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ERB: skrillex vs mozart
@kalina I have never understood these. I find them strange./
I find some of them funny
@Fluttershy Ooooh, Idea Channel. :D
@badp Man activision's rebranding is terrible
@Fluttershy I linked to that yesterday!
@badp Oh. Oops!
It's okay
Ashley missed it
@BenBrocka Could be worse... could be EA!
Electronic Activision
@badp yeah, I appreciate it :)
It could also being a pile of stinking dog poop, but honestly that'd probably be an improvement.
@Fluttershy I wasn't surprised to find they had to pay licensing fees. Kinda sucks, but eh.
Fun fact: TF2 guns are not based on real life guns.
Therefore, you should play TF2 instead of Call of Battlefield.
Crap, now I am going to be watching these videos ALL DAY because Idea Channel is my TVTropes in terms of time wasting
But... Age of TotalCraft is so much fun...
Wait, there isn't a real-life flamethrower that looks like this?
I don't want to live on this planet anymore.
@Powerlord Also Borderlands' guns are, unfortunately, not real
Can't digistruct cars, either
The FBI would be so pissed with the Vault Hunters. "OH NO YOU DID NOT JUST DOWNLOAD A CAR WHAT DID WE JUST SAY"
Holy shit - in the Idea Channel about Community being post-modern, they are quoting theorists that I have read. MY ENGLISH DEGREE IS NOT USELESS BECAUSE IT HELPS ME UNDERSTAND YOUTUBE
You need an English degree to understand YouTube?
@Yawus no but it should be a requirement to have one before allowed to comment on youtube
@Yawus When it comes to randomly watching stuff on post-modernism, it helps
@kalina That'd probably increase the number of job opportunities for graduates with English degrees.
@AshleyNunn My English degree is useless because it is non-existent :P
Job posting: YouTube commenter, must have English degree.
@kalina Please, I'd rather listen to youtube comments than some of the crap some English Majors spout
Seriously Valve? You mark building multiple teleporter entrances (which can only be done with server-side mods) not working on a bug that was reported 13 hours as being something you'll include in a future milestone, but common everyday gameplay bugs reported days/weeks/months ago you won't?
...present company possibly excluded
@Yawus I would rock the shit out of that job
String theorists need not apply.
@OrigamiRobot Shush, you
@OrigamiRobot maybe if you had an English degree you'd be better at spelling English words
@BenBrocka ಠ_ಠ
@kalina I am great at zpelling Englizh wordz.
@OrigamiRobot DISAGREE
@AshleyNunn You didn't use PaperStare :(
@Powerlord All I want is for it to not be possible for dumbasses to build teleporter exits inside spawn on viaduct and gravelpit.
@kalina Dizagree*
PaperStare @OrigamiRob
@OrigamiRobot I don't know what that is. I was likely sleeping then
@BenBrocka ಠ_ಠ
Aw I was hoping it'd explode
@BenBrocka We've tried that. Seems he thought of that too
I usually hope things explode
@Unionhawk and frontier
@BenBrocka if doing that was going to make it explode, it would have exploded days ago
PaperStare @AshleyNunn
@AshleyNunn  ಠ_ಠ
@BenBrocka Explosions are fun
@kalina :(
@Powerlord Yeah. I don't have much of an issue setting things up inside spawn doors, but teleporter exits... >.>
@Unionhawk Specifically Frontier BLU spawn #3.
Though, I imagine it's not technically possible to make such things happen without disabling setup in spawn altogether
Oh, and badwater BLU spawn 1
and Gorge BLU spawn 1
wtb two more reopen votes!
Q: Can I use a PC license to play the Mac version?

thebunkIf I buy SimCity for PC, released this week, will I need to buy it again when the Mac version comes out or does the PC license entitle me to the Mac version? The SimCity Mac FAQ has recently changed to say once said: Q: If I buy on the PC, can I also play on Mac? A: Only select EA titl...

PaperStare @Yawus
@Yawus  ಠ_ಠ
PaperStare @OrigamiRobot
@Unionhawk Fix the func_respawnroom so it includes the doorframes.
@OrigamiRobot no u
Which would take Valve like 5 seconds to do.
So you'll delete it.
@kalina Because it's a pun.
or at least it could be interpreted as telling someone to make a spelling correction that is wrong.
I hope that one of these days stackexchange implements a function that bans you if you try to star somebody
@OrigamiRobot (◕_◕)
@kalina You do know anything you say right now about this is going to get starred right?
give it like a 33% chance to happen, because then you'll just never know when it's going to explode
@James I'm aware, I was just going to keep talking until I owned the entire star list
@kalina Abuser!!!
@James I am not abusing anything, blame @OrigamiRobot
@James Can you blame him for taking advantage of stupid people? :D
Whoa, that's a lot of stars
I actually think there is an ... reward thingy, that you can get for so many stars in so much time.
@Powerlord ...
@kalina I blame everything on @OrigamiRobot
@kalina I'm not even starring anymore.
@spugsley blame @OrigamiRobot is the blame @Wipqozn of 2013
@Powerlord Since my motto is "It's immoral to let stupid people keep their money" No :)
Why is everyone starring everything?
@kalina I'm trying to figure out if the ... was because of the "stupid people" part or the "him" part.
@James if I was abusing, I'd have just forced 10 things that I say to be starred and then unstarred everybody else
@kalina No, blame @Wipqozn is the blame @Wipqozn of 2013.
@Yawus no, that's so 2012
@SaintWacko Isn't mass starring how you can down the flood of blues? :)
No idea why that reply failed the first time
@Powerlord the incorrect assumption part
@James Down with blues!
@Powerlord because... cake
@spugsley You home?
@SaintWacko ... But.. @AshleyNunn has cupcakes :)
@OrigamiRobot yarp
@spugsley OHAI
@Powerlord Because you accidentally backspaced the last number of the post ID
@kalina Bacon cake?
@James Down with blue except for @AshleyNunn!
So now you see, what I do is unstar @James and I own the entire star list
@Coronus OHIO!!!!!!!!!
@Powerlord Bacon cupcakes.
@Powerlord no, I am abstaining from eating meat for 2013
@SaintWacko Rock On!
@kalina Well, we can't have that, can we?
@SaintWacko Much better
@kalina Not on my resolution :)
@SaintWacko It's not my fault that people think everything I say is so amazing that it needs starring
@kalina I'll try not to misinterpret that as something dirty.
@kalina Actually, it is entirely your fault.
@Powerlord I said "eating"
@kalina I'm fine with this.
@Powerlord but you're still perverted
@Wipqozn I figured you would be :p
@kalina You're just now realizing that?
@Powerlord oh, but the temptation....
@Powerlord no, I assume everybody is perverted and haven't had to change my stance on that once during my entire lifetime
@kalina Saves time. Very efficient.
I have to be efficient, not being efficient cuts into the time I have designated for sleeping
@kalina Probably a safe assumption
The conversation didn't warrant wrist slitting
could some low rep user submit 15 suggested edits for me? Please? :p
worst star list ever
this is definitely the work of @OrigamiRobot, regardless of his denial
@MadScientist what is a good ship for beginner PvP in EVE?
More man flu :(
@fredley is that like a minor cold but with more requests for sympathy?
@OrigamiRobot My base is now officially cooler than yours
@kalina I was thinking more along the lines of inciting arguments, but if you've got sympathy that would be appreciated
@fredley I don't have any real sympathy, I can offer sarcastic attempts at sympathy if you want though?
@kalina Go for it
Nope, I seem to have run out of sarcastic sympathy as well. I guess you'll just have to deal with your cold
@kalina :(
@fredley I'd make you some chicken noodle soup, but that would involve buying ingredients. If you have any chicken and noodles, feel free to make some for yourself.
@Yawus :(
@Yawus my understanding of man flu is you sweat superglue and are unable to get up due to being so attached to whatever was supporting you beforehand
and then your brain turns into mush and leaks out of your eyes
Having read that description, I have some great advice.
@kalina Pretty much this
@fredley Good luck, buddy, you're on your own.
@Yawus lol
@fredley well in that case, you surely don't have much time left until your symptoms clear up!
In case we never see you again, please know that you will always be in my heart. Unless, of course, I decide to do some spring cleaning.
I've heard that the best solution for man flu is to log into Minecraft and destroy @OrigamiRobot's base
@kalina That would treat his symptoms, but it wouldn't do anything towards curing the actual disease.
@Yawus well no, the only cure for the actual disease is genocide against men
Yet again, that's a symptomatic treatment. You're treating the symptom of being male.
I see no problem with that
@kalina You're right, this is working pretty well
@fredley I thought it would
I'm also not sure if killing all men would actually constitute genocide.
I have no idea what is going on here
@SaintWacko you're typing a string of letters and then pressing enter
Genocide is defined the deliberate and systematic destruction of a racial, ethnic, religious, or national group.
Not sure if "males" fit well into either of those groups.
@Yawus so, gendercide then
@kalina Go go Gadget Parthenogenesis?
I could go further into how much thought I've put into this particular topic of conversation, but at some point the majority of people in here will read all of this and think less of me
@kalina You can't get less than zero.
@Yawus true story
ok so, the way I envisioned it working
Well, I'm assuming reputation works in natural numbers.
would be you'd lock up all of the guys with the best genes
and use them as required
How would you define "best"?
It would need to be split by category, where each category is derived from the type of offspring required
in addition, some would need to be kept as workers
Would there be a trade economy in males?
Or is it just do-as-you-please-whenever?
@Yawus I get the sense that they would be more of a communal resource.
society as it exists today would cease to exist, there would be no need for currency
Yes, but say two females want a particular male. How would they decide who goes first?
Or at all?
@Yawus this is making the assumption that the men would be allowed to experience such pleasures
the closest they'd get to the experience is a needle
Ah, we're talking about in-vitro fertilization then.
That would make more sense.
anyway, this conversation is a guaranteed method to ensure chat stays quiet all night
so we should change the subject to ponies
Nah, I'm pretty sure I could keep talking about logistics.
Can't feel too awkward if you've lived in the Awkward Zone your entire life.
How would you keep the males pacified?
@kalina I must admit though, I do like the attention it comes with.
Mar 21 at 17:18, by Sterno
@Yawus keep them all in an enclosed space and pump marijuana smoke through the ventilation
@kalina Given my inexperience with marijuana and recreational drugs as a whole, I would like to ask if there would be any adverse effects on genetics and if constant use of such drugs would cause adverse effects in children.
There is actually a word specifically for this...
It's androcide!
@kalina --Hitler
@Yawus no, in fact, getting high increases sperm count in addition to subduing, it's the perfect solution to fulfil all requirements
@Ullallulloo I invoke Godwin, argument over
I would like to detour and say that female robot =/= android. "Andr-" is a prefix implying "male". Proper term would be "gynoid".
@Yawus this is indeed a detour
There is a distinct lack of friction in here tonight
@kalina Johann just left.
What has happened, did somebody set up us the bomb and not tell me?
@Yawus nope
@Johann No, you were gone for about three minutes.
Three minutes is a lifetime in Bridge time
I leave for twenty minutes to try to unfuck my habitat, and there are suddenly ponies everywhere
@AshleyNunn what's the problem with ponies?
@kalina Never said there was one.
I don't really care either way.
Now that I think about it, that's my position on a lot of things...
I'm a really apathetic guy...
@AshleyNunn you speak of an impossible goal in the first place
don't talk about positions, @Powerlord will reappear with something perverted
@Johann What's that?
I starred it
@kalina paranoid much?
It's not paranoia when people are out to get you.
@Johann I'm not convinced you know what paranoia is
Or Powerlord is out to be perverted in this case.
That just proves that you know how to look up an online dictionary.
@Yawus you'd be suprised
Q: Why do console games require a button press before showing the main menu?

SejanusI am strictly a PC gamer myself, but I noticed a strange thing. When you start every released-for-console game, like Mass Effect or Borderlands, they ask you to press Enter (or any key, etc.) after the initial load, and only after pressing it do you get to see the main menu. PC-only games load th...

@Wipqozn I'm not convinced that it's off-topic. Questions about consoles are allowed here, and the fact that the answer mostly deals with developers doesn't make it only appropriate for answering on GameDev. The situation is similar in nature to this question, and it feels odd to have one open and one closed. I'm not clear on what policy allows one but disallows the other. — Sadly Not 55 mins ago
Q: How can Gen 3 consoles run modern games with old technology?

ArtursWhen I compare games released recently to games released when the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 first came out, back in 2005 and 2006, there's an obvious improvement in graphics and quality over time. For example, there is a big advancement in graphics from Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion (released 2006...

@kalina Wasn't the consensus on that not to reopen, but rather have a new question asked?
@Fluttershy was it?
I thought it was closed for lack of authoritative source
(which is now resolved)
the question was asked after the game was released
@kalina The question was asked before the Mac version released, so I still feel it falls into the scope of this meta.
But, I could be wrong.
@Fluttershy I thought we had concluded the question was about a license, not about a specific release of the game
as per the announcement today from EA - there is in fact only a single license, therefore the "platform" is irrelevant
and the license was available to purchase before the question was asked
Yeah, I think that's off-topic too.
Sounds like a discussion for someone other than myself. I'm just going off of my interpretation of the meta.
It's a "Why did they design it that way?? question.
IT's a game dev question, not gaming.
I updated my graphics drivers, came back and got scared, because I saw this:
@BenBrocka I like how Tingle got swept in all the chickens
@jeffreylin_ ?
@AshleyNunn Majora's Mask is in there too if I'm seeing what I think I'm seeing.
@Wipqozn tbh both of those questions should be on gamedev rather than here
@kalina Indeed they should, which is what I said to him.
@Yawus Yep
@Yawus and a piece of heart and...some character I don't recognize
A: Changing my Minecraft Username

assholehell ya it is u bitch use password changer

-.- nuke!
@BenBrocka Wanna say it is one of the little forest dudes from Skyward, but I am not enturely sure
@spugsley If you are about tonight, or ever, really, and want to see my poster, lemme know. I think it turned out rather awesome
@AshleyNunn link
@Johann what?
a poster link silly
@Johann It's not something I want to flood the Bridge with, because it is giant, and I don't know how it will size here, and I don't really wanna find out
it can't be worse than the ponies
@kalina @AshleyNunn yeah its ok
@AshleyNunn hyperlink it?
@Ullallulloo I don't have it anywhere other than my computer....but I suppose I could upload it to imgur first, since that is what is going to happen when I upload it here directly anyhow
@AshleyNunn I WANT TO SEE IT
@spugsley Okay, okay, okay I am convinced
@spugsley No more dodging it, Ash. :P
hahahaha it is too bigf
imgur won't take it
Hermit Burglar lives in the woods for 27 years, surviving by stealing from nearby camps and managing to evade capture for that entire time
Literally not leaving his tiny campsite for 6 months out of the year to avoid leaving tracks in the snow.
So just hoarding enough to hibernate every winter.
@LessPop_MoreFizz That is crazy yet amazing
The fact that he was just like nope, I am going to do this thing, and he survived, is pretty awesome
@spugsley it is too big for imgur, I have no idea how to share this monstrosity
@AshleyNunn oh noessssss
I changed the file type, and that seems to have made it small enough
Poster! (Remember, this is my first time doing anything like this.)
@AshleyNunn Big words
@Ullallulloo I -am- an English major. ;)
@AshleyNunn Isn't it good to use as simple as possible if bigger words aren't necessary?
This guy's username is incredibly inappropriate. Do we allow this?
@jeffreylin_ no
@Ullallulloo But he exists.
@jeffreylin_ Well, the system allows it for some reason, but it's against the rules.
@jeffreylin_ to resolve that say something like "@badp please 2 nuke <link>"
@Ullallulloo Not in this specific case - the words I used were ones I had to, because of the assignment guidelines. They each mean specific things relating to each image.
The "some reason" probably being how Jeff got scared of profanity filters because he saw some poor implementations of them.
Also, boo, that upload doesn't have the part where I actually credit @spugsley.
@Ullallulloo I what?
@Ullallulloo Oh, thought you were talking about me
@jeffreylin_ Oh, no. :P
@AshleyNunn :(
@spugsley Yeah, that puzzles me, because it is on the file I have, which should match the uploaded one....
Q: How can I stop the world leaking?

fredleyMy FTB Direwolf20 server is leaking! 2013-04-11 22:29:24 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Detected leaking worlds in memory. There are 4 worlds that appear to be persisting. A mod is likely caching the world incorrectly 2013-04-11 22:29:24 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] The world 6e929b52 (world) has leaked...

@Ullallulloo Profanity filters are usually a bad solution.
What are the consequences of deleting my Facebook account?
I think I might lose my login here since I use Facebook to authorize StackExchange.
Unless you really need an absolute zero tolerance policy for small children or people with nine irons shoved so far into their rectums they're coming out of their mouths, prior restraint for profanity causes more harm than help.
@Ullallulloo poor implementations being every single implementation
@BenBrocka There are good reasons for filters that straight out block any word on the proscribed list. Replacement filters are always dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb.
Though Twitch.tv's system of an optional, editable list (with a decent default list) is decent, really
i.e. a filter that, when I type "fuck you!" simply blocks the whole message is fine. I'm not fond of it, but it works perfectly fine. A filter that when I type "fuck you" changes it to "Gently Caress you" ala SA for the unregistered, is terrible unless used for comedy, as on SA.
@jeffreylin_ on your user page, click "my logins" and add more logins
Q: OpenOffice Calc; Random selection of cells that have not yet been randomly selected?

CharlieIn effect, I'm looking to create a table with each cell representing a card in a deck, and I would like to simulate drawing the cards randomly while avoiding drawing the same card (or cell) a second time until I manually reset the process or until all "cards" have been selected already. I am som...

@tugs Oh, thanks.
Q: Red "x" by easy difficulty in Zombies

GmoneyrocksDoes anyone know why there is a red "x" by easy when you change the difficulty to easy on zombies?

The kid upstairs has been playing the same melody over and over for 5 minutes now.
@AshleyNunn You sure they aren't just practising?
@MBraedley Oh, likely, but I am just tired of this song! (They had a snow day, so there has been a lot of practicing)
@AshleyNunn Glad I missed that downfall
@MBraedley We got mostly ice pellets and rain. Made everything nicely ice coated.
@AshleyNunn my neighbours probably think this on a daily basis
@kalina oh?
nothing like playing 4 bars of kick drum on loop for 30 minutes to annoy the crap out of the ENTIRE PLANET
ughhhhhhhhhhh cleaning up edges in photoshop is soooooooooo tedious
@spugsley Can't you write a script for that?
Well it's hot, it's loud, it's wild, we bounce to this track - and I don't care what anybody thinks about that...
@MBraedley I don't know nothin bout no scripts :(
@spugsley I'm no photoshop guru, but there should be a way to automate common tasks. Maybe check photography.SE
@AshleyNunn I grabbed this acapella of a vocal from another track and started playing around with it
largely aimlessly
@MBraedley well, I don't think so in this case because it's extremely precise work...I don't see how something automatic could do it
and it sounds quite horrific at the moment, but here -> soundcloud.com/alesoun/bored12apr2013/s-SWvxR
and its 1am, so my neighbours must adore me
@spugsley Then you haven't used edge detection filters before, have you?
@MBraedley O-o no. I'm self learning photoshop so sometimes I don't really know how to search for something I want to do
@kalina I like it.
@kalina There is this thing called headphones, you know? :P
@FEichinger I don't own ridiculously expensive sound hardware so I can use headphones
sometimes I put a filter on a bass sound and just play around with it to make things on the walls of this room vibrate
@kalina You could get a ridiculously expensive set of headphones, that would balance it.
I would need additional hardware to be able to plug a pair of headphones into my pc
See? Even more expensive-stuffs!
my sound card is one of these: m-audio.com/products/en_us/Delta1010LT.html
it has everything except a headphone socket

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