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I knew there was some way of doing this without flood fill and worrying about slipping through cracks, but was having trouble figuring it. Then I stumbled across that. Exactly what I wanted.
and also TIL
Ah right, smart
Way easier than fucking around with flood fill in this case
Yeah, I was considering something like that at first, but I didn't think it through enough so I assumed it would have been more complicated
Who knows, maybe if I had taken that route I would have made it complex
@Ronan Easy enough to do.
@Wipqozn The flood isn't actually that bad because you're still stopped by the loop even if there's a crack, but you have to traverse the loop first
8 hours later…
@Nzall <sarcasm>Who wouldn't want to vote for the game that included the bear?</sarcasm>
Apparently you can still manage to bring Barret to the date in the FF7 remake
so many out-of-place Zack scene
now apparently the new popular theory on reddit is that Zack scenes are all set in afterlife in the Lifestream, and the awoke characters there are either dead or unconscious in the real world. So Cloud would be unconscious in Zack "world" because he is actually alive.
Same theory says that now Sephiroth really wants to merge the living and the afterlife worlds.
Seems possible (especially if you consider how that scene in the first game was called in the Ultimecia guide) but then I don't understand why the dog is different
Best part of the mess:
Marlene says to Zack that "When she wakes up a scary man is going to kill her"
People interpreted this as Marlene being unconscious and therefore in "Zack" afterlife world.
The line meaning "Aerith will awake here (afterlife) when someone kills her in the real world"
but the Japanese line is.... surprise surprise.... COMPLETELY DIFFERENT!!!!!
> やがっ た 誰 に も 言わ
ない お姉ちゃん は ね 怖い 人 に 殺さ れ ちゃう
should be something like "The girl didn't tell anyone that she will be killed by a scary man"
no mention of "awakening"
@SPArcheon I know it's hard to understand the appeal of deviant encounters if you're not interested in sexuality
But most of the Internet does in fact have a borderline unhealthy fixation with that sort of thing
And you EXTREMELY rarely get a game where you can have an encounter like that, and even the games that give that sort of encounter usually have it either as a bad end or are straight up porn games
Again. Context.
I assume that 90% of the people buying BG3 didn't buy it because they wanted to play a (bear) romance simulator. Therefore, that kind of content comes out VERY unsuspected and very inappropriate.
As a parallel, if I was to buy a new Doom 5 game I would "walk in" knowing that I am about to get a bloody and very violent game. But I would not expect sexual content.
Here we sadly have come to expect "romance" in adventure games, and devs are wasting their focus on things like "now with full nudity" and such. But apparently it was not enough for them, so they had to find some mor
Also, and I have already said it before.... that idea that "table top rpg games are NSFW" is exactly the genre of stereotype that many actual table top rpg players want to avoid.
@SPArcheon Baldur's Gate 3 was in early access for a long while and it did have sexual content in that early access period. And it's a D&D game, which is known for memes like "roll to seduce the dragon" and terminally horny bards
But yep... I would love to know how many BG3 players actually play tabletop D&D
@Nzall read line above again.
and in the RPG genre in general, romance options are becoming more and more common, including sex scenes
Witcher 3 had them, Cyberpunk had them, Dragon Age had them, Mass Effect had them
@Nzall Wow, Witcher... because those devs have always been a good example example, right? "we don't objectify women.... we just make collectible cards of them"
Alas, there is a tabletop RPG that is so horrible that the RPG chatroom has an unwritten rule to never speak its name. Maybe they could make a game about that.
And with that I think I will stop.
Sorry, but you're not going to convince me or anyone else that sexual content in videogames is bad
Pro Wrestling, ending.
Also, did I even try?
Oh good, I've been waiting for todays problem. I wanted an excuse to create some graphs functionality in C#.
oh wait, I don't think you actually need any graphs at all
Yeah no graphs, just a classic sparse data problem
I should work out how to properly profile my solutions, it's a tad slow which I suspect is something to do with the pairwise comparisons
@Fredy31 there were jokes about Ganyu and Shense dress being part of a single dress split in two. If this is Cloud Retainer human form, then apparently it was the only one she had in the first place.
Also, is she Cereza in disguise?
Getting 388 on the test input. Slightly too high. Hmmm. Probably an off by 1 error somewhere or something.
Won't have time to debug it much now. About to jump into an interview. I wore a nice shirt and everything!
Maybe I expanded too much .Seems more likely.
oh, my expansion formula is just fucking up all over the place. That explains it.
I don't understand why, but for some reason my part2 is running significantly faster than part 1
Well that escalated quickly
Yeah, I think I'm going to rewrite my part 1
I think that interview went well.
Always hard to judge.
@MBraedley Is part 2 bonkers?
@Wipqozn No, but you can't modify the input like you might do for part 1. Which is something I should have figured would be the case because doing that is a whole lot of extra code.
@MBraedley Oh you're right, I don't need to modify the input for part 1.
Maybe I won't bother fixing my expansion bug at all. I'll just do it differently.
oh wait
nevermind, I see what you mean
you literally meant modify the input
I thought you meant you didn't need to expand the input after ytou read it in
oh yeah, I was inserting strings and chars into my input.
You rebel
According to the subreddit, I'm not the only one to have done that.
It was clearly suggesting you do that, but then I've done previous years so I know that's a trap
Yeah, I should have recognized the trap but I had barely finished my first coffee when I started part 2.
1 hour later…
No Gravity Games is doing the free Switch game Advent thing again. Dec 11, through Dec 20. Get a free indie game each day.
> This offer is only valid for Nintendo accounts assigned to the Americas region
@Ronan Just move to the US of A.
It'll save me a whole £3.49 on picross games
@Ronan Think of all the coffee you could buy with that!
@Ronan was just going to point out that.
alas, luckily none of the games on that looks that interesting.
@Wipqozn After expanding the rows/columns, I forgot to update the index of which rows/columns needed updating. So I had the right number of expansions. I was just expanding on the wrong spot after each expansion.
@MBraedley oh you DID mean the thing I thought you meant originally
@Wipqozn Oh yeah, I did the stupid and had to redo my solution for part 2
1 hour later…
oh fuck off, gotta be int overflow I bet
I need to just start using long by default.
because I'm confident that's the problem
THanks @MBraedley
dang, I can't find the message from a few years ago where you were all "Your problem is integer overflow"
but basically as soon as I came to chat to complain "why isn't it working" I saw your force and heard "It's integer overflow" in my head.
Dec 18, 2021 at 1:16, by MBraedley
apparently you're wrong
That's the closest I could find, but I know there was something else afterwards.
Anyways, point is, today is done.
Dec 17, 2021 at 11:48, by MBraedley
@Wipqozn need 64-bit
@MBraedley Back when chat was active. RIP fredley. He's a dad now.
@Batophobia Was anyone able to get the first game? Apparently you need to sign up for their newsletter to get the code for game #0 and that hasn't sent me any email so I'm stuck…
Like you need a game (I'm calling it #0) before you can get the picross game (#1)
3 hours later…
@Laurel I got the first one, but I was signed up from last years, so idk

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