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@Fluttershy A couple years ago, I asked my brother what he wanted for Christmas. He said he wanted a new truck or car. I told him to be reasonable. So he asked for a thousand dollar countertop for his house.
@NotWipqozn Your gravatar is stupid. And boom goes the dynamite.
So I got him a PS3 game. And he didn't own a PS3.
@fbueckert That's pretty awesome. <_<
@Fluttershy Well, so is your gravatar!... no, it's not. I can't lie. Your gravatar is pretty awesome.
@Fluttershy The moral of the story is: Be careful what you ask for.
@Fluttershy I didn't care for SC2. The whole "only Terran campaign" thing didn't help, nor did the "choose an upgrade and you have to do the entire game over if you want to change your mind"
@fbueckert Not really, it's don't be a cheeky bastard.
Especially after I found out early on that the very first one I didn't choose makes the game much easier.
@NotWipqozn That reminds me, I tried to photoshop in the white spot on my gravatar to make it look natural. I will need your opinion on it later.
@RonanForman Oh, I don't mind him being a cheeky bastard.
@fbueckert If that were the moral, you would have bought and fitted a countertop that was pink.
I'm just a cheeky bastard right back.
@Fluttershy I see. Interesting.
@RonanForman I think you're confusing FlutterShy with Pinkie Pie.
Two and a half hours to go.
@Fluttershy I have three and a half hours to go. >:/
@RonanForman And then next year, I got his kids Skylanders.
Granted, I have nothing to work on for the next hour so I get to do Whatever
Oh yay, two new Java exploits.
I'm glad my home PC only has 64-bit Java and the browser plugin is disabled just in case.
@fbueckert I wish I was the guy who thought of Skylanders... =( I'd have so much money...
My work computer, on the other hand...
@Fluttershy It's a good idea, but they're a little litigious now.
Some guy reverse engineered the RFID protocol, and got a legal nastygram from them.
Rapiscan scanners (yes that's the actual name) being removed from airport security checkpoints. http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2013-01-18/naked-image-scanners-to-be-removed-from-u-s-airports.html
@fbueckert really? I was unaware of this.
@BenBrocka Why are they removing them?
@Fluttershy Yeah. Some guy figured it out on his own, and posted it on his blog. The company freaked out and made him take it down or get taken to court.
@BenBrocka Finally. The TSA is a dead organization looking for modern prevalence.
@GnomeSlice Aside from the massive public outcry, the company failed to meet a deadline to provide generic images of passengers (one of the major complaints was you basically see the person naked, sans colors)
@BenBrocka They tell you this before they do it though, and they give you an option to do a pat down instead.
@GnomeSlice An obscenely invasive patdown.
For no other reason than you refused to go through their stupid scanner.
@fbueckert The alternative is not to fly man.
@GnomeSlice The other alternative is to punt the TSA out of the airports.
I don't really care if some nameless plebe in airport security sees me naked.
Really, is it such a big deal?
@GnomeSlice The alternative is for the TSA not to be so goddamned invasive.
@GnomeSlice Got to agree with you there
Or the TSA could just DIAF and we could call it a day
I don't see what the big outcry is
@BenBrocka And then the next day airline passengers could DIAF?
@SaintWack Privacy is the big deal.
@BenBrocka Yeah. I don't even fly, and the overreaching powers these people have is stupid.
@fbueckert but... but... TERRORISM!!!!!ONEONE1111!!ONEONE!!!1ONEOEN111!!!!ONEOENE!!
@NotWipqozn And that's their entire argument.
@fbueckert I think I conveyed it fairly well.
@fbueckert To be fair, it's a pretty good argument
@NotWipqozn You did.
@fbueckert Maybe it's just me, but it's a pretty good argument, given recent world events.
@SaintWacko Hardly. TSA has been a pathetic failure at actually doing anything but stealing and consuming tax dollars and terrorism is a pretty minor threat (and we already had security)
@SaintWacko @Gnomeslice No, it's not.
There's no argument. It's a play on fear.
Reminds me of that Canadian politician who said anyone against the RCMP having the ability to access any ones internet history without a warrant is a pedophile.
But I'm not getting into the whole "one event should change the entire world" thing again
They have stopped attacks
@GnomeSlice Recent? It was a decade ago.
@NotWipqozn If you have nothing to hide etc
And who knows how many weren't even attempted because of increased security
@fbueckert So you're saying they have all of these invasive security measures just because they like looking at tits all day or something? Why do you think they started using them in the first place?
@GnomeSlice The problem is they go too far, and abuse their power.
@Fluttershy That's not the only thing that's happened in the past decade, but so what? A decade is not very long as far as the world is concerned.
@NotWipqozn How so?
It's really hard to tell what sort of effect the security measures have had. The bad parts of them are widely publicized, but it's very hard to tell what positive effects it has had
man, without @Wipqozn there's alot more quiet
@agent86 I know, right? I'm kinda glad he's gone.
The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) is an agency of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security that exercises authority over the security of the traveling public in the United States. The TSA was created as part of the Aviation and Transportation Security Act, sponsored by Don Young in the United States House of Representatives and Ernest Hollings in the Senate, passed by the 107th U.S. Congress, and signed into law by President George W. Bush on . Originally part of the United States Department of Transportation, the TSA was moved to the Department of Homeland Security on . J...
without a nemesis though, how will I know if my evil plots are evil enough? I have no baseline. I need a stand-in nemesis.
@agent86 I. not Wipqozn, volunteer.
@NotWipqozn Explaining what the TSA is? How does that prove an abuse of their power?
@agent86 There's this new @NotWipqozn guy
@GnomeSlice It's nice to see you didn't even bother to click the link.
@NotWipqozn hmmm, I suppose.
it's certainly an easy transition.
@NotWipqozn I'm in class, I don't have time to read an entire Wikipedia article.
I'll step in for chaotic good
36 secs ago, by Not Wipqozn
@GnomeSlice It's nice to see you didn't even bother to click the link.
@NotWipqozn I already responded to that...
Not to mention, they steal.
@GnomeSlice he linked you to a subsection of the article.
@agent86 I know that, but it's just a bunch of accusations.
And then use the threat of blacklisting you from flying to prevent you from complaining about it.
Q: Once a player is level 8, what happens to AP gained?

mmrobinsDo level 8 players still gain AP? The way I understand it, level 8 is the highest level, so once you're there it seems like you gaining AP it doesn't do any good, and is really taking potential AP away from your local team mates.

Q: Are there any benefits to the Rockman other than their extra health?

VinceIn Faster Than Light (FTL) the Rockman has extra health and walks slowly but is that all he's good for. A really slow tank doesn't seem that great to me.

@GnomeSlice yeah, I don't know why I bothered pointing it out :)
back to non-involvement.
so @NotWipqozn, what's your position on your own awesomeness?
@fbueckert Probably because they're tired of people complaining about it.
@GnomeSlice So them stealing your possessions is OK?
@agent86 I'm really awesome.
@fbueckert What?
1 min ago, by fbueckert
Not to mention, they steal.
@GnomeSlice ...you can't honestly believe that's a justified reason to blacklist someone.
@NotWipqozn OK, that sounds pretty Wipqozn-esque.
@NotWipqozn Not really, no. That I will give you.
But we don't really get a say in how our countries see fit to protect themselves against terrorism.
@GnomeSlice That's the thing; we should.
It's a democracy.
:For the use of the term "democracy" as referring to a system involving multiparty elections, representative government, and freedom of speech, see Liberal democracy. For other uses, see Democracy (disambiguation). Democracy is a form of government in which all eligible citizens have an equal say in the decisions that affect their lives. Democracy allows eligible citizens to participate equally—either directly or through elected representatives—in the proposal, development, and creation of laws. It encompasses social, economic and cultural conditions that enable the free a...
Regardless, all the security measures the TSA puts in place don't prevent the more serious attempts.
@fbueckert Doesn't mean the citizens always know what's best, a bet a bunch of American citizens would vote to not allow citizens of foreign descent to fly at all, for example.
That's a stretch, but you get my point.
@GnomeSlice That's why we have a representative democracy.
@GnomeSlice The importance doesn't lie in what is chosen. It's in the ability to choose.
But you don't vote on every decision your government makes anyway. You vote to elect someone and then trust that they work on the same beliefs as yourself until the next election.
@GnomeSlice ...and therefore you're getting a say in what happens.
@NotWipqozn So then what are you complaining about? Vote for someone else if you're not happy with it.
The TSA doesn't give you a choice. It's either somebody sees you naked, or you get a stupidly invasive patdown, neither of which are reasonable choices.
@GnomeSlice I'm not sure where to begin with this sentence, because their are so many things wrong with it.
They are treating every single citizen as a criminal.
@fbueckert I disagree.
@GnomeSlice And don't get me started on the fact that they basically ignore any laws that are inconvenient for them to follow.
It's not like they're storing the images somewhere.
@fbueckert Laws? Laws are for... TERRORISTS!!!ONEONE111ONEOEN!!!!!ONEONE!!!!11!!!
@fbueckert I think if it were illegal it wouldn't still be working like that.
@GnomeSlice And you know that for sure?
@GnomeSlice Do some research, dude.
They've been court-ordered to hold hearings on their scanners.
They have yet to do so, and the deadline was months ago.
@fbueckert 19 months iirc.
@NotWipqozn Exactly.
Interesting. What laws did they break?
@GnomeSlice So, tell me. A company that knowingly and regularly flouts laws is in charge of safety. How does that make sense to you?
Research on the harmful effects of their scanners was suppressed or twisted to downplay the problems.
The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) is an agency of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security that exercises authority over the security of the traveling public in the United States. The TSA was created as part of the Aviation and Transportation Security Act, sponsored by Don Young in the United States House of Representatives and Ernest Hollings in the Senate, passed by the 107th U.S. Congress, and signed into law by President George W. Bush on . Originally part of the United States Department of Transportation, the TSA was moved to the Department of Homeland Security on . J...
> The TSA does not, as a matter of policy, share baggage theft reports with local police departments.
@fbueckert Ah, see, I didn't know about harmful effects of the scanners.
I was unaware of that, and that's ridiculous.
@NotWipqozn Mostly because it's their own damn employees stealing.
@NotWipqozn Presumably the victim can contact the police themselves.
I don't have a problem with that, it puts less liability/responsibility on the TSA
i.e. You can report your own theft.
Q: teeworlds game wont open in full-screen mode

speedoxI used to play teeworlds game a lot in later ubuntu versions but now after I upgraded to Ubuntu 12.04 I installed it as always from the ubuntu software centre but it wont open in fullscreen mode normally, it starts in fullscreen and goes to windowed mode and after I click on it do the same thing ...

@GnomeSlice > As of 2004, 60 screeners had been arrested for baggage theft,a number which had grown to 200 screeners by 2008
@GnomeSlice I can't even... Are you seriously saying it's okay for the TSA to knowingly refuse to report a crime?
@Fluttershy Yes.
When it's their own employees doing the stealing, there's a bigger problem.
@Fluttershy I don't know how it works, man.
@NotWipqozn See, that's part of my point. There's an entire section on criticisms, but the section on successes of the system is conspicuously missing
> In September 2012, ABC News interviewed former TSA agent Pythias Brown, who has admitted to stealing more than $800,000 worth of items during his employment with the agency. Brown stated that it was "very convenient to steal" and poor morale within the agency is what causes agents to steal from passengers
If it's an international flight, your baggage could have been stolen before you left, in which case it's an entirely different country.
A guy stole almost a million dollars of stuff while working for the TSA.
TSA = bad. /discussion.
@fbueckert lol
All I'm hearing is "TSA employees = bad"
Yay, a TSA discussion!
@voretaq7 Right?
@voretaq7 A Diamond...? Oh lord, please don't tell me someone flagged something stupid.
@SaintWacko What is the TSA without employees?
I'm gonna post a tweet and you have to promise not to have a political discussion about it:
during this difficult time, keep in mind the 5 stages of grief: jungle stage, city slums, sewer level, robot factory and wizard's castle
@SaintWacko oh don't get excited yet. I'm of the fully considered and thoughtful opinion that the TSA is a ridiculously ineffective and hideously expensive agency that should be disbanded to save a few billion tax dollars :)
@NotWipqozn No I'm just here to bash the Theatrical Security Administration
What happened?
@voretaq7 Works for me.
Where's Wipqozn?
@BenBrocka I would get to Wizard's Castle a lot faster if I wasn't busy rewiring the robots to fight each other.
I wanted to give his room ownership back but I can't see him.
@badp Wipqozn left
@badp what? NO! I'M WIPQOZN!
@SaintWacko dammit.
@NotWipqozn clearly not! :)
@NotWipqozn WHAT?!?
@Wipqozn I am not falling for this! You are clearly not Wipqozn.
Why do I always type tilde instead of explaimation point
@BenBrocka what a delightful photoshopping.
@badp Obviously
@badp Nooo!! Damn my genius wit.
@RonanForman AND they cut the best part of the song
Just wait for it to refresh guys, the cache will clear soon, then you'll all realize I'm Wipqozn!
I'm bored again.
apparently either (a) nobody on the Glee cast has an "anaconda", or (b) they always want some, regardless of buns-status.
@Wipqozn Yeah, not falling for this. Wipqozn wouldn't be able to hack chat and change his display name to mimic Wipqozn but... you're not him! For all I know you're capable of doing anything!
@voretaq7 Have you seen Glee? Clearly it's (a).
except, apparently, granting yourself room ownership.
@RonanForman Why do people keep calling Glee's covers of popular songs 'ripping them off'?
Clearly I must stand tall for this last bastion of protection chat has against your evil deeds, @NotWipqozn
@Fluttershy actually... no.
I saw a commercial for it once
@badp Noooo!
@GnomeSlice Have you heard this one? It's a note for note copy, without credit.
their football team was dancing on the field
I remember commenting that if my high school football team did that they'd get their asses kicked (by the chorus) for losing the damn game
Fear not, @Wipqozn, wherever you are! We will vanquish this impostor!
@SaintWacko Just refresh guys, just refresh!
@Wipqozn I did. And all I see is an impostor
@GnomeSlice dude, you should really listen to the side-by-side before you pass judgment on this one. They even kept his lyric change ("Johnny C's in trouble" -- is there even a "Johnny C" in Glee?!)
Damn. Why did I need to make my disguise so damn convincing?
@voretaq7 How far in?
@Wipqozn All I use is a paper mask. Some people are fooled by it!
@RonanForman ummmm hang on
@RonanForman around 2:12 - "Find that juicy double, Johnny C's in trouble"
@RonanForman They obviously have permission from whomever owns the rights, you guys complain too much.
If it were a bootleg, they definitely wouldn't be allowed to sell it.
@GnomeSlice So JoCo knew this was being done, and hasn't bragged about it at all?
@badp hah
@RonanForman Who?
@GnomeSlice Tell me you've heard of Jonathan Coulton....
@GnomeSlice um - they clearly don't have JoCo's consent to use his arrangement. (which they need in addition to Mix-A-Lot's consent if it's released for profit)
Hey look, @GLEEonFOX ripped off my cover of Baby Got Back: http://bit.ly/WME9Ho. Never even contacted me. Classy.
@RonanForman Not really.
@voretaq7 What.
That's hilarious, how did they even get away with that.
@GnomeSlice I think you have too much faith in people doing the right thing.
@GnomeSlice They haven't, as you can see, people have noticed....
When it comes to corporations, they do what they want, and them threaten legal action if you complain.
The Internet is the great equalizer nowadays; threatening court action when you're in the wrong tends to cause all sorts of PR backlash.
@fbueckert I love the internet lessthan3
Wait, are the makers of Glee threatening JoCo with court stuff?
Bleah, more meetings
@Powerlord ttfn
Oh gods... That was painful.
@Fluttershy It's Fox. They might not yet, but without the Internet, this would've been, "Be thankful we used your song. Now go away."
In other news, looking for replacement parts for a soda machine when you don't know the model number of said soda machine? Hard.
Does anyone know of a decent, free application for Android for writing scripts?
Q: Where is Altair's Sword?

DanI have already completed the six tombs, but I cannot find the sword anywhere. Where do I purchase it?

@Fluttershy Try rebuilding a pinball machine some time. Oh the wires... so many wires... they're EVERYWHERE
@GnomeSlice VTC Off-Topic
@voretaq7 No thank you. <3
@Fluttershy I didn't ask it on the site...
@Fluttershy I wish everything were like computers. So easy to tell what works together. My car on the other hand is crazy
@GnomeSlice you mean something like notepad ++ or something for movie/etc scripts?
@BenBrocka I really want to finish my computer... It's like Legos. =(
@GnomeSlice That'sTheJoke.png
@Fluttershy what are you missing? Cause I've got some spare 3x2 bricks
@Fluttershy :/
@BenBrocka Mostly all of it.
@Fluttershy I can help you pick out parts
@BenBrocka Unless you can help me obtain said parts, it's a waste of time currently. But I appreciate your offer.
@Wipqozn The joke wasn't funny.
@Fluttershy Are you in some weird no-shippy place?
You guys just assume I miss the joke when I don't laugh.
@GnomeSlice That's not why we think you missed the joke.
@BenBrocka I'm in a weird "severely limited income" place. <_<
@Wipqozn I didn't miss the joke.
@Fluttershy You can build a pretty good setup for under $400. Or are you talking more like <$100s to spare?
@BenBrocka I want something that can run games like Dishonored or GW2 on the highest settings. >_>
@Fluttershy Save, save, save?
@Fluttershy Okay, more like $600-800. Still not huge
@Wipqozn I have bills to pay. Saving is difficult.
Oh, I'm almost at 15k.
@BenBrocka Yeah.
@Fluttershy Do you have a current box you can slowly upgrade?
@BenBrocka I wish. I'm building from nothing. Unless my parents get a new computer. Then I could likely use their old tower.
@Fluttershy working in prebuilt PC towers is usually always painful anyway. Even lower end gaming cases can be icky
But then I got a HAF X and can't go back
This PSN maintenance is so long.
@Ullallulloo It's still on? I wanted to check the store to see what the store update was about
@Ullallulloo Still!?
Hoping they improved the responsiveness
The new store is mostly nice but so slow sometimes
@BenBrocka Do you have a case you would recommend?
If I buy one piece a month, maybe I'll have a decent gaming computer by next year. >_>
@Fluttershy The HAF X is kickass and pretty much perfect. But it's expensive, around $160. Antec and Coolermaster both make pretty good mid ranged stuff around $60-$100. Don't go too much cheaper than $50 or you'll get a case that's a pain to work in
Got my mom a "gaming" case for $20, originally $40, it's...annoying inside.
@BenBrocka Lots of neon?
@GnomeSlice No, to work with. And neon is usually aftermarket
Getting the hard drives in was a nightmare. They have weird-ass grommets in there that seem to do nothing other than make it extremely hard to fit anything in the 3.5" bays
And they got almost destroyed by putting in a screw. I have no idea what they were thinking, they should have just used metal screw holes
@BenBrocka Thank you for the advice.
I think I need to get ready to leave work now. <_< Not entirely sure.
@AshleyNunn, I bring you... grumpyfrog!
@Fluttershy Don't skip the SSD, even on a budget. You will love your computer so much more for the SSD. You can get a 128GB one for $80-$90 on sale now. OCZ's are kickass
@agent86 I think that's a toad
@BenBrocka NO
@Fluttershy andi f you don't mind this form factor the HAF XB is cheaper but fits most things a mid tower will: newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16811119265 they have great cooling and minimal tool/effort designs. But I don't like the big plain box design of that one
@agent86 You're a toad
@BenBrocka croak
@agent86 That is one pretty grumpy toad.
@Wipqozn croak
holy crap that's a $200 case
wait, where did NotWipqozn go? And what is a Wipqozn?
am I going to have to switch nemesi again?
@agent86 I was actually NotWipqozn all along.
@Wipqozn oh. how surprising! what a twist! dun dun dunnnnnn. well, I guess that's my nemesis for ya
@agent86 Yeah, I fooled you all pretty bad.
@Wipqozn oh, you!
False alarm.
@BenBrocka You still here? <_<
@Fluttershy yeah
@agent86 You know what I would hate? If you gave me back my room ownership! That sure would be a terrible thing to do, nemesis.
@agent86 It is an awesome case
I know it's impractical, but I'd love a computer like that.
Only, y'know... new.
@Wipqozn I would, but last time I went to touch the room ownership controls there was a sign that read "NO TOUCHIE TOUCHIE PROPERTI OF BADP"
@agent86 That does sound like something he would do.
@BenBrocka that's more than I've spent on any video card since... maybe ever? I can't remember what I paid for my TNT2Ultra
Time to learn about circuit-switch vs packet-switch networks!
tortoise reading glasses
Own to many games on Steam? Can't decide which ones to play? Steam Roulette!
@Fluttershy You can make yourself a see-through case. The liquid submersion part is tricky though, and not particularly worth it at this point. Maybe for servers it'll be practical, they've built some test systems designed specifically for submersion
Argh, what is my steam id
Where'd NotWipqozn go? His tortoise gravatar was way cooler than @Wipqozn's turtle gravatar...
@Fluttershy We were the same person!
Why won't anyone believe me?! damn it, why did I need to make my disguise so convincing?
@Wipqozn try wearing your underpants on the outside. I hear that works for superheroes.
@agent86 Good idea.
@Wipqozn There's no way he was you. Why would you go from an awesome tortoise gravatar like NotWipqozn's, to your crappy turtle? That's just lame.
@GnomeSlice That didn't work at all.
@Wipqozn It didn't?
@GnomeSlice Nope. I want my money back.
@Wipqozn Seems to be working for me.
@agent86 I guess if you don't build/care about your PC it's not worth it, but it's got great cooling, study as hell, wonderful tool-free design, look sharp too. It's a case that'll last for years so I'd rather get a good one
Assuming I got my steam ID right...
@Wipqozn Personally, I'm offended by how much you're lying to everyone right now. The worst part though? You're lying to yourself. That is something I cannot forgive.
@Wipqozn Huh, now I can't get the page to load.
@Fluttershy To be fair, I lie a lot.
You guys should be used to it by now.
@Wipqozn Another lie... You should be ashamed.
@Fluttershy ...I am :(
@BenBrocka I've built my own pc's since 1997. I appreciate a good case. I don't knock your enjoyment of it, either. Just way too rich for my blood :)
@GnomeSlice doesn't seem to load
@BenBrocka Yeah, it seems to have broke in the past few minutes.
@agent86 I'm the same way. I'd love to have a nice and fancy case, but I just don't want to spend the money on it.
@GnomeSlice I blame you!
@Wipqozn lights cigar with $100 bill
@BenBrocka Smoking kills.
It's weird that it just died because it worked when I clicked it.
@Fluttershy I did'nt notice the "bubbles" thing, just finished watching. That seems like a bad idea
Hey, it's working again
12 mins ago, by GnomeSlice
Own to many games on Steam? Can't decide which ones to play? Steam Roulette!
HEY, we should get this as a chat easter egg, like the RPG guys have a dice roller.
A chat easter egg you have to log in with Steam for?
Well, you have to specify the user for it anyway :P
@badp Yeah, I guess... No good.
Somebody star it, it's interesting.
Also it's not working :(
@badp Again??
@GnomeSlice You know what's interesting? Conclave.
Hint hint nudge nudge.
@badp Ah, jeez, it just came back up, too.
@badp Sorry. I warned you guys I'd be busy this semester
It's okay
It takes a minute to do a turn
I can't write this thing ourehlulbubeuireliutbreudfbv
@kalina Yes, what about him?
@badp My sockpuppet has more rep than your sockpuppet.
@GnomeSlice I have no sockpuppets
I use it for science, whenever questions about "what happens when you have really low reputation?" come up.
@kalina My bad
@GnomeSlice Not having a lot of reputation is kind of the point
@badp A lot of crappy things, is what happens.
Q: Is there a way to use gem forge to make extra money?

Jim ThioI realized that in infinity blade 2, if I combine gems of the same kind I got one super powerful gem whose price exceed the price of the separated gems. I wonder what other uses of gem forges are there?

Q: Is it possible to have two dogs in your home in Skyrim?

Chris BrowneThe first dog I took to my house, my kids asked if they could keep him so I said yes and now he lives in my house. I think that was Bran. It was one of the Dawnguard dogs, anyway. I now have Sceolang (the other Dawnguard dog) following me, but my kids never comment on him. Does that mean I ca...

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