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uuggggghhh this was re-opened?
Q: Cultures: What were the various games? What do the compilations contain?

KyralessaI have the English-language version of the game Cultures, which I purchased some years ago. I have a few questions (which are all related): What are the other games in the series? Which games in the series use the original game engine from Cultures, and which use a different game engine? (E.g...

Q: If this was closed, then perhaps the guideline is too vague?

KyralessaCultures: What were the various games? What do the compilations contain? This question appears to have been closed (long after it was asked) due to this excluded criterion: "Catalogues (listing games that fit specific criteria or are like an existing game)" Closing this question obeys the ...

@badp That's how I found out.
I upvoted your answer.
Agreed. I'd go as far as to say that the linked question is exemplary and should be emulated, not downvoted and closed. It is complex but clear, shows an effort at prior research, and has a single, verifiable answer (albeit a long and complex one, just like the question). — Rilgon Arcsinh 6 hours ago
No. The question was always stupid.
I wish I could normal-VTC
In no universe is "give me a list of games" a good question.
I love people who update their profiles to complain about things.
It's the epitome of class.
> This question appears to have been closed (long after it was asked) due to this excluded criterion:
I hate when people complain about that.
Just because your question slipped under the radar, or the rules changed, doesn't mean your question should by magically exempt.
@Wipqozn Yes to this, though I'll say that I disagree with this closure.
Have we forgotten all the time we spent arguing over what the difference was between a bound and unbound list?
Link and information rot is cause for vigilance. Not for exclusion.
There isn't much nuance here. Is it a game rec/directory? Then it's off topic.
This is what our rule amounts to, unless I'm mistaken.
@badp tbqh, I don't care enough to go to bat for it, but I wouldn't have voted to close.
@LessPop_MoreFizz That's fine, but if we have hard rules then we might as well enforce them with various levels of begrudging.
@badp Or glee and delight. Or just your sense of duty, whatever fits.
@badp I'd argue that this doesn't fall afoul of the hard rule because it's a tightly bound list, if I cared enough to press the point, which is all I was saying.
Sometimes we're very happy to have those rules and to have them hard so it cuts down on the complaining and the meta discussions, at other times it sucks because it throws the baby with the water.
@LessPop_MoreFizz The breadth of the list wasn't very much an argument when we discussed game-rec back then.
Also, notable that this question seems to be slipping in because of the word 'order' by the standard you're reciting. :P
@LessPop_MoreFizz That's no full list of Half Life games, however :P
@badp Eh, maybe I've just gone soft in my old age.
@badp A full list is implied.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Macha gave the full list and got ~half as many votes
+1 for leaving out Opposing Force and Blue Shift. Although they may be enjoyable in their own right, they are not at all essential to the overall storyline. — oKtosiTe Jan 3 '11 at 12:45
@badp So now we're back to the problem with Game Rec of people upvoting answers because they like the games in them more rather than their being more complete and correct. :P
@LessPop_MoreFizz Yes, perhaps we are. I don't honestly feel very much about it and I can see your argument for this being a glorified game-rec.
@badp (FYI I'm not actually arguing that you should close this question, I'm just playing devils advocate here.)
@LessPop_MoreFizz Oh, but you've made a valid point!
Q: When is it ideal to feed my pokemon vitamins?

C-dizzleDuring which part of my training should I feed my pokemon vitamins? When is it most beneficial? I've been doing some serious EV training and have heard some people say that it's best to feed them as early as possible or as late as possible. Does that mean I should feed them as soon as I hatch fr...

Q: Does anything slow down or reset running speed?

EBongoAs I run, I notice things slowly speed up - which is to be expected. Naturally at some point this makes things very challenging. I've logged some 1 mil+ runs, and I'm wondering: Are there ways to slow down? I'm interested, as I think slowing down could increase my maximum run distance. Bearin...

While one can argue that my answer got twice as many votes because those games actually aren't plot important - they're also aren't nearly as popular as the others.
There can very much be "OMFG PORTAL +1" kind of voting in action here.
At the end of the day, "tell me what games I should play" and "tell me what order I should play these games in" aren't entirely unlike each other.
I'm not going to give it a super-close-vote just like I won't super-close-vote the Cultures one, but I can totally see where you'd be coming from if you did.
@badp I know I did. It's just not a valid point that I agree with for the same reason that I don't agree with closing the Culture's question. :P
Portal is perfect and answers all game recs. — badp Jan 3 '11 at 9:59
I myself called it a game-rec back then!
@LessPop_MoreFizz This devil's advocate thing isn't working very well today, eh? :P
@badp I don't see why it is isn't. Playing Devil's Advocate doesn't mean making bad arguments. It just means making arguments that you don't personally agree with to stimulate discussion. Seems to be working.
...I thought that the point of playing Devil's Advocate is arguing that you shouldn't do A because "hey, if you did you should then do B and B is bad. So don't do A."
My rhetorics studies - or lack thereof - is sure showing here I'm sure.
@badp The point of Devil's Advocate is to take the stance of something for the sake of argument, even if it is not one which you don't personally agree with
not as far as I see it
@djsmiley2k "or lack thereof"
yeah, so lets say you might say video games are not evil
I'd argue they are, simply to have the discussion - if I then come to the point at which my arguement is invalidated, I can prove all arguements against it are also invalid
The term came originally from Roman Catholic Church, hence the name
are /valid/ even.
Was it not the case that someone would fight on the behalf of the accused, as the accused themselves were unabled to attend or something?
If you have a trial of a witch, and witches aren't allowed on consecrated ground, how are they meant to attend their own trials?
/me is just throwing up ideas as I'm not 100% sure, however I often play the part of devils advocate, especially when someone who is arguging for something I agree with, is doing it in a stupid or unhelpful fashion.
Such as the so many linux advocates I meet. I love linux, but it doesn't fit every situation currently, no matter how hard they might argue that it can.
@djsmiley2k heh. I'm happy when I use Linux and aptitude, but I'm also happy when I use Powerpoint and play Mark of the Ninja.
@badp :)
i do regret the lack of ease of playing games on my PC with linux. It's a pita atm... however I'm hopeful that steam is gonna change that
although lately when I've been doing my presentations with LyX
I've never had aproblem making them in open/libre office
The next time I'm doing a presentation I think I'll try out impress.js
Libre Office Impress is the worst.
Google Docs Presentations is a better solution than Impress
thats cool
/me gets ready to swap disks on star ocean
@YiJiang'sEvilClone It's probably a little bit too much, plus you have to plan the whole thing out on paper first
Yeah, I know. You could still use it with flat 2D translations, or just make each slide move a fixed x, y and z distance from the last one
Would still look impressive :P
Plus I really want to play around with CSS3 3D transform functions
@YiJiang'sEvilClone make the pony bounce in all the directions.
Q: What effects the rate of filling the Power Bar?

EBongoNaturally I want to fill the Power Bar as fast as possible, and from just the basics I can see: The bar seems to fill fastest when picking up coins The bar seems to fill slowly from running (at least it is non-zero before I pickup first coins) There are purchasable upgrades, which increase the ...

Q: Playing used UPlay Games

mikeTheLiarSo, my lovely girlfriend bought me a (used) copy of Assassin's Creed II for Christmas, and I finally got around to installing it today (what can I say, I also got Minecraft). Anyway, after installing from the DVD, creating yet another useless account with another useless service, I go activate th...

@Lazers Poor sod. That's what DRM does for you, kids.
> If you spend your time finding two-or-three-year-old questions to close, perhaps it's a sign that you need a real hobby. (One would think, if you post here, that gaming would be enough of a hobby.)
That irks me.
@fbueckert But it's true. I rarely VTC questions that are older than a year.
Who said that o_O
Finding 2-3 year old questions to close can't be a hobby?
If your hobby is putting up issues like that against "cleaning" then maybe THEY need to find a new hobby
@MBraedley That's you.
And that's alright.
So... no votes to close on that question?
@badp I've already used mine to close it the first time.
@fbueckert Where's that?
@fbueckert That's... uh... interesting.
If they're actually 38, you'd think they'd be a little less passive agressive.
Okay, it doesn't belong on the user page. But still, I see no reason to close a question that is a year old unless it's received new activity. If there wasn't enough reason to close it then, why close it now?
@MBraedley That is a terrible argument. Broken windows theory, look it up.
@EBongo The harm is that it serves as an example to other, off-topic questions, which, guaranteed, will point to this one and go, "This one was allowed, why wasn't mine!?". It's the point of consistency, where we do our best to apply the rules equally. — fbueckert 26 mins ago
If a window is broken, it doesn't matter how long it's been broken. You should fix it.
But is it really broken? I say again: it wasn't closed when it was first asked. Ignoring policy changes on off-topicness, if it didn't receive enough votes to close the first time around, does it really deserve to be closed?
Which is why I put the caveat of new activity.
@MBraedley The whole point is the fact that policy does change.
It's why all game-rec got closed and deleted.
@MBraedley Age is not a factor in the slightest. Kyralessa would've likely been as angry if we'd closed that question immediately.
And besides, grandfathering a question just because it was asked before, when it was on-topic, means we're leaving an example for others to ask the same type of question.
@fbueckert yes, but there are questions which have been flagged or have received close votes a year after they were asked, and no policy had changed WRT those particular questions. As for Kyralessa's question, I don't know which one it's in reference to, so I can't comment specifically on it.
@MBraedley Sometimes things slip under the radar.
This question, in my opinion, certainly has.
Once unearthed, it was closed very quickly.
Wipqozn commented on Feb 13 at 0:57. At Feb 13 at 1:31, the question was closed.
@badp You're talking about the Cultures one? IMHO it was borderline. I'm not going to VTC it, but if it shows up in my review queue, I'm not going to put leave open either.
@MBraedley: Counter Question: Why should we keep old questions open if they should be closed?
@MBraedley Yes, it's kind of the whole cause for discussion.
@Wipqozn If they aren't receiving attention, is there any real harm?
8 mins ago, by fbueckert
@EBongo The harm is that it serves as an example to other, off-topic questions, which, guaranteed, will point to this one and go, "This one was allowed, why wasn't mine!?". It's the point of consistency, where we do our best to apply the rules equally. — fbueckert 26 mins ago
Again. And again.
Broken windows are bad.
@MBraedley Broken windows, like badp said. We can't tell new users that "sorry, that questions never going to be closed because it's old".
Look at it this way @MBraedley: Assume it wasn't a question you think is borderline. Assume it was a game-rec that was just "I like fighting games. Suggest me some." Do you think we should close it, even though it's old?
@Wipqozn I didn't say that! Old questions don't get a bye just because they're old. They are, however, not of immediate concern.
@Wipqozn I've had lots of people going "why is X not okay, I mean this (2 year old question) is open!1"
@MBraedley I know, that's why I posted my following message :P I think you're just getting caught up in the "I think this is borderline" part. The problem is that the people saying ti should be closed don't think it's borderline. If they did, I'm sure they'd be more wiling to just leave it be.
As a sidenote, leaving questions open just because they're old is rife for abuse. Ask a perfectly on-topic question, wait a couple years, then change it to something off-topic. And scream bloody murder when it gets closed, because it's old, and therefore exempt from the rules.
9 mins ago, by MBraedley
But is it really broken? I say again: it wasn't closed when it was first asked. Ignoring policy changes on off-topicness, if it didn't receive enough votes to close the first time around, does it really deserve to be closed?
See the part about policy changes
@MBraedley You can't ignore policy changes.
They're the reason we have our current standards.
10 mins ago, by MBraedley
Which is why I put the caveat of new activity.
A rule is a rule is a rule. They have to be applied consistently. This one slipped under the rader.
@fbueckert Very true, and the question at hand is involved in a policy change. But...
8 mins ago, by MBraedley
@fbueckert yes, but there are questions which have been flagged or have received close votes a year after they were asked, and no policy had changed WRT those particular questions. As for Kyralessa's question, I don't know which one it's in reference to, so I can't comment specifically on it.
@MBraedley Like we keep saying; this one got missed.
It happens.
Now we know about it, and now we're doing something about it.
...are we? So far we've got 5 open votes, 5 close votes (plus my virtual one), my meta post for closing at +1, my meta post for opening at +1 - and all of this on a matter I thought closed two years ago.
@badp We're at least talking about it.
If we leave it open, there should be a clear, concrete reason why.
@fbueckert Which is fine. I'm not arguing for or against closing this particular question. I think the question is okay, but if people want to close it, so be it.
@fbueckert Talk is cheap, we've already had six months of talk about this.
@badp I missed the whole game-rec debacle.
@fbueckert I hear it was quite nasty.
@Wipqozn it was... interesting
Leaving this question alone is a precedent for stealth asking those questions.
"What games are in series X?"
It wasn't quite as much nasty or interesting; it was just very much drawn out
To be honest, I don't understand how you guys ever allowed Game-rec questions. I really don't. They very clearly fit the "Not Constructive" close reasons.
"What games are in series Y?"
@Wipqozn I'm fairly certain that the close reasons have been reworded since then.
@badp Have they? It would shed more light on my confusion.
They've been tweaked, at least.
@Wipqozn It was "oh, people are asking for recommendations. We don't really have a good close reason. I don't really see the harm in them anyway."
@MBraedley No, it wasn't like that at all.
Also, I'd like to say this is a good example of how down votes are anonymous. Based on this guys comments, and the change he made to his profile, I would assume he would downvote revenge anyone admitting to down voting him.
@badp At the very beginning it was
It was like "oh god look another game-rec question. Oh my god it is terrible. Are we baning game-rec yet? What do you mean we aren't?"
This happened roughly daily
People just takes things too personally. We have nothing against the user. We just don't think the question is fit for the site anymore. However, a lot of users always take that personally.
@badp After it sunk in that they were harmful. After the beta honeymoon.
@MBraedley I might have been looking at the discussion through badp colored glasses, but people weren't so much convinced they were harmful as much as they were consistently crap.
And I can't argue that there wasn't a quality problem there.
I can't argue that they were in general crappy, but the harm wasn't immediately apparent.
Either the questions were weird and localized or the answers were oneliners copy pasted from Wikipedia.
@Wipqozn Pretty sure he's already done that to me.
Were they ever actually harmful? I wouldn't know.
Q: How to solve a puzzle in level 4 of Hell

wokI am stuck in Party of Sin, World 1 (Hell), level 4.

Q: Are Steam games sandboxed?

HRJNow that Steam is officially available on Linux, I am very interested in it! However, I wonder what is the security system in Steam? When I download a game through Steam, will the game run as native application that has complete access to user data or in a sandboxed environment with declared pe...

Q: As a bow ranger, how can I maximize my critical chances?

AntoI'd really like to build a mixed elemental/critical bow ranger (with a huge critical multiplier and, therefore, a high critical chance): it sounds like a nice way to deal great damages. There are several passive to increase the critical multiplier, but I can't find so many to increase the critic...

Harmful how? Because it'd draw people away? because it made it too easy to get reputation for suggesting Portal? (which is more of a joke than something that actually did happen anyway)
@badp I forget what the actual words used were, but more that it's really only the asker that can verify the answer, and therefore one of the primary means of signifying the quality of the answer - the accept checkmark - means absolutely nothing, thereby causing potential harm to future visitors.
@MBraedley We got lucky with the answer on this question.
It's a really good answer.
And that the votes are just a popularity contest.
What would have happened if each of those games had been posted as a separate answer, though?
@YiJiang'sEvilClone What if you're an only child, your mother is an only child, your maternal grandparents are dead, and your mom was knocked up on a one night stand?
@MBraedley It said born, not conceived.
Actually, none of the questions can only by answered by yourself
@MBraedley "Answer with lists" is something I did propose, but then the counter is "what are we going to do, have twenty slightly different yet not entirely unlike competing answers or rushing an answer in there so that others would edit other lines in your post while you reap all the reps?"
@badp Didn't I propose forcing the question to community wiki?
@MBraedley Terrible idea #2. Community wiki is not a get out of jail free card
Grace Note on August 19, 2011

When you mark a post community wiki on a Stack Exchange site, that means …

this post can be edited by anyone with 100 reputation

this post does not generate any reputation for anyone when upvoted or downvoted

The main advantage of community wiki — more editing — was nerfed when we introduced suggested edits. With suggested edits, anyone, even an anonymous user, can edit anything — so long as another experienced user reviews and approves their edit.

This leaves many wondering — what’s the point of Community Wiki? …

Q: Ubuntu Gaming Server

GamerGI'm getting excited for Ubuntu again now that I've seen the effort being put into the cloud. What I'd like to do is create a local, private cloud machine that I can use over a lan to play games via a thin client. With steam now supporting Linux, it seems a perfect marriage to provide a service l...

@badp I never said it was a great idea...
@badp, it's a bit silly to criticize someone's attitude and then tell him not to take things personally. Kindly set a good example in keeping with the diamond next to your name by refraining from personal remarks and sticking to the issue at hand. — Kyralessa 5 mins ago
I'm kind of impressed, Origin has non-terrible software to stream games direct to Twitch...does steam do that?
I'm sorry, how do you tell somebody to not take things personally while not criticizing his attitude?
To coin operated clothes dryer makers everywhere: please include a half hour (or even 15 minute) touch-up cycle on your machines. Nothing's worse than arriving 5 minutes after the machine is done only to find that your clothes are still damp, and that you have to pay for a full cycle if you want them dry.
@badp Eh. They're trying to sideline the issue there.
Anyone here streamed on Twitch?
@BenBrocka can't say that I have
Useless mortals
@BenBrocka I have
a little bit; it didn't work very well, but I have.
...or was it Livestream? It probably was Livestream.
Just wondering if a 5 second delay time is normal. Seems a bit much even for my crappy upstream rate
Goddamn async internet speeds
@BenBrocka If you checked the stream chat, you'd have seen me mentioning it's a normal thing :P
Yeah twitch's chat's been broke as hell, I saw there was another viewer but chat wasn't loading
@BenBrocka @Fluttershy has a bit.
Also is there a way to see JUST chat for my own channel?
@BenBrocka uhhh... I don't see an option for viewing anything else.
So I just load my channel and pause the video to see chat or what?
@BenBrocka The livestream procaster thing had its own overlay and it showed chat in there
oh, I can popout chat, that works
still doesn''t load but it pops out...
I guess you could just use your second monitor?
I have my niece's birthday party to go to. Later all.
Yeah, I just wanted chat without also hearing myself playing 5 seconds ago
@BenBrocka You could also press "Mute"?
I guess it still lets you not download the stream as you upload it however.
Yeah pausing would let me not be downloading it too. Not that it probably matters much
Is chat loading consistently for you on Twitch? I get the loading icon forever
Prostate problems

Proposed Q&A site for anyone with prostate difficulties.

Currently in definition.

@BenBrocka It loads consistently for me, but I also know it consistently gives trouble to other people.
Huh. Wonder if it's a CDN thing then? Maybe you're hitting a different one
This is a quality q&a subject.
Different continents and all that.
@LessPop_MoreFizz That's a real pisser
@LessPop_MoreFizz It's leaps and bounds better than anything you've linked so far. Which really speaks loads about all the proposals you've linked so far.
@badp disagree. Medical subjects tend to be extra awful.
Because nobody with real expertise can actually contribute.
@LessPop_MoreFizz It's still a vertical. It probably should be a tag rather than its own site, but...
Q: Please add language to the FAQ discouraging legal, medical, and other proposals which run severely afoul of the law and professional ethics rules

LessPop_MoreFizzThere have, at this point, been dozens of these. They are always closed, for very good reason: Specifically, anyone who is actually an expert on the subjects at hand is, for reasons of professional ethics at least, and for reasons of legal regulation in many cases, forbidden from providing specif...

@LessPop_MoreFizz hm? Are there special laws in the US about doctors talking about medicine? ("I am not giving you medical advice, and you likely have cancer.")
It's not about laws, it's about professional ethics rules.
Which tend not to be nation specific.
@BenBrocka Whenever I streamed to Twitch, my chat room was all it would show. What's yours showing?
On Cog Sci we don't allow anything questions that sound like "self help"
I don't know. I guess you might want to restrict the site to academic research or something and disallow questions like "My pelvis itches, halp"
Medical stuff is only allowed in the context of research, in which case it's just any other question
It's no Stereotypes.SE, or Minutiae of Everyday Life.SE
@Fluttershy I see everything I see when watching another channel, including the streaming video
Ohhh I thought you meant you were also getting other streamers' chat.
@BenBrocka Oh. Mine showed that too. <_< I thought you meant other stuff.
Yay, r/mylittlepony is going bonkers right now
@YiJiang'sEvilClone hm?
S3 finale just aired
I wanted to watch the finale today. =(
YouTube stream should be coming online any minute now
Heh, /r/homestuck is in a similar turmoil as the current act just ended with 39 "terrorizing" pages published at once
If Hussie doesn't pull any more weird time shit (canonical expression), the final act should be next.
@Fluttershy wait like an hour and it'll be on youtube
:3 <3 is so cute
@Retrosaur grats
Thanks for the help @badp
Wubi was being a bitch, and it took forever to set anything up
Welp, I'll probably uninstall tf2 no2
uhhhh. I dungeddit.
@Wipqozn Where's Wipoqzn?
@fbueckert people put the strangest things in edits.
@AshleyNunn Yes. Yes, they do.
Now, to attach more engines to my space station of DOOOOOOOM!
@fbueckert Is there multiplayer/co-op for FTL or Moonbase:Alpha?
@Retrosaur Probably not.
Not what I'm playing, anyways.
What is it? Just curious.
headdesks, sobbing softly
@Retrosaur Moonbase: Alpha is co-op.
@badp puts a pillow between the desk and @badp's head
@Ullallulloo Oh speaking of Moonbase: Alpha
@Retrosaur Kerbal Space Program.
@FAE @AshleyNunn @Fluttershy: MLP season finale is on youtube
I would have pinged @murgatroid99, but I assume he watched it live with RL people.
@Wipqozn Thanks, I was just looking for it
I'm going to finish going over a chapter for a class, and then I'm going to watch it. With popcorn. Or baby carrots... I'm not sure which.
@Wipqozn Thankies!
@AshleyNunn @FAE You're welcome.
@Wipqozn I already had it. You needed to be about 20% faster.
@Fluttershy I only remembered when STeam told me.
@Wipqozn That's how I got it. <_<
@Fluttershy You kids.
Note: Going 100 m/s faster than your target is usually not ideal.
Gotta go fast
@fbueckert Works for bullets
@BenBrocka Ok, if what you're going for is kinetic impact, yes. Extra speed is good.
For docking...not so much.
MOOC: Q/A among faculty/staff/students of massive open online course (MOOC) systems like edX, Class2Go, Coursera, and Udacity.

Proposed Q&A site for all users with questions about any MOOC courses offered, either subjects (like physics or biology) or admin (like how-to questions re:MOOCs). These MOOCs are terrific, but their discussion forums might benefit from a SE community accompaniment.

Currently in definition.

@LessPop_MoreFizz I see what they want to do, but holy crap that is way too broad
@AshleyNunn Yeah, there's a point vaguely buried under that pile of jargon, but holy shit I have no idea what this proposal is actually meant to contain.
@LessPop_MoreFizz It sounds like it's about internet schools.
@LessPop_MoreFizz basically they want to move away from the forums offered by these online things to a SE environment, but that would make for a giant mess of a site
-they +he
...xe? I hate English sometimes.
@badp well, yeah
@Ullallulloo Well yes, but what @AshleyNunn said. There's no sense of focus to exactly what sort of questions they are looking to house.
Singular they is the use of ' (or its inflected forms, such as them or their) to refer to an entity that is not plural, or not necessarily plural. Though singular they is widespread in everyday English and has a long history of usage, debate continues about its acceptability. It typically occurs in these situations: *Indeterminate gender – when they refers to an individual person of unknown or unspecified sex, as in, for example, "One student failed their exam". This usage is known as epicene they. *Indeterminate number – when they has no definite antecedent, or can be interpre...
They is perfectly cromulent.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I know about that
@LessPop_MoreFizz The fact that they want to handle admin and any possible question you might have while working on the course
Which is ridiculous
Unless you are dealing with the sort of prescriptivist schoolmarms that get uppity about "12 items or less"
but then it's not linguistically distinct from a concerted effort by a community
@badp Nope.
@badp Context is pretty useful.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Only context here is the "1"
@Wipqozn Good ep, but waaaaay too much singing
@badp It's he. :P
@Ullallulloo I didn't check.
@badp Which is enough.
@AshleyNunn My word. Sounds songtacular. I'll be watching it shortly.
Meh, in Italian using "he" when gender is uncertain is perfectly acceptable (and, unlike English, we don't have a neutral gender as a fallback), you silly anglosaxons
@AshleyNunn I've honestly not been that impressed with the songs this season. :/
@FAE Nor I.
@FAE Me neither
And it feels like they're trying so hard to make good ones.
But I've just been like "meh"
I feel like they've been forced to to include a minimum number of songs per season, so they're trying to force them when they don't have any ideas.
I know Disney does that with many of their cartoons, where a song is required.

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