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Q: Minimum Viable Hardware for Emulation System

a dandy top hatI'd like to set up a device on my TV that let's me play NES, SNES, Genesis, and maybe some 80s/90s-era MAME games. Here's what I want out of it: Must be able to run games at reasonable frame rate w/ reliable sound Must be able to store a bunch of ROMSs, so either built-in memory or slot for USB...

Q: What are these codes on game covers?

Jacob XavieroI'm organizing some console video games and I was wondering what these codes on game covers stand for and what is their purpose?

Q: How to abort a siege assault without breaking the siege?

FadewayWhen besieging an enemy castle, it is often beneficial to sally, use up all ammunition that the attacking archers can carry, and retreat - repeating the action turn after turn, until the enemy is weakened enough to make scaling the walls easy or at least feasible. When this is attempted in-game,...

@SaintWacko A sonic rainboom! yaaaaaaaaaay!
@fluttershy I kinda want that RD hoodie
@BenBrocka I want to get Suikoden. The website says it's available for Vita, but when I try downloading it, it says it isn't compatible.
right, now I actually have to go and do some work
@kalina About time! >_>
@Fluttershy What do you mean? It shouldn't show up on the PSN store on Vita if it isn't compatible
@kalina what? you're doing it wrong. multitask like a real woman.
@AshleyNunn I'm interested in the Fluttershy hoodie... But I would probably get beaten to death with a baseball bat around here...
@badp I am
multitasking on 3 different work things
This isn't exactly show accurate, since technically speaking Angel doesn't speak
@Lazers Who the crap upvoted this?
@YiJiang'sEvilClone That is awesome! =3 Thank you!
@fbueckert Which one?
@Fluttershy The emulation req question.
First one.
Someone star that wallpaper for me. <_<
the emulator PC one
@Fluttershy it's star'd
20 hours ago, by StrixVaria
Someone should write a browser plugin that automatically google reverse images searches every image posted in here and then blocks it if it has to do with ponies.
@BenBrocka Thanks! I can only star if someone else has. If you wanna remove your star now, you can. =)
@StrixVaria I will never understand why people insist on segregating fans of the show...
It basically boils down to "stop liking what I don't like." It's ridiculous.
@Fluttershy I don't want to stop you from enjoying it.
I just don't want it to be on my screen at work.
@StrixvVaria That makes more sense.
@Fluttershy Really? That's weird. I thought mobile chat just didn';t have stars
@Fluttershy I think the desire to have your browser block images you don't want to see is perfectly reasonable.
@BenBrocka If you can tap on another star, it'll work, but it won't let you star an unstarred post.
I still don't like this question. All it wants is links; there's no way to fix that.
@fluttershy the only reason I could get away with RD is because I am female although it would likely still get me teased a lot.
@AshleyNunn RD?
@BenBrocka Yeah, mobile chat is kind of silly.
@AshleyNunn I could handle the teasing. Not so much the hate crimes.
@SaintWacko Rainbow Dash.
@YiJiang'sEvilClone That's fucking awesome
@fluttershy yeah, see, either is hard for me at the moment. Not exactly as stable as I would like. Although hate crimes are definitely worse.
@BenBrocka Yeah, they have a huge collection
@Fluttershy Ah
I want a Maliwan hoodie
and I shall buy it when it hits the gearbox store
@Fluttershy What is a hate crime?
oh look finally a non-fucking-mlp reference
I wish mobile chat looked like ^
@TimStone Is that a mockup?
@TimStone I guess this is more than a mockup
Damn you @TimStone.
@timstone that would be awesome chat.
@badp At the moment it only exists as an image, I'm afraid. :P
@OrigamiRobot The fact that I would likely be beaten to death with a baseball bat for wearing a MLP hoodie.
Although one failing of my mockup was that I didn't consider what happens when you go to type and the keyboard comes up.
My hometown isn't exactly accepting of things which they feel are not societally normal.
@fluttershy :( :(
@TimStone Too late
@Fluttershy Where did that come from?
I was considering prototyping it for fun :P
Since, you know, I don't have enough todo items already or anything.
@timstone you have an odd and delightful idea of fub
What exactly would the drawer hold?
Damn you mobile chat
@OrigamiRobot Were you not reading chat? I was talking to @AshleyNunn about a hoodie I saw.
@badp Make it so, number one
@AshleyNunn I'm slightly insane
@Fluttershy Nowhere was a baseball bat mentioned.
@badp The pull tab? It's for hiding the side bar if you don't want to use the menu items.
@timstone at least it is the interesting sort of positive stuff happening insanity
@BenBrocka What? I've already created the conversation, encapsulating the cruel statement in its purity
Objective complete
The coloring makes it look like Facebook chat
@OrigamiRobot It was. Look below the wallpaper YiJiang made me.
@AshleyNunn Yeah, not always good for work-work productivity though ;)
@fluttershy I would get the Fluttershy one if I could wear yellow. But yellow makes me look weird. So RD it would be. And I would run around in it happy forever.
@YiJiang'sEvilClone It's just the generic mobile/beta site background color
@YiJiang'sEvilClone I sampled some colours from stackexchange.com I think
@AshleyNunn I look rather nice in yellow. =3
@timstone shhhh look at all the shiny things that could be created.
@Fluttershy Ah, I see it now.
@OrigamiRobot <3
@AshleyNunn :P
@fluttershy then you could be the Fluttershy to my RD <3
@AshleyNunn Same here. Yellow is not good on me
@Fluttershy If you are in a place where someone is likely to be beaten to death for any reason, you should probably move.
(the fic implications of that notwithstanding)
Well, same for the yellow part, not the fluttershy part
@saintwacko I want to wear yellow because I like it. But it haaaaaaates me b
@AshleyNunn *cough* Shipping *cough*
@AshleyNunn I've learned to avoid it
@yijiang giggles oh dear.
@YiJiang'sEvilClone It has come to my attention that Arqanoids will ship anything
@OrigamiRobot s/arqanoids/the internet
Welcome one and all to the first annual race to the end of the race... wait, Homestar Runner already did that one?
@OrigamiRobot RD x Fluttershy is probably the oldest ship in MLP.
@BenBrocka Doh!
someone was shipping their twitter followers with other twitter folowers the other day. Was weird
@YiJiang'sEvilClone My statement was not limited to MLP.
@yijiang which I realized after I said it. XD
And before you ask, no, I don't read shipfics
@yijiang I totally doooooo
@BenBrocka what. Seriously?
My Doh joke just went over your heads or was just ignored? :(
@Powerlord A mixture of both I think.
@AshleyNunn Well, he was saying he was more than annoying the actually shippage
It's not funny if I have to explain it, but Doh is the boss of Arkanoid.
@Powerlord I don't get how it applied, especially combined with the Homestar reference
> yes but u must find the magic unicorn and ask him to merge them and then you have to find the 3 main pieces of the rainbow slim jim
(random already deleted SO answer)
@Powerlord Oh, never actually played arkanoid
Hey guys, it's impossible find this in the internet, except two demos were found in gamespot and ign-pc sites. CGW demo for example was found into a magazine CD from PC Gamer. I'm asking if someone have these demos. If you have, share it in some sharing files site. — Allan 8 mins ago
@OrigamiRobot That was basically the original question
Someone kindly salvaged it by editing it into pieces
I played the hell out of one of those ReVolt demos
I have no idea which one it was though.
Whoever is voting to close that question as NC is wrong.
I think I tapped NC by mistake. Stupid phone. :(
@AshleyNunn GUILTY
Side thought: isn't the whole point of a demo to be shared?
@origamirobot I feel terrible forever
@badp There are still copyright issues.
When a demo is distributed through something like a magazine, the point is to sell more magazines.
Speaking from the Arqade viewpoint though, questions that just ask for a link (such as this one), aren't really a good fit.
@OrigamiRobot brb, I'm off to buy the March 1995 issue of IGN America just to get the companion CD. I'm sure they'll print a copy and burn a CD just for me
Anyone familiar with Unix around?
Some can be salvaged to answer the underlying question (which is what we do about "Where can I find a guide for X?" questions), but if the entire question is, "Link plz!", then we should be closing it.
@Wipqozn Try and ask your question
I'm no lawyer, but I'd imagine there is some license agreement that specifies it can only be distributed through the magazine.
I tried to salvage it, and got shut down.
@fbueckert No, just because they ask for a link doesn't mean we can only give them a link.
@badp Want to connect into someones already running session, whilst still having him connected and controlling it. In other words, I want us to both be able to control the session he is running. I know it's possible, but not sure how to do it, and my googlefu is failing me.
1 min ago, by fbueckert
Some can be salvaged to answer the underlying question (which is what we do about "Where can I find a guide for X?" questions), but if the entire question is, "Link plz!", then we should be closing it.
@Wipqozn okay, what flavour of Unix, what kind of session, etc.
@Wipqozn I've sshed into the same computer with a friend before.
@badp How does this resolve copyright issues?
Wait, did I miss something? Did I get shipped?
That worked like what you're describing
@Fluttershy Thank goodness no
@YiJiang'sEvilClone Go on.
@badp One second, let me check. It's the schools network.
@Fluttershy @Fluttershy and @Wipqozn sittin' in a tree
@YiJiang'sEvilClone Oh. Okay. I was really confused for a second.
@Fluttershy You are constantly being shipped.
@OrigamiRobot Well, I know we are to some degree. But I wouldn't say constantly.
@Wipqozn It was a server cluster we were suppose to use for a competition. Each team is assigned a username and password. We sshed into the server from our own home desktops, and found that we can basically work the same session
We can type over each other, etc.
@YiJiang'sEvilClone That's exactly what I'm looking for.
@YiJiang'sEvilClone I'm reminded of NCIS... two people on one keyboard.
@Fluttershy Yeah, it was like that at first
@Fluttershy Is @FAE ever not shipping us?
@fluttershy I said you could be the Fluttershy to my RD, then things got shippy for a moment.
We had to open an IM session beside it to keep things sane
@OrigamiRobot I'd imagine she doesn't when she's sleeping. She has some crazy dreams that likely distract her from shipping us.
@Fluttershy The brain can have multiple thoughts simultaneously.
@badp CentOS release 5.8; SSH
There's probably something saner than that
@Wipqozn Shell or GUI?
@badp shell
@AshleyNunn Aaah, gotcha. At least FA x RD is the safest of the MLP shippings...
Unfortunately I have no idea how it worked. I'm not sure if it was my friend who set the session up like that, or it was the admin
@OrigamiRobot you are underestimating her dreams.
@Wipqozn What I've seen is based on ssh + screen but I wouldn't be able to replicate it
I remember being able to open multiple sessions, only one of which is shared.
Basically what @YiJiang'sEvilClone's desribing, but using screen which means you get to work on multiple terminals independently at the same time
I know a person who's done this before. I can try and get him here if it helps
(alas he's afk on Skype)
@badp Screen seems to have helped me enough, thanks.
@YiJiang'sEvilClone that helps too.
I think I've found a few solutions.THank you @badp, @YiJiang'sEvilClone.
You're welcome
Why do I get bored when the conversation switches to something I know nothing about? <_<
I could say the same about the last three hours of MLP @Fluttershy
@badp I love how quickly you turned that against @Fluttershy. It's great.
@badp Well, there is one simple solution to that...
(and I "belong" to one of the apparently most annoying fandoms of the internet to boot)
@badp Beiber? Twilight?
@OrigamiRobot Homestuck
Q: Blizzard Download: This download is not authorized

GrognakOn Windows 7. When I download Starcraft Anthology from the website and try to install it on my computer I get the error "This download is not Authorized" followed by "There was a problem authenticating your download. Please go to http://www.blizzard.​com/account/ to start a new download." I've...

@YiJiang'sEvilClone three more hours of MLP?
You know the little annoying grey-painted horned loud cosplayers that get worked up about baskets in the relevant conventions
What the heck do I do with the giant "Googled reference" list there?
@badp Nope.
@BenBrocka Not what I had in mind, but that's a good alternative
@OrigamiRobot Consider yourself lucky
That stuff disgusts me too
(Never actually seen one with my eyes mind you)
I can make baskets.
@OrigamiRobot Yeah. Well the metal ones. I forget the exact name
@BenBrocka I like where your head's at, dood!
@badp I have no idea what you're talking about.
@Fluttershy Hey, you asked me not to talk about one of the things you DO know about
@OrigamiRobot A metal basket. A... uh, yeah, a bucket.
@Powerlord Eh?
Bucket's the word.
Weaving metal baskets is surprisingly difficult
I can't make buckets.
There were some hidden characters in the URL in the question. Weird.
@Fluttershy Don't tell me you forgot?
@OrigamiRobot I can make a paper cup, but I can't make buckets.
@YiJiang'sEvilClone Maybe he just wanted to make sure people wouldn't shut his question because he didn't google enough?
@Powerlord I didn't. I tried (and failed) to get you to lose.
@Fluttershy I can make a paper anything.
@OrigamiRobot Prove it. Make a paper time machine.
@OrigamiRobot Speaking of which, did you see the Yahtzee review of Paper Mario: Sticker Star Saga?
@Fluttershy Done.
@powerlord omg I want to see that review.
@AshleyNunn I could get you the link, but you can't see it on mobile devices
I hope that's the right link anyway
If I can remember correctly, he trashed the game
@YiJiang'sEvilClone that's kinda the point
@OrigamiRobot Buckets aren't metal baskets?
@yijiang that would not surprise me at all.
@BenBrocka There are actually games he likes.
Hm, baskets can have lids.
@YiJiang'sEvilClone Portal, Psychonaughts...if there were others I haven't seen them, but I haven't kept up on them for a while
In his Far Cry 3 review he admits he must be turning into a banana, because he's turning soft
@BenBrocka Minecraft, Far Cry 3
@badp I can't make a metal basket.
To a robot a metal basket is probably like a basket made out of flesh
@BenBrocka now I have mental images of that and it is gross.
Yeah metal baskets are pretty nasty
... Oh you.
@BenBrocka To a robot, humans are simply baskets made out of flesh.
@OrigamiRobot What are ponies to robots?
Other than best friends, of course.
@YiJiang'sEvilClone Yeah, and given that I beat world 1 and got bored with the game, I'd probably trash it if I reviewed it, too.
@Fluttershy Bigger flesh baskets.
@OrigamiRobot I don't think you know how to make baskets
@OrigamiRobot =(
@BenBrocka I didn't say I made the baskets.
@Fluttershy My best friend is not a pony.
@OrigamiRobot You can have multiple best friends.
@OrigamiRobot As far as you know
They can be sneaky
@Fluttershy I am aware, but none of mine are ponies.
Weee running 60 payroll reports at random until I find the one that has the formula I need to reuse
Cross Country Bus Travel: Extended Edition

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