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Played my first ranked games on MTG Arena today and have had more success than expected. I'm using a modified version of the On the Hunt starter deck (Gruul, werewolf tribal, day and night).
I honestly don't want to be spending too much time on Magic as I've got a lot of other things to catch up on.
My experience was that modified starter decks got me up to Silver, or maybe Gold, but then I needed a stronger deck to get past that.
Besides, most of that deck is going to rotate out of Standard in the fall.
So yeah. It's a good place to start but there's a lot ahead of me.
@murgatroid99 The mana base was a big sticking point. I swapped out quite a few of the taplands...
I'd expect to get to Silver but struggle past that point.
I've been using a mono-red aggro deck, specifically this one because it didn't require many wildcards
What's a wild card @murgatroid99?
A wildcard can be traded in for an arbitrary card of the same rarity.
Ah okay
So an Arena thing
and oh yeha, raririties. Don't they have like 2 rarities above Rare now?
Just one, Mythic
No, only one.
I remember reading about that way back and it also being annoying. Rare was already rare enough.
mythic, right.
Good ol' mono-red burn. Glad to see it's still a thing.
Mechanized Warfare is neat
Yeah, and it works really well with End the Festivities
Enchantment Creature? That's new.
@Wipqozn Introduced in Theros.
Oh so a really long time ago, ha. Just shows how long it's been.
Whatever set had Oblivion Ring first is when I stopped playing.
I've got so many of those packed away in storage somewhere.
I loved them. Was just a really handy card.
Mythic rare was introduced in Shards of Alara.
The oldest cards in my physical collection are from Core Set 2020.
I've been following the game pretty closely, but haven't actually played until less than two weeks ago.
I started playing back when they had a VHS that came with a starter set for teaching you the game. It wasn't until high school that I started playing it really heavily though, and then after high school I stopped playing.
At one point I thought about jumping back in, but I ended up playing Netrunner instead. Then FFG completely fucked up Netrunner and now it's dead.
Every so often I consider jumping into arena though
10 hours later…
1 hour later…
Wheatly is neither meticulous nor dependable honestly
@Elva ok, then I guess the only other option left is to call it "Navi"
Probably fits
on a totally unrelated notice, I am kinda curios about what Sega though process is.
> We need an april fool, what can we do? What about a game that has our mascot get murdered on a train?
and then it gets more attention that your last 3d open world game.
It needs a lot smaller team, and people are always wanting for detective games, so it's not surprising that it's getting attention
Plus the characters are the main draw for sonic these days, so a VN makes sense
Honestly I wouldn't be against more sonic VNs with intermittent classic sonic gameplay segments. It works really well
@bwDraco I've got a mono-red burn deck and a selesnya enchantments deck that I swap between depending on the dailies
In arena, at least
In paper, my main deck is this
@Ronan Really it feels like Sega has got a lot less protective of sonic in the last few years.
Because they seem to know they have no clue what to do with his character lol
The british sonic comic would like to disagree
True dat
But I guess in terms of video games, its not just sega internal teams that do it now
For those who didn't know, they allowed someone to make a separate sonic comic with no relation to the existing cannon, with no oversight in the 90s
@Ronan well. Let me put this into a better context.
Usually people love to say that Nintendo is stupid for having managed to get one of their most loved characters into the hands of Square.
result: best we got in more than 15 years is this...
and before, the smallest cameo ever.
Yet no one talks about the idiocy of Sega with Sonic comics.
First, the "I really want this" crossovers that never made it to an actual game
I never said sega's handling of sonic was a bad thing. The fact that people still love sonic despite making middling at best games is testament to that
Maybe actually getting Capcom on board to do a GAME collaboration requires too much work?
(Note: it is not like Capcom brain works either, as a certain character stuck on the moon since 2008 kinda proves... "not enough requests"....)
Then what about the fact that Sega manages to both own and not own this?
It is Sonic... but it is not "Sega". So they can't use the characters in the games
Fans wanted to see Sally Acorn in a game for ages but they can't
Sonic Forces basically screams "I should have been Archie Sonic"
Sally already basically used a wispeon equivalent.
If they'd had forethought, they would have included that they could use the new characters in their archie contract
I'm surprised that they couldn't re-negotiate that though, I'm sure it would have driven traffic to the comic
It is very funny when you announce a "darker Sonic game that has Eggman controlling the world and the main characters joining in a resistance front".
That's prime SatAM crossover too
For a second when I saw the first rumors about Sonic Forces I actually hoped they finally managed to get the permission to make a Freedom Fighters Sonic game.
@Ronan oh, well, see this
Basically first the comic reused the characters in a different narration context, then it shifted to be more like the show, then only the comic was left.
That said, I always wondered on a specific thing.
If the alleged rumor that Sega can't use the Freedom Fighters in an actual game due to licensing issues is true...
then how did Sally manage to show up for a split frame in Sonic Spinball?
and not just her.
@SPArcheon Well, not like they knew before it released, or even before Mario RPG became a classic that Gino would be loved.
And well by that point, everything is signed
@Fredy31 yep, but they were making a Mario game. So it only takes a little insight to foresee that you could need the characters for a sequel in the future.
Again, to put it into context, it would be like saying that Nintendo can't mention Metroid Prime or Dark Samus in a new game because Retro Studio owns them
Obviously in that case Nintendo didn't leave the characters IP in the hands of Retro Studio
Guess nintendo has learned
Probably the contract back then: We are renting you mario (and the universe) for a share of the profits; Now: Anything created within that universe is also propriety of nintendo
2 hours later…
Q: Screenshot of the Week #88: Easter (Eggs)

JoachimHello and welcome to the 88th edition of the Screenshot of the Week! To start with, congratulations to the winner of the previous contest! GammaGames' moody picture from hogwarts-legacy of dancing apparitions won with 10 upvotes! To submit a screenshot, simply post it as an answer to this quest...


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