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more groups?
@nimza ça va bien et toi ?
i wonder why this has no downvote yet
I gave it a close vote
same here
because i can unterstand that someone ask such a question although it is freaking annoying
ok now it got 3 downvotes
hey @DominicMichaelis
how are your cats
still on the exercises
didn't spend a lot of time today on the cats
I own that book
haven't actually done the excerces though
@DominicMichaelis Haha, though it is a ratio sign and not a divide sign this time...
if you want to discuss any with me please do because I havea cats exam soon!
I have three cats. They are not good at any exams.
I have no cats or sets.
All of their answers involve knocking things off shelves, or sticking their butts in your face.
@Arkamis you obviously don't experience the joy of your cats.
we take about real cats (categories) they aren't fluffy but still great
wow this is completely unreadable math.stackexchange.com/questions/330594/…
words ? for what?
@JayeshBadwaik I love my cats. I wouldn't have them if they weren't such a pain, but also so loving
@DominicMichaelis, exercises at the end of chapter 1?
I am sorry to say, I am of the camp that thinks we should not have pets.
i am a bit slow cause i lack some of the elementary stuff inside
I don't know how you can be bothered to solve these..
Why? Because we eat animals for food, and I find it strange that we keep some other animals as our pets.
If one is a vegetarian, then it is not so strange, but still strange.
We don't eat every animal for food. Keeping animals as pets is a natural evolution of humans settling into an agricultural society
well i spend about 20 minutes on them till now
Cats were good at controlling vermin, and required little maintenance from humans
What makes the fish we eat different from the dog on our lap?
Dogs have personality.
so do fish
So do fishes, but we don't understand them.
fishes aren't fluffy
what's wrong with eating your pet anyway
To put things a little more harshly, it seems that we just make use of animals to serve whatever needs we have, emotional or food.
Fish don't give you love. They just kind of look at you and go "bloop".
thats exactly right
Exactly, I said it above.
@JasperLoy BANANA!
@Haytham PAPAYA!
@JasperLoy MAN!!!
I missed you
My thoughts are not well-defined, but I am throwing everything out there for you to think about.
as i said they aren'T fluffy
@JasperLoy me?
@Haytham No, talking about pets, read above.
Fishes have no feelings...
cats and dogs can communicate with you. Fish, not so much.
This brings me to the issue of cathexis vs love in human psychology.
@caveman and i prove everything i didn't know till know such like the commutator subgroup is really a subgroup and a normal one
Some people don't really care about others. They just use them to satisfy their own emotional needs.
@DominicMichaelis, I do that too
And the difference between cathexis and love is very well explained in "The road less travelled".
@JasperLoy hmm why you say it?
I am just a bolt.
So read that book and it will change your life and world view.
Geez what is that???
I read that book when I was 16. It blew my mind totally.
κρανίοπεριπολία O.o I'll have nightmares
I really wanna do some math
no idea what
@JasperLoy really?
anthing except my school work....... lol
@Haytham Yes, I don't tell lies.
school work ?
@Arkamis I was referring to the book "Joy of Cats". :-)
@JayeshBadwaik I was unaware such a book existed.
yeah it's too hard so I'm going to come back to it
Joy of cats
@Arkamis Here kiddo, buy an ice-cream
@JasperLoy no one "don't tell lies"
@Haytham I am not human.
@JasperLoy Oh, you are
the humanest of them all
@JasperLoy You think cathexis is bad?
@Haytham Anyway, I was thinking of whether you were from ****!
@JayeshBadwaik Well, you must read the book first before we can discuss further!
@JasperLoy I have read other books about it. :-)
@JayeshBadwaik That books is THE book. I have not read others.
So I don't know if the other books will blow my mind.
@JasperLoy keep thinking, one day you find it out
Maybe they will just blow my pocket.
@Haytham Anyway, I sense a strange connection with you...
@JasperLoy We have something
@Haytham I hope we have something good, and not bad. =)
@JasperLoy it's good, I feel it
"Can you feel it, can you feel it, can you feel it!"
@Haytham Haha, I don't understand what you are saying, but I can only try to feel it now.
Actually I have many things to say about cathexis and love, maybe we talk more in future @jayesh.
Hey !
This chat is too narrow to contain my thoughts...
indian boy
@κρανίοπεριπολία hey guy, you have a name.... very nameous
@JasperLoy I just bought a widescreen monitor.
@Haytham It's greek for skullpatrol I think.
@JayeshBadwaik You must understand I have been thinking deeply about these issues for years and years.
Finally, one says, QED!
@JayeshBadwaik How wide?
@Haytham Haytham sounds a bit Indian as well...
@JasperLoy $\Delta\text{refresh rate} \times \Delta \text{width} > \frac{h}{4 \pi}$
(Working out the dimensions to make it legit.)
@JasperLoy I see. Finally one says QED, but with or without taking action? QED without action is easy, QED with taking action is difficult since it violates your QED.
@JasperLoy aah
Good evening gentlemen.
@JayeshBadwaik WTF are you saying? =)
@MattN. Good evening lady.
@JasperLoy I am saying deep things bro, real deep.
@MattN. Good evening.
@JasperLoy touches left shoulder with back of left hand
@MattN. What does that mean? I am slow...
@JasperLoy Try it.
@JayeshBadwaik You can't get deeper than Planck's constant ;)
Never mind. It's a gesture that signifies "gay dude" around where I am at the moment.
@MattN. Oh there is one around you? Hehe.
@MattN. hi
Hello there.
What a terrible day.
Do you still see tb?
I attended a presentation today but it was much less interesting than I expected.
@MattN. That's common.
@JasperLoy No. Many guesses about why but I don't really know.
You should have attended my 45 min presentation!
I didn't know you gave one!
@MattN. If that makes it a terrible day, then most of them will be 8-(.
But this one cost me basically my entire day.
Which is actually quite so.
@MattN. Just a trivial undergrad project.
But still!
@JasperLoy About what?
@MattN. How did it cost you the whole day?
Just start grabbing an cross word puzzle.
When it is boring.
@MattN. Something about Lebesgue integration, hehe.
@JonasTeuwen Or grab some precious sleep. ;-) (Disclosure: I have never been able to fall asleep in any kind of talk/classroom even when dead tired.)
@matt I sent Jonas a copy of my paper via email, hehe.
@JonasTeuwen Mornings are unproductive and I had to sort out some chores such as going to the post office. Then travel to place of presentation one hour. Then hand over a key to a friend. Talk a bit. Travel one hour home. Cook. Eat. Etc etc
@JasperLoy Is hard in talks.
@MattN. Oh. Yes, those are sucky days. So that requires beer.
@JasperLoy Back to JB?
I thought you gave up on him!
@Argon Yes.
@Argon My love for JB is still strong!
@JonasTeuwen No. When I sit there I after some time enter the state where I feel a growing urge of needing to get out of there asap and run from it as fast and far as I can. Crossword puzzle is even more of a waste of time since if I just sit there I can still think about my own proofs.
@JasperLoy Oh I would have liked that.
Nov 14 '12 at 1:50, by Will Hunting
Ladies and gentlemen, I declare that I am no longer a fan of JB with immediate effect. QED.
@JasperLoy What I don't understand is though: I thought you weren't doing anything at the moment!
@MattN. That was years ago, haha!
@JayeshBadwaik I have. In the first row. I was fast asleep. Still fast asleep when the break started and the lecturer apparently walked over to me, bent over and made funny comments about me. : )
Lectures are absolute torture to me.
CB morrey's theorem says that if $u \in H_p^1(\Omega)$ with $p >n$ where $n$ is the dimension of the domain . then $u\in C^{0+\alpha}( \Omega)$ . I don't understand here , because the functions in $H^j_p$ are already $j-$ differentiable .
@JonasTeuwen Not sure. I think my mood is too bad for beer.
@MattN. I think wine is better.
Also too bad for chat. But sitting there staring at the wall was also not optimal.
@MattN. : you should do some meditation :D
@caveman at the moment I try to see why the commutator subgroup is really a subgroup, I am hanging a bit with proving it is closed
@Theorem Hmm, I am not sure who in chat will help you now.
@MattN. I see. Even when they are a torture to me, I cannot fall asleep. I generally take out my phone and start reading some book I have been meaning to read for a long time.
@JasperLoy i hope to get some help from @JonasTeuwen
@Theorem Dude, my girlfriend keeps telling me that. Someone else told me to do "anger management" training. Whatever that means.
@DominicMichaelis, are you using the right defintion? The commmutator subgroup [G,G] is the group generated by all elements of the form [a,b], for a,bin G
@Theorem I see, the next Tao.
@DominicMichaelis, so closure is immediate from the def.
@DominicMichaelis the set of commutators is not closed under multiplication. the subgroup they generate (the commutator subgroup) is a subgroup
Hi. Soft Question: What does it mean to say that a 7-manifold M is fibered over the 4-sphere with 3-sphere fibers?
How is that soft?
@JasperLoy : where is the Tao ?
@κρανίοπεριπολία are you greek?
Hey @Haytham
@Theorem If that is not a joke, I mean that Jonas Teuwen will be the next Terence Tao.
@Haytham That would make him a Greek spam bot.
@Argon Hi gas
@Haytham Hey, Hay
@JasperLoy : yeah :)
so for two elements for $a,b \in[G,G]$ I calculate that $ a b a^{-1} b^{-1}\in [G,G]$? That is trivial
I have great expectations of many bros here. I think there will be a few Fields medallists in this chat.
But you are right. At some point I'll take meditation classes.
@MattN. There are also different kinds I think.
@κρανίοπεριπολία i understand, then you speak greek?
I'm just looking for the meaning of fibered in this context.
@TheSubstitute I doubt anyone here will help now.
@JasperLoy But I think they all more or less have the same effect: improve your memory and focus.
@MattN., you don't need classes you can just do it yourself
@DominicMichaelis, yes its trivial $[a,b] \in [G,G]$ by definition, you don't have to do anything.
@Jasper Why
@TheSubstitute Just judging from my experience. If the question is too nontrivial post on the main site.
@caveman I have to learn how to do it somewhere and somehow.
Also... it doesn't appeal : /
oh i was starring at $a b a^{-1} b^{-1} c d c^{-1} d^{-1}$ and searched a way to write it as $x y x^{-1} y^{-1}$ :D
@MattN., you just sit and let go of your thoughts
@MattN., yes you already said you didnt like sitting staring at the wall, that's pretty much it
@caveman It's not clear to me what it means. Does it mean you try very hard to think nothing? : )
There is a 10 day Vipassana meditation that I considered attending.
@caveman I thought it greatly mattered what you do with your thoughts during that staring at the wall.
I have to go to an island and eat vegetarian food for ten days.
And I have to wake up at 5 am and sleep at 10 pm.
It's like a bucket of water, you have to just hold it still to let the ripples fade - then you can see the reflection of the moon in it
@JasperLoy that's not how you do things...
@JasperLoy Why can't you do it at home?
@MattN. I was talking about that particular course.
@caveman I like your description. But it still doesn't tell me what exactly I'm supposed to do (apart from staring at the wall)
@JasperLoy I think I did that for six months straight once. :-)
@JayeshBadwaik It might help me, I should consider, and it is more or less free too.
@JayeshBadwaik You know Don Quijote posted another comment today. I managed to not get angry. Without anger management class : )
Jesus stayed 40 days at the desert, take that @jayesh
@OldJohn Long time no see! I thought you'd left the site.
@MattN. Narh - just been a bit busy with non-maths stuff recently
@MattN. Good! :-)
@Haytham But also Jesus born 2000 years later would have been given medication or locked up in a nut house.
@MattN., for beginners you can sit with your spine completely vertical and slowly count down from 10 without thinking about other things. It will not be possible for you to do this first few tries, that's fine - you are doing it rigt then , but keep trying and you will be able to count down slowly without thinking other thoughts
- and was away for 2 weeks holiday
@MattN. WTF is DQ?
just watch your breathing while you do it to take your mind off
@JasperLoy If you have not heard about Don Quixote, then you are quixotic my friend.
@MattN. or appear in a tv show
@JayeshBadwaik I am not human.
@MattN. Ah, so you need strong stuff. Hemlock.
@caveman So basically meditation is trying to think nothing?
@MattN. Exactly!! (Atleast initially.)
(a la Hemingway)
Hi @jonas How are things?
@MattN. Argh, skip the bs, just get a drink.
@MattN. meditation is trying to get deep into things, is to think more
I don't think so
@OldJohn Mmm.
@MattN. There are different kinds like I said.
good mmm - or bad mmm?
@JasperLoy Him.
just sitting.
@Haytham For example : D
@MattN. Noted!
I did get invited to represent my university in the national meeting.
Which is kind of cool as the others are professors.
Try not to call people assholes also.
@JonasTeuwen Atta my boy.
@JasperLoy Why not? You should give it a try. Can be quite a relief.
@JonasTeuwen good
@caveman Ok, thank you. I will try that (just at home, without classes). If it's just to think nothing I think I can do that. Perhaps even without counting : )
@MattN., you do't have to reply to comments
Oh, ok, sorry.
@JonasTeuwen I reserve that for extreme cases.
@MattN., solely by the length of the discussion I am guessing that was not productive

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