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This ended up a lot more interesting than just "is this the right noun"
@Adam Only the best discussions!
@cmw Heh that must be it.
Posteritas Praesentiae
or was it praesentium?
Go with the latter.
Posteritats Praesentium (didn't recognise -ium as genitive plural)
17 hours later…
@JoonasIlmavirta What would you say is the closest Latin equivalent(s) to sisu?
@Cerberus The context was translation exercises; the missing ouk was just that: I misse it. The exercises are from John Wright’s revision of Clyde Pharr: _Homeric Greek : A Book for Beginners, University of Oklahoma Press, 1985.
In other words: They were random (numbered) sentences for the student to translate; they have no context.
@CannedMan Ahh makes sense.
Yes, it makes sense that it doesn’t make sense.
Haha right!
Then I suppose I can't give you any more advice than what I said earlier.
I.e. I don't think there is anything important or obvious that you missed in your translation.
So why is it called "Homeric" when there is little Homeric about the exercises?
Full house today!
@CannedMan Good question! I'd be happy to see that asked on the main site.
@Cerberus Probably a very early example to demonstrate some grammatical concepts.
My first reaction is tenacitas.
@JohhanSantana Interesting! I'd be happy to know more details on that use. I do know how limited it is contextually.
@cmw Do we need to ask for a bigger chat room?
@CannedMan In my opinion, these types of books are the least effective in teaching Greek or Latin. I know people love Wheelock and Mastronarde, but I find that they leave many gaps in knowledge. The flipside are books like Athenaze where those gaps are sometimes filled incorrectly.
@JoonasIlmavirta Well, we certainly can't all socially distance ourselves in here!
I made an attempt at the question, but would certainly welcome any feedback on improving it.
Getting crowded in here, need to mask up.
@Cerberus I believe the main reason is the grammar used; dualis is part of the grammar exercises.
But yes, there is no doubt that this is very much a book in the style of Wheelock, which I personally found very _un_helpful.
Good tables, though.
Though I find the American order weird; I am accustomed to nom, voc, acc, gen, dat, abl.
@Adam We also need to figure out how to do that in Latin, as usual.
@CannedMan I'm traveling so I have limited access to my devices and books, so I will give it a closer look later, but it looks good already.
I am glad! Thanks!
@cmw What kinds of gaps? I've never seen the books.
@JoonasIlmavirta That's a straightforward one: personam induere.
@cmw So it's really a form of personal protection.
For one: An understanding of how the language actually works. It has always made me wonder why ‘dead’ languages are thought to be better taught in a manner completely at odds with how every other language – living ones – I have ever come across is taught. If one began your first German lecture by telling your students to read and understand the following six pages of grammatical concepts you have never heard about, let’s hope that such a lecture has secured tenure.
That might be fun to have recorded on the main site.
@JoonasIlmavirta Typically, the lack of context for sentences gives student a jilted feel about how the structure of the language actually works. You learn a bunch of rules, but the mind can't possibly remember every rule. Moreover, what may be technically true in some situations you'll find that it's impossible to extrapolate onto others.
@JoonasIlmavirta I'd like it to be a little more than just a simple dictionary look-up!
@CannedMan Part of this problem though is that one's native grammar is now neglected in schools, whereas in the past it wasn't.
@cmw I see. So it's driven too much by free floating examples instead of general ideas of how it all works?
@JoonasIlmavirta Right!
@cmw What is your preferred book for learning latin?
@cmw Fair enough, but there's also the aspect of arguing why that of the many options is the most apt for the concrete situation at hand.
@Adam The one I'm writing with a colleague! But in all seriousness, none should be taken alone. I find having a few at hand is best. It also depends on age and level.
Latin Via Ovid would be great if someone took the time to update it.
@CannedMan I seriously dislike any language being taught as dead. It's pedagogically horrible even if the end goal is just passive reading.
@JoonasIlmavirta And yet, it's not quite alive, either. There is a nice middle ground to be had, I believe.
@cmw True, its status is certainly not the same as the most living languages out there today. But I still strongly believe that a student should learn to speak and write simple Latin greetings and sentences early in order to get a proper grip of the language.
@JoonasIlmavirta The issue I run up against with that is that students are often taught those greetings as direct equivalents to their native language's greetings (e.g. "how do I say 'hello', 'thank you', and 'how are you'?).
One thing is that it's not really up to the teacher to decide what the student's end goal, if any, is with Latin. Foundations need to be broad enough, so that anyone can later specialize as they want or need.
It should rather be, "What did the Romans say/do upon greeting another? How did the Romans verbalize appreciation for kind acts?"
@cmw That's an issue. The whole concept of translation really needs a serious discussion.
@cmw It's the same between many modern languages too. Maybe the gap is often smaller, but neglecting it is unwise anyway.
@JoonasIlmavirta Especially since I don't remember seeing this in other language classes I took. They don't just teach the language, but the whole culture surrounding the language. Sadly, we don't have enough evidence to know exactly what the common person on the street was doing at all times like we do for modern languages. That's why it can never be considered "alive." Any attempts to modernize it will always end up making it a translated language.
There's no perfect translation of "hi" to Finnish either. It depends on context. And in many cases a Finn would stay silent where an American would speak.
@JoonasIlmavirta I do feel like in Finnish classes, that would be explained, though.
The infamous "silence of the Finns."
Just yesterday I read an article decrying some of that, coincidentally enough.
@cmw There are also many little grunts that might go unnoticed in the American ear.
@cmw We Finns like to decry American verbosity...
@JoonasIlmavirta Cultural differences. But no one is perfect, even if some Finns think otherwise. ;)
@JoonasIlmavirta The article was more on the weaponization (my term, not theirs) of the Finnish silence to silence criticism.
@cmw Fair point. There's a limit to immersion when there isn't a living culture to draw from. But all of that can be explained. A teacher always has to find a suitable middle ground between various practices and goals anyway.
@JoonasIlmavirta Exactly. Finding that middle ground is difficult but not impossible.
@cmw Silence is a powerful tool that many would benefit from. But there's certainly a tradition of abusing it in many cultures, in cases like domestic disputes.
@JoonasIlmavirta I don't agree with everything in the article, but here it is: history-of-finland.com/index.php/blog-my-finnish-history/…
@cmw Yeah, and there's no need to hide that that's the case. The students don't need to be presented with an impeccable and unchallengeable truth.
I'm off for a bit. @Adam I have a good answer, but sadly can't get to it now. I'll try later.
Valete, omnes.
@cmw I'm using wheelock right now along with some companion books, but also LLPSI. On the one hand, Wheelock has been useful at properly understanding syntax and grammar. On the other hand, LLPSI is more effective at actual comprehension and natural usage.
@JoonasIlmavirta I think Americans are getting a lot more used to a silent response thanks to so many video hangouts.
I confess to being a person who often responds with silence if I have nothing useful to respond with.
@Adam I give value to that. Not saying anything when there's nothing to say is respectful of others' time.
@cmw from the article: The German poet Berthold Brecht, a refugee in Finland for a short time during the Second World War, concluded that Finns “are silent in two languages.”
That (aside from referencing Finland's two national languages) is certainly an allusion to the German bonmot "to be silent in seven languages," which was originally associated with the famous classical philologist Immanuel Bekker.
@SebastianKoppehel That expression of being silent in two languages is somewhat popular in Finland, but I never knew of a German origin.
Some of the observations in the blog or whatever it should be called sound alien to me, or at least seriously overinterpreted. But some of it makes a point. Some Finns are keen to ignore evidence against perfection.
Ah, or perhaps Brecht got it from there, then. Interesting serendipity.
@SebastianKoppehel It could really be either way. I have no clue of the timeline.
@JoonasIlmavirta Presumably not exactly an exclusively Finnish trait.
Presumably Friedrich Schleiermacher (1768-1834) said Bekker was silent in seven languages, or Bekker said it about his teacher Friedrich August Wolf (1759-1824). The idea was that, whoever it was, was well versed in many languages but did not talk much.
Interestingly, within Germany, being talkative is stereotypically associated with the south, and being taciturn with the north. (Being a Northerner, I cannot confirm this, but such is the stereotype.)
@SebastianKoppehel You seem talkative enough to me.
@Adam Perhaps "writative" is a more accurately description.
@SebastianKoppehel Not at all. American exceptionalism is a good example, and I'm sure just about every country has its version.
@JoonasIlmavirta Scribacious?
@JoonasIlmavirta Accurate! I'm very writative but not talkative.
@SebastianKoppehel That's a good word! Did it already exist or did you craft it yourself?
@JoonasIlmavirta It didn't exist, sadly, but I went from "loquacious," which is a real word and presumably descended from loquax, which is also real. No scribax in Latin, though.
Is there an ending appended to verbs in Latin that implies the action is done a lot?
1 hour later…
@Adam yes, -itare, a so-called frequentative suffix.
For example, dictitare, say often or repeatedly; cantitare, sing/play often or repeatedly; factitare, do repeatedly, practice; etc.
Not in all cases is the meaning so straightfoward, e.g. incursitare, rush upon, attack ("a favorite word of Seneca," as L&S note).
@SebastianKoppehel So while not attested that I know of, scribitare is a possible construction?
@Adam That seems reasonable to me.
Is it an infinitive?
@Adam actually it is attested, except it's scriptitare (and yes, that's the infinitive).

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