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:54981574hmm that's true and I hadn't realized it so I just need $\int c_1 h = \int c_2 h = \int c_3 h = 0$
Right, and that's just a "codimension 3" subspace of $L^2(\Bbb R)$
Vey infinite dimensional still
what's $L$?
Why codimension $3$ in quotation? Isn't it literally that?
What's codimension mean
Yeah sure that's fine actually whatever
dimension of quotient
@MikeMiller Mike, so if we require $h$ to be infinitely differentiable or we change to $\mathbb{C}$ and require it to be holomorphic does that make it finite dimensional?
Unless the space of functions $f$ is finite dimensional to begin with, no
There's also no reasonable measure on most infinite-dimensional spaces, I should mention. That's physics tomfoolery
you need to change the setup for $\mathbb{C}$
@Fargle OK cool. I will tell you the h-principle someday
integrating holomorphic functions over the entire plane is not gonna happen
hmm that's an unsatisfying outcome for my idea, but I'm glad it has a mathematical object corresponding to it
@BalarkaSen "not until you're older"
For now construct an immersion of RP^2 in R^3
I don't really care how the setup gets changed, $h \mapsto \langle \int c_1 h, \int c_2 h, \int c_3 h\rangle$ is a linear map to a 3-dimensional space, and so its kernel is at most 3 dimensions less than the dimension of the space $h$ lives in
that's definitely true
@MikeMiller I know what you mean but what do you have in mind when you say this
I'm just saying you want a setup in which the integrals make sense
@Fargle You need to (re)read Oscar Wilde's The Importance of Being Earnest. One of my favorite lines: "Indeed, the immersion of adults is a quite canonical practice."
Like what kind of infinite dimensional spaces
Hilbert spaces
@BalarkaSen well, time to do like 30 preliminary things
@Fargle: Oh, I got one word wrong. A perfectly canonical practice.
I like that
@MikeMiller Space of W^{1, 2} paths on a manifold is an important example of a Hilbet space for me and they do admit good measures, is my qualm
That's part of Kolmogorov's construction of a Brownian motion
I think by and large construction nice measures on Hilbert spaces are not actually a problem; you can do this with space of maps between manifolds or something
I think it's a matter of what properties you want your measure to have to make it reasonable
My point is I have heard that physicists do bullshit but I no longer know what the bullshit is
functional integration and what-not
The Wiener integral is actually meaningful
Physicists write it in the following nonsense way: $d\Bbb P_{physics}(\gamma) = e^{-1/2 \int_0^1 \|\gamma'\|^2} d\gamma$
is the stuff in the Examples section meaningful?
The way it's written is most certainly not but I don't actually know what can't be formalized
why are they putting a $\square$ in the middle of two functinos
whatever I have seen being claimed to be bullshit is completely formal in Kolmogorov's language
The space of paths on a manifold is not a Hilbert space
But sure on $\Bbb R^n$
take R^n
It's a Hilbert manifold is what I meant
What's the inner product of two paths? What does it mean for them to be orthogonal?
There's no issue in defining $W^{1,2}([0,1]; \Bbb R^n)$ as a Hilbert space
It's the L^2 inner product of the derivatives, Ted
Not much geometry to that.
@MikeMiller Oh maybe I'm just wrong. I have constructed here the details of a measure on $C([0, 1]; \Bbb R^n)$, but a.s. a random path wrt this measure is not $1/2$-Holder continuous. But then $W^{1,2}([0, 1]; \Bbb R^n)$ is measure zero wrt this
Because it Sobolev embeds in $C^{1, 1/2}([0, 1]; \Bbb R^n)$
You might be right. This is surprising
I looked around and found this: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abstract_Wiener_space. This seems to suggest one doesn't usually easily get good measures on separable Hilbert spaces, so one embeds it in separable Banach spaces to upgrade the "canonical Gaussian cylinder events" to a measure.
$W^{1, 2}([0, 1]; \Bbb R^n) \hookrightarrow C([0, 1]; \Bbb R^n)$ seems to be an example of my setup. OK I understand now
So path integrals are indeed nonsense
@BalarkaSen Still, that's an infinite dimensional space. Still interesting.
What does $ f(n) = \mathcal{O}(n^{o(1)})$
i know the definition of the landau big oh and little oh notation but intuitively I don't know that that expression mean
it means there is some $C,N>0$ and some $g(n)\to 0$ such that $|f(n)|\le C n^{g(n)}$ for all $n>N$
would it be right to say that $f(n) = \mathcal{O}(n^{\epsilon})$ for any $\epsilon$
$\epsilon > 0$
@BalarkaSen I don't remember very much about Gaussian measures but I'm pretty sure you could build one on a Hilbert space instead of Banach
@user265855 No. For example, $\log n = \mathscr O(n^\epsilon)$ but it is not $\mathscr O(n^{1/n})$.
@user265855 it would be correct that $O(n^{1/n})$ implies $O(n^\epsilon)$ for any $\epsilon$, but this is a strictly weaker statement as @TedShifrin's example shows
1 hour later…
Ah, it needs to work for one $g(n) \to 0$ for $n \geq N$ but not all such $g(n)$
@user265855 It actually means $\lim\limits_{n\to\infty}\dfrac{\log f(n)}{\log n} = 0$.
2 hours later…
@CalvinKhor I would be surprised because it's a fact that any reasonable random model of paths is a Brownian motion which as I proved are not W^{1,2}
Where reasonable means iid increments with finite mean and variance, and sample continuous (almost surely every random path in your model is continuous). This forces the increments to be Gaussian
Essentially intuitively because of central limit theorem but I think a rigorous proof factors through stochastic calculus. See here.
I dont mean iid I mean independent, and stationary increments.
So I am certain every measure on C[0, 1] which are standard in this sense on the finite-dimensional cylinder events (path hits x_0, ..., x_n at time t = t_0, ..., t_n resp) restricts to zero measure on W^{1,2}[0, 1]
So there is no such measure as you propose
yes i agree
well except the last bit lol
Maybe I misunderstood what you meant then
i just wanted a measure with the right errr... projections to finite dimensional space
its been a while so im gonna say wrong things
but i think you can do that just by prescribing a mean and covariance operator....?
yeah i thought that's captured by the cylinder event conditions
ok, it probably screws up something about paths then
hmm i see
maybe whatever measure on W^{1,2}[0, 1] you have in mind is just not extendable to all of C[0, 1] but that also seems suspicious because since its defined in a Kolmogorov consistent way on the finite dim cylinder events like you said, it Kolmogorov extends to all of R^[0, 1], and then Kolmogorov continuity forces it back on C[0, 1]
since you have variance on the increments and whatnot
Theorem 2.49 (Sazonov, 1958). Let $\mu$ be a centred Gaussian measure on a separable Hilbert space $\mathcal{H} .$ Then $C_{\mu}: \mathcal{H} \rightarrow \mathcal{H}$ is trace class and
\operatorname{tr}\left(C_{\mu}\right)=\int_{\mathcal{H}}\|x\|^{2} \mathrm{d} \mu(x).
Conversely, if $K: \mathcal{H} \rightarrow \mathcal{H}$ is positive, self-adjoint and of trace class, then there is a Gaussian measure $\mu$ on $\mathcal{H}$ such that $C_{\mu}=K$.
Sazonov's theorem is often stated in terms of the square root $C_{\mu}^{1 / 2}$ of $C_{\mu}:$ $C_{\mu}^{1 / 2}$ is Hilbert-Schmidt, i.e. ha
What's $C_\mu$?
Definition 2.41. A Borel measure $\mu$ on a normed vector space $\mathcal{V}$ is said to be a (non-degenerate) Gaussian measure if, for every continuous linear functional $\ell: \mathcal{V} \rightarrow \mathbb{R},$ the push-forward measure $\ell_{*} \mu$ is a (non-degenerate) Gaussian measure on $\mathbb{R} .$ Equivalently, $\mu$ is Gaussian if, for every linear map $T: \mathcal{V} \rightarrow \mathbb{R}^{d}, T_{*} \mu=\mathcal{N}\left(m_{T}, C_{T}\right)$ for some $m_{T} \in \mathbb{R}^{d}$ and some symmetric
@BalarkaSen That would be its covariance operator
i found this theorem without proof in a book 'intro. to uncertainty quantification' by Tim Sullivan
Ah this is interesting. The identity map $W^{1,2}[0, 1] \to W^{1,2}[0, 1]$ is not trace class is the point, then?
i think i found sazonov's paper
Because our cylinder event conditions seem to imply that's the covariance operator
i guess so
You can't have variance of increments proportional to the length of the increment intervals if you really do want a Gaussian measure
Got it
Nice theorem
proven over 60 years ago
Very cool. I'll look into these matters deeply and write some blog sometime soon.
3 hours later…
@Balarka Look at the $2$-form $dx\wedge dy$ on $\mathbb{R}^2$ with an intent gaze. Independent of our starting point $p$ and our vector fields $X,Y$, $\frac{1}{\operatorname{vol}(P_{\varepsilon})}\int_{P_{\varepsilon}}dx\wedge dy=1$ for all $\varepsilon>0$, so particularly in the limit. Meanwhile $(dx\wedge dy)(X,Y)(p)$ depends linearly on both $X,Y$. So how can they be equal?
In general, if our two-form is $fdx\wedge dy$, then $\frac{1}{\operatorname{vol}(P_{\varepsilon})}\int_{P_{\varepsilon}}fdx\wedge dy$ should tend to $f(p)$ as $\varepsilon\rightarrow0$. The difference between these terms is bounded above by $\sup_{x\in P_{\varepsilon}}|f(x)-f(p)|$, which should tend to $0$ as $\varepsilon\rightarrow0$ for all reasonably nice polygons at least.
I think the directions only come into play when you integrate over the boundary instead or something. For a smooth function $f$, $\frac{1}{t^2}\int_{[x_0,x_0+t]\times[y_0,y_0+t]}f$ tends to $f(x_0,y_0)$, but something like the line integral $\frac{1}{t}\int_{\gamma}f$ where $\gamma$ is the straight path of length $t$ from $(x_0,y_0)$ in the direction of $(x_1,y_1)$ tends to $\partial_{(x_1-x_0,y_1-y_0)}f(x_0,y_0)$.
anyone online ?
I want to ask somehting very basic
hi, sure @user123456789
Why do we write ax^2 + bx + c = k (x - alpha)(x - beta) ?
Is k here always equal to a ?
not everyone will write it like that, its not so important that you use k or a to write it
I have seen many time that in p(x) which I mentioned above, when a is equal to 1, we write the factors as (x-alpha)(x- beta) since when we multiply it coeff of x^2 is one
hi guys
hi mathematics
@Yuvraj hi
But what about the cases like (1/2x- A)(2x - B)
that's correct, but i people also write e.g. $(x-x_0) (x-x_1)$, and so on, there are countless variations, what is important is the meaning, not the symbols
@user123456789 then you open the brackets and you can find out what k or a are
Wait for a sec, I can't express what I want to ask, let me think how
any help on this?
is namakeen really a word
here's my input, because I don't feel like doing combinatorics. If you type it, its easier to read and talk about.
15. If $p=2^{u} \cdot 3^{b} \cdot 5^{c}, a, b, c \in N,$ is the number of words which can be formed using all the letters of the word 'NAMAKEEN'so that no two alike vowels are together then :
(a) number of odd divisors of $p$ is 6
(b) number of even divisors of $p$ is 42 .
(c) number of zeroes at the end of $p$ is 2 .
(d) number of zeroes at the end of $p$ is 1 .
@user123456789 sure thing
38 secs ago, by Calvin Khor
15. If $p=2^{u} \cdot 3^{b} \cdot 5^{c}, a, b, c \in N,$ is the number of words which can be formed using all the letters of the word 'NAMAKEEN'so that no two alike vowels are together then :
(a) number of odd divisors of $p$ is 6
(b) number of even divisors of $p$ is 42 .
(c) number of zeroes at the end of $p$ is 2 .
(d) number of zeroes at the end of $p$ is 1 .
@CalvinKhor thanks
i want to solve it using the elimination of the possible outcomes.
I understand!! Thanks @CalvinKhor
@user123456789 great! yw :)
@Thorgott Ah yes I meant $1/\varepsilon^2 \int_{P_\varepsilon} f dx\wedge dy$. This is like $f(p)$ times $\vol(P_\varepsilon)/\varepsilon^2$, which in the limit goes to $f(p)$ times area of $X \wedge Y$, i.e., $f(p) \det(X, Y)$
Sorry about that
Approximate $X$ and $Y$ by their linearizations $X(p)$ and $Y(p)$ considered as vector fields on $\Bbb R^2$. Then $P_\varepsilon$ is approximated by the rectangle spanned by $\varepsilon X(p)$, $\varepsilon Y(p)$ on $\Bbb R^2$, taking the area suggests $\vol(P_\varepsilon) \approx \varepsilon^2 \det(X(p), Y(p))$.
Just have to verify this is correct upto $O(\varepsilon^3)$ terms
wow \varepsilon even in chat. maybe we should just silently redefine \epsilon every so often
$\renewcommand{\epsilon}{\varepsilon}$ $\newcommand{\vol}{\mathrm{vol}}$
or we could star that message
i wonder if anyone would complain
do it
kk should last for a while
ok, that sounds reasonable
I haven't verified though
I'll try
the potential difficulty is that I'm not sure how an error bound on approximating the vector field by its linearization gives a bound on approximating its flow by the linearization
yeah i feel like this is something i should know by heart but cant figure out when im half asleep
Suppose $X : \Bbb R^n \to \Bbb R^n$ is a vector field, solution to the IVP $\gamma'(t) = X(\gamma(t))$, $\gamma(0) = 0$ satisfies $\gamma(t) = \int_0^t X(\gamma(s)) ds$. Then $X(\gamma(s)) = X(0) + O(s)$, so $\gamma(t) = t X(0) + O(t^2)$, right?
Just using mean value inequality shit
yeah, I have something similar
So the actual flowline of $X$ until time $t$ differs from the linearized version $tX(0)$ by $O(t^2)$
So if you have two things you expect area error to be $O(t^4)$
Which is good for us
$\vol(P_\epsilon) - \epsilon^2 \det(X(p), Y(p)) = O(\epsilon^4)$, so dividing by $\epsilon^2$ and taking limit gives the equality we want
I think some soft, dumb estimates like this are enough
I think we need an estimate on their ratio, not their difference
Is there a non-headache way of writing down the area of an arbitrary pentagon
Well but if $\vol(P_\varepsilon) - \epsilon^2 \det(X(p), Y(p)) = O(\varepsilon^4)$ then $\lim_{\varepsilon \to 0} \vol(P_\varepsilon)/\varepsilon^2 = \det(X(p), Y(p))$
right, that's true
And then $1/\varepsilon^2 \int_{P_\varepsilon} \alpha = \vol(P_\varepsilon)/\varepsilon^2 \cdot 1/\vol(P_\varepsilon) \int_{P_\varepsilon} \alpha$, the first term goes to $\det(X(p), Y(p))$ in the limit and the second term goes to $f(p)$ in the limit where $\alpha = f dx \wedge dy$ by what you said earlier
So the whole thing goes to $\alpha_p(X, Y) = f(p) \det(X(p), Y(p))$
So this would settle everything I think
yeah, that's what I'm trying to do too
@Thorgott Yikes but I mean like sides of $P_\varepsilon$ are not straightlines. You really want to see that the edges are linear upto error $O(t^2)$ implies area is linear upto error $O(t^4)$... how to formalize this though?
just getting that estimate on $\vol(P_{\epsilon})$ is kind of awkward
yeah, but it should be doable somehow
$P_{\varepsilon}$ is the already linearized pentagon to me
What is the linearized pentagon? Sides of $P_\varepsilon$ are flowlines of the nonlinear guys $X, Y, [X, Y]$
Once you linearized you get an actual rectangle because $[X(p), Y(p)] = 0$
Somehow want to compare the area of these guys
just a pentagon with edges $p,\Phi_X^{\epsilon}(p),\Phi_Y^{\epsilon}(\Phi_X^{\epsilon}(p)),\Phi_X^{-\varepsilon}(\Phi_Y^{\epsilon}(\Phi_X^{\epsilon}(p))),\Phi_Y^{-\varepsilon}(\Phi_X^{-\varepsilon}(\Phi_Y^{\epsilon}(\Phi_X^{\epsilon}(p))))$
Ah ok like that
That works I guess yeah
As in not edges but vertices that?
Just draw a linear pentagon with the vertices of the nonlinear pentagon
ah yeah, vertices
for some reason I always confuse vertices with edges
Gotcha, thats a good simplification
Ok now its some obvious Euclidean geometry lol
yeah, it should be, but how do I do Euclidean geometry
triangulate the pentagon
straight edge and compass
still ugly
If you have a rectangle and a random polygon whose vertices are all $\delta$-close to vertices of the original rectangle then the area error should be $O(\delta^2)$
This feels like a Pick's theorem sorta deal
I dunno
Euclidean geometry is hard
i'll probably only verify this detail if someone puts a gun to my head
That settles it right
@Thorgott did you notice that your \varepsilons and \epsilons are the same
ah, I didn't know that formula
I'll torture myself by writing this out in detail
@Calvin yeah, I did \epsilon, because I saw what you were doing earlier, but typing \varepsilon is so much in my habit that one slipped through
@Thorgott or just believe everything works out and use Stokes' theorem in this setup to get to the formula for $d\omega(X, Y)$
$$\Phi_X^{\epsilon}(p)=p+\epsilon X_p+O(\epsilon^2)$$
$$\Phi_Y^{\epsilon}(\Phi_X^{\epsilon}(p))=p+\epsilon X_p+\epsilon Y_{p+\epsilon X_p}+O(\epsilon^2)$$
$$\Phi_X^{-\epsilon}(\Phi_Y^{\epsilon}(\Phi_X^{\epsilon}(p)))=p+\epsilon X_p+\epsilon Y_{p+\epsilon X_p}-\epsilon X_{p+\epsilon X_p+\epsilon Y_{p+\epsilon X_p}}+O(\epsilon^2)$$
$$\Phi_Y^{-\epsilon}(\Phi_X^{-\epsilon}(\Phi_Y^{\epsilon}(\Phi_X^{\epsilon}(p))))=p+\epsilon X_p+\epsilon Y_{p+\epsilon X_p}-\epsilon X_{p+\epsilon X_p+\epsilon Y_{p+\epsilon X_p}}-\epsilon Y_{p+\epsilon X_p+\epsilon Y_{p+\epsilon X_p}-\epsilon X_{p+\epsilo
Nice man
this is actually un-nice
cause I can't cancel simplify the vector field terms without losing an order of accuracy
let's plug this into the formula
$$\det(\Phi_X^{\epsilon}(p),\Phi_Y^{\epsilon}(\Phi_X^{\epsilon}(p)))=\epsilon\det(p,Y_{p+\epsilon X_p})+O(\epsilon^2)$$
$$\det(\Phi_Y^{\epsilon}(\Phi_X^{\epsilon}(p)),\Phi_X^{-\epsilon}(\Phi_Y^{\epsilon}(\Phi_X^{\epsilon}(p))))=-\epsilon\det(p,X_{p-\epsilon X_p+\epsilon Y_{p+\epsilon X_p}})+O(\epsilon^2)$$
$$\det(\Phi_X^{-\epsilon}(\Phi_Y^{\epsilon}(\Phi_X^{\epsilon}(p))),\Phi_Y^{-\epsilon}(\Phi_X^{-\epsilon}(\Phi_Y^{\epsilon}(\Phi_X^{\epsilon}(p)))))=-\epsilon\det(p,Y_{p+\epsilon X_p+\epsilon Y_{p+\epsilon X_p}-\epsilon X_{
oh wait, I need the 5th term too for the formula
yeah but thats like order epsilon^2 anyway or something
no, it contributes a lot of summands, sec
ah, there's cancellation incoming
where are you getting O(eps^4) man
shouldnt all of those be eps^2 detblah + O(eps^4)
$$\det(\Phi_Y^{-\epsilon}(\Phi_X^{-\epsilon}(\Phi_Y^{\epsilon}(\Phi_X^{\epsilon}(p)))),p)=\epsilon\det(X_p,p)+\epsilon\det(Y_{p+\epsilon X_p},p)-\epsilon\det(X_{p+\epsilon X_p+\epsilon Y_{p+\epsilon X_p}},p)-\epsilon\det(Y_{p+\epsilon X_p+\epsilon Y_{p+\epsilon X_p}-\epsilon X_{p+\epsilon X_p+\epsilon Y_{p+\epsilon X_p}}},p)+O(\epsilon^2)$$
wait, now everything cancels
something is off
this just shows the area is $O(\epsilon^2)$
which isn't tight enough
I'm not getting any $O(\epsilon^4)$ is the issue
well, I can
the [X, Y] edge is [Phi_X^eps^2, Phi_Y^eps^2]
not eps
that edge doesn't exist in this picture
just look at the first determinant, $\det(p,\Phi_X^{\epsilon}(p))=\det(p,p+\epsilon X_p+O(\epsilon^2))$, agree?
I can't approximate that any better than up to second order
ah ok gotchu
so this formula is useless lol
maybe it's just that I'm useless, probably both
ok, let's just try triangulating the pentagon, can't be worse than this
let's look at the first triangle with vertices $p$, $\Phi_X^{\epsilon}(p)$, $\Phi_Y^{\epsilon}(\Phi_X^{\epsilon}(p))$, what's its area
urgh, this is horrible too
but it should be true that knowing the vertices up to $O(\epsilon^2)$ should give the area up to $O(\epsilon^4)$
it makes logical sense yeah
or does it?
vsauce michael here
Consider a rectangle with fixed bottom left vertex and edges of length $x+O(\epsilon^2)$ and $y+O(\epsilon^2)$. The area is $xy+O(\epsilon^2)$ still, no? That's the same issue as happening in the above.
Because $O(\epsilon^2)O(\epsilon^2)=O(\epsilon^4)$, but $xO(\epsilon^2)=O(\epsilon^2)$
Even simpler, assume the height of the rectangle is fixed $y$ and the bottom is $x+O(\epsilon^2)$
the area is a linear function of the bottom length and approximated as $xy+O(\epsilon^2)$
im too sleepy to do this right now but it should be true that vol(P_eps)/eps^2 -> area(X, Y)
I agree it should be true
this really shouldn't be that bad
@Thorgott The point is the "two adjacent edges" of P_eps are of length eps|X| + O(eps^2) and eps|Y| + O(eps^2) respectively with angle theta between them being the angle as X and Y on the tangent space at p. So the "area of P_eps" is (eps|X| + O(eps^2))*(eps|Y| + O(eps^2))sin(theta) = eps^2|X||Y|sin(theta) + O(eps^3) = eps^2*area(X, Y) + O(eps^3)
So there is no technical problem in the naive reasoning as I see it
You're right you don't get O(eps^4). You do get O(eps^3)
It's stronger than saying the error in edges is O(eps^2), it's that while you shrink everything at the same time
But I dont have anything rigorous to say so I'll back off and go to sleep
that should be a proof upon triangulating, let's see
1 hour later…
yeah, I'm absolutely convinced this works, will write down the details later
Actually, this tells us something more about the picture we would have intuitively expected either way. Triangulate the pentagon as follows: One triangle has vertices $p,\Phi_X^{\epsilon}(p),\Phi_Y^{\epsilon}(\Phi_X^{\epsilon}(p))$, the next one has vertices $\Phi_Y^{\epsilon}(\Phi_X^{\epsilon}(p)),\Phi_X^{-\epsilon}(\Phi_Y^{\epsilon}(\Phi_X^{\epsilon}(p))),p$ and the last one has vertices $\Phi_X^{-\epsilon}(\Phi_Y^{\epsilon}(\Phi_X^{\epsilon}(p))),\Phi_Y^{-\epsilon}(\Phi_X^{-\epsilon}(\Phi_Y^{\epsilon}(\Phi_X^{\epsilon}(p)))),p$.
So I recently came across the topic of Quantum Calculus on wiki. Where and why is it used?
Quantum calculus, sometimes called calculus without limits, is equivalent to traditional infinitesimal calculus without the notion of limits. It defines "q-calculus" and "h-calculus", where h ostensibly stands for Planck's constant while q stands for quantum. The two parameters are related by the formula q = e i h = e 2 π i ℏ {\displaystyle q=e^{ih}=e^{2\pi i\hbar...
In my uneducated guess: "Not often and for spurious reasons"
Some people say that title should be informative and subjective, (put the formula in title) some say question should be in body and not in title (avoid formula in title) so which one is correct..?
The latter
The title should be informative but NOT the question.
I found an answer, which had some useful facts.. and I closed the tab it because it very basic, now I need it but I can't find it (T_T)
check your browser history?
For the future ctrl+shift+t opens the last tab you closed on firefox and I suppose other browsers have similar shortcuts
Can someone explain to me what the author means by "variable" in section 1 of the paper arxiv.org/pdf/1601.00670.pdf (page 2)? Is he referring to a random variable or what?
I don't think he's talking about random variables here, because if z is a random variable or vector, then p(z) isn't meaningful or am I wrong? p seems to be a density
but if he's not talking about random variables, then how can we formulate the same thing by taking into account also the random variables
@Alessandro Codenotti, well it wasn't the immediate previous tab by that time
@Thorgott, well, I had already browsed a lot
@nbro why don't you think that the density of a random variable isn't meaningful?
These are exactly the kinds of variables that might have associated densities wouldn't you say?
@Drathora I am not saying of a random variable, I am saying of a "variable"
variable != random variable (in general)
The author says "suppose we have a VARIABLE z with density p(z)"
but how come a variable have a density?
That's my question
I don't understand if the author us talking about variables or random variables
Yes, it's a "latent" variable
omg, no
that's has nothing to do with my question
I am not talking about latent vs observable variables
I am talking about VARIABLE vs RANDOM VARIABLE
Okay fine, I'll give you the short answer. Yes, z is a random variable
but if z is a random variable, then what's the meaning of p(z)?
The density of the distribution that's associated with z
but z in p(z) is the input to the density
it's like x in f(x), where f is some function like x^2
Yes, because the "output" of z is the point at which we want to evaluate the density
So we evaluate p at the point z
It's awkward notation since the variable name is also being used to represent the output of the variable
so z represents both the random variable and its realization?
that's also the most likeliky thing that I thought he was doing and meaning
or, let's pretend that this was the case
Yes. Some authors will distinguish and use Z as the variable name and z as the individual values
Something that might be useful is to forget that "variable != random variable" in general
And just view every variable as a random variable
With deterministic variables having an associated distribution that assigns all probability mass to a single point
so when someone says "consider variable z with density p(z)" he means that there's a random variable Z with realization z and then we use another variable with the same name z as the realization to index the density p?
So, there are 3 different entities:
1. The random variable Z
2. The realization of the random variable z
3. The variable of the density function z
So, we use the same notation to refer to both 2 and 3
and sometimes we use the same notation to refer to 1 and 2, so it may happen that we refer to both 1, 2, 3 by the same letter, although they are different
but there's still something I don't understand
sometimes we want to know the likelihood of a dataset. In that case, we want to know the likelihood of realizations of random variables
In my own work I'd usually phrase it as "consider a random variable z with associated density p". But I guess this author did it differently
but we write p(D|x)
What does it mean then that we are defining the likelihood of realizations?
So that's the probability of our dataset D given our observations x
no, sorry, I didn't mean x to mean observations
forget that notation
use this one p(D|theta)
Alright, and what are D and theta representing here?
D is your dataset
theta are tha parameters you want to find by maximizing the likelihood
Alright. So yeah so p(D:theta) is the conditional density of the random variable D given the parameters theta
So when evaluating at a point, you'd of course have a realization of D
so, we can indeed evaluate a density at a realization
and so x in p(x) is not always the dummy variable but it can also be a realization of X
So, we can talk about "likelihood of dataset"
because are indeed fixing where we are evaluating the likelihood
Yeah, you'll either be fixing a point D and evaluating there
Or you'll have it as a variable D and p(D:theta) will be written as a function of D and theta
So, I am confused for a good reason
@Drathora right, but in that case it won't be a likelihood, right, but a family of conditional probabilities, one for each configuration of theta, right?
yes, or rather it's a family of functions from the domain of D to likelihoods
I am still confused because I wanted to show that maximization of the log-likelihood is equivalent to the minimization of MSE
I showed it and the math works
but I am still confused even though I did it
I mean, I don't really and fully understand what I did
or what I said
This is because I assumed I am given a dataset D = {(x_i, y_i)}
So, these are realizations of Z_i = (X_i, Y_i)
So far so good, right?
Then I said that Z_i follows the joint p(x, y)
So for so good
Then I assume that I am given an arbitrary x (in bold)
and I say I define $p(\mathbf{y} | \mathbf{y}, \mathbf{w})$
is a normal distribution
Sorry, I meant $p(\mathbf{y} | \mathbf{x}, \mathbf{w})$
Now, what the heck is $\mathbf{y}$ and $\mathbf{x}$ here?
$\mathbf{y}$ should be a dummy variable (I think)
but $\mathbf{x}$ is actually the given arbitrary input
maybe I should use $p(y | \mathbf{x}, \mathbf{w})$?
Sorry, is p a probability here or a density?
Either way, yes, if you want it to be a distribution or density function, y should be a variable
I want to assume that p is equal to the Gaussian density or Gaussian function
And then for specific values of y, p(y:x,y) will give you the conditional density at that point
right, so I should probably distinguish between y (NOT bold) and x (BOLD, which is an actual realization), right?
All three of these can be variables though, and then you end up with a complicated conditional function
But yeah, I would distinguish in some way between variables and fixed realizations of those variables
It helps a lot with clarity
right, that's what I want to do: achieve clarify and remove ambiguity
but there's still a problem
I will be finding a point estimate of the Gaussian by maximizing it with respect to w
and to show that max of log-likelihood is equivalence to minimization of MSE, then, at some point, I will need to have the actual CORRECT label
let me show you what I did
you see the problem there?
in step 3.11, $\mathbf{y}$ seems to be fixed (i.e. the correct label), but in step 3.5 it's a variable
I think that in all cases $\mathbf{y}$ is fixed
Because we are assuming that we know $\mathbf{y}$
I think that's the explanation
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