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Seems more of a move to introduce the "corrupted glass" thing that was mentioned in the old weekend quicksilver events before the focus shifted to "expeditions".
Notice that "glass" is mentioned in Artemis lore too.
also.... why I have this weird felling that I will log in the game only to discover that my main base planet now is a corrupted planet?
1 hour later…
@SPArcheon don't think so. i think a universe structure is pre-generated in terms of terrain of planets. the on the fly generation i think is stuff like crashes, settlements and other events
like easy way to test the former is to save, go into a new system and see if the planets are different after a reload
while save scrumming is already a know tactic to get certain events such as distress calls being crashed ships to claim or settlements
@SPArcheon oh yeh it does mention that
Yeah if I had to guess id say that stuff is not pregenerated
and so they dont have to change things that are already generated
just like in minecraft: When they add new stuff it never changes what you already discovered; new ores or new stuff will only be found when you generate new chunks
@Fredy31 Nope: NMS does NOT work like Minecraft.
In Minecraft generated chunks are saved, so even if the generation algorithm changes it will only affect newly generated chunks.
In NMS the planets have no form of persistence other than a small "local" implementation (that is probably there only so that you can't respaw resources just by going far enough). An hole you dug on a planet won't stay there.
This obviously brings a problem:
when they update world gen they can choose two paths:
- add MORE planets. Basically, by altering the system generation a system that had 2 planets can be extended to have 4. The new planets use a different generation algorithm. This option has been used for the updates that introduced huge changes, for example the Origin update.
> Existing solar systems have birthed new planets, creating millions of untouched new worlds to explore
- alter the generation algorithms for existing planets: this CAN change the nature of an existing planet even if the players has a base there.
Note that if you actually consider how the game works is quite evident that only these two options exist: either you add a NEW planet that wasn't there in the previous update or you modify EXISTING planets.
Consider this scenario: player A and B both discover Planet Alfa. Player A discovers the planet before the update, player B afterward.
They go online and both go to Planet A.
Do you really expect them to see different "versions" of the planet?
1 hour later…
Never played NMS but thinking about it; isnt the point of the game you go on a planet, do a little exploring/getting ressources, and then move on?
you dont really have a base you go back to over and over and over again?
so a planet you previously explored changing is not that big an issue?
One of the updates added base building
does this answer your question?
There's teleporters and stuff to easily get back and everything
you DO move, but since you have teleporters you will pick a planet as "home" and build stuff there. Minecraft style
hunh ok so yeah, your home planet suddenly being filled with bees would suck
If I was in their pants i would probably put a condition that if the planet has a home base, it cannot be hit with the update
or even that any discovered planet may not change
by your messages it felt like the previous major update added planets, but didnt poof any out of existance
@Fredy31 see above. How would that work with online?
Would guess its a non possibility. The server gives the planet, i would be surprised if it was locally stored.

So if you go online both will have the same planet
two different players could end up with different versions of the same planet.
And I would guess NMS is an 'always online' game anyways
@Fredy31 not at all.
Like I said, its probably not locally stored. The server gives the planet on entry
And if you go online from a savefile that wasnt, then you are getting the updated information
Server takes priority over local
nope, makes no sense.
You can enable online --while playing--
I know because I had to do that during the Utopia expedition because some milestones required you to upload a base.
all the generation is on your side.
would guess that when offline the only player modifications you have access to are those you discovered, any modifications you make will be uploaded to the server when you connect. And if 2 players happened to discover the same planet, the first to log in and 'post' the information gets the priority
and if 2 people make a base on the same planet, I guess the 2nd one to log in would get overwritten
The server just sends you data about bases that someone made and then "published" online. Or the position of other players if you manage to find someone (usually because you agreed to meet at a specific spot)
there is no "server side version of the planet"
there is if you uploaded your base
or i guess the part of the planet its on
@Fredy31 this.
the base is only one zone of the planet.
but at that point, here is how it deals with it when you login:

If, on the server, when it looks up that planet's zone, its empty, it will write your base in it.

If its not empty, I would guess its takes another zone on the planet and sticks your base there.

You probably would get an error if somehow all regions on a planet are taken
And I would guess for discoveries, its first come, first served
or you always get your local, but on the server it could be different, if 2 people registered the same planet
@Fredy31 look, I don't know how the game manages to handle two bases in the exact same spot, I guess the game would refuse to send you the info about the other one.
Like if I register it as Butts, you register it as 'Pen island' and you connect first to upload your modifications to the database:

For everybody its gonna be Pen island, for me it will be butts
But we are missing the point.
there is probably conditions on how to marry information, and we will never know except if we test it out
at the end it could be something stupid like 'anybody that tries to upload over some already existing information is let upload over'
If I go to a planet before the update and at the time it was a lush planet, but the update cause it to change to a volcanic planet then a new player would see a vulcanic planet.
there are so many planets maybe they didnt put in any logic because they tought it would not happen in a few thousand years
yeah to go back to the og point: I would guess planets registered or planets that have a base on it are exempt from the update
there is probably a filter
or it will just happen, and they will give you a free move of your uploaded base somewhere else
@Fredy31 HHHAAAAAAAA! angry noises. You miss the point! If I never uploaded my base your reasoning means that the planet would be exempt ONLY FOR ME and that would cause a mess when I go online and meet someone who went to that planet AFTER the update.
So that pushes me into the theory that all planets will be updated, base or not
Furthermore, like I already said, there is plenty of posts online with messages like "My planet changed after update XYZ"
but to keep the pitchforks down, probably they will offer you a free move or something
@Fredy31 "probably they will offer you a free move or something" - wait, are you assuming you have to PAY for the base? As in ... real money?
@SPArcheon So you got your answer: no protections, no nothing, if you are bad lucky and the planet updates, your precious planet is gone
its the roleplay of it all, you are stuck in that cataclysm, and you can't do shit about it
@Fredy31 Oh, I already knew that. It is @Memor-X who apparently thinks you are "protected" :P
not pay but people that spent hours making their base a full recreation of the Luigi's Mansion mansion would be pissed
I am fully aware of that, I was explaining the things to you folks.
@Fredy31 that is why I think that either those are NEW planets, or planets that were already "corrupted" in a way before.
For example they could have converted some of the "aggressive sentinels" planets to "corrupted sentinels"
@SPArcheon The comments that say this makes me think any planet is on the chopping block

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