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00:00 - 22:0022:00 - 00:00

so, in $p(\mathbf{y} | \mathbf{x}, \mathbf{w})$, both $\mathbf{y}$ and $\mathbf{x}$ should be fixed. I think this is the explanation
Yes, all of this is "for a given y,x,w" in 3.5 and 3.6
right, and the confusing is that we use the notation p(. | .), i.e. the notation to denote a conditional, to denote a likelihood actually, i.e. some function of w
w is the only thing that can vary here
sorry, the notation p(. | .) is a little bit unfortunate if you are a pervert :P
Btw, do you think that the following diagram well represent the supervised learning setting?
This should be the PGM that represents the underlying process of a typical supervised learning problem
X_i and Y_i are the random variables associated with the dataset (observables, that's why the grey color) and W is r.v. associated with the parameters (hidden variables)
Seems pretty standard to what I've seen in the past. It's not my exact area of expertise but it seems fine
So, the likelihood, even in the case of Bayes theorem, also has the data fixed, right?
the likelihood is never a density or mass, right?
or, at least, IN GENERAL, it's never a density or mass, right
Well, I think again that distinction is important
The likelihood is always a function of the parameters you want to find actually
You can have the likelihood at a point x,y,w
Or you can have a likelihood function of variables x,y,w
@Drathora Right, in that case, it will be a number
Where the first is the result of applying the second to the point
@Drathora But, in this case, it will be a function of w, which is the only one that can vary, although x and y can be arbitrary, but they should be fixed, right?
Ah yes, of course you can also fix one or more of the variables and have it be a function of w, or a function of x or a function of x and y
That kind of thing
That's just currying and uncurrying really
But when you optimize the likelihood you fix x and y
e.g. with MLE
you fix x and y
Then yes, you have a function of a variable w
you find w that maximises the likelihood given those fixed x and y
but the likelihood is always of the parameters according to Neal and MacKay
you cannot say "likelihood of the data"
but "likelihood of the parameters (given the data)"
yeah it's the likelihood that the parameters were "these values" given that this is the dataset you've observed
right, that makes senses
another thing. when we set p(y|x, w) = N(mu, sigma), p will be a Gaussian function
but is there any probability distribution here? no, right?
The integral of this thing is a conditional probability distribution
It's the distribution of y give x,w
I think you meant we set p(y:x,w) to the density of N(mu,sigma) right? Or am I mistaken?
what do you mean by ":" ? do you mean "|" ?
ye, I just don't have a key bound to it and I'm being lazy
No, I actually really meant p(y | x, w)
why do you put y twice there, in p(y | x, y)?
oh oops, that was a typo
Fixed, now look again
ha, so were you asking if I meant that p(y | x, w) is assigned to a NORMAL DENSITY?
Well, I didn't want to use the word DENSITY there because the integral of it when y and x are fixed and as of function of w may not be 1
the integrals of densities are 1, right?
also, integral with respect to what? that's what we also need to clarify (probably!)
Only normalised densities
All of this generalises to measures with Radon-Nikodym derivatives
well, anyway, if I say "normal/Gaussian exponential function", there is not ambiguity
Probability measures are just a particular case where the total measure is 1
Yeah, in most literature the assumed base measure is the lebesgue measure for continuous distributions and the counting measure for discrete distributions
But it's good to be specific
ok, so you also use the word density to refer to functions that don't necessarily integrate to 1
I do, I'm not sure if it's really the best practice to do so
another thing, if you have two r.v.s, one is continuous and the other is discrete, the joint density or distribution must be continuous, right?
it must because there's no way you can cover the values of the continuous variable with a discrete distribution
I would describe it as a "mixture"
Since you can kind of thing of it as a collection of continuous distributions parameterised by the discrete value
There are of course lots of different ways to think of it
but I mean something like p(x, y), where X is continuous and Y is discrete
Is this possible?
I never thought about it
But my intuition tells me that the joint must be continuous
I am not sure why you're talking about parameterization here
That is possible, and yes
And the reason I mentioned that is that a common way of considering product measures m(x,y) is by considering them as a family of measures $m_x(y)$, parameterised by this x
well, that's already too many details because, although the word measure doesn't scare me, I don't know much about measure theory
Let's instead recap the stuff about realizations, r.v.s and variables by looking at the paper arxiv.org/pdf/1601.00670.pdf that I mentioned at the beginning
and connecting it to the discussion about the likelihood
Ah I see
In section 1 (page 2) of the paper, the author says:
What's your background may I ask? What angle are you coming at this topic from?
> Consider a joint density of latent variables z = z1:m and observations x = x1:n
> p(z, x) = p(z)p(x | z).
z in z = z1:m should be arbitrary realizations of the random variable Z (and similarly for x)
but, in the case of p(z, x) = p(z)p(x | z), is z the dummy variable or the realization mentioned before?
In other words, are we evaluating the density at the realizations z = z1:m and x = x1:n?
we can, the equation holds in both cases
In that equation both are dummy variables, as that relation holds for all x and z in the space
$f(p^{j}) \ll_{k} j^{\mathcal{O}(1}$ implies that $\lim_{p \to infty} \frac
$f(p^{j}) \ll_{k} j^{\mathcal{O}(1)}$ implies that $\lim_{p \to \infty} \frac{\log(f(p^{j})))}{\log(j)} = \mathcal{O}(1)$
did i miss anything?
@Drathora If I say "probabilistic interpretation", what does that mean for you?
Hmm. I can't say I've really heard the term thrown about. If I had to guess I'd say something along the lines of the probability distribution we use to model whatever it is we're trying to interpret,
Right, I want to say that training the neural networks with MSE for regression has a probabilistic interpretation and it's the derivation shared above (plus other parts). Does that make sense?
I guess that's fine. I'd argue it's more that the training is an application of this probability theory, but they're essentially the same thing
@Drathora Can we say that the likelihood that we optimize in MLE is not a conditional density?
assuming we have x and y fixed and let w vary, i.e. we max wrt w
Hmm, the thing you're optimising is a log likelihood right?
So the log of a conditional density?
So you're optimising a conditional density p(y:x,w) for a fixed y and x
Ok... but the weird thing is that people like to say that likelihoods are not probability distributions, which seems to go against what you have just said
can u clarify that?
I mean, we already talked about that, but I am a little slow :P
Likelihoods aren't distributions they're densities
A distribution on X takes a subset of X to a non-negative real number between 0 and 1
A density on X takes a single element of X to a non-negative real number
another thing that confuses me a little bit is the following. When I see a conditional density, e.g. p(y|x), it's hard for me to understand that y can be fixed (because it's on the left) and x can actually vary, because, usually, y is the one allowed to vary and x is fixed. In general, can the right side vary and the left side be fixed? I guess so, otherwise, we couldn't define the likelihood, right?
Yes, you can just think of p(y:x) as a function f
That takes two arguments (x and y) and returns a non-negative real number
Fixing either one gives us a new function
ok, thanks
Either the density of y with respect to a fixed x
Or the "likelihood"
another thing: I want to say that I define the likelihood as the composite function BETWEEN the Gaussian (density) function and the neural network (in my case, the model I am using). Does this make sense and, specifically, is the "between" the actual right word to use there, i.e. do we say "compositive function between function x and function y"?
Maybe compositive function OF?
I would say "composition of [function 1] and [function 2]
If I use the notation "$\mathcal{N}(\mu, \sigma)$", does that necessarily imply that it's a prob. dist. or can it also mean that it's Gaussian density? What's the convention in statistics?
I would always assume it's a distribution myself, but I've definitely seen some people use it to mean density in certain contexts
I would never do that myself though, as I find it confusing
Ok, then I will not use that notation here. In fact, I thought that would imply I mean a distribution and that can confuse people
another thing. I want to say that this formulate is analogous to the typical formulate of a linear regression model
Can I say that $\mathbf{y} = f_\mathbf{w}(\mathbf{x}) + \epsilon$, where $\epsilon$ is sampled from $N(0, \sigma)$ is equivalent to the following
here $f_w$ is the neural net
*I want to say that this formulation
I think these two views are equivalent, but I am not fully sure
y (the correct label) is a non-linear function of the net (when given x as input) + some noise from a Gaussian
that's what the definition of the likelihood should mean
I think that's okay. Getting a bit late for me though so I might not be thinking properly
ok, thanks a lot, man!! You really clarified a lot of things!
good night
00:00 - 22:0022:00 - 00:00

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