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@Yi Jiang LMFAO
@djsmiley2k I can't answer the Arumat one.
@YiJiang'sEvilClone EXPLOOOOOSIONS!!!
@YiJiang'sEvilClone This artstyle looks familiar to me but I'm way too lazy.
@GraceNote It was a common issue, according to GameFAQs.
it's an annoying one no matter what :<
I don't think they ever resolved it.
@YiJiang'sEvilClone Thanks. Are you the one I sentenced to Unsounded right during their hiatus?
I traded it for The Last Rebellion.
@djsmiley2k Ah, and you already answered the one I could've. Natch.
If NISA hadn't published that, I would've returned that, too. Such a bad game.
@GraceNote Yes. Curse you for that.
@YiJiang'sEvilClone Hey, they're running now, though.
@GraceNote can you put it better?
my answer feels complicated
At best I could restructure your answer.
i'm just thinking through things that have come up as I've played the game
Though for now you're just reminding me that I need to actually finish the game.
even with a walkthrough I've missed things
what, the first time?
I have a kind of habit where I pick up a game, play until the last dungeon or just before the last boss, then kinda not finish it.
@Ender np, best of luck fixing it :)
@GraceNote 55min extro.
I've only played one star ocean game, and I think I gave up on it.
@GraceNote Yup. Me, too.
and then all the extras after finishing.
Not that I dislike the game or actually tired of it. Just something else catches my interest and it always happens right when it would've taken just a bit longer to complete the game.
I even OCD and get everything else beforehand.
I think it was "till the end of time" or something
@agent86 That's the third one, PS2, first 3D, etc.
i was going to do all this extra stuff the first time i completed it
but then lots of other games appeared and I stopped
plus I think I missed one chest.
I'm still driven entirely insane by the lack of any action taken by Tri-Ace to make Star Ocean multiplayer for battles.
@GraceNote yeah, certainly PS2. Just could not make myself continue.
I'd be a lot less miffed if they didn't make VALKYRIE PROFILE 2 multiplayer for battles.
@GraceNote Just play the Tales games.
I think Disgaea and La Pucelle Tactics broke me on JRPGs. I got through those two games and just said "OKAY, I've had enough of this entire genre."
A game where, literally, the most the player can do is press up to 3 buttons.
There's enough chaos going on there.
@agent86 Those are the two games that made me love them even more.
@fbueckert That's an eventual point but, unlike the Star Ocean games, I don't own those.
@GraceNote ME3?
@GraceNote Play Tales of Graces f. Grab a friend.
@fredley Didn't even touch the series.
It is glorious.
Q: Can monsters/bandits spawn in my house?

user26147I've just built my very first house (Heartfire DLC). I went downstairs and I had to fight 5 big rats (I forgot the name of those creatures - Skeevers?) Will they respawn? Can bandits make vandalism in my house/stable/etc.? Can a follower stay there forever and take care of those circumstances?

Q: Fastest way to 30,000 kills with Arumat?

djsmiley2kWhat is the fastest way to get the 30,000 kills Battle Trophy on Star Ocean 4: The Last Hope? I'm thinking grinding something simple like bugs on Aeos but it's so boring, I'm wondering if something else would be better such as the scumbags and having fol+++ items to increase the fol return. Is t...

Q: What is the best equipment setup for the Cave of Seven Stars?

djsmiley2kSo I'm in the Cave of 7 stars, currently around level 100. I don't require lots of XP or Fol really, as I have many hours of grinding for the rest of the trophies anyway, so I'm wondering what equipment would be best for here. Obviously I want to block as many statuses as possible as that is the...

Q: If police from another city apprehend a criminal in your city, where is that criminal rehabilitated?

Tater596I have started a small town, and in order to save money I am volunteering a couple extra patrol cars from a nearby city with a large police precinct. At times, i get a notification about them coming to my town and providing coverage. In a city with its own police station, criminals are arrested a...

Q: How can I get Faize AND Arumat's battle trophies when one of them isn't going to be in my party?

djsmiley2kSo either Faize or Arumat isn't in the party, how can I go about getting trophies for both of them? I know after finishing I can reload and get the other person to come with me, however that doesn't explain how I can get the trophies for both.

@fbueckert Why would I need a friend? I have a brother.
I think FF13 put the nail in the coffin. I gave that game a chance and it did me wrong
@GraceNote Your brother is not your friend?
You poor, poor person, you.
@fbueckert Kinda is a higher level than friend, so, yes, he isn't my friend. He's my brother.
@GraceNote's family members have genders?!
i liked ff13 :o
@GraceNote True. I do more for my brother than I ever would for a friend.
We're friendly? Yes. We're friends? No.
@BenBrocka in hungarian they don't./
My definition is that family members fit the friend definition much more than friends do.
@fbueckert That seems like you should revise the definition of friends then. So that your friends don't feel left out.
@GraceNote In the sense that since I do everything for family I would do for friends, they automatically fit into the friend definition, too.
Wee, relationship hierarchies!
I just hate everyone equally. Easier that way.
stupid low credit card limit
@agent86 My experience is roughly the same. Loved JRPGs as a kid - went away for 15+ years, came back and played FF13. Not a fan anymore.
@JasonBerkan it was a weird sensation. I've never just gone from loving an entire genre to just outright loathing it before. CONGRATULATIONS JAPAN, A WINNER IS YOU
the probelm was FF13 had a 15 hour tutorial.
FF13 had many problems. One was a sleep inducing combat system. X, X, X, X, X, X, ...
iu was bout to say that #:P
...what's the noun for the skill of being a blacksmith? Smithery? Smithing?
and very simplifed :<
@GraceNote I think smithing.
@GraceNote Smithing, I would think.
Smithery it is, then!
@GraceNote contrarian (n) see GraceNote
@JasonBerkan Minecraft combat?
@JasonBerkan To be fair, that didn't work on any of the real bosses.
@fredley Minecraft is not a combat game - it's a world building game.
ie. The adamantoises and such.
JRPGs are combat games.
@JasonBerkan But I need to build bits of the world out of zombie brains!
@fbueckert The ones after the game was over? Never bothered.
@JasonBerkan Yeah. Most don't.
but that where the real game was
It didn't help that combat was real time, so taking time to choose your attacks penalized you.
You don't get there until after 60 hours, so no thanks.
And the AI was pretty braindead about doing that, too.
I like that they added an auto-battle option; made it more accessible to new people.
There should've been a turn-based option, though.
Final Fantasy 13 was better than I expected it to be. It was still pretty damn bad, though.
@GraceNote Smithingness
@badp I like it!
@GraceNote Smith is already a noun.
...and for a second I totally subvocalized that in Ben Stein's voice.
@badp Smithingity
@StrixVaria I can't be skilled in "smith". It's a job, not an act. I could be skilled in being a smith, but I can't be skilled in it.
@GraceNote Smithing...
@StrixVaria You sound like those other folks!
Today's CAD comic.
Smithing? What's next, Marking?
I thought they ended
Relevant to Monster Hunters. @Wipqozn.
@badp Smith is a surname, not a given name.
@badp I was thinking they'd start marketing us the concept of "Marketing" as the skill for merchants! Yeesh.
@badp The act of marking an exam?
@GraceNote Clearly the skill of marking things with their right price is Marking.
@JasonBerkan @StrixVaria has it
@badp You're right. That's what it should be.
I shouldn't have joined this conversation. I still don't know what's going on.
not knowing what is going on is a reason not to argue about it? we should shut down the internet :/
mashes the "shutdown everything" button
@StrixVaria It's just a by-product of a paragraph about a person who is learned in the ways of a blacksmith.
That said, it's getting weird because "less than substantial" feels very weird to use in reference to a person as something that is not actually an insult.
internet abandonment critical failure
@fbueckert That was my other problem with the combat. Once it progressed beyond press X to win, it became this super fast and crazy action game that people with poor motor skills (like me) find difficult. I play RPGs because I suck at action games.
@agent86 Everyone told me "Oh, yeah, well, okay, FF13 wasn't all that good, but FF13-2 is great!" Lying jerks.
@JasonBerkan I was all about the, "OMG! Must execute actions as quickly as possible!"
So if I was doing it myself, I was mashing the button to choose actions, anyways.
Which didn't lend itself well to picking good actions.
Just picking actions quickly.
(And I really should not try to participate in a conference call and chat at the same time.)
@Sterno yeah, I've yet to fall into the 13-2 trap. I may give it a chance someday, but outlook not good.
@Sterno I liked them both.
@JasonBerkan Pause, select each party member and assign action/spell, unpause, watch for a second or two, GOTO 10
Neither is perfect, but I had fun with them.
I have too little time for too many games, so the overall entertainment value of each minute spent in a game has to be extremely high
But now, you will lose me to Monster Hunter for the forseeable future.
@fredley I don't think you could do that in FF13.
@JasonBerkan That is the ideal RPG though. See: Baldur's Gate
@fredley True. That is the way to do combat correctly.
@JasonBerkan Combat is a slow process that takes time and thought.
@fredley Dragon Age had that ability, too.
@fbueckert Yeah
FF-13 is just, "Mash all the keys as quickly as possible!"
Speaking of my awesome action skills, @fredley - did you see me die twice yesterday on the server?
@JasonBerkan No, missed that.
@fredley Does it broadcast the deaths to everyone on the server?
@JasonBerkan Build a powersuit when you've got a decent supply of iron. Very OP, basically makes it impossible to die for pretty cheap
@JasonBerkan Yes
@fbueckert You're what's wrong with America.
@Sterno Canada.
@JasonBerkan I had my head full of machinery though
@Sterno Good thing I'm Canadian.
@fbueckert Oh. That makes perfect sense, then.
@fbueckert I think all bioware rpgs do, ME1-3 did, iirc.
Once was @OrigamiRob's fault. I drowned swimming out of his "Seekrit Underwater Base."
less options, to be sure, and more action-y, but it was still there
@agent86 Does DA2?
@JasonBerkan ಠ_ಠ
I heard it got all action-y.
@fbueckert never played DA2. got frustrated by crashes in DA1 and said eff this.
@agent86 Yeah, I'm running into that with Etherlords 2 right now; game has no windowed mode, won't let me alt-tab, and whenever something forcibly takes focus away from it, it dies.
@JasonBerkan What? All you have to do is swim to the whirlpool and go straight down.
@OrigamiRobot And not fall to your death
You technically don't even have to go underwater.
@fredley I forget that fall damage exists.
@OrigamiRobot You should put a transposer at the bottom to suck up hapless adventurer's loot ink sacs
@OrigamiRobot I was trying to get out.
@OrigamiRobot Me too. Vanilla is a problem
@fredley That is in the works
@fbueckert You can pause there as well
@MadScientist So not quite as action-y as FF-13, then.
@JasonBerkan Ah, I see. There is a linking book to the Workshop in my storage room.
@fbueckert Never played FF
@fredley I've started to get really angry that I always have ink sacs in my inventory thanks to the stupid squid.
@OrigamiRobot I'll be sure to use that next time.
@MadScientist None of them?
I need to work on the aesthetics more.
@SaintWacko No
@MadScientist Wow
@OrigamiRobot Can they be converted to anything useful?
@fredley Do you know how the player detectors work?
@fredley I use them for my lighting
@fredley Black sheep
@OrigamiRobot No.
@fredley Inverted Dark Xychorium Lamp
...uh oh.
@OrigamiRobot They are very cool. I'm using RP2 lamps, but really want to build more xycraft stuff. Can't wait for more of that modpack to make it in
@fredley I'm saving all the crystals.
@OrigamiRobot Smelt smelt smelt
Otherwise you'll end up with a massive backlog of smelting to do
I could and should do that
@OrigamiRobot I had to smelt 1500 crystals, it was a pain
Especially since you can craft them back to crystals anyway
@OrigamiRobot Yup
@OrigamiRobot Also if you smelt you can auto-craft to blocks for better storage efficiency
I can set up another filter to bypass my pulverizer and go straight to the furnace
@fredley I haven't messed with any autocrafting stuff. I know how to do it, I just haven't.
@OrigamiRobot Yeah, it's pretty easy but requires a modicum of thought, especially when balancing for multiple items
@fredley Is there an easy way to transport EU like there is MJ?
i.e. something similar to a tesseract
@OrigamiRobot No. For inter-dimensional transport you need to use complex ender-chest/lapotronic crystal setups
@fredley Liquid Tesseracts it is
@OrigamiRobot What do you need to transfer for?
Convenience and prettiness
I don't like running pipes and cables all over the place
@fredley - Do we have a blast furnace somewhere?
@OrigamiRobot For your subterranean setup, I'd have Igneous Extruders feeding Magma Furnace to generate lava, feed into Geothermal generator
@JasonBerkan There's a few around
@fredley Generating is not the problem. Getting it to where I want it can get ugly.
@JasonBerkan Use the one in my base if you want, currently you can get in through the gaping hole in the ground next to my farms
@OrigamiRobot Diamond fibre cable is the only way
@fredley I can do bio generators and liquid tesseracts and have local energy pods
@OrigamiRobot Generate lava and liquid tesseract it to where you need it
@OrigamiRobot Lava is cooler than biomass
Um, lava is generally hot.
In fact, I now know what I'm going to build in my Top Secret volcano base!
I'd rather melt organics down.
@OrigamiRobot Lava
@OrigamiRobot Bio fuel
my boss just said "beat it until it's hard"
@fredley Hm, I wonder where your Top Secret volcano base is hidden
I didn't hear the rest of the context
I just burst out laughing
@kalina Not important
@fredley Yea, but it's so much work
@SaintWacko I wonder...
And it's orange
now I'm crying :(
too much laughter
I like green better
@OrigamiRobot Orange > Green
@fredley Green > Orange
orange > green
brb asking Orange vs Green on meta
@OrigamiRobot I will upvote
brb vtc as not a real question
I like green better because I can reference Soylent Green
And I like the thought of powering my robot base off people.
I like green because I can reference marijuana
but orange is a nicer colour
Orange is a gross color.
@kalina My bedroom as an adolescent was Safron
orange is an awesome colour
I like green because green is a nicer colour
I like oranges and carrots though.
@OrigamiRobot Everything in our office is orange
Every mug
The floors
The chairs
I mean obviously the best colour in the world is red
The cupboards
@kalina Eh...
@fredley Do you work for Nickelodeon?
and orange is closer to red than green is
I seem to have amassed a large percentage of Unsporting conduct on Xbox Live. O_o
@Fluttershy I always knew you were a bit of a trouble maker
@Fluttershy I did that by using only the chainsaw in GoW
@Fluttershy winning is unsporting ya know?
@OrigamiRobot Orange
@kalina My best guess is it's from my consistent 30-40+ and 0 games in CoD:MW2... <_<
@fredley you work there?
@kalina Yes. That information is easily deducable from my profile info on SO so I don't mind posting it.
@Fluttershy told you, trouble maker

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