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Terrorists bombed the helmet manufacturers
If you don't buy more helmets, the terrorists win.
@tombull89 Helmets op, nerfed
@Lazers sigh
Can a mod clean up the comments on that?
@TrentHawkins Internet's back?
@fbueckert nope
it bugs me when vet SE users from other SE branches show up in Arqade and bitch and moan about our rules.
@TrentHawkins Damn.
Guess I gotta yell at MTS some more.
As if they didn't already know the deal or something.
@kalina Watch "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia".
@fbueckert ok, i'm lost, are we being mutually sarcastic as per usual? harder to tell in chat.
@Ender ?
@TrentHawkins Yes. Yes, we are.
@fbueckert ok good.
@TrentHawkins I got your text.
@badp the most recent instance of my rant occured here gaming.stackexchange.com/questions/109469/… but realistically this stuff happens every week in some Question or another
Also, haven't had tea yet... which reminds me.... off to the store for sugar!
@TrentHawkins Internet more important than sugar?
@Ender And then we get an upvote on it because we're being mean to the poor new user.
@fbueckert More important than tea.... just barely.
@badp Still want to see a frostbite-powered Battlefield 2142 sequal - probably the online shooter I've logged most hours on.
@Ender "Oh, no! New User! He must be welcomed! We must bend over backwards to ensure he stays and likes it here!"
Never mind that he didn't even bother to read the FAQ at all.
Thats seriously how I feel some of these people act. It annoys the hell outta me. Especially when we are made to look like the 'bad guys' because we're enforcing the standard.
Q: Can copy the DVD to install the game (is there any disc protection)?

Matthew ReadMy desktop doesn't have a disc drive so I'm planning on copying the files from the DVD to a USB key via a different computer, then copying that to my HDD and installing from there. Before I start these long copies: Is this going to work, or does the installer do any sort of DRM check on the inst...

A: Why are moderators or high-rep users quick to vote-close a question on Arqade?

fbueckertI'd like to push back against the thought that closure is a bad thing. We're far from the only SE site to have this problem. It's part of what comes with the territory as the site grows. We'll get new users that don't bother reading, think this is a forum like everybody else, and ask their coo...

Upvote that, then, please.
@Ender Replied
Please go and upvote all of my answers on old Minecraft questions in a serial fashion
Hear Hear!
One thing about playing vanilla-only Minecraft is that I can't answer any FTB or Tekkit questions :(
@McKay That's why it's encouraged. It doesn't follow that unless you explain, you don't get to vote. It doesn't follow that someone needs to explain. By the way, what's more offputting than having your question closed is having random people start an argument in the comments area of your closed question. — badp 1 min ago
@fredley Nobody ever does serial upvoting (or downvoting) on me.
I feel unloved.
@YiJiang'sEvilClone I get revenge downvotes!
@LessPop_MoreFizz you say this every time
@YiJiang'sEvilClone I got downvotes once
@kalina And I will continue to until you take my very good advice on the matter.
@fbueckert just like you to push back!
@YiJiang'sEvilClone or unhated.
@kalina Rules! We have them for a reason!
@fbueckert Not sure why that got so many downvotes
@BenBrocka Some people have a vendetta against me.
@fbueckert obviously
And others believe new users are more important than us veterans.
@BenBrocka You want a nasty reply? It was posted in a weekend
new users are important
We get spikes of activity on weekends... and with those come users that aren't normally active here
At the same time, our regulars get less active during weekends.
I'm kind of developing a theory where if you raise a problem on meta on a Tuesday and you do the same on a Saturday, you'll get the same replies but with vastly different scores.
@kalina Not that I really care.
Maybe it's confirmation bias however.
@fbueckert you do, you look hurt
@badp interesting theory
@fbueckert Gee, I wonder why. :P
@kalina This maniacal grin looks like I'm hurt?
@LessPop_MoreFizz And that's the one I spent time thinking about, too!
What's worse, since on saturdays there's less meta activity, it's easier for questions to raise on the community bulletin
@less_pop while ive already upvoted that before I logged into chat today, how is it shopping advice
...and those are featured rather prominently
@kalina Me. Most of the time.
@Ender What games emulators can I play in the background.
@tombull89 no it's not, that's Mr Bueckert
what does that have to do with shopping?
It is blatantly a request for a recommendation.
@Ender it has the word "What" in it
down with all of the what!
@kalina More blanket bans! I approve!
and its a emulator Req, not a game req. Emulator Reqs arnt off topic
what's wrong with shopping
I spend at least one week per year shopping
Does that make sense? NO. But it is what it is.
@Ender Please don't split hairs like this.
So confused
split hairs are definitely bad
that's a sign you're not looking after your hair very well
Q: Where to get cheap and good 5.1 Surround Sound Headphones?

BieleckiAI am looking for my first set of 5.1/7.1 Surround Sound headphones, with microphone, to use with my PS3. I've looked on the web for some but they all seem to be nearing the £100 mark. My budget for a set of these headphones is £50 and I want to stay under that if possible. Does anybody know of a ...

Fight over that.
Get it off the screen. Quick!
flood chat!
have you ever had one of those moments where your brain registered something but then rejected it
Sorry, shopping advice is off-topic on Arqade. — fbueckert 26 secs ago
for the love of GOD FLOOD!
Good, blocked.
If I flood, I'll get chat banned
Sorry guys, is that better now?
by @badp
Sorry, shopping advice is off-topic on StackExchange FTFY
for chatting
@fredley NO
resizes screen
@tombull89 It's a good album.
awww @fredley you got flagged
@fredley I'll take your word for it.
I wanted to click 'invalid' but instead I clicked 'not sure'
see you in 30 minutes, fredley
favouritism I guess
Seriously? Flagged for that? Jesus, people.
@fredley don't do that. Linking is OK, oneboxing something NSFW -- not good
Damn. The Bridge is a harsh master.
@tombull89 honestly you need to take the matter up in the Teacher's Lounge, not here
I just adblocked the pictures.
if only I could find out who flagged him
it was you, wasn't it @fbueckert?
also, welcome back @fbueckert
Because of you @fredley is banned
@badp He's not a mod
@kalina Of course not.
@badp I'm not a Mod.
@badp Bwuh? Welcome back?
@Manishearth a mod confirmed the flag
Fresh off a bad vibe from being downvoted on meta, you flagged fredley and got him banned
@badp Me
@kalina You're so mean to me!
and now you're manically laughing
@Manishearth ...
1 min ago, by Manishearth
@fredley don't do that. Linking is OK, oneboxing something NSFW -- not good
wtfh ow did fredly get banned?
@kalina Well, yes. But that's a default action.
Hang on, I'm getting a strange vibe here
Is this the conversation we have almost every single week?
@YiJiang'sEvilClone I don't know, which conversation are you thinking about?
I don't mind unsuspending if you guys really want it.
...I've already unsuspended actually
Unbanned somehow
@kalina I don't know, the one about... flags, other rooms... something something mods.
@badp ah
Crikey. I though SF was mental enough.
@badp Thanks
Did not expect to get a ban for that.
Just remember: At least our flags aren't as dumb as Math's.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Agreed
@fredley you deserved it tbh
@LessPop_MoreFizz Not even once
@kalina It's an unsettling image, but I wouldn't say it's beyond the pail. It's an album cover ffs.
at any rate, thanks for trying @Manishearth :)
@kalina Hey! First you attack me for maybe flagging him, then you say he deserves it!?
it was like a slightly weirder GnomeSlice wildly appeared
@fbueckert I do not have to explain my double standards
Flag handling is hard. It's hard, and nobody understands
@badp you like hard things though
@kalina Women. There's just no winning with you.
@kalina Some of them.
@fredley Nirvana has an album cover with a baby penis on it. Is that appropriate for The Bridge too?
@fbueckert glad you worked it out, only took you ten months!
@StrixVaria I'm gonna go out on a limb and say no. No, it's not.
@StrixVaria No, but then that's nudity. There are plenty of game covers I could post with much more exposed breast that would be considered acceptable.
@fredley Yea, that's what I'm doing now. Too bad cart systems use Blutricity.
@OrigamiRobot Blutricity is a pain
@StrixVaria That's completely different from a girl in a bra
Wish it could be converted from something else
@kalina I worked it out long ago. I'm just too polite to bring it up very often.
@fredley Maybe not beyond the bucket, but certainly beyond the faint color.
also I wouldn't know until I saw it
@badp girl man
@fredley Well, while handling the flag I had to quickly shift tabs, so ... yeah :P
Whoa, what did I come back to?
we've certainly suspended Gnomeslice for Youtube thumbnails in the past
Depends on your defection of "offensive".
@Manishearth Eh, fair enough. I mainly had it for the creepy stare, rather than the breasts
@OrigamiRobot The usual. *sigh*
@badp you*
And with that, productivity must resume! Back to work, slackers!
@OrigamiRobot Wait, what are you trying to power?
@kalina no
@badp IT'S ART MAN
@badp no u
o_O fredley is back?
/me is so confused right now
I'm tempted to go and post some classical nude sculptures, but that would be a GnomeSlice path of action.
@djsmiley2k this is not irc
4 mins ago, by badp
...I've already unsuspended actually
@Unionhawk Carts.
@kalina sadness.
@fredley this would be very gnomeslice
good news though
one month left until the return of GnomeSlice!
1 min ago, by StrixVaria
@badp IT'S ART MAN
@OrigamiRobot And that runs blutricity how? /me is confused
@kalina Wow, that was a swift 5 months
...this is what I have to greet the week with?
@StrixVaria Well quite
i wanna meet this guy and ask him about why his avatar is so haunting.
@GraceNote salut
@fredley wasn't it three?
@GraceNote It's my birthday, if you'd rather greet the week by giving me cake.
@kalina Oh I thought it was 6 months
@TimStone Happy Birthday~
@fredley got reduced iirc
@fredley It was lowered to 3 for some reason.
@TimStone I can only supply lies
@kalina Only on the main site.
@fredley This is an acceptable substitute.
@GraceNote Why hello beautiful. I was trying a conspiracy theory about weekends on meta but surprise! chat flags
@OrigamiRobot you mean no GnomeSlice in chat?
@TimStone The sky is green. Monday is a fun day. It is Friday.
@badp A wild chat flag appears, Manishearth bans everybody
@TimStone You've already gotten a freehanded circle, man. Don't be so greedy
@kalina It's super effective
@badp True, true. My bad.
@badp why no more picutres which make my eyes bleed? I msis them
I am going to go and be productive for 7 minutes 11 seconds
@fredley Every time you star @kalina she blames me anyway.
Q: List of Kerrigan's Abilities

DiabloMonkeyWhat are Kerrigan's Abilities in the campaign for the new Heart of the Swarm expansion? Ability Name: (If applicable/available) Energy Cost / Cooldown: Description: Kerrigan Level Available: (This would be a good reference to have for other questions asking about specific abilities.)

@OrigamiRobot It wasn't even passive aggressive!
@djsmiley2k You can always see my best of
@fredley I should star this just so I can clear it
@YiJiang'sEvilClone Replace balloons with cake and ribbons with lies
I plan to recycle this image infinitely, for all Bridge celebrations
have some cat gifs while I clean the flag queue
@Unionhawk StevesCarts2 things are according to the videos I've seen.
@YiJiang'sEvilClone :D
Are there many (any?) Starcrafty folk in here at the moment? Anyone actually interested in the current things or is the current room mostly those who have empty front pages due to ignored tags?
Q: List of Kerrigan's Abilities

DiabloMonkeyWhat are Kerrigan's Abilities in the campaign for the new Heart of the Swarm expansion? Ability Name: (If applicable/available) Energy Cost / Cooldown: Description: Kerrigan Level Available: (This would be a good reference to have for other questions asking about specific abilities.)

@GraceNote Not participating in the contest, but I do play Starcraft on occasion.
@GraceNote What @fbueckert said. I don't have the front page filtered, but I'm also not paying much attention.
I'm actually trying to gauge thoughts on the contest, actually. Actually.
Oh dear, @Aarthi is here /hides
@GraceNote I'm starry and crafty, but not Starcrafty.
@GraceNote I am a starcrafty person, but i am in the midle of a lectureat work
@GraceNote Is it just my impression or participation is lower? tzenes isn't around, after all.
@badp that's what we're thinking, too. I'm wondering if it's because there just were less questions in this game...
@Blem Oh, for a second I thought you were in some kind of super-corporate "Lectureat" position, like a bureaucrat or proletariat. Well, whenever you have time is fine~
@badp This is what we're concerned about.
@badp I don't see Oak around either
my video card has two slots thingies
one is for inserting it into my motherboard
Ooh. New patch for Supreme Commander 2 after two years. Guess I'll be playing this evening.
the other is on top of teh video card, whats it for?
I don't think people got nearly as hyped about HotS as they did about SC2.
@YiJiang'sEvilClone Oak is around, but mostly flag handling as far as I can see
@Ender likely crossfire/SLI or what have you
@Ender Que?
When SC2 was announced I was at the edge of my seat because of the nostalgia I had over SC1.
@agent can you clarify (screenshot incoming , gimme as second)

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