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Q: What games and order should I play the Metal Gear series games to better understand the story?

JohnoBoyI've watched the entirety of MGS and only played MGS2 to completion, it was a while ago, and I can't recall the story making much sense. I played the third and fourth games for a bit but never finished them. I do wish to "get" into the series, but it seems there are many games and most of them t...

Q: How long is Vayne's tumble animation?

WertilqVayne's Q; tumble, it it's a short CD, short distance dash, that increases her damage for next shot. How long is the animation, in seconds. The subquestion is, will Vayne hit a point when tumbling lowers your overall damage, because of the tumble animation taking time? IE she have too high attac...

Morning, Bridge
It is storming outside
Fairly hard
I am damp
We had the loudest thunder I've heard in years last night
At 4 AM, which was lovely
@BenBrocka Lightning struck the building you're in?
I had lightning strike right across the street from me once
That doesn't happen very often here, but when it does it's usually violent enough to flip the main circuit breaker
I was outside checking on my turtle at the time, and it was so loud that my brain cowered in fear, my instincts took over, and I was inside the house and locking the door before my brain came back
No, though it sounded extremely close, zero time offset, CRAZY loud
Fictional Languages

Proposed Q&A site for fantasy entusiasts that want to learn and share knowledge about a fictional languages like elvish, gnomish, alien…

Currently in definition.

@SaintWacko Why do you make @Wipqozn sleep outside? YOU MONSTER.
@LessPop_MoreFizz All questions must actually be asked in the language they're about
@LessPop_MoreFizz Because terrapins love the rain!
@FAE eh, on the educational side I only follow crash course
Who was I talking to about Sublime Text 2?
@SaintWacko Do they love LIGHTNING STRIKES?
@BenBrocka Probably?
@fredley I installed it and messed with it a bit. I'll give this a read later today.
@StrixVaria It's a good guide, and Soda is the theme to use
that, two serial let's players, @Ben let's playing random stuff, two guys with random TF2 videos, a bunch of other infrequent uploaders and I'm good
Reminds me my video backlog runs out tomorrow
This week sucks
@fredley Alright, fine, I'll try it out
@SaintWacko Use Cmd+T, love Cmd+T
Wait, $70?
For a text editor?
Guru, People of God (Prophet, Messiah, Lama/ Religious Leader and Spiritual Teacher)

Proposed Q&A site for hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism, Jainism, Islam, Christianity..Almost every religion has The Guru Principle. Guru is The Spiritual Adviser, The Enlightened Master, The Avatar. HE dispels the darkness of ignorance. He is the realized soul guiding us.

Currently in definition.

That's gonna be one hell of a domain name
@BenBrocka Guru.SE?
IT's no fun if you abbreviate it
@BenBrocka :P
@BenBrocka LeaderofGawd.SE
@SaintWacko You don't have to pay
@benbrocka that's what I keep telling your mother.
Although I have paid. It's worth paying for software that I use this much, and is this good
Messing around with write access again, sorry 'bout that
The peasants are revolting!
@BenBrocka I know, I can smell them from here
@BenBrocka Are you using Youtube's delayed publishing thing?
@badp Yeah. I thought it was locked down, since the "scheduled" option was greyed out, but it turns out if you put your video to Private, THEN you can put it on Scheduled
@StackExchange Why me?
@BenBrocka oh? I thought it would've worked on Unlisted as well.
@BenBrocka You can't schedule a public video.
Of the last 11 videos, 1 was uploaded April 5th and the others were on march 29th/30th
@RonanForman Buuuut the video's not published yet. It makes no sense to disable that button unless the video's already been published
@BenBrocka That's a point, although you're assuming youtube knows what it's doing with UI.
@RonanForman What's the point? The video is unpublished. Clicknig Scheduled should simply make it private until uploaded (which is exactly what you do, it just forces you to click extra times for no reason and destroys discoverability)
I should go to work.
I noticed the feature months ago and only recently discovered it actually works
IIRC, it only unlocks on "private" too, Unlisted doesn't work
@BenBrocka I say again, you assume youtube knows UI.
As soon as I can figure out how to make the microscopic people hammering nails into the inside of my skull stop, I will do so.
Before last month I had been manually "scheduling" videos by uploading them unlisted, then making them public
@YiJiang'sEvilClone Can I be room owner?
Uh, sure, why not
You people. YOU PEOPLE.
@YiJiang'sEvilClone I stole your thunder!
Are @YiJiang'sEvilClone and @OrigamiRobot the same person??!?!?!
@OrigamiRobot You goddamn ninja robot
@LessPop_MoreFizz Not people so much as monsters
@RonanForman Obvious answer is obvious.
Italics are worthless when half the room has them. Just sayin'.
Stop diluting the value of your power.
@LessPop_MoreFizz They were worthless to begin with
@YiJiang'sEvilClone There, now you can do it.
@YiJiang'sEvilClone Lies, you can see all the sweet, sweet deleted messages.
Room owners can see deleted messages?
I didn't know this. Reads all of chat transcript
Ahh, hidden context.
please tell me you flagged fredley's message please tell me you flagged fredley's message please tell me you flagged fredley's message please tell me you flagged fredley's message please tell me you flagged fredley's message
@badp Now now
@badp I so want to star that ... :(
@RonanForman You still can't see them in the transcript
@FEichinger Where's your other eye?
@RonanForman You have to use the load to options.
@fredley well that's 5/6 star-flags. THE PEOPLE IS SPEAKING
That's why I couldn't see it. SOMEONE removed me from room owners.
@badp I poked it out as a sacrifice to the star gods. Didn't help, still out of stars.
@badp 5/6 flags?
4 stars in support of my call to flag you
@badp Oh :(
@badp Hey I know exactly which degree of modabuse is appropriate in which situation
gets a free out of jail card, valid on fredley
I disapprove of this democratized mod abuse.
@badp Make it seven, you'll get another from me: ★
why are we sucking :(
can I have this job?
@djsmiley2k what job?
what do we think? Will I suck at the interview? I don't want to suck :(
wow 2 stars for sucking? XD
@badp working watching a computer for alarms all day
more money, shifts, fun times
walk/bike/bus/train to work.
@djsmiley2k That's an interesting commute order
@badp they are all optional.
@djsmiley2k So you can commute to work with .
wife :)
@badp your uncivilized nation doesn't have walky-bike bustrains? How uncouth
She works there, and will be doing my first weeks induction, if I get the job (yes this will be slightly weird).
@Lazers Hmmm, a copyright question
Q: Who owns the copyright to a screenshot

PhilippWhen I take a screenshot from a game, who owns the copyright? Me or the copyright owner of the game? One could argue that a screenshot hasn't the necessary creative value for claiming copyright, but what's when I take a screenshot of something I made with the game which does have creative value...

Q: In real time, how long is a single day?

KurleyMy question is fairly simple; How long does it take in the real world to pass one full in-game 24 hour period in Timber and Stone?

@BenBrocka We have the inferior bussy-walk trainbikes. It's so disgusting.
@SaintWacko We hate them. Why would you leave me outside to die?!
It's true, he is a goose.
@FEichinger Are you Goose?
@fredley I can confirm he is a goose.
@OrigamiRobot But you are a robot, you could be wrong
I want this job so badly.
Not very often I can say that.
@fredley But you are a porkchop, you could be delicious.
@OrigamiRobot I am delicious
@OrigamiRobot He is an airbrushed porkchop
@OrigamiRobot in ways you will never understand
@YiJiang'sEvilClone Recolouring != airbrushing
He doesn't look so palatable originally
fredley is fraud bacon
@fredley There's lots of things I don't understand. Could you be more specific?
@OrigamiRobot The concept of taste is difficult to explain to a robot
Basically, @OrigamiRobot is tasteless
@YiJiang'sEvilClone Congrats, now you too can contribute to the death of professionally recorded music.
@LessPop_MoreFizz THANKS OBAMA
If this isn't an iPhone accessory that dispenses ice cream I'm going to be highly disapointed
@BenBrocka Why put a disgusting half finished cheap cup of coffee on their cover?
@BenBrocka You'd think they could get a new set of headphones for their glossy PR photo.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Or even an un-abused iPhone
@fredley No, they're guilt tripping you.
Gotta buy a new iPhone. Else yours might look like that thing.
@fredley Because it provides the right music for every moment, even the ones where fucks given = 0 while someone's taking a photo of you.
@TimStone I am not a cup of coffee
@fredley This guy is good at snake.
@StrixVaria Yes.
I can't look away.
Now I want a luck-manipulated TAS run of Snake where all the pills magically spawn in front of the snake
Apparently that's sped up, this is real time:
Holy crap.
He just won snake. I didn't know you could win snake
@fredley Huh, I thought it was just an algorithm
@YiJiang'sEvilClone No, it's actually someone playing
@YiJiang'sEvilClone I was thinking the same thing at first, until @fredley pointed out otherwise.
I hate how shitty the gif looks when you zoom out
at least in IE10
@badp Why use IE10, out of interest?
@badp That's *.gifs for you.
@fredley Chat broke on Chrome 28
@badp Working for me
Trying now
...well as soon as Windows feels like it anyway
Yep, still broken
Morning, Bridge.
For whoever posted that reddit yesterday: forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/…
@Lazers I completely forgot that the first public release was yesterday. o_o
@FEichinger Yup, it's in that thread right now too
Q: What are warning quests?

Nathan SabrukaIn some quests where you must slay a large monster there is a large question mark with "WARNING" written under it. What does that mean? I assumed it means there might be other monsters in the quest, but some of the things I've read online contradict this. I've also only seen other large monsters ...

This isn't working at all
Has anyone else experienced this?
Pity. It's a fun little game
Likely the best of the bundle at the $1 level
@YiJiang'sEvilClone What happens when you delete that file?
Yeah, it looked the most interesting out of the three from the video
@SaintWacko Another error pops up
@YiJiang'sEvilClone Hm
You can't delete the file. Windows says it's being used. Renaming it causes a different error to pop up
What OS are you on?
so, more chat drama in here last night. lovely.
Windows 7 x64
Wait, you can't delete it even when the game isn't running?
@agent86 Yep
@YiJiang'sEvilClone Use procexp to see what process has a handle to the file, then either kill the process or the handle
@SaintWacko No, that works after you close the error
Try the stuff there, see if any of that fixes it
Atom Zombie Smasher is worth some work to get it working
It's a good game
can't you guys just stick to bashing new people and complaining about (or complaining about complaining about) ponies?
If you do rename/delete the file, then try to run the game again, the process starts running but nothing happens
@agent86 Wasn't that what the drama was?
Or was there more after I left?
It appears in Task Manager but nothing happens
@SaintWacko beats the crap out of me. this place is wretched hive of scum and villainy.
@agent86 I think most of the drama was just people finally getting fed up with Retrosaur and his ilk
@SaintWacko This is pretty accurate. But it's also because of
a certain
new user
@Fluttershy That's what I meant by ilk
Got it running
Renamed the .dll file back to the what it was originally, added Win XP compatibility mode
@YiJiang'sEvilClone Yay!
sounds like it was a pretty normal day then.
@SaintWacko Yes. Yes you did. My brain is not fully functional yet today.
I have hope for that certain new user, given a better influence. He wasn't as bad yesterday. Damn apostrophe is too close to the enter key
@Fluttershy Perfectly understandable
@Unionhawk One of the new users seems to have understood his mistake
The other one not so much
Hmmm, now the game is stuck at the LOADING screen
After you enter a name
Let me just try that again...
@SaintWacko Yes, one is totally rehabilitated. The other needs some work... But I have about an ounce of faith left that this is possible. Only an ounce, though.
But yeah... I've been active in here for a while, and I've honestly never seen an exodus of the main user-base like I've seen these past two nights.
I found @fredley's baby picture!
The game is working fine now
Already with the star cap? Damn.
@Unionhawk And another one bites the ... stardust?
cc: @StrixVaria @spugsley
@OrigamiRobot Already read it.
@FEichinger Apparently. Though I was up unusually late last night, and starred lots of star-worthy things
Better than starring "I HATE PONIES" for the 15th time
@Fluttershy Lies! I was never cute!
I wanted to reference something from the Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy
in reference to the Bridge
how everything's settled down
Crap, what's the device called?
@Retrosaur Fairy cake?
@StrixVaria Nothing good enough to stop hunting monsters over.
@OrigamiRobot This is true.
@OrigamiRobot Few things are.
@fredley It's like the antisomething something
@Wipqozn Up for trade?
@Retrosaur Ask me tomorrow when I've finished my exam.
:C I thought you were playing MonsterHunter :C
Also, if you're looking for promotional items then don't bother.
Oh no...just weapons
I don't trade away promo items/
I wouldn't dare
@Retrosaur Last night I was. I'm studying right now.
@Retrosaur What weapons are you interested in?
The Strange Your Eternal Reward
I love backstabbing people
@Retrosaur Oh my no. I'm not trading that away. I love the YER. Also, the strange one was a gift.
:C Nevermind then.
I was going to offer lovely hats
@Wipqozn Studying is for nerds! Play video games instead.
@OrigamiRobot I'll be playing tonight.
@Wipqozn Turtle!
@Scootaloo Tortoise.
Come now, you should know better than that! You have a pony gravatar.
@Wipqozn That's not a pony. That's a filly she'll eventually be a pony, but currently she is a filly.
@Scootaloo Details, details.
@Wipqozn Yep.
@Wipqozn The only place I can use the YER is when pushing the cart on the last few meters of Upwards
@Fluttershy Yeah, I haven't been around as long as most of you, but I've never seen something like that anywhere
...by crouching on the cart, full set, and decloaking silently
@badp YER works SOOOO well with Dead Ringer and CnD
SImply camping near spawn, you wait for the cart to get pushed a bit
in Escape Pod., 36 mins ago, by Fluttershy
@Scootaloo The newest one?
@Retrosaur yerwhat?
eventually, snipers come outta spawn
You get them, and you know what to do
@Fluttershy yep the latest one.
Your Eternal Reward
The stats are
On Backstab: Disguise as enemy
nah. I'm more about making sure they don't do weird stuff like teleporting
On miss: Disguise as yourself. Idiot.
@badp I use it with the C&D. It's a good combination, and allows me to get off chain backstabs without any problems.
@Retrosaur Oh, wow, that's cool
@Wipqozn I don't like the Cloak & Do Nothing
It's good to get into front lines
I haven't played TF2 in a while
Get rid of teleporters
Kill engies who might otherwise ruin your team
@Retrosaur I'm surprised glitches like "Infinite Bonk" haven't been patched yet.
I much prefer the Dead Ringer to just skip past the point, go behind the enemy spawn and harass the engineers
Infinite Bonk? I think that's patched
I haven't heard anything like that
Q: What's an effective use of the ornithopter?

SteininAtreides and Ordos can both build the Ornithopter starting from mission 7 onwards. The unit requires that I build a HI-Tech factory and upgrade it, after which the flyer can be bought for the same price as a Heavy Factory Siege tank. But does this pricey but fragile attack flyer have any practica...

@Retrosaur Well on an idle server I did it (accidentally). The Scout displayed his "falling" animation the entire time.
yesterday, by OrigamiRobot
Talking about games is off-topic for The Bridge.
@Scootaloo It might be because of resssuply lockers, but I highly doubt it exists
@Scootaloo Calm down, it's a joke.
@Retrosaur It should have been patched ages ago.
No need to delete things.
@Scootaloo Speed run times are around 3 hours. My second play through took me about 6 hours, and that was with 100% completion. So it's not super long. Just depends on how quickly you can get through some of the combat, and how much trouble you have with the QTEs.

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