last theorem out my bag and go ha i have solved something
sorry but may i ask you how old you are ?
its oh thats neat back to real life.
i am 24
the implicit function theorem is important, it grants for example very often the possibility of numerical solution for real life problems (not that i would care about )
yes it is by far my favorite theorem in mathematics followed perhaps by one of the many faces of the mean value theorem
but what do it know =)
I think the hairy ball theorem got a pretty funny name :D
What do you do for work Dominic?
I don't work, I am an untergraduate Physic student
@ ethan thats my point when is there a case you pull fermats last theorem out in an application of mathematics?
the proof itself shows that a part of the elliptic curves are modular (in fact it is now proven that every elliptic curve is modular)
elliptic curves are very important for cryptographics and so their knowledge is worth a lot
but gotta go now to university see you later
hmm not that i know what means but im glad it can be applied to something
The result itself is facinating
@Faust7 the prime number theorem can be used to prove facts about the number of integers with a specific number of prime factors less then a given value
but im a simple person...
But if you never gave a shit about primes in the first place
you probably wouldn't care about the second result
my main argument wasnt an intent to degrade the conjecture
but for the amount of effort it took to prove
to how useful it is, just feels like time could of been spent elsewhere
@Faust7 It certainly could have been spent else where, but weather or not time is best spend doing $x$ or doing $y$ depends on the priorities of the person making such a proposition.
I agree.
$$\begin{array}{l}\text{All the other kids with the pumped kicks,}\cr
\text{You'd better run, better run, outrun my gun!}\cr
\text{All the other kids with the pumped kicks,}\cr
\text{You'd better run, better run, faster than my bullet.}\end{array}$$
@Faust7 For example, probability is very important in biology and many other fields now. However, a significant amount of probability uses measure theory. The concept of measures is highly dependent on the work of Cantor. Can we tell Cantor that his time would have been better utilized elsewhere?
Those are the real lyrics. Charming song. He finds his father's gun and bullets, when his father gets home he shoots him, then goes out to kill more. The group is called Foster The People.
Cantor should've spent his time with beer and girls. Therefore, his time shouldn't have been spent on measure theory, being mutually exclusive. â–¯
@WillJagy morbid. Why does he do that?
What are pumped kicks?
first time chatting here... just wanted to thank everyone that participates around here!
@DanZimm Why?
@GustavoBandeira because just about everyday I come here to successfully learn something interesting and new
@DanZimm Why do you do that?
@GustavoBandeira because I like learning about math
@DanZimm Why?
I do that mostly because in Brazil, mathematicians are atractive to women.
@GustavoBandeira I've always enjoyed math - nothing in life has been challenging to me except math so I was drawn to it
and lol and the women attracted to mathematicians thing
/me heads to Brazil
@GustavoBandeira is that really the only reason you practice math?
I also didn't believe it! But if you pay me 20 bucks, I can send a how-to guide with the secret.
lol no thanks
No. I do it because I like it.
what are you studying nowadays?
@DanZimm thanks
@DanZimm I'm back.
Are you still there?
@JayeshBadwaik np
@GustavoBandeira yep, just got done working my way trying to help someone with a density problem :D
@DanZimm What density?
A: Proving that a subset $\mathscr{H}$ is dense in $\mathbb{R}$

DanZimmFrom how I've learned to do density proofs, the easist way to go about this is by expanding the interval $(x,y)$ (note I will assume from here on - w.l.o.g. ofc - that $x<y$) and forcing some number in between (one of the form $\frac{m}{10^n}$ in this case. So let's start by expanding the interv...

@GustavoBandeira ^
@DanZimm It being dense in $\mathbb{R}$ means that $\mathscr{H} =\displaystyle\left\{\frac{a}{10^{b}} \ |\: a,b\in\mathbb{R}\: \right\}$?
I'm aware of the meaning of density - I'm just not really sure in this case.
no a and b in this case are integers
he says that up top
I've seen it.
@GustavoBandeira how come that shows up as plain text and not nice latex?
@DanZimm You need chatjax.
ah ok
Are you seeing it now?
sweet :D
Is what I asked true?
That up top?
I didn't get.
it means that given any two real numbers, $x,y$ you can find an element of $\mathscr{H}$ between $x,y$
Got it.
What the hell is wrong with people?
Jayesh is the ideal person to be a moderator.
This website really is full of retards. I mean who would vote for Bill Dubuque?
I'm outta here.
@MattN. Ideally, you do not call users en masse retards
or anyone, fo rthat mater
@MarianoSuárez-Alvarez I'm planning on asking on MO or on MSE what is considered weird in mathematics today. Do you know if this question was already answered somewhere or if it would be welcome in MO?
I'm afraid of it being subjective.
if it were my choice, **everything** in the site would be public, IPs, emails, and what not (and nothing would be deletable) USENET worked like that and worked pretty well for years.
Now, given the fact that that is *not* the situation, reading speculations and questions on candidates and so on regarding how would they have reacted in past situations *in the rather absolute lack of information* is rather strange,.
But for example: Cantor ideas weren't widely accepted, same for imaginary numbers.
@Gustavo That sounds like an invitation to rant.
@MarianoSuárez-Alvarez Are you personally atracted by fights?
@MichaelGreinecker Why?
Many people think completely mainstream topics like category theory are weird. Many mathematicians think logic is weird. I think it is better if these people keep their opinion to themself.
@MichaelGreinecker Abstract nonsense - I've heard the expression.
@MarianoSuárez-Alvarez Do you still use USENET today?
@GustavoBandeira II have't used USENET in a couple of years
now that we have tex.se here
the tex group was amazingly good, but most of those people are here now
@MarianoSuárez-Alvarez What other good things are there?
I've heard only about the file sharing.
well, as I said last night, the whiskey from the scottish islands is great! :-)
@MarianoSuárez-Alvarez Is it expensive?
the technical groups are/were very good
If not, I'll send you a bottle when I get money.
those about python, c, haskell &c
what does mi means in statistics?
also the language groups
Mi of greek alphabet
Mu (uppercase Îœ, lowercase μ; Ancient Greek , Modern Greek μι or μυ ) is the 12th letter of the Greek alphabet. In the system of Greek numerals it has a value of 40. Mu was derived from the Egyptian hieroglyphic symbol for water (𓈖) which had been simplified by the Phoenicians and named after their word for water, to become mem . Letters that arose from mu include the Roman M and the Cyrillic Ðœ. Names Ancient Greek Modern Greek In Modern Greek, the name of the letter is spelled μι and pronounced . In monotonic orthography, the ancient version is written with an acute accent ins...
there is a stackexchange site completely dedicated to statistics
with its own chat room :-)
@GustavoBandeira hahah
@MarianoSuárez-Alvarez What one? I've found a lot of them.
@GustavoBandeira no, you'll buy me a beer some day :-)
@MarianoSuárez-Alvarez What?
@MarianoSuárez-Alvarez Yay! What one?
My dad gave me recently a bottle of en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Talisker
not brazilian beer :-)
you guys make terrible beer :P
@MarianoSuárez-Alvarez I am aware of that. xD
not that argentinians are much better, mind you
it did not help that Brahma bought Quilmes some years ago, of course :-)
@Mariano Yu should come to Austria then- ideally via the Czech Republic.
@MichaelGreinecker I know!
@MarianoSuárez-Alvarez I'm not sure if my observation is feasible, but here it goes: No matter how hard the field a mathematician is working, and no matter how different is the field you and he are working - Alcohol is a tool for uniting them all. Is that correct?
in moderate amounts
-What are you working at?
-Bananolitic ultra carpionic catatonic cataclysmic sub-devoid equalential inequations.
-(have no idea of what the fk's that)
(A minute of silence...)
-Do you drink?
-Yeah! I like n whiskeys,y beers, t vodkas, (and the chat goes on forever)!
@Gustavo The field of Bananolitic ultra carpionic catatonic cataclysmic sub-devoid equalential inequations is pretty much dead after W.S. Strunky gave a complete characterization in 2003.
I'll learn more about driking - in the near future I'll publish a guide for communication inter-mathematicians.
@MichaelGreinecker XD
It's funny that Charlie refuses to - she'll die without talking to people, dude.
goodnight gentemen and women
Goodnight gentleman.
i am trying to calculate the correlation coefficient
i calculated the covariation of X, Y
now i need to calculate the Sigma(X) and Sigma (Y)
this is the table:
this is the formula:
In statistics, the Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient (sometimes referred to as the PPMCC or PCC, or Pearson's r) is a measure of the linear correlation (dependence) between two variables X and Y, giving a value between +1 and −1 inclusive. It is widely used in the sciences as a measure of the strength of linear dependence between two variables. It was developed by Karl Pearson from a related idea introduced by Francis Galton in the 1880s. Definition Pearson's correlation coefficient between two variables is defined as the covariance of the two variables divided by the prod...
weak goldbach was proved
@DominicMichaelis What if he workout?
$\text{Proof of Weak Goldback}\rightarrow \text{Two Years Working out}\rightarrow \text{Proof of Strong Goldbach}\, Q.E.D$
nope weak goldbach was proved with methods of cycling and there is effectly no hope of generalising it
@DominicMichaelis Wh did it?
@DominicMichaelis holy cow!
is that actually legit?
@Faust7 I liked your motivation. Really.
yor quote from Sawyer was exatly the kind of stuff I as looking for @GustavoBandeira
Math like other things in life can be intresting
Why don't you post it as an answer?,
@MphLee Yep.
@MphLee It has some questions - this reason made me think that it wouldn't be adequate as an answer.
Edit it and turn it in to an opinion/personal experience, that is perfect for what I've asked
Finding two or three other qotes /experiences of mathematicians can help me a lot.
Anyone know where i can find some uniform convergence questions that aint a dogs breakfast?
@Faust7 prove $sin{x}$ is uniformly continuous on $\mathbb{R}$
when i return home today form my exam i will take great pleasure in burning this textbook....
which one?
sin{x} is bounded above and below by -1 and 1 for all x
*prove it by the definition
@Faust7 nope it isn't it is an entire non constant function can'T be bounded
i think i can use the M text can't i? sin(x) <7 for all x in R
my textbook is by Gerald B folland called "Advanced Calculus" but in name only
how is that proving that its uniformly continuous (theres a theorem I don't know?)
honestly i don't understand how you have defined it...
i cant makea definitional argument we were never taught that
given $\epsilon > 0 \exists \delta > 0 : \lvert x - y \rvert < \delta \implies \lvert f(x) - f(y) \rvert \forall x , y \in \mathbb{R}$
i have the M text but ive never seen an example of it.
@Faust7 just realized - this isnt an analysis class is it?
no im taking analysis now but we havent learned this yet
its a 3rd year calculus class
all that i really know is that if i get more then one value of my sequence of functions
im confused, why were you asking for a problem about uniform continuity if you havent learned the definition of uniform continuity?
then its busted cause the function its converging to isnt uniform
because i have to be able to prove uniform continiuty on my test
using the M test
and 1 other i think its abels
well i apologize i cannot help - i never learned of any tests, only how to disprove uniform continuity (with use of cauchy sequences), and how to prove uniform continuity (using the meanvalue theorem, or the definition)
Basically in calculus there times when you need to pass a limit through an integral
ive never done an analysis course on integration or anything of the sort - only up to differentiation so I wouldn't be of help
Yeah its a really poor method of teaching the material
what is? how I was taught? I'm not done with analysis :P I'm just starting!
lol not the way your learning it =)
the way it was taught to me
oh heh
i ahve eveyr busted tool in the tool shed
oh wow i read what you said as uniform /continuity/ not uniform /convergence/
my bad!
its uniform convergence that i need but we use continity to do it +\
we do lots of wierd stuff like if ther sum is differentiable
we derivate it and if we can show its point wise convergent
the the orgional sum was uniformly covergent
lots of really stupid tricks to avoid teaching us how to do it.
@JayeshBadwaik I give you my upvote. Actually, this is because of the triple integral's answer you gave me. ;)
@Faust7 the trick you just mentioned is a nice trick to. It can be sometimes very difficult to do everything by first principles and in some cases, really a waste of time.
@Chris'ssisterandpals ?? Moderator upvote for an answer? Too much. :P But you can upvote me if you want anyway. :-) and thanks.
@JayeshBadwaik its only frustrating cause i only found out in 3rd year that i enjoyed math
@GustavoBandeira about "a philosophical point of view"
Not surprising since 1st n second year math class's suck =P
@JayeshBadwaik I don't look at the way people present themselves, but I look at their potantial. You have a good potential. My upvote is to encourage you to be more active. :-)
@GustavoBandeira What I mean is only linked to the mathematicians interested in the foundations: who is interested in that proces of generalizzation of all the mathematics (like the structuralism for example)
@Chris'ssisterandpals Thanks Again. :-) Hehe, yes.
@JayeshBadwaik welcome ;)
So no one answered if this is legit or not? arxiv.org/pdf/1305.2897v1.pdf
@Faust7 are you serious
it was posted YESTERDAY
and the freaking thing is over 100 pages long
Do you think we already proved all that thing ?
i can't even read it >,<
it is simple english ?
unfortunately i dont know what a dirichlet character or function is so im unable to read it
someone is good at order theory? i need help
perhaps i should repharse that
i can read it but all the randomly generated symbols are confusing me
50 rep bounty too
@MphLee You should tell that a little better in your question.
google is your firend
there is a note on the botton of my question : "I ask this question HERE on SEMath because I'm looking for human experiences of real mathematicians, that is very important for me in this moment" @GustavoBandeira, srry if is not very clear, when I can Ill improve the question
Anyways someone can help me recognize an order structure? 50 rep bounty if you can
yeah for 3 am... who wants me to order us pizza?
a pizza-order structure you mean?
ah beer pizza and mathematics @3 am
definatly have a recipe for world peace there.
xd indeed, but i'm not sure for mathematics
tons of people hate it so..
but all love pizza :D xd

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