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@MattN., I mean the thing you linked
@JasperLoy But... I thought one should always call things what they are.
(but not sure if I can go, due to pain, but they accepted 'on the condition that I can go')
@MattN., yes try it you can't go wrong - you can set a bell to go off after 10 mins to stop you if you want
@MattN. There are no assholes, because the ass is a hole, hahahahaha.
@caveman Duh, I thought you were telling me to stop pinging you here in chat.
no :)
@caveman I would hope that he eventually sat down with paper and pencil and tried to understand what the theorem is saying.
@JasperLoy: it is 5:01 now, it is time to sleep.
anything can happen :P
@Karl'sstudents You too.
Someone called me an ass today, and it is not Jonas, so I mind.
@JonasTeuwen Supposed there is this super annoying person in the presentation you are attending. For example if you say something they interrupt you. If you talk quietly to someone during the break they talk so loudly that it interrupts your train of thought and hence your own discussion. Etc. How do you deal?
Only Jonas can call me an ass.
@JasperLoy I will start sleeping at 10:00 AM
@JasperLoy On the site?
@MattN. In another chat room.
@GarbageCollector, Sleep for 24 hours every day
@MattN. Call him an ass.
@caveman :-)
@JasperLoy Then you can flag the asshole and get him banned : )
I am going to sleep.
Good night!
Now Jonas seems to have left.
@JasperLoy good night, banana, sweet dreams
@JasperLoy Good night
the greek name guy didn't reply to me!
I am going to sit and stare at the wall now. It's been a pleasure. I'll see you all later! And thanks for the advice about staring at the wall : )
@DominicMichaelis, A good result is that $[S_n,S_n] = A_n$
not difficult to prove
$A_n$ is the alternaing group ?
@Haytham I did reply.
26 mins ago, by Haytham
@κρανίοπεριπολία i understand, then you speak greek?
Same answer.
Where are you from, @Haytham?
the kernel of the map that tells you whether a permutation is even or odd
@Argon i belong everywhere
@κρανίοπεριπολία ...very curious
@Haytham Indeed... a looong story.
@κρανίοπεριπολία then why the name?
@κρανίοπεριπολία you're lucky, I like stories
@κρανίοπεριπολία because it's so damn cool
I'm curious now
Because, because, because...if Charlie ever comes back she will tell you the story.
@Charlie YAY YOU!
@κρανίοπεριπολία of what?
I'm confused here!
Haven't you heard this room is "Rarely if ever expressible as a ratio of integers."
@κρανίοπεριπολία i read it, yes
who is charlie? what is not coming back?
So don't rationalize please...
@κρανίοπεριπολία Oh, why not? I'm curious
...like I said
4 mins ago, by κρανίοπεριπολία
Because, because, because...if Charlie ever comes back she will tell you the story.
@κρανίοπεριπολία IF...
Yes, it is very iffy...
Another casualty of trolls.
@κρανίοπεριπολία expand...
Pardon me, caveman.
@κρανίοπεριπολία yes, and?
@MattN. 'Will you keep your mouth shut for like 30 seconds? Please!'
"Please" comes first.
Politeness rule #1.
In English.
It is not meant to be polite.
Will you shut up? Please!
Obviously, it is not.
@JonasTeuwen hey! let's keep the level
Please mind your own business.
stop "asking people to shut up"
Again: what?
He is talking to me.
I have no idea what you are talking about.
Who are you?
i don't understand why this question has so many votes.
@AlexanderGruber Why not?
@AlexanderGruber same here
Do you mean 'I wish it was different and that good questions get many votes rather than easy ones'?
Haytham maybe means let's keep a decent level in chat
@Theta30 Bingo!
@JonasTeuwen it just seems like very trivial, why is it so popular?
Someone opened a can of ... whats.
We are not playing BINGO
@AlexanderGruber Exactly for that reason.
@JonasTeuwen actually maybe trivial isn't the word - i mean it seems ordinary.
@AlexanderGruber More people understand easier questions.
@κρανίοπεριπολία owowow! Charlie is the one that appears in that other room?
but difficulty aside i see so many questions just like that which never get above 2 votes
Don't mess with Charlie or I'll pluck your cherries.
i guess it just doesn't seem extraordinary to me, even for an easy question
idk - maybe it's just me.
@JonasTeuwen why?
@AlexanderGruber The same happens with products.
Why do great products fail so often?
It is likely that a question with many votes get even more.
@JonasTeuwen for example why was this question so much less successful just a couple hours later?
The 'reasonable doubt' in possible mistakes decreases when more votes.
@κρανίοπεριπολία cool
I don't know - just bad luck I suppose.
@JonasTeuwen yeah - i guess you're right.
Strange things happen in samples of large numbers.
Also in smaller ones.
@κρανίοπεριπολία seems like "Chucky worship zone"
@Haytham After he plucks your cherries I'll bake them in a pie for pie day ;)
OOH WOW! ok ok
Charlie seems a nice guy
18 mins ago, by κρανίοπεριπολία
4 mins ago, by κρανίοπεριπολία
Because, because, because...if Charlie ever comes back she will tell you the story.
Read carefully pal.
@κρανίοπεριπολία I'm reading, I'm reading
1 min ago, by Haytham
Charlie seems a nice guy
@κρανίοπεριπολία Ah, Charlie is a female...Ah
can anyone help me with ordinals?
$\omega^2$ type stuff
Trolls feed on the weaker gender, no? @Haytham
@κρανίοπεριπολία it seems, is what they say, the fragile gender
^ my office building.
@JonasTeuwen whoaaaa
a couple of days ago here...
Yes, within an hour.
Dutch weather.
Last week it was 17°C...
Today I fell on ice 8-(.
Did you hurt your back?
Was a soft landing. Kind of.
I meant any more ...
...you should be very careful with what you have left.
I did not put the bloody ice there.
@JonasTeuwen How is it going J?
Ok, I admit it I put it there.
@PeterTamaroff Sup P.
@κρανίοπεριπολία Hey...
@κρανίοπεριπολία You little Greek backstabber...
@JonasTeuwen What are you up to?
@PeterTamaroff Making the SSO environment of the university work on our server as well.
It involves my friend, Java.
@JonasTeuwen What is SSO?
The son of a bitch.
Single-Sign On?
When I'm tired and thinking cold
I hide in my music, forget the day
and dream of a girl I used to know
I closed my eyes and she slipped away
She slipped away...
@κρανίοπεριπολία you like that song?
@κρανίοπεριπολία indeed
Charlie has slipped away...
the beauty of mathe question is open again
I generated a 'frozen' version of a Joomla! site today. That was quite peculiar... my crawler picked up all kinds of strange links which I did not see. Then I discovered a piece of 'encrypted code' in the template X_X.
Crap. Could have been scary.
Now I even rethemed it by injecting good CSS with nginx 8-)).
nignx is super fast. I hosted a joomla site.... once.
I froze it.
Much better!
yes. much better I agree.
Nginx handles some of its old features and it is remapped to /legacy.
On / there is uWSGI.
And /secure Apache running the SSO daemon and a filter.
That is a cool setup.
(if you put /secure in between it verifies the identity and spits it back at nginx which then uses the one without /secure/ but with credentials and https).
I did not want to use Apache, but the filter they gave me was made for Apache.
Now I use it to handle the authentication.
I see. When you initially wrote about moodbar.nl, I thought you were going to use some OAuth thing.
It is not that.
okay okay
it is promood?
This is another application for the PhD representatives.
Ahaa. Okay.
So, after a lot of work I managed to get permission of the national university network administration to connect to their network.
google says your site may be compromised
That's the old one still :-/
DNS will be changed.
Yes, it had a strange piece of php in there.
Ohh, is this the site that you were talking about? That managed to get itself blacklisted?
Yes, before I was there.
You said the people managing the org before you managed to get either the domain name or the ip address blacklisted as spam. I do not rem which.
But this is on the university network now, and they firewall and crawl it.
Okay, nice. How high up do you have to go (bureaucratically) to get something hosted on your university network?
I've put the legacy open for public now (rest uni IP).
To the rector.
Then the university legal department.
Then... more.
A circle has infinitely many corners according to Archimedus!
@AlexanderGruber Hey do you know of any resources where I can learn to compute lengths of modules?
@BenjaLim i've not a clue in the slightest.
@AlexanderGruber I want to compute some intersection multiplicities
can anyoe help me with GNU PLOT please?
@BenjaLim is it a group ring module?
@AlexanderGruber No this module is typically a quotient of a polynomial ring
@AlexanderGruber All my rings are commutative :)
you might want to ask JSchlather
ah ok.
he knows about that type of thing
@AlexanderGruber Even though the both of us delve in algebra I think our interests are quite diverse :)
@BenjaLim most definitely :)
i just picked up t.y. lam's book on noncommutative ring theory
that is serious shit
but maybe you need to know that sort of shit
it's super good!
the only time I had to look at non-commutative rings was with Schur - Weyl duality
@BenjaLim i think most of what i like about group theory comes from non-commutative side, which is why i never got into commutative algebra and whatnot
So you should do analysis.
so i figure if i'm ever gonna get around to adding another operation, this is the way to go.
Almost nothing commutes there!
@JonasTeuwen but i like $=$ better than $\leq$ :(
@caveman what do you want to know about it?
@AlexanderGruber $=$ is just $\leq$ and $\geq$.
how do you figure out how to use it? is there a page with templates you can copy or something
@JonasTeuwen Algebra is very exact
(seriously though: i am taking a complex analysis class right now, and i must concede that it's not quite as awful as the rest of the discipline.)
@AlexanderGruber Well some of the most important objects in maths like polynomial rings over fields are all commutative :)
@BenjaLim So is... analysis?
@JonasTeuwen No you guys just make like a ton of estimates
@caveman You read the manual? Gnuplot is an interpreter, it has commands and all, just like matlab, mathematica, but infinitely less powerful for mathematics, infinitely more powerful for graphs.
@BenjaLim Bullshit.
@BenjaLim I do like polynomials.
@JonasTeuwen How about exact in a different way
@AlexanderGruber But seriously like right now even the commutative algebra I know is not deep enough to tackle all this crap about regular local rings, etc
That's false as well.
@JonasTeuwen what is false?
@caveman There is also a tutorial which might help you get started. :-)
You obviously have never seen for instance non-commutative probability or abstract harmonic analysis or even classical harmonic analysis on Lie groups or symplectic manifolds.
@BenjaLim I have a commutative diagram on my board right now about groups. You'd approve.
naturally I would
Or Grothendieck's Résume.
@AlexanderGruber Man I am tutoring right now and the other day in a tutorial
I was explaining some shit about roots of polys and universal properties and drew a diagram
a lot of people were very confused
@JonasTeuwen hey now, hey now. analysis does not own lie groups.
@JonasTeuwen also: what is noncommutative probability?
No use in explaining if you can't read.
@AlexanderGruber fuck man I can't believe all the universal properties confused people
@JonasTeuwen it sounds like my kind of probability.
@BenjaLim you're right, universal properties are so nice.
ok from now one Alexander Gruber = non-comm. guy
benjalim = comm. guy
i'm all like, $[a,b]$, and BenjaLim's all like, $1$.
@BenjaLim Having a Lim in your name, I thought you would tend more towards analysis? :-/
I hate such artificial dichotomies between fields in mathematics.
@AlexanderGruber huhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuh?
@JayeshBadwaik No the lim there stands for $\varinjlim$. $\varprojlim$
@JonasTeuwen it's like rooting for a different sports team. it's not serious.
They seem to be serious idiots nevertheless.
@JonasTeuwen Common I support manchester united sometimes we poke fun at other teams
Unless your a Raiders fan.
@AlexanderGruber why are you a closed interval and I'm 1?
@BenjaLim Yeah, currently liverpool and arsenal and even Chelsea for their managerial torubles. :-)
@BenjaLim $[a,b]:=a^{-1}b^{-1}ab$
@κρανίοπεριπολία Raider fans are no fun then. :P
@AlexanderGruber fuck I hate all these group theorists interpreting that crap as the commutator :)
$a^b$ is conjugation.
but actually when I was doing lie algebras that would have been the first thing that I would think of
That's the good thing since it has a physical interpretation as the representation of an observable.
@JonasTeuwen Actually in algebra I don't see the equals sign much
just $\cong$
or in algebraic topology $\simeq$
I use the equal sign for isomorphism
@caveman that's not correct.
In analysis all of those are '='.
I dont care!
the number of things i write as "$1$" is really getting out of hand
You should be smart enough to know what it means.
When you write $f = g$, that can have a quadzillion of meanings as well.
@JonasTeuwen @caveman Did you know that $\Bbb{Q}(\sqrt[3]{2}) \cong \Bbb{Q}(\sqrt[3]{2}e^{2\pi i/3})$ but are not equal?
that shows you that you need to differentiate between the goddamn signs
Of course they are not equal as sets, so fine to use $=$.
Notation assumes knowledge on the side of the reader.
@JonasTeuwen obviously you don't deal in algebra :)
who cares if they are not "equal"
When you write $X = Y$ for $X$ and $Y$ $*$-algebras or Banach spaces. What would it possibly mean?
In class, yes.
@AlexanderGruber, where could Iook up to find out how transitive sporadic grroups are?
@BenjaLim, I don't like talking to you
multiple transitivity
@caveman I was just joking :)
@caveman you could try Wilson's book on simple groups
@AlexanderGruber How to explain that things in algebra are upto isomorphism?
I dont have it :(
any access to a library?
@BenjaLim That's also in analysis.
@BenjaLim the Klein $V$ group :)
@AlexanderGruber huh?
Or to some other equivalence relation (e.g., nuclearity between spaces).
maybe my question is dumb
@BenjaLim all proper nontrivial subgroups are isomorphic, but they aren't equal
@caveman Then don't ask it until you are sure.
I can't really ask it without knowing how transitive sproadics are though
@caveman i am not an expert on simple groups.
@caveman i deal mostly in solvable groups when i can help it
@AlexanderGruber of course
What does 'equal' mean anyway.
It's an equivalence relation, like your isomorphism.
@JonasTeuwen @AlexanderGruber bye I am off now
What do you mean with 'subgroups being equal'.
@BenjaLim later :)
I need to reread by differential geometry assignment to check I haven't made any stupid mistakes
@JonasTeuwen i mean they are the same subgroup. $\langle (1,0) \rangle$ is isomorphic to $\langle (0,1) \rangle$ but it isn't the same subgroup.
I don't like it when you have to check things like ahhhh this smooth structure is the same as the standard one blah blah blah

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