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oh wait G/Z = C_{p^2} implies G is abelian so we can assume G/Z = C_p x C_p
i cant solve it right away, I must think about it, but as I said do not assume anything except say, the inverse must be unique
im still working on it
you have e,a and b; then ab cannot be a or b; 1)ab=e, then b is the inverse of a 2)ab not e, then ab must be a fourth element
then you ask about ba, case 2.1)ba=ab case 2.2)ba different than ab, so it must the fifth element (in which case there are three elements left!)
Can anybody recommend a good combinatorics book?
If $|k|_p$ is the p-adic norm of k then for all $n,p$, $$| \sum_{k=1}^n|k|_pe^{2\pi i \frac{k}{n}} |\leq 1$$
And if $n$ is a perfect power of $p$
$$\sum_{k=1}^n|k|_pe^{2\pi i \frac{k}{n}}=\frac{1-p}{n}$$
@Ethan, I don't understand how to deal with the $|k|_p$ part
wait a sec I got an idea
oh and mobius inversion?
on that product
lol, thats just the fundamental theorem of arithmetic
you're just the fundamental theorem of arithmetic
$$\sum_{p\leq x}(-1)^{[\frac{x}{p}]}\sim (1-2\ln(2))\frac{x}{\ln(x)}$$
the left sum is also never greater then zero
[.] is the floor function
@caveman so what group theory are you working on now?
how do I get the formula with $|k|_p$ ?
@caveman those exponential sums are useless lol dw
@Ethan, it looks nice I wanted to solve it :(
i just thought it looked nice
@TobiasKildetoft, I've finished my classes so I'm just trying to answer my own questions and I'm going to go over all my theorems from my notes too
$$\frac{-\sin(2\pi x)}{\pi}=\sum_{n=1}^\infty \frac{\mu(n)}{n}{ { \{n x}\} }$$
@TobiasKildetoft, if you meant in the chat we were trying to classify the p^3 groups
it is interesting that there are two different ones regardless of the prime, but the description changes a lot when the prime is 2
that 2 thing comes up a lot
I've often not knownw hy 2 is different.. it's actually rare to have a reason for it I think
$$\frac{-1}{\pi}=\sum_{n=1}^\infty \frac{\mu(n)}{n}{ { \{\frac{n}{4}}\} }$$
@caveman well, it is easy to see in this case, since all elements having order 2 implies that the group is abelian
which us not the case for odd primes
oh it its just x = -x, for some reason I dismissed that as only valid in number only
$$\frac{12}{d(n)}\sum_{d\mid n}\ln(d)^2-3\ln(n)^2=2\sum_{d\mid n}\Lambda(d)\ln(d)+\sum_{d\mid n}\Lambda(d)^2$$
@Ethan, have you seen the proof that zeta has no zeros on the line?
@caveman I don't know any complex analysis lol
$$[\text{# of perfect powers}\leq x]=\sum_{n=2}^\infty\frac{\ln(x)^n}{\zeta(n)n!} + O(\sqrt{\ln(x)})$$
the only complex analysis you need to continuing the zeta function to the strip
but the proof is so funny you have to see it
I don't know any analytic continuation
@Ethan, teach me the $|k|_p$ please
Also I am guessing on that O term lol
I really can only get it to $O(ln(x))$
I wish I could understand all your sums
what kind of math do you do
@Ethan im user58512 I changed name just incase you remember
im just saying we talked here before
@caveman yes I remember
im mostly doing group theory rightnow
whats that
it's about the symmetries of things
this is my favorite example this is my favorite example clarku.edu/~djoyce/wallpaper/seventeen.html
just look at the pictures, there's 17 different ways to make patterns on walls
and thats all
I don't understand
any pattern you make will be one of those 17 types
whats your definition of pattern
$$\text{a(xy)=a(x)+a(y), for coprime x,y}$$
$$\lim_{s\to\ +1}\frac{1}{\zeta(s)}\sum_{n=2}^\infty\sum_{k=2}^\infty\frac{|a(n)|}{n^{ks}}=0$$
$$\lim_{x\to\infty}\frac{1}{x}\sum_{n \leq x}a(n)\mu(n)=0$$
$$\text{ then, }\lim_{x\to\infty}\frac{1}{x}\sum_{p\leq x}a(p)[\log_p(x)]=\lim_{s\to +1}\frac{1}{\zeta(s)^2}\sum_{n=1}^\infty\frac{a(n)}{n^s}$$
if you tile the plane by a painted tile
then that's a pattern
but it has to repeat, I dont count aperiodic tiliings...
there's infinitely many of those
lol I don't get it
sorry I'm bad at explaining :(
A wallpaper group (or plane symmetry group or plane crystallographic group) is a mathematical classification of a two-dimensional repetitive pattern, based on the symmetries in the pattern. Such patterns occur frequently in architecture and decorative art. There are 17 possible distinct groups. Wallpaper groups are two-dimensional symmetry groups, intermediate in complexity between the simpler frieze groups and the three-dimensional crystallographic groups (also called space groups). Introduction Wallpaper groups categorize patterns by their symmetries. Subtle differences may place si...
Are there any good sieves for obtaining the integer factorization of all the integers less then or equal to a given number?
I think you can use quadratic field sieve
wait are you programming it
the quadratic field sieve, im quite sure is used for factoring particular integers
sorry I misread you
to factor all integers you should use just Eratosthenes
you wont get better
Ye, I already have an adaptation of erathosthenes I thought of lol
but you can speed it up a little with a wheel
but its garbage
im pretty stuck on this p^3 group
$$M(n)=\sum_{q\in f_n}e^{2\pi i q}$$
farey sequences are nice
The farey sequence of order n, is all the rational numbers between 0 and 1, with denominator less then n, if you sum them over a complex exponential you get a nice formula for the mertens function
I got that evey element is of the form a^i b^j z (where a,b generate C_p x C_p and z lies in the center C_p) but the multiplication is a^{i+i'} b^{j + j'} z'' z z' where z'' is some horrible combination of central elements based on the i,j,i',j''s
@caveman I guess you are not familiar with the classification of p-groups with a cyclic subgroup of index p?
@TobiasKildetoft, I suppose that's what I'm trying to do now, at least for |G|=p^3
@Ethan, yes those are amazing
completely useless as far as I know the formula is tho lol
its relatedto continued fractions
@caveman first, note that if the group has a cyclic subgroup of order $p^2$ then it is generated by 2 elements
@TobiasKildetoft, wait if I assume G is non-abelian, then can't I assume G/Z(G) is not C_{p^2}? since otherwise G/Z is cyclic so G is abelian
sure, the center will be of order p
sorry I wrote it wrong, corrected now
and yes, the quotient by the center will be generated by two elements
I've shown the center has order p, and I also think G/Z must be C_p x C_p
and those two generators then pull back to give generators of the group itself
since the center is actually the Frattini subgroup in this case
I don't know about this
ok, it is a nice tool for p-groups but not essential for this
it is enough to note that your group will be generated by two elements (so you want to find the relations for those elements)
that's surprising
oh that gives me an idea
I got (ab)^p = a^p b^p (since (ab)^n = a^n b^n z^n) where a,b generate each side of the C_p x C_p
that doesn't seem to help much though
oh I haven't used that Z is generated by some z
these suggested edit logistics can get ridiculous
just realize I was wrong before needed z^{n-1}
no its T(n)
@anon Yo, dawg.
I cantsolve this T_T ill keep trying though
@caveman What are you trying to solve?
classify groups of order p^3
@caveman Hmm.
KCd wrote about it; you'll have to look at p odd/even separately
p and p^2 are trivial .. now im completely stuck that's a bit sad..
if we suppose $C_4 \le G$ then we get $D_8$ easily! that's a good step
not quite
the quaternion group also has an element of order 4
im really confused then!
if $c$ generates the $C_4$ in $G$ then surely the group is just $1,c,c^2,c^3$ and $z,zc,zc^2,zc^3$
any non-abelian group of order 8 must have an element of order 4, since if all elements had order 2, it would be abelian
oh, I get it
yeah, that's a good point too
in fact that's really useful
if p is odd, however, the difference between the two cases is precisely whether the group has an element of order $p^2$ or not
now im getting that the only group is Q8 haha
it might be nice to know that Q8 is the only of the two to have just one element of order 2
@TobiasKildetoft, I know what you're saying is right but I don't get this: if $c$ generates the $C_4$ and $z$ is the central element of order 2 then $z c^2$ seems to have order 2 as well as $z$
@anon @TobiasKildetoft maybe that above is of your itnerest.
@caveman you will have $c^2 = z$ in Q8
@caveman maybe you too.
(I'm just sharing, I'm not doing that now)
@TobiasKildetoft, oh mygoodness I didn't even thin k that was possible but of course it is!
In fact if I do case analysis on whether or not that's true I think that completes the proof
for p=2
@anon I am curious about the following. Let $G$ be finite, of order $pq$ a product of two primes. Then $G$ is not simple. By Sylow, $n_q\mid p$ and $n_p\mid q$, and $n_q\equiv 1(q)$; $n_p\equiv 1(p)$.
Now if $n_q=1$ or $n_p=1$, we're done.
So assume that $n_q=p$ and $n_p=q$.
That is $p\equiv 1 \mod q$ and $q\equiv 1\mod p$.
@PeterTamaroff well, that is clearly not possible
since one will be smaller than the other
@TobiasKildetoft OK, WLOG assume $q<p$.
Then $p\mid q-1$, so $p\leq q-1$; which is impossible.
@TobiasKildetoft That is what you mean?
@TobiasKildetoft These Sylow Theorems are dope =)
@TobiasKildetoft Did you see what I pasted above?
Slow night again :-(
@amWhy What does that mean?
Just slowish on main...or maybe it's my brain that's slow!
@amWhy Oh. I see.
It's also sort of fast-ish...when I click to answer, someone has beat me to it! And I'm trying to be so very careful of not coming anywhere close to posting a similar answer to one that's already been posted; I even delete when I post simultaneously with another post, if my post is at all similar to it. I just haven't had a great day, that's all! Nothing to cry over :^)
I've got G = {1,c,c^2=z,$c^{-1}$,...} and to be non-abelian I need another element y with $yc \not = cy$
it must be Q8 but..
it must be yc = cy^{-1} QED
I think this could be done better
presumably the DV on your deleted answer was because free groups are not finite
Anyone knows about Erdös Szekres?
Anyone around? @Peter - what about him?
@PeterTamaroff I meant to refer to your question about Szekres...
@amWhy They are two guys. Erdös and Szekeres. I was referring to one of they're theorems.
It says that if $S$ is a sequence of numbers of length $mn+1$ then it contains a decreasing subsequence of length $>m$ or an increasing subsequence of length $>n$.
@PeterTamaroff Now that makes sense...it didn't click, I just read it as a name! I'm slow tonight! (time for bed, soon...maybe)
@PeterTamaroff Oh cool, thank for the reminder.
@amWhy The proof is nice a short, but I wondered if it was known or not.
(The theorem, not the proof.)
@PeterTamaroff I recalled encountering it (the theorem but not the proof), once you mentioned it, but it's not something that was foremost in my memory. :-)
@PeterTamaroff Sounds reasonable...
@rob Rooooooob.
I need to get more of a life!
@amWhy Hahaha. It is 1 am here. I should go...
That's right, we're not too far off, time wise...
@amWhy Yes, that is interesting.
Most people here are having breakfast when I am going to sleep!
Or having some noon coffee.
You're a bit east of me, but mostly south! Yes, I know, there's a lot of people 8 hours away from me give or take a little.
If you know where Milwaukee, WI, is, that's pretty much where I'm at, in between UW-Madison (UW Wisconsin) and UW Milwaukee...But Chicago is pretty close, if that gives you bearing...
@amWhy I can just look in a map! =)
You guys have too many states! We have 23 only.
Well, we call them provinces.
Yes, lots of states, and the most populated ones are typically the smallest ones (East Coast). Wisconsin covers like 5 or six states on the East Coast, area-wise!
@amWhy How does your username originate?
@PeterTamaroff Yeeeees?
@PeterTamaroff I will look
@amWhy As you see my sleep enterprise is mostly a failure.
@PeterTamaroff Doesn't the continuity when restricted to the boundary depend on whether A is open or closed or neither?
@robjohn Well, in either case we'll have some bad behaviour, methinks.
@PeterTamaroff It A is open or A is closed, then I think it is continuous on the boundary. If A is neither, then it is not obvious
@robjohn Right. If $A$ is open, then $\partial A\subseteq A$, so the function is constantly zero. If $A$ is closed $\partial A\subseteq A$ so the function is constantly one.
I have to go to sleep.
@PeterTamaroff okay...
@Ethereal Sounding out the first two letters, A ... M... then adding the word "why", read it phonetically
A sounds like A, M sounds like M, "why" sounds like...?
@amWhy Amy.
@Clayton hello!
@Ethereal who, me? ;-)
I knew that was your name. Hmm, interesting.
@amWhy Yesh, you!
@amWhy: I always had wondered if that was your name. Clever trick!
@Clayton I like word-play...language...I see letters and words all around me (just like numbers and operations and shapes, and....) . It's not so much trying to hide my name, as it is an attempt not to immediately be recognized as female...plus, I'm infatuated with the "why" of everything!
@robjohn Hello!
@amWhy hello
@amWhy Are you a graduate student? At times, I've thought so, but I'm really unsure
@Clayton ABD...for too long!
@amWhy What does ABD stand for? I'm apparently very uninitiated in these things...
@Clayton Sorry...kind of graduate lingo for "All But Dissertation"...
@amWhy I thought it might be something like that, but I didn't think of dissertation; thesis kept coming to mind.
Yeah...we call it that too...but you'll see grad students designate themselves as ABD, post-prelims, etc.
i chose to do group theory tonight instead of studying for my complex midterm tomorrow
Well, I'm going to get some sleep.
this is why they shouldn't have exams on wednesdays.
Hi @GarbageCollector how are you?
@κρανίοπεριπολία Of course fine. And you?
@GarbageCollector Fine thanks. You've changed your gravatar?
@κρανίοπεριπολία Not gravatar, but I uploaded a new one.
@GarbageCollector Who is that?
@κρανίοπεριπολία I am :D
@GarbageCollector ORLY!
@κρανίοπεριπολία :-)
@GarbageCollector atleast 100+ people are using the same image
@Ethan You have proven it. QED.
@JasperLoy: hONEY!
@GarbageCollector I am not your honey...
@JasperLoy How old are you?
@Ethan Much older than you, hehe.
@Ethan Have you gone to see the prof?
@JasperLoy I sent you an email
@Ethan Oh, when? Just now?
@Ethan I will read later, I am not in the mood to read now... Anyway, have a good day.
@JasperLoy Hi, Jasper! I see you've changed your user ;-)
@amWhy Yes, I am leaving this chat now.
@amWhy what kind of math do you do?
I have a quick question, i'm asked to prove some basic division facts about algebraic numbers...but i'm going about this the same way i would for integers...should i be doing something else?
whats the question
well just basic things like a | b and b | c implies a | c and such
i was thinking about representing them as some polynomial that they are the root of, but it seems equally as trivial
what is them?
algebraic numbers
and your trying to show what?
@ethan I have replied to your email.
@JasperLoy I replied back, also can we talk in a separate chat?
@Ethan Well, there is no private chat here. All transcripts are visible, so I see no difference. We can talk in this chat or via email if you want. Yes, I got your reply.
@JasperLoy I started having trouble writing, and reading things about several months ago', and thats when I started taking meds, but it doesn't really help, it makes it alot harder to study, do you still study math?
@Ethan I check my email daily, that's the best way to reach me! =)
can you still study math?
is it that bad?
@Ethan I am just taking a long break now, not really studying, which is why I am on this site in the first place.
I won't be here answering 1+1=2 if I were working on the Riemann Hypothesis, lol.
@JasperLoy I moved out of my dads house almost a year ago, because my step mom, and him were responsible for it, It can sometimes take me an hour to read like 15, 12 pnt. pages
@JasperLoy can you read easily?
@Ethan Well, I can read, no problem.
Do you repeat things outloud?
@Ethan Well, only when I am thinking, not really repeating. So it's a different thing. Just thinking to myself.
@Ethan Anyway, I sense we are treading into sensitive topics. Let's continue over email. =)
@Ethan Don't panic if I don't reply too soon. I check it once a day though.
@JasperLoy can I ask how you make a living?
@Ethan Well, I have people taking care of me now.
family? or freinds?
Yeah, my mum.
@Ethan OK, I am leaving this chat now, we will email again.
@JasperLoy ok, bye jasper
Good morning everyone.
Bad time, huh. Everyone's afk. Guess I'll go and do some work instead then.
@MattN. Hi.
@JonasTeuwen Hello. Wassup?
@JonasTeuwen Finally, your linkedin stopped sending me reminders, lol.
@MattN. Yes, doing work is better than chatting.
@JasperLoy It is very difficult to control the monster that is LinkedIn.
@JayeshBadwaik Unless you are Jonas!
@JasperLoy Even for him I guess. :P
@JayeshBadwaik Jonas is the Fourier God, lol.
@JasperLoy Yeah, controlling LinkedIn requires being a Lawyer. :P
Okay, I am off for lunch.
See you guys later.
@JayeshBadwaik Jonas just says, bow down or I will give you a convolution!
openSuse 12.3 will be released in 5 hours.
anyone here?
i have a quick question why is the interval $[\sqrt{2},\sqrt{2}+\frac{1}{k}]$ closed in the rationals
1 hour later…
@user52932 I'm here now, are you still here and interested?
guess not
@robjohn LOL
@user52932 I don't understand your question actually.
@JasperLoy why is that interval closed, when it doesn't contain the endpoints. it is the same as $(\sqrt2,\sqrt2+\frac1k)$
@robjohn Actually, I don't understand the question, so I won't try to guess!
@JasperLoy Okay.
@robjohn Oh, I think I get the question now, but then again, I am guessing the meaning. =)
@JasperLoy guessing at the meaning of which part?
@robjohn Well, first of all, he did not specify what k is, so I guess k is some positive integer. And second, I am guessing that the interval refers to only rational numbers as the set is only the rationals and not the reals.
@JasperLoy Yes, I assume $k\in\mathbb{Z}$ and the topology is that induced on $\mathbb{Q}$ by $\mathbb{R}$. In $\mathbb{Q}$, $x\gt\sqrt2$ is the same as $x\ge\sqrt2$
math.stackexchange.com/a/329321/4594 Not sure who downvoted this, lol. Anyway deleted by owner.
Wow, the downvotes are really quite senseless these days.
Maybe the person thought he should not have assumed that M is the midpoint.
But in that case, a comment saying the assumption was made would be in order.
He should have been more confident. I would have upvoted the answer if he had not deleted, lol.
Hi folks
Hi Skull
I assume that Greek is a translation of skull and patrol?
Where did you get the Greek version?
(or maybe you speak Greek?)
Charlie came up with it.
@OldJohn How are you?
@κρανίοπεριπολία Fine thanks - been a bit busy with non-maths stuff recently. How are things with you?
@OldJohn Fine thanks.
I down-voted some answers yesterday, and today, I got the points back - so I assume the answerer left (hope I didn't cause that!)
Hello! How approximate with usage continuous distribution Poisson distribution with small parameter lambda?
@loldop sorry - I only know of the binomial and normal approximations to the Poisson, and they don't cover small lambda, I think
@OldJohn yes, so, I try to find small lambda. Maybe Gamma distributions are good enough?
@loldop Maybe - but I don't know
Hi @old!
Hi Jasper
@OldJohn Maybe the answer got deleted.
@JasperLoy Maybe so
Since he was an unregistered user, I don't think I have any way to see if he is still here
When a downvoted answer is deleted, the answerer gets back the rep as does the downvoter, within a period of time at least.
He was a new user - posted 3 answers, and now all 3 seem to have vanished
Just like Jasper will one day...
we will all vanish one day :)
@κρανίοπεριπολία LOL
how do I define a shorthand for \mathcal{}
A shorthand is a hand that is short.
$\newcommand{bf}[1]{\mathbf{#1}}$We say that $U : \bf W
it doesn't work
@JasperLoy: Hi, bee :D
@GarbageCollector What happened to the old picture? Who was it?
@JasperLoy She is an artist, maybe :D
@GarbageCollector And what about the older picture, was that you?
@JasperLoy That is a very confidential thing to disclose here:D
@GarbageCollector Aha! Must be you then...
@JasperLoy I have very ugly face.
@GarbageCollector So that was not you?
You're all nuts.
You are a banana.
No, I am nuts too.
I am bolts.
Anyone seen mick?
Is he returning to this chat?
@awllower, shouldn't it be $(\alpha+\beta)^p = \alpha^p + \beta^p$?
no, my mistake
And repeated argument gives us the result?
What is the name of ring-like object between nut and bolt?
@caveman Just take $p$ powers repeatedly!
@GarbageCollector Washer.
@κρανίοπεριπολία That is correct.
Jasper Loy is a nut, I am a bolt, who is the washer?
@GarbageCollector Who?
@κρανίοπεριπολία I am just a nut.
@GarbageCollector not to me.
@GarbageCollector Did you like my picture?
please who know something about the use of differential geometry in the critical point theory ?
@κρανίοπεριπολία Need more strong colors.
@GarbageCollector Why?
@κρανίοπεριπολία Because it is hard to see the main object. Need more contrast between the foreground and the background.
@GarbageCollector I see you have changed your "gravatar"?
@κρανίοπεριπολία Not the gravatar but I just uploaded a new one to SX server.

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