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Except for being so idiotic about getting stuck on the back board all the time. :P
vote: do i sleep, or do i not?
make insomnia great again pls
Damn, I feel so old now. .... Pugh and I also did a fabulous gourmet dinner with unbelievable wines. I don't think I saved the menu from that, but I had it until I moved.
I remember being super into ODE because of Pugh's book, i remember he had a good exposition of the basic uniqueness/existence theory
@Balarka I haven't slept in days pls sleep, love urself
@Balarka: If MIGA is anything like MAGA, it's a total failure.
Lol maybe I should actually check it out then
Eric, his field was dynamical systems = fancy ODEs.
@TedShifrin Okay, I didn't get that
memelord has failed thou
that's probably why it was dope
memelordest hath failt thou
I = insomnia, Balarka
oh i see
Thou = nominative, not accusative!
I don't know old English
only 'merican
@Daminark it would probably be good for brushing up on basics of analysis
@Ted does modern english have an instrumental case
So Pugh does ODE's?
LOL, no. Among the languages I know, only Russian does. Even Latin doesn't.
At some point I'll look into it
I am supposed to be learning some ODE theory
Dynamical systems, Balarka. ODE's + topology.
old english did but it was reserved for weird shit
oh nice
like i believe it was only to be used for singing about gods and stabbing people
that's what this reading course is about actually
@Eric lol
I don't think that's all in his analysis book, though. I recommend Hirsch/Smale for that.
It was just basics of ODE
I have a little of that in my multivariable math book, too. Just a little.
Yeah I'm supposed to be starting with the basics for now
let's see how much I can push through
@Balarka i have notes of milnor on dynamics
that i have found sneakily
oh damn
You should definitely look at Hirsch/Smale, Balarka. Great book.
i can send them over if you wanted them
I am filled with determination
i'll definitely have them
@TedShifrin I'm checking it out right now, thanks a lot
LOL, just like you want to take first-year calculus at uni.
for the record these notes are not his dynamics in complex variable, i couldnt find them anywhere until i got them from a friend of a friend
I've never heard of these, Eric.
should i join chess club?
@MeowMix I vote yes
@Ted I didn't either, and neither had Schlag, but a girl in our cohort like stumbled on these somehow
Meow, if you like chess, it's a good way to socialize.
Wow, Eric, interesting.
@Ted I've read a bit of them and they seem pretty good, infinitely better than brin and stuck, which we used in bootcamp
Chess is fun
I like Go better
I was not moved by the stuff Demonark presented to me, Eric.
but chess is fun
i played chess with dodsy alot
a lot
Go is too hard. Chess is too hard. I stick with bridge (and cribbage).
I suck at it
but I like the game
I can lose within 6 moves in chess. :P
But I'll take you all on in bridge :P
@Ted Go is much less mechanical to me than chess; which is why I like it. more about studying shapes and patterns than "moves"
Bridge scares me.
I mess up in the middle game
There's definitely $\pi_0$ involved in Go.
there's too much complexity going on there
It's fun, Semiclassic. Bidding is arbitrarily complicated but so exhilarating to negotiate. And the play takes lots of experience.
Though when I say that, I really mean that trying to read the daily bridge column confuses the hell out of me
Well, Semiclassic, when we get together, we'll go play bridge :P
the game my family would play a lot is Authors
I've never heard of that.
Authors or, The Game of Authors is a card game for three to five players. The first Game of Authors was published by G. M. Whipple & A. A. Smith of Salem, Massachusetts in 1861. In 1897 it was also published by Parker Brothers, which also was in Salem, Massachusetts at the time. == Overview == The deck of cards consists of eleven sets of four cards each representing the works of eleven famous authors. The object of the game is to form complete sets of the four cards comprising the works of a particular author. The winner is the player with the most sets. The game is the creation of Anne Abbott...
I think I'm way better at games that demand a lot of heuristics than games that require a lot of more concrete tactics, I struggle to do mechanical tasks like following lists and whatnot as well
so basically you've got a deck of 52 cards, but each number is associated with a given author
and each suit within that set to a given work of theirs
@Balarka but yeah. shoot me your email and i'll send you the milnor notes whenever you want em
Yikes. I'll stick to bridge.
meh. it's basically just go fish
ROFL ... that doesn't change my vote.
im a competitive chutes and ladders player
got it
Thanks btw
except instead of asking for the five of hearts, you'd ask for "Romeo and Juliet" by William Shakespeare :P
Yeah, I pass, Semiclassic :P
That's Dr. Professor Patrick to you
to whom?
pff. main problem with it is that you really can't play a few games of it in a row; just gets too confusing trying to keep track of who holds what
the game we play more recently is Kings Corner
When you get to cribbage, let me know.
I like that game a lot.
what is cribbage
a cabbage which is cringy perhaps
@Balarka that was my first thought
throws Balarka back in the padded cell with Demonark
i know this game
OK, Eric, you're on.
im not good at this mind you
Hm, either its not main site peak time, or I post very strange questions. Been 20 minutes and only 2 other people have viewed my newest question X'D
I just have played it before
@Balarka sent
I have an amusing cribbage story. Back in 1984 or so I was on a flight back from Europe to ATL, and I was seated next to a tennis playing CS major at Univ Alabama or something. He said he hated math reasoning.
I taught him counting principles for cribbage and he beat me 6 out of 7 games as we flew across the ocean.
wow that's p crazy
@Simply: I never look.
This was from 1984 after all
That's fine @Ted
@EricSilva: Moral: I'm too good a teacher.
But I'd expect more than two views by now lol
smacks Balarka
Correction, 3 views by now
OK, SBA, what's the damn question?
Some of my ordinal collapsing function stuff
Oh hell. Never mind.
my roommate made pho and I'm on cloud 9
I love pho ... particularly with organ meats :P
@EricSilva :O
me too @Ted
LOL ... we need a food subroom.
i like pizza
and fruit salad
Meow won't be invited.
I have to decide what I'm cooking for guests tomorrow night.
I always get my friends to give me their tripe because I have 0 hang ups about it and it's delicious imo
i do quite well with water thanks
LOL, poor Balarka.
hey, what i lack in taste i make up for with having extreme motivation to program for hours at a time
maybe Balarka is secretly a plant
What's wrong with being sober :P
SBA, how did you know I'd had a martini?
BTW, Eric, the geometry lectures are still not posted.
@Ted hopefully they get posted before school starts so I have time to watch em
@TedShifrin >.> Darn, gave myself away
I'll let you know when Rafe lets me know or I check that they're there.
thanks @Ted
Did you know: Meow is currently procrastinating at this very moment!
I'm gonna be super swamped with work, taking algebraic top and a PDE topics class
probably won't be around here that often
@MeowMix I would suspect a lot of us come here to procrastinate
OK, Eric, I'll expect not to see you for months. Ha.
<---- has nothing from which to procrastinate at this point.
I'm super scared for PDE, it's my first second year course
but also super excited, it's about elliptic and parabolic stuff
@TedShifrin :(
Don't be sad, SBA. I am not saying I'm brain-dead.
Eric, you'll be fine.
I'm not sad at you, I'm sad that I have things to procrastinate on still
i don't doubt that, i just get nerves before classes start
<---- Procrastinator for life. Who's with me!
soon i'll get a long ass holiday
@SimplyBeautifulArt eh, maybe tomorrow
@Semiclassical HAH
I see what you did there
@Balarka my college starts late relative to usual schools in the US, my high school also ended super early compared to high schools in the US, so I had a glorious six month break between high school and college
never again will i get a break so incredible
Well, good night chat!
Indeed, Eric. Especially if you go from Chicago to some place on semesters :)
I'm off to cook dinner. Bye, all.
@EricSilva Haha, something like that will happen to me probably, but it may not be as glorious if I fail my admissions
bye @Ted, save me some!
Enjoy, @Ted
@Balarka: You wouldn't dare fail admissions.
Come by anytime, Eric :)
@Balarka you'll be fine, but breaks like that are dope I spent a looooot of time doing cool stuff
that's when i started learning baby diff geo i think
damn how come you learnt so much in high school
Hi again.
because it was actually easier to go do stuff at the local uni than to go to my high school
@Daminark hi hi
there were no buses to my area/my parents worked so much that until i ended up buying my own car i couldnt make the commute all the time
so i ended up basically doing the math major at the local uni and did their grad program and stuff
Wow nice
it was p fun, i met a cool old Argentinean dude who did stochastic DE and i think he instilled love for analysis in me
hey @ D a m i n a r k
@Daminark have you learned more about vbs
I think I hated analysis until recently
tbh Ted's multivariable calculus was an eye opener for me
tbh i think analysis is easy to hate until you have certain amounts of perspective
otherwise i'd probably have gone down the shit track of mine where i learnt algebraic topology before point set topology and group theory lol
@EricSilva It's still one of the first courses on serious mathematics in most universities, so there's that
yeah true
I guess the point of being as an earlier course is to enable formal thinking
idk why it didn't appeal to me back then
Hi @MikeMiller
@Mike were you the person on here who said they liked final fantasy xv
i have to get back to analysis soon
yeah fantastic game
has anyone played little nightmares
i want to steal that game
i just acquired a ps4 so i think im gonna buy it
@Balarka no but i want it
was that from the same people who did "inside" and "limbo"?
good choice, also advise the ratchet and clank remake
super my aesthetic tbh
my only two essentials so far
i still play oot every day in my free time
I think I watched a playthrough of it
yeah and it's fucking beautiful
@Semiclassical yeah i think so
they changed up the levels and story
holy shit this is changing my life
you a big r&c fan? i am for sure
i played the ps2 games when i was younger and loved the shit out of them
they're fantastic but the remake takes the perfected gameplay of 3 and some of the newer games' touches
@Semiclassical surely you watched outlast 2 playthrough right
it's also a nostalgic love letter to the whole series
maaaaaaan this is an exciting time
thank you disposable income
i'm getting a friend to play through the sly cooper series rn lol
ah dude i love sly cooper
i think that's probably the most hardcore, non-ridiculous horror game of all time
i'm big on the three ps2 platdormer trilogies in general
i feel
@BalarkaSen I watched outlast 1. was good.
i'm going to be convinced to play the last of us at some point on ps4
couldn't get into outlast 2, though. not sure why.
oh i heard it was good
i hated it on ps3 because it gave me a headache
@Semiclassical 2 is fantastic
@Semi im the opposite, im not a fan of 1 but i got into 2
it's presumably the same game but prettier
1 is good but not as intense
god you're going to love r&c reimagined
i heard they upped t he framerate
which would get rid of my headache problems probably
i like just bought it on amazon lol
me and my roommate have gotten a lot out of the kh trilogy on ps4 so far though some parts of those games are bullshit design
wait they remade the kh trilogy on ps4 too????
wow i have a lot of shit i need to get
ive been out of the loop with consoles since the middle of the ps3 era
@Daminark Holy shite the DMCA fell through
Firewatch is getting nuked out of PDP's channel
i think ill stick to ffxv r&c and bloodborne for now, ill pick up more games when i get some money from TAing
and who says we don't like consumerism :>
man i just like games

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