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@ChrisF as a matter of fact, just sat down :)
Ah good.
I've just got a new machine at work and need to reinstall the chat inbox notification thingy.
ah, gotcha
how can I help?
I get this error page - stackexchange.com/oauth/… - when I try to generate a new access token
> redirect_uri is not under the registered domain for this application
ah, hmm. yes, I think I fixed this for my other apps, and I thought for this one as well
github changed their page hosting so the domain is now github.io instead of github.com
@ChrisF should be better now, refresh the token request page and then re-request the token
might take a minute or two for github to catch up though...
@Unionhawk Ewww, what in the world did they do to the r/AskReddit CSS?
@agent86 Works now. Thanks
@ChrisF woo, thanks for the bug report :)
@agent86 Np
Also, don't go there. None of the questions actually follows guideline #2: "Askreddit is for thought-provoking, discussion-inspiring questions."
@YiJiang'sEvilClone shrugs Iunno. I'm bored in Chemistry. I have resorted to reading the stupid things people on the internet have done, apparently
Are the images in this post of Windows XP? Apparently imgur is blocked for good here now.
@YiJiang'sEvilClone The full guideline is "Askreddit is for thought-provoking, discussion-inspiring questions about zip-tied testicles" but they thought the latter half was implied
Right, I'm off before Ronan shows up.
@Powerlord No, it looks like 7
There's Aero
@Powerlord Nope. Windows 7 by the look of things
@Powerlord 7, I think
Not sure I could pick Vista from 7 aside from the taskbar though (not that anyone uses Vista)
@Powerlord It's 7, based on Aero and the color of the "Requires administrator" shield
Windows 7 and IE9/10
Hmm, is it a good idea to stick a slightly bent trading card under a dictionary for a few days to straighten it?
Yeah, figures, when I go to reply to the message, the images show up.
Q: Voted for reopening a question

JoetjahI voted to reopen this question: Guild Wars 2 Digital Deluxe items acquirisation which I believe is different from What are the gameplay implications for each of the Digital Deluxe items? The first one asks and has an answer about how to get the Digital Deluxe items. As additional information i...

@agent86 I love the idea of a future where you can print low-cost figurines instead of them being $200 and a limited production run
@BenBrocka Yeah, I doubt mass production will ever be replaced by consumer 3d printing, but these will be.
@BenBrocka yeah, it's an interesting proposition. I wonder how the licence holders will react to such a future?
if you've never read makers by cory doctrow he speculates on the fallout of such a future (and, well, it's free)
@agent86 Probably by selling licenses to print X instead of physical item X, for the most part
@BenBrocka yeah, but piracy.
I eagerly look forward to the death of limited production runs
@agent86 Valve would probably hire them for a merch department.
I mean, for the answerswarm contest, SE bought stuff from etsy produced by someone who probably did not have the rights to produce the items they produced
@agent86 So? Not selling licenses doesn't prevent piracy, people can just make their own crap
what I'm saying is I forsee cries of "IP piracy" for real world goods.
...there already are. Cheap knockoffs have existed for centuries
I wonder if we're going to have some kind of RIAA/MPAA gestapo breaking down doors to arrest grandma for making her own Precious Moments figurines
But unlike cheap knockoffs this would mostly just be consumers making what they want, rather than a single person making a large amount of money off of piracy
"there have been allegations that you were producing figurines that look cute, like ours do. DIE, YOU ECONOMY DESTROYING SCUM!"
Q: Skyrim (PS3) - Vampire stage 4 and i can't feed myself

Zwibir1stI've read a few Q&A about vampirism and i can't seem to find the answer to my problem. I've become a vampire and I've started the quest to cure myself. As I'm stage 4, I can't talk to Falion, so I've tried to drink some blood around. I've done 3-4 humans yet and it seems not to be enough. Peopl...

It'd be very hard to argue it's worse for single consumers to pirate single items vs individuals making large profits by distributing pirated goods
I think it's going to be an interesting time, is all. we've already put "people who duplicate content for a living" on notice, when it spreads to "people who manufacture particular configurations of plastic" I imagine the backlash will be pretty intense
dear $COMPANY_WHO_USED_TO_OWN_THE_MEANS_OF_PRODUCTION, we have obsoleted the need for you with technology. Please prepare to be bankrupted or spend gobs of money on legislation to suppress this technology. Sincerely, The Internet
Honestly there's very little difference between 3D printing becoming a reality and digital content becoming a reality
People just have a raging erection for physical crap and oh god computers can make REAL things now?!
Fun Fact: Part of the reason fashion designers change their products so radically and so frequently is because US law does not allow for any sort of IP protection for fashion design.
...isn't 3D printing, just, essentially, the realization of digital content?
Media companies have had massive profits despite digital distribution (often because of it) despite the high possibility of priacy
@GraceNote Yes, but lots of people are morons and don't think things are "real" when they're digital
Thus, to reduce the impact of legal knockoff goods, they need to constantly change their products.
@BenBrocka That doesn't strike me as moronic.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I thought they recently upheld trademark on red soles for a type of shoe
@BenBrocka In a day and age when people have no backbone and still give in to digital products becoming timed goods, that is very much reasonable.
Even though I'd prefer consumer rights over some figurines, but hey, the money talks, doesn't it?
@GraceNote The internet and the people on it are exactly as real as everything else. It's pathetically antiquated to think something didn't really happen because it was digital
I mean, even with 3D printing, there's still a big difference between a tiny model artillery piece, and hopping around in it actually shooting people with rockets.
@BenBrocka There's two separate forces at play, here, though, and for starters I'm the person who never uses "in real life" and prefers to say "in the physical world".
@GraceNote That's totally different from physical vs digital though
@fredley size of the robot is rarely the sole factor in human murder efficacy
@BenBrocka the red sole trademark is kind of odd - the court essentially found it to be functionally equivalent to a logo - i.e. for the same reason it's illegal to make a fake gucci bag.
But you can make a stitch for stitch identical bag to a gucci bag, so long as you don't try to mislead customers into thinking it's a gucci by not putting their logo on it.
@BenBrocka I don't think it is, or at the very least, we see the boundary of things set at different positions.
If the prospect of creating an entity that exists in the digital realm, into the physical realm, this kind of realization is what we're looking at, counts the entity as a digital entity, then the behavior and physics of that digital realm, for all its lack of adherence to our own reality, is also a digital concept.
@GraceNote How on earth is that relevant though? The thing about digital copies of music, games or 3D printed figures is that they're functionally identical to "real" copies. Non-functional artillery vs functional artillery is absolutely nothing like the difference between a digital game and a physical CD or a 3D printed cat figure vs a hand molded cat figure
@BenBrocka Here's where we point out that I don't consider a 3D printing to be a digital good, if it's naturally a physical item.
In terms of how it's transformational, 3D printing is extremely similar to digital content. It makes distributing infinite copies of a good virtually free for the distributor and makes physical transport completely irrelevant. Purchasing, downloading and ownership (of the license) are still all completely digital
The major complication is that you're required to own a physical device to use the content on (similar to how you generally need a PC or other device to actually use digital content)
There's functionally little difference between digital and 3D printed in a world where every home has a 3D printer and a PC capable of playing digital content
@BenBrocka Soooo ... any newspaper is a digital good? Any poster is a digital good?
@FEichinger If it's distributed digitally? Yes.
I wouldn't dispute that.
Just because I print out a webpage does'nt mean the webpage was distributed physically. Not in a meaningful way, anyway
I however, find, that we're using the term "digital" to indicate different things, so that would naturally explain the lack of seeing eye to eye.
@GraceNote The difference here is distribution vs nature of the product.
@LessPop_MoreFizz If I think about it, our mascot for our hockey team was the Puckman, but I don't know what our actual team was.
@FEichinger Right. I see it as the latter and approached it from that direction when I spoke, Ben was talking about the former.
@GraceNote Exactly.
@GraceNote Pacman was your mascot? :O
I wonder if there's any 3D printing facilities in Singapore
@Powerlord Puckman.
I wonder how hard it would be 3d print a house
Set up some kind of gantry and hook up a couple tanker trucks
There was a 3D printing thing at PAX East, and while I was vaguely interested in it, I didn't really look into how exactly it worked.
@GraceNote You know that was going to be Pacman's original name, until it was mention how easy it would be to deface that to make a certain other name?
> Rates: S$1.50 per cm cube of material required + S$1.50 per ml of binder solution used + S$10 per hour of machine time required.
Sounds... relatively reasonable?
I was going to say Buckman, but, well, Ben beat me to the punch.
@SaintWacko It'd probably still hold up better than new houses these days
Duckman, woo-ooo
@GraceNote Ruckman
@OrigamiRobot I thought that at first, but then I wasn't sure if "ruck" was even a word. Turns out, though, it is.
@YiJiang'sEvilClone A game I've never tried, a game I've never heard of, a multiplayer game that's dead, and two more games I've never heard of.
Is it sad that I'll probably still get it?
Less sad, more "Expected of the lot of you"?
@Powerlord I don't usually get Indie Royale bundles unless there's at least one or two games I'd recognise and play
I don't think Monday Night Combat is dead
@YiJiang'sEvilClone Last I checked there was a single server for it on the Internet.
Oh, that's pretty bad
ONE single 12 player server, and it wasn't full.
I have never bought an Indie bundle for lack of interest. Now I feel some kind of elitist-type responsibility not to ever buy one.
The problem is the disease they call Super Monday Night Combat, which took a good game and made a bad sequel.
@BenBrocka Oh, I mean using one of the 3d metal printing techniques
Not the plastic stuff
@OrigamiRobot Would you feel less elitist if you had to share that responsibility?
I dunno, I just know I don't want to break the tradition of not buying one.
I have no idea why I feel that way, but I do.
I don't have it as a tradition, myself, so much as, there's so far just been a complete lack of interest on my part.
I mean seriously, they went from this: FPS ---|------ MOBA to this: FPS ---------|- LoL. You might as well play LoL instead of SMNC.
@GraceNote Right, but that's become a coincidental tradition.
I also think I have an instant aversion to anything called "indie"
@OrigamiRobot I'm... completely broke. Which is why I don't feel bad about not buying a bundle which consists almost entirely of games I've never heard of and probably don't want to play :P
Indie does always kinda feel wonk as a term.
@Powerlord gross
And yes, the switch from MOBA to LoL is intentional in that chart, because Uber clearly copied elements of LoL when they designed the second game.
@GraceNote It doesn't mean anything constructive.
The "competitive gaming" scene seems to all focus on LoL, ensuring I hate them all
I think it's because the connotation has morphed into so many directions.
You'd almost think I changed my last post to avoid flags.
I mean, it's got that tribal feel that "indie film making" has, but also some kind of nitty-gritty "heart and soul" thing but also your standard "Comiket distribute ALL THE THINGS" vibe and then "easy market" and...
@GraceNote don't forget quirky!
@OrigamiRobot Yes! "Quirky" is in there too!
Gotta have super crazy gimmick these days.
Can't we just settle on the old 'No publisher' definition?
@YiJiang'sEvilClone It'd be nice. I actually love that definition because I hate publishers.
Oh, wait, I forgot to mention something: SMNC also introduced persistent powerups that players can buy from their online store and have in all their games. Did I mention that how good these are directly correlates to how much they cost?
@YiJiang'sEvilClone This is my usual take on the sphere it represents, but somehow the term "indie" just keeps pointing at all those other connotations.
You CAN get one randomly in game, but in the 100ish games I played, I'd gotten no more than 2 of them.
It probably helps that I was raised under a different term for the concept.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Well, you'd think a person like that fits right in on skeptics.SE.
@YiJiang'sEvilClone To me "no one paid them a billion dollars to make CoD 4534353" is the relevant bit
@FEichinger It's true. :(
Who published it is less relevant to the actual independent-ness of the game than who funded it
The two were more hand-in-hand in my upbringing.
@GraceNote Not the same any more; thanks to stuff like XBLA you need a publisher to push stuff out even if you make the game 100% independently
Anyway, I wonder if I should try Gotham City Impostors again. I haven't played since it went F2P, which reset everyone's levels, and your level determines how much equipment you can unlock (but the unlocks are just type specific... if you have a weapon unlock, you can choose to unlock any weapon)
The funnier unlocks are things like which voice your character has.
...they reset everyone's levels when it went F2P? Seems like a great way to say screw-you to paying customers
@BenBrocka I assume it was to even the playing field. Players that converted their accounts got a free XP boost thing, I think.
Bit like Battlefield Free2Play...I was part of the beta and did quite well, got a decent rank. When everything got reset and it became microtransactionhell I dropped out.
and some free cosmetic things probably.
I actually had all the Gotham City Impostors DLC which also got converted. I had said DLC (which is like costumes and XP boosts) because I bought the Batman pack that included Arkham Asylum, Arkham City, and Gotham City Impostors + DLC.
I think I lost the Ninja costumes during the conversion or some other ridiculous thing.
(Just because I didn't PLAY Impostors after the conversion didn't mean I never launched the game. :P)
I got imposters free for PS+ and never played it
I rarely ever do online-only stuff
@BenBrocka It's a neat game... similar to Team Fortress 2, but its customizability adds a lot to it.
Oh, and gadgets.
I think my favorite gadget was the fake ammo box that exploded. :D
or something like that. There were a few different fun ones.
No wait, that was an item not a gadget
See, now I want to play it again.
Hello gentlemen. How may I ban you today?
@badp Bacon storm
@badp Did you ever try Gotham City Impostors?
@Powerlord I've seen videos of it being played.
@badp Did they ever show the dive bomb kill with the Glider? Probably my favorite way to kill people, but you need the Heavy body type for that to work the best.
@Powerlord Heavy body type likely means it was never shown
@badp You can do it with lighter body types, but the damage is higher with the heavier types.
Of course, the disadvantage being that the heavier body types are easier to hit with hitscan weapons.
(They may also be slower, I don't remember).
The main complaint the guy I've watched the videos of had was that rocket launchers were too cheap
That said he's also one of those people who jacks up the metal cost of minisentries on his own server.
@badp That probably depends on which mods were on the rocket launcher... oh right, forgot to mention that mods are also unlock types.
@badp I don't know if I should laugh or be worried...
I know there's a mod that raises the damage rockets do but reduces the clip size. Or was that lowers the damage rockets do but raises the clip size?
@tombull89 Both. Always both.
Well, what's weird is that this guy also appreciates Loadout and its 7-barrelled maneuvered rocket launchers that set things on fire should they manage to miss
@badp I removed myself as owner. If I hadn't, I could just abuse android hell until you banned me.
@OrigamiRobot Good. Legit bans are boring bans.
@OrigamiRobot you're still missing the subject of "abuse"
too many backspace
Darn it, one of my coworkers stopped by, preventing me from making a comment about @badp being able to turn people in @BenBrocka before @OrigamiRobot fixed his post.
@Powerlord Coincidentally, that's why my post was broken to begin with.
Q: How do you get a triple perfect?

Tim Kathete StadlerI can't seem to figure out how to get a "triple perfect" in Runner2. I know you get a first perfect for collecting all the gold and a second perfect for hitting the bullseye, but how do you get a triple perfect?

Triple dupe?

When badp gets moderator status

Feb 27 '11 at 0:07, 6 minutes total – 12 messages, 2 users, 0 stars

Bookmarked Feb 27 '11 at 0:14 by Yi Jiang's Evil Clone

I wonder if mods still have this capability
@YiJiang'sEvilClone We get the same edit buttons on your profile you do
...I have no idea why, for the most part
I think I can sign people up for the newsletter too
Hrm no I can't
@BenBrocka That is would be ... disturbing.
I can screw with favorited tags for no apparent reason though
I wonder if cold hot chocolate would taste better
@BenBrocka To clean up lists like mine, perhaps? :P
@FEichinger Show me yours I'll show you mine
@FEichinger It'd be a pretty dumb way to be malicious
@YiJiang'sEvilClone What an odd ability for mods to have
@SaintWacko It's perfect for MOD ABUSE *cough cough stare*
@SaintWacko It's just implimented by giving you all the same edit buttons users get on their own profile
@BenBrocka Simplicity of design, for the most part.
@GraceNote IT'd be simpler to just remove the pointless parts
unless you mean "simplicity to design"
The latter. Fewer interfaces and rules designed if they just share the same edit levels.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I knew this would happen if we legalized @wipqozn marriage
> Sweetmeats are candies while sweetbreads, which aren't sweet, are meat.
I feel like an idiot now
So 3D coloring books is a thing that exists
I hate everything pony.
@YiJiang'sEvilClone Flagged as... pony!
Q: Can I Use a Vanilla Torchlight 2 Character With a Modded TL2?

PhilippSo I have a higher level Berserker and wanted to create a mod myself to change some minor things. The problem is as soon as I load the mod I don't have access to my vanilla character. Can I somehow play the same character across vanilla/modded-Torchlight?

@YiJiang'sEvilClone ~My name is Pinkie Pie (hello!), and I am here to say~
I think my meteorite hit a floating island. =(
@Fluttershy Well, that just means you have to get another one
Unless you want to brew some gravity and featherfall potion and go floating island hunting
@YiJiang'sEvilClone I don't think I'm quite ready to go floating island hunting. I do have some gravity potions though.
Wait, there's a Terraria server?
Or are these just single player games?
Oh, you'll also need a depth meter
@SaintWacko I'm on Xbox.
Which isn't very easy to craft
@Fluttershy Oh :(
@YiJiang'sEvilClone I have everything I need for a depth meter.
Then you should be fine
@SaintWacko When the PC update arrives I'm thinking of putting a terraria map on one of our servers.
Harpies are the only enemy on floating islands. They're dangerous, but their attacks are relatively easy to avoid
@RonanForman Please please please please please do
@YiJiang'sEvilClone Heh. Just wait til hardmode...
@SaintWacko I would join you. =3
@SaintWacko Oh yeah, do find your floating islands before entering hardmode
@Fluttershy Multiplayer Terraria is ridiculously fun
@YiJiang'sEvilClone I'm at the point where there's nothing in Hardmode that gives me trouble
Wyverns are as hard as minibosses
@YiJiang'sEvilClone Yep
Until you get the Dao of Pow or something like that
Dang... I'm not strong enough to kill Skeletron yet. =(
@Fluttershy You've managed to down Eater of Worlds yet?
@YiJiang'sEvilClone Yeah. I'm in full shadow armor. =\
Go floating island hunting!
What's your HP?
@YiJiang'sEvilClone 14 hearts.
And 1 mana. <_<
And, finding floating islands does nothing for me if I can't beat Skeletron to get into the dungeon for golden keys.
You should have no problem adventuring out at night
I'm not sure there's much magic weapon worth using until you go into the dungeon
Q: Turning the sound off?

BraveKennyPlain and simple question, I know. I like playing my mobile games while listening to my own music, and having the game's music over it is quite annoying. But somehow, I see no menu option to mute this app! I even started looking at apps that would enable me to mute specific apps, like the volum...

@YiJiang'sEvilClone There isn't really.
I'd also like to find a magic mirror, but have had zero luck. =\
Tons of Herme's Boots though.
If you're really having trouble you can generate a new world
Is it time to go home yet?
Terraria is only 24.5mb big?
dagnabbit this question just ruined everything for me gaming.stackexchange.com/questions/113710/…
It's all fulla spoilers in the question title
@AliceRees Oh wow... And there's no good way to unspoiler it. =\
Nope :(
by the way, folks, don't click that link if you want tp remain Bioshock Infinite free
@AliceRees Won't help you, but I despoilered the title now
Looks like it was even further despoilerized.
@AliceRees Sorry for the bad luck. =\ Such are the perils of visiting a QA site so soon after a new game, I suppose...
Lord that was probably the most spoiler-heavy anything I've ever seen... >.>
Load faster! I want the twist ending ruined
@badp Typical time travel paradox!
linking to your blog in an answer is spam, right?
@Sconibulus Not necessarily, if the post otherwise completely answers the question and the linked blog post is relevant, then no
Is this version of the question better?
answer saying basically: I just wrote about that in my blog! <link>
I really don't like the full body spoilers though

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