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@MBraedley Oh?
@Wipqozn Yeah, my solution was larger than a 32-bit number
@MBraedley hmm weird. See my solution runs, it just gives a wrong answer apparently.
oh I sewe what you mean
but also I used python which means I don't need to care
apparently you're wrong
oh my
A: How can I initialize and use 64-bit integer in Python3

Ignacio Vazquez-AbramsYou've misinterpreted their warning. They're telling you to use a larger type than normal in order to avoid overflow issues seen with a 32-bit type. Since Python's int is essentially boundless there will never be an overflow issue.

Apparently not?
A: getting 64 bit integer in python

TaymonPython 2 has two integer types: int, which is a signed integer whose size equals your machine's word size (but is always at least 32 bits), and long, which is unlimited in size. Python 3 has only one integer type, which is called int but is equivalent to a Python 2 long.

2 hours later…
Man sometimes i like the fact that when i code i dont need to deal with snakes
7 hours later…
hahahaha look. I've made my avatar eat my hat
oh. it's very small
how many lines until it becomes big?
2 hours later…
@MattE.Эллен I went to your site profile and it's very funny.
@Wipqozn thanks :D
Did people ever figure out what thought bubble was rewarded for?
NEed to check the hat meta
oh okay, interesting
2 hours later…
I don't even know how to approach today's AoC
I'm still way behind.
2 hours later…
I think I may be going overboard...
4 hours later…
JFC, that was a royal pain in the ass
Ugh, I really need to get caught up
I haven't been at it all day, took a break to get some food and watch some YouTube, but that part 1 was a part 2 level of difficulty
At least in the manner I tackled the problem.
I'm days behind at this point
I should have just done string parsing instead of the complicated data structure I came up with.
could have made my life a bit easier if I hadn't used std::variant and had instead used std::optional for the real value in a node.
Honestly, I think "find the sum of the magnitudes" should have been part 1 and then part 2 should have been "find the magnitude of the sum"
@SaintWacko yeah same. 'm doing yesterday right now.
I still never got day 16 part 2 working... it's not integer overflow like @MBraedley was thinking I don't believe, since python doesn't care about that.
Going to worry about it after I get caught up
Got some weird ass fucking bug somewhere. Something to do with how I'm parsing tested packets I'm guessing.
Yeah, I'm going to stretch out on the couch later and work on it
I can't get what should be an easy part 2 to work for today.
Shit, I think my values are getting modified because I'm not making copies of my data structures
Ouch, I ran into that on an earlier one
I'm using a bunch of shared pointers, and they are not at all const correct.
I think my only real option is to create a temporary using the string constructor and ToString method.
which, from a performance perspective, sucks.
this is why a coworker-turned-contractor hates shared pointers
Actually, didn't need the ToString, just stored the string values in the input vector.
And also took a pretty big performance hit reinstantiating each snail number in the n-squared check.
Okay well day 17 was easy enough to just brute force
You're safe to make an assumption for part 1 that means you don't have to brute-force it, but all you can really do for part 2 is slice obvious failures and brute force the rest.
yeah that's exactly what I did. You just do a range of all velocities which could possibly work based on the target area, and then just simulate all of them.
javascript is ginving me a weird bug. I know, I know, it's my own fault for using javascript
still on part 1
@MattE.Эллен You should use jQuery instead.
well meme'd, sir
@Wipqozn For part 2 you can first test just x before testing both x and y. That reduces the target space a lot.
@MBraedley Clever!
That's the slicing I'm talking about
I was too lazy to think that much about it haha,e specially since I'm tryting to catch up
@MBraedley I just do:
for x in range(targetarea.x2+1):
    for y in range(targetarea.y1, targetarea.x2+1):
Where x2 is the highest x value and y is the lowest y value
+1 since python range(y, x) won't actually test x, so need x+1.
	for (int xVel = 1; xVel <= xMax; xVel++)
		if (tgt.TestXVelocity(xVel))
			for (int yVel = yMin; yVel <= yIVel; yVel++)
				if (tgt.TestXYVelocity(xVel, yVel))
yIVel came from part 1
Could also generate independent lists of x and y velocities and then test the combinations of all of them.

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