I have downloaded this portable version of ts patched v2.03. I have completed the GDI campaign successfully without any errors.
The NOD campaign all until the NoD mission "Sheep's cloth" I get an Internal error in a message, just as the mission starts when I click OK the game exits.
If anyone ...
@fredley Oh, I'm fully aware. The point of my comment was just to make clear to the poster of the question that even if his HDD is the issue with his performance, his proposed solution is absolutely awful and pointless.
@YiJiang'sEvilClone You do realize that Rent Control is longstanding policy in NYC and has been for nearly a century. It isn't some kind of wacky out of nowhere idea.
@YiJiang'sEvilClone And you can find it discussed in sociology and urban planning texts as a useful tool for achieving all sorts of other social goals.
Also, I'm sad that Jimmy McMillan has been reduced by reddit to an awful meme that they have run into the ground and are now gleefully riverdancing further into the dirt because he is a really cool guy and genuinely funny.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I could have used "gerihtan" instead of "correct" (I think it's related to German "gerecht", meaning "right", "equal" or "lawful"), but sadly it has no thorn either. :(
Some says that ganja is dangerous. Some say it's not.
Okay, let's do this in some ways that can at least be quantified and comparable. How much ganja will shorten a user's life? Compare that to alcohol, tobacco or other legal drugs.
I am well aware that the biological effects are complex. In th...
In one of my regions, I have a large city surrounded and support by several smaller cities. Many of which do not have recycling centers, but have an educated enough populace to start recycling. I have volunteered a few vehicles around the region to pick up their recycling and reduce their garbage...
@OrigamiRobot Awesome. I want to do some cart-based tree stuff. May be neccessary when I have sequoias which are far too tall for a forestry tree farm.
This is a formal notification of our commmunity FTB (Direwolf20) Minecraft server. It is a whitelisted server, so if you want access ping @fredley, @RonanForman or @ThomasMcDonald in chat. If you can't for some reason, leave a comment here instead.
The server is at mine.stackgaming.com, and al...
@fredley It doesn't balance perfectly, but I ran it with apple juice all right. I had to wait a few times for the apples to refill, but other than that...
@OrigamiRobot Still, the number of apples you get will scale, if you use fertilizer you have to worry about keeping the supply topped up from your quarries
In multiplayer mode, the player can choose which magic ability to use, but it's not obvious why it doesn't always work when the player presses R2. What's the secret to using magic in multiplayer mode?
I'm looking for Kinect games that are feasible for a two year old to play. The only two I'm aware of at this point are the Sesame Street series and (possibly) the Kinectimals series.
What other games are doable for a two year old child?