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no, i took a show this morning, we are having a 4 day seminar with work at a spa :)
you are doing work at a spa?
next lecture is starting now so going a bit afk now
3h about performance (in software development)
I would just arrive at the spa and then immediately phone in sick
how can I find out which questions on arqade have teh most views?
Q: Tiberium Sun v2.03 NOD savegames

Jim ArnoldI have downloaded this portable version of ts patched v2.03. I have completed the GDI campaign successfully without any errors. The NOD campaign all until the NoD mission "Sheep's cloth" I get an Internal error in a message, just as the mission starts when I click OK the game exits. If anyone ...

@kalina I have*just* come outta the shower.
I think iwin
I'm sat here in my towels :P
@djsmiley2k sorry I'm still cleaner
are you telling us your in the shower right now ?
2 hours ago, by kalina
I feel dirty
Have you showered between then and now?
for upvoting fredley
not in general
I dislike your desperate grabs at straws
@fredley Oh, I'm fully aware. The point of my comment was just to make clear to the poster of the question that even if his HDD is the issue with his performance, his proposed solution is absolutely awful and pointless.
in 1088 views, I have a question with 200k views
@LessPop_MoreFizz Oh yes, of course
@kalina Woo!
@YiJiang'sEvilClone You do realize that Rent Control is longstanding policy in NYC and has been for nearly a century. It isn't some kind of wacky out of nowhere idea.
in 20 views, I have one with 10k views
how do I find out the most viewed question on arqade?
@LessPop_MoreFizz I know. That doesn't make it good. You can find it in economics textbooks as examples of problems price ceilings can cause
It doesn't sort by most views but it excludes everything under that view count
a little trial and error and you'll find the highest view counts
@kalina Try using the data explorer
@YiJiang'sEvilClone And you can find it discussed in sociology and urban planning texts as a useful tool for achieving all sorts of other social goals.
@YiJiang'sEvilClone lazy
@BenBrocka ta
only 6 questions above 200k views
Also, I'm sad that Jimmy McMillan has been reduced by reddit to an awful meme that they have run into the ground and are now gleefully riverdancing further into the dirt because he is a really cool guy and genuinely funny.
He seems genuinely happy to have been turned into a meme in his response in the AMA
@LessPop_MoreFizz Risky click, given the URL
hahah it's safe other than the url
I saw the URL and clicked it quickly
i click all the things.
I'm not sure what the feel about the noises he makes when turning the knobs
@kalina Watch one of the videos for bonus double entendre.
@fredley It's true. Clicking on .co.uk links is risky. You might find words sprouting extra vowels all over the place.
@LessPop_MoreFizz you mean correctly spelled words?
I know, crazy isn't it
@kalina Don't you mean "Correcteley spelled wourdes"?
@LessPop_MoreFizz That's a lot of groaning
@LessPop_MoreFizz There is no such thing as correct spelling
@fredley Tell that to @kalina
46 secs ago, by fredley
@LessPop_MoreFizz There is no such thing as correct spelling
@kalina There's no such thing as correct spelling
Glad to be of service.
sudo @OrigamiRobot die in a fire
didn't work, faulty piece of crap
@kalina Incorrect syntax
@kalina I rest easy with the delusion that giving you an outlet for your rage is helping you.
at least you understand that you're delusional
@LessPop_MoreFizz "correct-lice spellianed wordas" if you want to go to (roughly) Old English.
sudo die --method inafire ~/@OrigamiRobot
@fredley I would have expected --method to be 'fire'
@MartinSojka Not enough thorns.
Shit, what's @OrigamiRobot doing in my home?
he does that
@LessPop_MoreFizz Those words didn't have any (and "correct" is French anyway)
from what I've heard, anyway
:8562202 We are feeling innuendous today aren't we
@MartinSojka I know, but quite frankly, there's no point in using Old English if you don't get to use lots of thorns.
@fredley I am still extremely high
I want to go and sleep
@kalina You at work?
@kalina Y'don't say.
I am at work
@kalina Excellent
otherwise I would be asleep
@kalina How do you deal with the smell?
@fredley what smell?
@kalina of weed
Aww man, deleted messages? :(
sounds like a wonderful life
If I had one wish, it would be that @OrigamiRobot stopped starring all of the mundane things I say
@kalina Be thankful he doesn't have a button to pin them?
@LessPop_MoreFizz I could have used "gerihtan" instead of "correct" (I think it's related to German "gerecht", meaning "right", "equal" or "lawful"), but sadly it has no thorn either. :(
@LessPop_MoreFizz yawn
it's because of that douche that I don't!
@kalina Now it's time to go back and read the deleted things I missed!
You missed nothing important
It was just an anti-star measure
@kalina I missed all of that.
one of these days he'll get bored with starring messages that get deleted
@fredley well, it was enlightening
you will never know now, unfortunately
I will be back in a bit. Need to go drop off the car.
the only way people that aren't me know I'm high is I giggle a lot more
@kalina Podcast or it didn't happen.
@MartinSojka lol
I'm fine with "it didn't happen"
I have returned from an epic quest to obtain coffee creamer for my mother
I need more tv shows to watch
Uh... Pushing Daisies?
sounds like a bad show
No, it's brilliant. A little old now, though.
when you say a little old
do you mean as old as @LessPop_MoreFizz or as old as @agent86?
No, I mean 2007 old
It only lasted two seasons
2007 is ages old
(I thought it was older than that, hmmm)
too much death in that show
Maybe. But not much more than your usual criminal procedure show
not a huge fan of stuff like CSI either
It's superficially similar.
@kalina The Killing
Pushing Daisies was fun
It was fun while it lasted, which was not nearly as long as it should've been.
I am not sure i saw it all, think im missing the last couple of episodes
Q: By how much Marijuana will Shorten Typical User's Life

Jim ThioSome says that ganja is dangerous. Some say it's not. Okay, let's do this in some ways that can at least be quantified and comparable. How much ganja will shorten a user's life? Compare that to alcohol, tobacco or other legal drugs. I am well aware that the biological effects are complex. In th...

guess who
@kalina It wasn't me, I was driving to work.
I can start if you want.
@YiJiang'sEvilClone That show was OK at first, but it got boring quick for me.
lol " I know it's complicated but I want the simplified answer".
The simple answer is "somewhat".
@djsmiley2k Isn't the simple answer always "It depends"?
@YiJiang'sEvilClone exactly.
Q: If you volunteer recycling trucks to another city, does your city have to process the recyclables?

Tater596In one of my regions, I have a large city surrounded and support by several smaller cities. Many of which do not have recycling centers, but have an educated enough populace to start recycling. I have volunteered a few vehicles around the region to pick up their recycling and reduce their garbage...

I want a refund on superuser.com
had to solve my own issue and everything ¬_¬
Answer own question, earn precious reps
@djsmiley2k I always get this. SU are terrible at answering questions.
@BenBrocka not on SU :(
I did. A reboot fixed it. No one views anymore :(
I haven''t had good luck on any of the SU/SO/SF sites. Too big for their own good in some ways
reboot shouldn't of made a differece, and the only asnwer I *did get was wrong.
I've had contact highs, twice.
Putting pot on your contact lenses seems like a poor life choice
@OrigamiRobot More dice!
@SaintWacko Meh
I don't like the angled edges.
@fredley I'm getting started on a cart based tree farm
@OrigamiRobot Awesome. I want to do some cart-based tree stuff. May be neccessary when I have sequoias which are far too tall for a forestry tree farm.
@fredley I've got the area cleared out underground, but that's it so far.
@OrigamiRobot For what?
@fredley The tree farm!
wow you guise just made me run minecraft :O
@OrigamiRobot Oh, am I building you one now?
@fredley What are you talking about?
I see
can i come play?
Mar 11 at 15:27, by OrigamiRobot
Q: Insert Coin, Feed Beast: mine.stackgaming.com

fredleyThis is a formal notification of our commmunity FTB (Direwolf20) Minecraft server. It is a whitelisted server, so if you want access ping @fredley, @RonanForman or @ThomasMcDonald in chat. If you can't for some reason, leave a comment here instead. The server is at mine.stackgaming.com, and al...

This is me pinging you @fredley !
@djsmiley2k Hang on a sec
@djsmiley2k I can't play right now, but I'll whitelist you
@djsmiley2k ign?
Hunger Fog quarry #2 only found 2 diamonds :(
@OrigamiRobot :(
@OrigamiRobot Make UU matter, make diamonds
@fredley I need to get my own sapling source first.
says server out of date.
@djsmiley2k You need to be running Direwolf20 5.2
mmmmm what?
@OrigamiRobot Ah. I've started a BioFuel extension to my tree setup, got the machines in place just need to add the engines
@djsmiley2k Did you read the meta post?
@fredley don't be silly, that'd be sensible
@djsmiley2k Have you got the FTB launcher running?
@fredley Yea I did it backwards :P
@OrigamiRobot Ha, how did you even get that much biomass without a tree farm?
Luckily, biomass lasts forever
@fredley I've been stealing @Unionhawk's
@OrigamiRobot I'm distilling mine to BioFuel
@OrigamiRobot Ah, cunning
@fredley I might, but I might not bother.
@fredley I've got an infinite supply of saplings, essentially...
@Unionhawk I've stopped because my setup could burn through all your saplings faster than you can produce them.
@OrigamiRobot I believe it...
@fredley ah there we go.
@Unionhawk Me too. It's a pity it doesn't balance with apples so that you can run the fermenters on apple juice for higher efficiency
@djsmiley2k Select direwolf20 from the left hand side
@OrigamiRobot I like them because I'll be able to actually roll them without damaging things
@fredley It doesn't balance perfectly, but I ran it with apple juice all right. I had to wait a few times for the apples to refill, but other than that...
Good morning, Bridge
@Unionhawk I found it wasn't going nearly fast enough, My saplings were overflowing
Okay, it doesn't even balance well, but, apples give a lot of mulch, so...
Morning, @fbueckert
It's been snowing for close to 24 hours now.
@Unionhawk Yeah I'm mulching and using water to fuel fermenters
hmmmm there we go
loading now @fredley :D
I can't decide whether I want to run mine on mulch or fertilizer.
@Unionhawk Voiding the apple juice
I have it 7.5gb ram :LD
@OrigamiRobot Mulch. Save the fertilizer for the farm
@djsmiley2k ign?
@fredley They're both a pain.
I don't want to make both
@OrigamiRobot Store up fertilizer stuff then for when you need it, just make mulch from apples
At the end of the day, using apples is much more self-sufficient, since they're a by-product of the farm anyway
@fredley Doesn't mulch need dirt to make with apples?
I'd rather get mulch from a wheat farm.
@OrigamiRobot Nope
Just put apples in squeezer
@OrigamiRobot No, just apples in a squeezer yields (a lot of) mulch and apple juice.
Go look at my setup
@Unionhawk For (some) read (way more than enough)
@fredley not white listed, my nick is djsmiley I think :/
@fredley I don't think you realize how vast my setup will be
@djsmiley2k Give me a sec, at work but will sort soon
i'm busy on random stuff today anyway
just that reminded me
@OrigamiRobot @OrigamiRobot It scales proportional to the size of your farm...
I am currently running at 1/12th planned production.
@fredley I'll need multiple farms.
One would need to be too big I think.
@OrigamiRobot Still, the number of apples you get will scale, if you use fertilizer you have to worry about keeping the supply topped up from your quarries
@fredley I'm not even talking about fertilizer anymore. I'm talking about mulch sources.
@djsmiley2k Added
@OrigamiRobot Oh I see. Apples will give you enough. End of story.
You don't know what enough is for me :P
Wheat may be more compact.
@djsmiley2k I'll be on late this evening
What kind of power does a squeezer run off of?
Q: How do I use magic in multiplayer mode?

BenIn multiplayer mode, the player can choose which magic ability to use, but it's not obvious why it doesn't always work when the player presses R2. What's the secret to using magic in multiplayer mode?

Q: Which Kinect games are feasible for a two year old to play?

glenviewjeffI'm looking for Kinect games that are feasible for a two year old to play. The only two I'm aware of at this point are the Sesame Street series and (possibly) the Kinectimals series. What other games are doable for a two year old child?

@OrigamiRobot BC
@OrigamiRobot So once you're up and running you can just feed output power back into the system
So, Battlefield 4 teaser image. Is it me, or does it look more-or-less identical to Battlefield 3...without a helmet?

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