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what do I win?
here's a star, be happy :)
you unlock the God of Tri-Force
@Ivo wins a cookie
btw your alignment is off
and you can't do it again if you dare to refresh :P
I know, Chromium didn't want to play nice pixel perfect wise
Ok, that was cool @badp
tried scrolling?
and if I wanted to retouch the image, well, I could very well just edit the numbers in and pretend it was true and it did happen at some time in the past
those are some very haunting ninja eyes in your avatar @badp
you should use them on the site @Jin :P
Yeah, those staring ninja eyes hide a secret. I cast a 250 rep bounty on meta to make this happen.
I was ready to cast another if necessary to align the score back to SO's (because I can't be arsed to budge my SO rep again :P)
maybe i'll add that to the top notification bar.. "Ceiling badp watching u repz"
but those are details.
quietly removes Skeet's counter from his stack applet
sweeeeet, there are all these hot girls in my comp sci classes
I'm so impressed
oh the classes are pretty cool too
@Mana Freshman?
pics or it didn't happen;)
:177312 it's mathematically proven that all hot girls in a CS class are in the wrong room
Yeah man
@Mana My experience is the hot ones dropped out after sophomore year. :(
fine, let me substitute cute for hot
Once they realize what a thankless job software dev is.
or maybe it goes the other way around
... I mean, good luck on your new career! ;)
hot for cute oh whatever
Hello everyone.
the girls that actually finish CS are your regular BOFH
@badp hot is relative, we don't know what @Mana considers hot
Considering I am going into CompSci, it's just as well that I'm more interested in cute guys :P
I wish flags were public...
closing my hot girls in comp sci question for subjectivity
chat is subjective!
anyways I'm going to go grab some food before my next class begins, peace
Apple: restores 15 HP
:177364 core dumped.
Silly. Rat meat. Restores 40 HP.
Seriously, why do so many RPGs feature rat meat?
Also, apple reduces your willpower score over time (it balances with charisma, however)
:177369 Because they all feature killing rats.
I will say I like what Oblivion did with the Fighters Guild = Rat Quest trend.
:177374 True. But still. It's kind of weird.
If I ever make an RPG, I am sure as hell thinking of something better than a rat for "generic really low level enemy".
:177369 In the Apocalypse, you will kill a man for rat meat.
Squirrels IMO
you can have an entire heirarchy of mutant squirrels
for all your low level adventurer fodder needs.
:177383 roaches?
:177390 Roach Meat makes even less sense than rat meat though.
And you need the meat from whatever you're killing to be useful. Otherwise, why would you kill it?
Though that didn't stop Fallout 3 I guess.
But the question is, how does Moira Brown know what old feet tastes like.
if i remember correctly in fallout 3 the roaches were pretty big, so their meat is a bit plausible, but just a tiny bit.
:177396 Well, if you blow up Megaton, she comes back as a ghoul.
Maybe she's been engaging in a bit of "Wasteland Survival"?
I've never been able to get into Fallout, tbh
3 or the original?
Managed to get around 30% of the game but was KOed by the overwhelming bloom.
@Macha I could see Fallout 3 not being super intriguing without having played and loved the originals.
It's so weird to participate in another beta of a site where List of X is allowed.
which one @ArdaXi?
Android one
that just launched, so kind of unfair ;)
Damn, it has a lot of questions Oo
I didn't anticipate that when adding it to my feed notifier
yeah, most sites gradually tighten what they allow
Not sure if we fall in that category
you mean Gaming?
we weren't so gradual
double-checks Yeah, this is the Gaming room ;-)
about what ... 7 days in we opened up the water cannons on list questions
your welcome @CRoss
for what?
for opening fire
yes, thank you
so obviously Gaming is going to make it
can I ask the room if y'all have any suggestions for getting attention for RPG?
does it allow video game RPGs?
no, specifically pen and paper
hmm, I'm totally not into it
all I can imagine is that it would be nice to have banners at different events and/or shops that sell the requirements for board games
and luckily the events don't have to be large ones, just the local ones where RPG-lovers go to
:177625 Like Games Workshop IIRC
yeah, I'm quite sure that those people would love such a site
they are the 'experts' you want to draw in
I once walked into a Games Workshop in England while expecting something much different.
It's a really weird shop when you don't know what to expect.
I can't wait to get a 3D printer at home, so I can print those awesome board figures
actually y'all are discribing a different but related site and type of game
ah then I really don't know where to promote you :P
@CRoss Wizards Play Network Locations, D&D players can be found there.
:177679 I'm in the local game, and I'm already advertising to people there
but yes, it's a good place
remember [android] on SO? it would be fun if they managed to do the same for [dungeons-and-dragons] on RPG.
:177683 for some reason, that question made me think of Lufia.
|genre = Action role-playing game |modes = Single player |ratings= |platforms=Nintendo DS |media=Game Pak }} Lufia: Curse of the Sinistrals, released as in Japan, is an action role-playing game (RPG) video game co-developed by Neverland and Square Enix for the Nintendo DS. It is a re-imagining of the 1995 Super Nintendo Entertainment System game Lufia II: Rise of the Sinistrals, also developed by Neverland. Gameplay Unlike the previous Lufia games, this is an action-rpg game similar to games like The Legend of Zelda, Secret of Mana, and Kingdom Hearts. Gameplay is no longer turn-based...
only three more days for badge, and vacation next week... that is a close call.
:177716 Can you set up a script to automate a login from your computer at home while you're out of town?
Wouldn't have to automate a login
just send one request with your cookies
hmm... I wonder if there's a solution already availble on SO or something ;)
otherwise it would make one heck of a question ;)
:177737 Yeah, I didn't mean automate a password entry or anything. I just meant a site visit.
:177739 I could make one in 5 minutes on a Mac with Automator and zero programming skills. Someone more knowledgable could of course, do me one better or produce something usable onf another OS.
:177742 password? I don't even use a password to login.
:177745 I use my google account for openID stuff
point is, you know what I mean.
we could use this on the gaming blog: webapps.stackexchange.com/questions/2741/…
that is how you announce a delay
ok that was fun
soon[TM] by Blizzard :P
valve knows how to announce delays too: destructoid.com/…
I like Magickas announcement more.
Valve finally acknowledged Valve Time?
I don't think they've ever really denied it
"A delayed game is eventually good. A bad game is forever bad."
:177837 Not denying isn't the same as acknowledging
:177842 And vapourware never gets the chance to be bad
However, there might be cases where vapourware actually might be good.
Q: Design Ideas for Gaming Site (updated with screenshots v2)

JinHi all. I'm Jin and I'll be working on the designs for the Stack Exchange sites as they graduate from the beta phase. Each site will have its own unique theme that will reflects its topic. However, all sites will share quite a bit of common elements so they feel like they're part of the Stack Exc...

looking great @Jin
I'm not sure how much I like the blockiness of the S's in "Ask Question"
thanks. the pixel art took a while to do...
just slightly worried by some characters that look less great when pixelated, such as the A in Add
i'm definitely open for font tweaking.
Holy shit :)
I like how That one level jumps off the screen
the questions are also very legible
yeah i wanted the logo to pop some, so it doesn't get lost in the 2d pixel arts in the header.
I really like the badge coins btw.
i still need to create the logo to go with the "That One Level" text.
My only concern is the legibility of the pixel-y font
only think that anything smaller than Interesting tags looks poor when pixelated
certainly needs some font tweaking for legibility, the general direction is perfect however.
i'll have to test once when in the css conversion process.
I'd have to agree there :(
I guess the way Photoshop does font rendering is quite irrelevant here
right now the silkscreen font is something i'm not sure about for the top.
yeah. photoshop has its own text rendering engine, aka CRAP
It'll be nice to have some color :)
I'm kind of iffy about the top bar, is it supposed to be white entirely?
Question titles font is not optimal. sidebar is completely perfect.
it looks like the text in badges is bold, but if I look at SU they're non-bold
oh, you forgot the envelope
I rather like the question titles font, I think it's got that nicely modern feel while still feeling game-y
I'm not sure whether the numbers of the rep (at the top) are legible in this font and if they even need to be pixelated next to such awesome coins :D
I'm not a fan of Inconsolata, but I can live with it.
votes, answers, views is also a normal font, I think it would look better if the username+rep would also have that font
They're medals, not coins. If they were coins, they'd have to stay near rep counts.
coins... medals... it only matters when you get over 100.
sorry to disappoint you, but they remind me of Mario coins
:177889 I know, but they're totally medals in meaning :)
totally the same...
more fair, the super mario 3 coin:
That design should read less "Jin 218" and more "MARIO X5"!! (kidding)
i linked the google font-face page for Inconsolata, see how it works in real action
Question: what games make the design think you about?
i did forget about the envelope...
space invaders
"In space, no one can hear the notifications"
:177898 That game with the big green shields obviously
space invaders
"In space, no one can hear you @-reply"
the green tabs with damage made me think about space invaders.
I don't listen anyway @badp
:177909 sorry, could you repeat?
not sure I could hear you :P
I for one like Yanone Kaffeesatz the best out of Google's Font Directory
It isn't blocky enough though, I'm afraid
@Jin, what is the rgb value for the font of the question title.
@alexanderpas #106606
keep in mind, text rendering in my mockup isn't too accurate to how it'd render once as pure text on a webpage. especially if the text is small.
photoshop does a pretty poor job of rendering text unfortunately.
So is ThatOneLevel the final name?
it's at least the name we have dibs on if the others are not availble.
I like it the way it is now, it seems to fit and isn't very generic
not happy about the phat footer font, but the small footer font is perfect.
Again, I'd rather wait to see the actual font rendering as performed by the browser before commenting on it
true, but for the question title, actual browser rendering: code.google.com/webfonts/family?family=Inconsolata
if you have firefox, play around with it.
but feel free to comment still. the goal of me posting the mockup is to get the "overall" look and feel
to me that's more important. i can work out all the smaller details once in CSS
@Jin a mock-up of an actual Q&A page, in addition to the front page is also very welcome... after all, it's the Q&A this site is about ;)
@alexanderpas agreed! that will be up tomorrow
Well, I don't know if it's PS to blame there, but the pixelated font is generally unreadable
footer is worst offender, sidebar is good kid in the house.
so far, we agree the pixelated font may be a trouble maker. this applies to silkscreen font that's in the header and footer.
once i'm in CSS mode, if it doesn't work well then i'll use something else. i just thought it looks the best with the header arts.
Silkscreen Bold is the troublemaker I think.
On a completely unrelated note, that headers brings me back to yet another of my failed pet project, Situational Awareness, a blocky font that only looked good in FontStruct's editor. Luckily, I realized before I started doing lowercase.
:177946 broken link vs broken link?
i say the top broken link wins.
I can see the image.
because you have it cached
right click and pick 'open in a new tab'
8pt is good, but that'd be too small for our use
even at 8pt the bold looks bad.
yeah bold doesn't look good
i may try to find another pixel font that looks sharper at bigger size.
i still would like to get a pixel display font for the top links. however, readability comes first. if nothing works out, i'll use something safe
fontroulette: next! :D
comic sans
Well, the top links may very well be images if all else goes wrong
with Hot Dog color scheme
That's the high contrast mode. Then I'd suggest Wide Latin.
I can-haz fontforge (I just love my alias commands)
FontForge is probably nice for normal fonts, I just wanted something that looked okay at a very specific size with antialiasing off
Apparently, however, a font 8 blocks high that is shown in the preview 8 pixels high etc. doesn't necessarily translate in a font that looks good at 8 pt.
How naive of me. :)
Actually that was doubly stupid of me as the game renders the font at 7pt
It's painfully hilarious to read execs at Nokia dropping ship, while the only thing they should do is built a great Android phone...
Android is the last thing Nokia should do
They have Meego, they have Symbian, they have QT, they have a shitton of technology available to them
I didn't say they should invest largely in it
Android would be admitting defeat...
just bring out a phone, until Meego get's up to speed (which isn't exactly now)
All I know I have is drowsiness.
they could make be taken HTCs profit in Europe if they had a Nokia Android phone
hows that?
01:14 you mean.
it's the same for me, I just got out of bed 0:30 PM, so I'm fine
The problem isn't 1am, the problem is my 7am wakeup last morning :/
plus I still need to export 20 dog's measurements
Just make them up in paint :P
:178060 Try using jQuery.
for what?
silly question
jQuery is great and does all things -- fishnipples 2 days ago
well, it's a silly response as I have to do the exporting in the pressure measuring software, so unless it has some Sikuli like magic and can speed up Labview crap :P
A: The Many Memes of Meta

TheTXIMeme: jQuery Originator: Unknown (possibly Ólafur Waage) Cultural Height: TBD Background: A Stack Overflow-centric meme, jQuery begin its career early on as the answer to beat for any question that even remotely referenced JavaScript. Its popularity became so great that eventually jQuery becam...

I try to avoid those questions @alexanderpas
It's still the cultural reference behind the joke, @Ivo
I like your picture @badp and actually I did notice it in Joel Coelhoorn's comments
looks confused
woops, sorry thinking of too many things at once
the pic's bobince's.
ROFL, I only now noticed the related column
yeah, Where are my legs?
What's the best number
A: Suggest a CAPTCHA image

alexanderpashow about our Robotic Operating Buddy (larger image on wikipedia)

have you guys seen Jin's latest mock-up of site design?
it's soooooooo good
what has changed?
we've seen it :D
in Gaming on Meta Stack Overflow Chat, Sep 13 at 22:03, by Jin
Q: Design Ideas for Gaming Site (Updated with Sceenshot)

JinHi all. I'm Jin and I'll be working on the designs for the Stack Exchange sites as they graduate from the beta phase. Each site will have its own unique theme that will reflects its topic. However, all sites will share quite a bit of common elements so they feel like they're part of the Stack Exc...

I'm too slow, clearly
@Ivo seems slow too... ;)
I just wish the transition from body to footer was more gradual
but no, you're not slow, jun just passed by and informed us.
Is the sitename used in the mockup the final name? didn't realize that had been decided if so
he just picked one of the top ones, most likely
ja, beta gaming doesn't really make a good mock-up name
I'm starring all these dude images, dude
and I like it the way it currently is tbh
they're too good
(that could be classified as a chrono trigger spoiler....)
Am I the only person that always renamed people to their actual names in CT?
like, Frog became glenn
Marle became Nadia
Chrono became... Chrono...
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