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I stopped playing because it required active interaction and that doesn't really mesh well with being at work.
@badp also, menu option
@StrixVaria yes. It gets interesting once you get the compass
@murgatroid99 I had the compass.
That's what allows you to do that pseudo-roguelike thing, right?
That's actually unfortunately what made me have to stop.
@StrixVaria yes
@Sterno I really need to play that.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Elmhurst, but close enough. Why is that important, exactly?
@Sterno This reminds me of QuackShot.
Oh, hmm, they released a gameplay video just recently
I want this game so much.
Really, YouTube? A 3 minute ad?
No option to skip it?
Usually Youtube has a skip option after 5 seconds.
I honestly forgot YouTube even had ads.
(I kept getting unskippable ones that started out with "I hate to tell you this, but you are obese"... They were 3 minutes and unskippable so I was like muuuuuute.
It was skippable. I was still insulted.
@AshleyNunn Youtube is testing unskippable ads on certain accounts. They're a terrible idea
@Sterno That's why I use adblock plus.
I wish ads weren't allowed to be longer than a certain function of the length of the video
short videos should not get ads longer than the video
@BenBrocka Now I'm imagining an hour of ads before you can watch what is love 10 hours.
@benbrocka I hate them. I extra hate these obesity ones.
For some reason I thought chat auto-oneboxed xkcd
@StrixVaria I think the longest they have are a few minutes. But if you're smart you put specific times in for ads on very long videos (Personally I just leave on overlay ads and put on post-roll ads on popular videos, fuck preroll)
@Sterno it should
Oh no! Cap'n Crunch isn't really a captain!
@AshleyNunn I don't know what sort of ads they have...despite getting money from ads I leave ad block on
Commander Crunch sounds more badass anyway.
My childhood is full of lies.
@Sterno What do the stripes on his sleeve have to do with his epaulets?
@StrixVaria Except it would be Com'dr Crunch or something silly like that.
@Sterno That sounds more like commodore
@SaintWacko I don't know, but the Navy agrees: npr.org/blogs/thetwo-way/2013/06/20/193875243/…
Captain Kangaroo is still a captain though, right? Right?
Y'know, I'm not sure I've ever eaten Cap'n Crunch
Peanut Butter Crunch is the only variety worth eating.
@SaintWacko The insignia is the same on the sleeves and on the epaulettes.
Commodore Crunch. 64k puffs should be enough for anyone!
@AshleyNunn Nine... nine... nine...
@powerlord sadface
Oh and don't look earlier where we were talking about it.
Potential spoilers there.
I won't.
For instance, where I mentioned it was Old Man Smithers, ignore that.
Also it takes forever to digital download a 3DS game (full game, like a retail release) on download later using my phone Internet.
@powerlord gasps and swoons because you have ruined it alllllll
@AshleyNunn But... that's revealed at the very beginning!
Its moments like this that remind me why I read this web comic
(someone must have gotten the reference because they starred it)
@James Girl Genius reminds me of why I read web comics about 3 times a week.
@Powerlord I just read GwSS and C&H.. and a bit of XKCD at times
@james <3 GWS. I read it and QC and DoA the most
Well, Girl Genius is basically a graphic novel with 3 pages printed a week.
By Phil and Kaja Foglio, who are probably better known for the art they did for Magic: The Gathering.
Wow, has it really been 12 years since Girl Genius started?
@Powerlord lfgcomic is kind of like that.. and it bores me out of my mind.. I read it like once a year cause after a year there is maybe 1 plot point that moved, hehe
@James They spend too much time on bad jokes with Richard in LFG
@James Heh, read that this morning :D
@AshleyNunn DoA?
I read the other two
I read a huge list of webcomics
Hell, Girl Genius is just now getting around to resolving a plot point introduced way back in... 2004?
@Powerlord When's the last time you read that? They really got away from that quite a bit.
@FAE Last week.
Though yeah, it is kinda hit and miss. I take breaks from it.
I don't follow many webcomics. Jochem, on the other hand, follows like... 90.
@FAE For instant this comic is from Friday
Anyone know if Real Life Comics is still going on?
In fact, everything on LFG for the past two weeks has been Richard jokes.
Girl Genius, on the other hand, just took a direction we the readers weren't expecting. And technically that plot point I mentioned from 2004 was a throwaway and hasn't actually been resolved... it just looks like it will be.
@fluttershy yes it is
@saintwacko Dumbing of Age.
(Forgot to mention my link earlier was to the first comic for Girl Genius for those people starting out)
I used to read a lot more but I have gotten distracted
@FAE I follow 15
Well, at least, there are 15 on my RSS feed
There are a few more not on the feed
@Powerlord I've never read that one at all.
I actually hate my mom I actually hate myself & my life I actually hate my sister I actually like Windows 8 - http://t.co/7wWMpm0KRQ
A supersized storm sucks sharks from the ocean & hurls them onto land in SHARKNADO. This epic Syfy movie premieres Thurs, July 11, at 9pm.
Hell yeah.
SyFy airs things that aren't wrestling?!
@BenBrocka Maybe it has wrestling.
@Sterno Image not found looks amazing
The other one is also image not found
@Sterno I beg to disagree and would like to learn more about the SHARKNADO
There is a guy in the seat in front of me on this bus who was sitting really quietly and all of a sudden his sweater shifted and a bearded dragon popped it's head out. I am highly amused.
Microsoft: All those new XBone polices everyone seems to hate? Haha jk. (Online DRM Polices reverted)
@AshleyNunn Haha, that's awesome
Apparently its name is Gingersnap.
I meet the coolest people on the bus
@RedRiderX Curse you edit time window!
@AshleyNunn Oh look, it's the ice king!
> When your family member accesses any of your games, they're placed into a special demo mode. This demo mode in most cases would be the full game with a 15-45 minute timer and in some cases an hour.
Wow that was the Family Sharing thing? That's fucking garbage. PS+ has demos like that for free* regardless of family members
@BenBrocka Yup.
If that's true, I suspect the fanboys will be shutting up as soon as they hear about it.
@fbueckert I don't suspect they'll ever shut up.
@fbueckert If they're someone that actually cares about that feature
I didn't even notice that along the rest of the ranting and raving from the pastebin
@murgatroid99 That's what they've been defending the always online DRM crap with.
> There weren't many models of this system already in the wild other than Sony's horrendous game sharing implementation, but it was clear their approach (if one could call it that) was not the way to go.
"We'll be able to share and sell our games!"
lol what
@fbueckert oddly it doesnt' seem to have taken off on Reddit like I'd have expected
@BenBrocka The sharing aspect is probably what everyone who defended the system was looking forward to.
Sales were apparently a one shot deal or something.
@fbueckert You are using too much logic to try to explain the behavior of fanboys. They do not operate logically.
@StrixVaria Most likely. I prefer rational explanations to, "OMG! ITZ AWEZOME!!!!1!!!eleventy1!!!!!"
That almost physically hurt to type.
@fbueckert yeah, which is why I'd expect it'd be a huge deal (rumor or no) if someone were to say "hey this sharing deal was actually almost complete shit"
I dunno, it seems like the XBO stuff might've actually kind of forced Steam into at least looking into sharing games
@BenBrocka This is probably why they didn't explain it very well.
yesterday, by Powerlord
@GraceNote http://kotaku.com/steam-might-soon-let-you-share-your-games-with-your-fri-514219133
If people had realized it was more demo than sharing, it would've just added fuel to the fire.
...now that I think about it, the "family plan" thing mentioned that only one family member at any one time can play a game
@badp If true it's the best thing it could have ever done
would that rule out playing, say, borderlands 2 with your brother?
@badp Yeah. though that seems odd if it's just a damn demo anyway.
@BenBrocka but now that XBO backed away?
@BenBrocka Next up: selling your digital games.
@BenBrocka hm, I don't think they said "demo"
@badp They may not do it, they may have never planned to do it. No idea until Steam actually does something
@badp the alleged MS employee in the pastebin claims they're 15-45 minute full game demos (which PS+ has had for a few years)
knowing valve time, this feature will ship in 2025
@badp just in time to share Episode 3!
@BenBrocka uh
@BenBrocka you're such an optimist guy
@badp The Strings were leaked into the release build, weren't they?
I really hate when I click the little "reply" arrow, then do something else for a second, and then forget whom I meant to reply to and what I wanted to say.
I'd give it an ETA of 4 months.
@FEichinger There's nothing about it in the translators' interface though.
All I see is the reply message number sitting there, mocking me, saying "I dare you to send a test message to see who it was and look like a moron".
@FEichinger Beta.
@fbueckert Meh, six months then.
@FAE just type "oh, really?" and hit enter!
They're probably going to wait first for the badge stuff to settle down
> It is impossible to continue to deliver movie like experiences at the current costs without giving up something in return.
Really? All I gave up for Last of Us was $60
@badp They're putting a lot more community value into owning games right now, so it really doesn't seem far-fetched.
@BenBrocka So stop making movie like experiences.
If we want movies, we'll go watch movies.
@fbueckert This, so much this.
@FEichinger eh. The cards stuff only requires you to own the game for less than a day
@FEichinger Hmmm that's an idea. Disable XP/cards for playing shared games, encourage people to buy them
@BenBrocka I really need to watch a LP of that game.
Since I have no PS3 nor intention to ever own one.
@fbueckert Eh, on the other hand Naughty Dog seems to do a damn fine job of doing that without DRM BS. I think they've even stopped doing online passes
@BenBrocka They're the Uncharted team, right?
The games that were added today for badges are
Guns of Icarus Online
Jagged Alliance - Back in Action
Zombie Driver HD
Offspring Fling!
@fbueckert Uncharted and Last of Us (also Crash and Jak and Daxster but they haven't made a game for those two series in years)
@fbueckert Yes
@BenBrocka Apparently they're doing alright for themselves, then.
They're not whining about used games killing their company.
@fbueckert I'd correct this to "If we want movies, we'll download them off The Pirate Bay"
Hint: when your business model means a game that sells 6 million copies is a failure, it's not the consumer's fault.
@Sterno Some I'll go see in theaters.
Not many, though; I have a pretty darn comfy theater room in my house.
@fbueckert Yeah, they seem quite fine. Sony studios in general are, apparently (Naughty Dog is first party now) since Sony was quite gleeful to abuse MS for limiting used games
@BenBrocka Exactly. Used games aren't killing them; they're making pretty good games!
@BenBrocka Crash has gone multiplat.
Yeah. And it's funny because Uncharted/Last of Us are pretty much the epitome of "movie like experience" done right (you know, with gameplay! And multiplayer! And FUN) and they're not hurting
@ShotgunNinja Huh. Does Naughty Dog not own the IP then?
@BenBrocka Perfect examples to point to and go, "They seem to be doing fine. What's wrong with you?"
@fbueckert Not that anyone at MS would admit that a Sony first party is doing well
@BenBrocka No, but any other game studio whining about used games has to acknowledge it.
If they're not making money, it's not because of used games. It's because they want the world to conform to their expectations, not the other way around.
Honestly I'd be much more okay with the whole "used game" stuff if it happened completely for free
Parasitic businesses that make the bulk of their money like this have no sympathy from me
@fbueckert I suspect some may be wising up. Mirror's Edge being open world for example seems like a good way of limiting the "$60 for THIS" reaction lots had to Mirror's Edge 1
Great game, but light on content, especially for a $60 buy. You have to address that in some way that's not "no used games" IMO. If it's still the same shit at the same price, people that buy then sell/wait for used games will just not buy it
@badp There is some abuse in the system, especially with companies whose business model revolves around used games. The only thing you can do in that case is to not frequent it.
@BenBrocka Exactly.
Or buy it, find out it's not worth the cost, and return it.
@fbueckert If people returned games instead of selling them back, companies would be in a LOT more hurt
most places won't let you, of course
Return/sell back. Either way, it puts a used copy in the pipeline for those money conscious gamers.
You try to help a guy, and all you get is a jerk who doesn't care.
Money conscious gamers just wait for Steam sales
@badp Not for console releases, they don't.
Hell, Steam sales are probably better deals than you could get buying used directly from other gamers
I don't think used games are the answer to games being too expensive, I thinkthe answer is make games cheaper.
@fbueckert Money conscious gamers don't do consoles :P
@badp Not bleeding edge, no.
But they might pick up a console used or something.
Honestly the thought of picking some old console when I'll live on my own doesn't repel me as much as the thought of spending $500 just for a glorified, crippled computer
Or it could be they bought the console when they had lots of extra income, and things are tight right now.
Either way, the point is that there are console gamers out there who watch what they spend.
I think money conscious console gamers would be better served from Steam sales than used games
but Steam sales are just what I'm used to. What do I know?
For a few years my idea of gaming was "try ALL the demos"
my idea of gaming has always been "MMO to spend months playing"
The list of games with card drops is getting unwieldy
So much free money, so little time
Hell, freakin' 1 2 3 Kick It Drop That Beat Like An Ugly Baby has cards.
I think 'used' game is an incorrect phrase. The game isn't really used, it's still just as good quality, you're just getting it elsewhere.
@badp I only really care about cards for one game: TF2.
@Powerlord You can sell them on the market. For real money.
Having said that, only being able to get half the cards for a game is just dumb.
@Powerlord would you like some tf2 cards?
I've made €10 from cards essentially just by idling on the main menu of the right games for a hour or so each
@BenBrocka According to the wiki, Activision now owns the franchise.
and I've barely scratched the surface
Hmm... if I were to add an all-Medic round to Huntsman Hell, should the Medi-guns still be usable?
Hmm... that'd work poorly
@ShotgunNinja dun dun duuuuuuuuuuuuuuun
@ShotgunNinja And apparently Yes
Just like Star Wars and Kingdom Hearts are!
Wait, bad example.
@badp I see idling in-game for an hour not worth that price.
Star Wars and Epic Mickey are.
Forgot Kingdom Hearts is published by Square-Enix.
@fbueckert You just let it run in the background. Really the only hassle is downloading the games you don't have
@badp What if I want to use my computer during that time frame?
Of course, f2p games on the list give you cards for making purchases.
@fbueckert You... let it run in the background?
So, it's possible to get more than 5 cards in... TF2, for example.
So, Mediguns shouldn't be usable in a Huntsman Hell Medic round? OK.
@badp The price isn't worth it; your computer slows down and is less responsive during that time frame.
Hmm... should I remove the set benefit of the Medieval Medic set?
@fbueckert Just barely.
And that's on my computer, which is frankly awful.
@badp Depends on what you want to do with it.
@Powerlord If you don't want regenerating health why are you having a medic round?
@fbueckert It's fine for what I'm doing right now.
If you want to play another game, though, that's some processing just slowing your computer down.
@fbueckert And it can't be another Steam game because you can't run 2 at once, IIRC.
@FAE Oh? I didn't know that.
@badp Well, I want them regenerating health, the set bonus just increases it by 1.
@FAE Well, you can. But it screws up the overlay stuff a lot.
Q: Can I change pattern permissions after initial setup of the Dream Suite?

FAEI opened up my Dream Suite today, and during the intial setup, Luna asked me if I wanted to make my patterns publicly available so people can download them or if I wanted to make it so people could view them only. I chose to share them, thinking that if I ever changed my mind, I'd be able to go...

So they heal 4 health per second instead of 3. Since it's forcing the crossbow, we know they are using half the set already.
What's in the set again?
@badp Crusader's Crossbow and Amputator.
(Yes, it's a two item set)
You could just give the whole set to all players for fairness
...and to avoid uber chains
I could, but I'd rather just remove the bonus. :P
then do!
Besides which, they don't have mediguns, so uber-chaining is useless.
As a rule, I'm not restricting the melee weapon in any way. There are just some melee weapons that you probably don't want in Huntsman Hell.
can players use their melee?
@badp Yes.
eh, I guess it's just suicidal, at least with the bow
while with the stupid crossbow it might actually be a good idea
(did I mention I hate the crossbow?)
Oh, and I removed the attribute that prevents Medics from getting headshots. :D
Anyways, hometime for me!
Do you get the skull in the killfeed for crossbow headshots?
@badp Not sure
I guess you do, but oh well.
It may just use the Sniper's bow headshot icon
There’s a time and a place for bacon. “Always” and “the universe”. Oscar Mayer has you covered http://www.sayitwithbacon.com #SPONSORED
Because the inflictor is a tf_projectile_arrow and the customkill is a headshot (2?)
I forget the customkill value for headshot, but eh.
Hmm... one possible problem, though... the fire arrow code I'm using sets the bow's lit thingy for the sniper bow.
I don't think the Medic bow has that.
@Powerlord I wonder if the sharpened volcano fragment attributes can't save the day?
@badp Probably not, because it's a projectile.
I mean, I can light the arrows themselves after they're fired, but that's a pain.
ding, 2 cards.
Q: Recommendations for AGP Graphic Cards for Ubuntu 12.04 - Some gaming, proprietary driver support

AlluminatiI have found a lot of awesome help on this page, so I'm finally asking my first question here. Having looked around a bit already, I still have troubles, so here it goes ;-) My old Radeon X700 doesn't cut it anymore, almost every 3D application is giving us troubles, even xscreensaver. I'm on ...

@StrixVaria Gotta love the Onion. Made in my hometown ;P
Nope, I lied. Originally from Madison, then Milwaukee (where I'm from), and now Chicago.
@GamingTopicsFromOutside AGP? AGP?!
Seriously, PCIe has been the standard for graphics cards for what, a decade now?
I didn't know AGP was a thing
Two hours and twenty minutes!
@Powerlord I'm more surprised that whatever computer they built there actually sports a dual core processor.
@FEichinger It's probably the original Core processor or "actually the same processor with a different name" Pentium D
My brother had one of those. Keeping in mind that my brother died 5 years ago and his computer was at least 3 years old when he died.
@Powerlord I can only find one Intel Dual Core at 2.0Ghz. And that's the E2180 ... That thing is 64bit ready. wat.
That question is a perfect example of why we need TL.
Because that sure as hell isn't helpful to anyone else.
Anyway, I believe it's nearing home time.
@Powerlord (insert deity here) bless.
@ShotgunNinja undefined bless?
Mission ends in 5... 4... 3... 2... 1...
Q: What works with Ender Chests in FTB?

EnderIn FTB lots of items interact with chests, such as Miners for example. Which, if any, of these items work with Ender Chests?

Q: Animal Crossing New Leaf: I just got back from the island, where are my tools?

BrunoHe said my tools would be given back to me once I get back to the town... but I have nothing! not in the drop-off box, not in the the mail... it's just gone

Q: Does the Wealthy Town ordinance raise Nook's home prices too?

Ben BrockaThe Wealthy Town ordinance increases buy/sell prices at Re-Tail and the nooklings best I'm aware, so it's sort of a wash (unless you sell in a town with Wealth and buy in a town without). However do home expansions/public works projects also increase in price, or can Wealthy be used to get those ...

@StrixVaria javascript prayers
@StrixVaria jQuery bless
@BenBrocka I am led to believe this is a core part of writing JavaScript code.
It's actually half of "Javascript: the Good Parts"
There's only a handful of prayers in the book but the authors rewrote each prayer for most common values of $DEITY, starting with the Flying Spaghetti Monster.
Although if you had to make a pasta equivalent of Javascript, it'd be callback ravioli
$(function () {([]{(
^ A small rendering of Callback Ravioli.
I am pleased to announce that Google has "no hits" for "callback ravioli"
@badp That will change as soon as it indexes this conversation.
@StrixVaria That's just me claiming paternity of the expression. I will be collecting millions of dollars in royalties, soon™
@badp Except not.
They use "ravioli" here to describe well-SoC'd code.
It can be argued that the term was already in use in describing an aspect of Javascript code.
plus, the "well-SoC"'d code still uses callbacks
I actually kind of remember such an expression used in one Javascript V8 patch to allow continuations in JS, thus avoiding callbacks in the first place, and they made a pasta reference there too.
That's all I remember.
I had an AGP card until 2011, I think.
@Ullallulloo There there, it is over now
@Blem I had to turn off all shaders to play Oblivion on my GeForce FX 5500. My orc was monocolor lime green.
I am off, nn people
Q: Company of Heros New Steam Version: Which should I download?

KevinThere are 4 Company of Heros listed on my Steam account. Company of Heros Company of Heros (New Steam Version) Company of Heros: Opposing Fronts Company of Heros: Tales of Valor Which one(s) should I download?

I am now glad I didn't have to study US History
@badp Yay Crash Course!
@FAE Spoiler alert: this episode sucks. (...by design.)
btw, we're nearing a GET 10M on chat.SE
@badp I'm behind on Crash Course, I didn't start watching when they started the channel, so I need to catch up with the other stuff first. I've only done World History and I'm partway through Biology.
possibly even tonight
@FAE I skipped Biology completely
@badp I'm so rusty that I figured I'd brush up on it. All the stuff like ATP transport is coming back, haha. Just "Oh yeah, I remember learning this now."
@FAE I saw a few of those and found them dry and uninteresting. The Physics ones are much better
@badp I'm looking forwards to the physics stuff, yeah. I'm not super huge into Biology either, but I've forgotten so much that I want a refresher.
Stephen king AMA
wait no
Stephen king is doing an AMA on reddit
@0_0 Elijah Wood did one today too
New 3DS firmware today
@Powerlord Huh, when? I didn't get an update today.
If it's the one that allows you to make backups of your saves, I got that one a couple days ago.
@FAE Oh. Well, today's the first I heard of it.
weird al is doing one soon
@GrumpyLazers Why wouldn't you just download the New Steam version? Am I missing something?
uhhhh. So now 1 2 3 Kick It Drop That Beat Like An Ugly Baby now not only has badges but a character
and Twitch.TV integration
@badp sorry wasn't here...what?
...and Twitter followers as your score
...and the character is streaming as she falls.
what wat?
play rotmg
I am in bed
I don't know
...and the character sings
so what is badp talking about?
Go out

Proposed Q&A site for people who wants to know the best places to go out in any town, or the specific plans for today in their cities.

Currently in definition.

I can't
11 mins ago, by badp
uhhhh. So now 1 2 3 Kick It Drop That Beat Like An Ugly Baby now not only has badges but a character
@LessPop_MoreFizz I really wanna go out-side and stop to see your day
@mana have I bothered you Re: moon hooch yet?
Q: How can I make Bao-Dur an effective Jedi Guardian?

kotekzotHaving gained the required influence, I am now able to make Bao-Dur a Jedi Guardian. That's great, but he can't wear robes, which means the best armor he can wear and still cast all force powers is the Miner Outfit, which provides an amazing 1 point of defense and no other bonuses. His Tech Speci...

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