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@YiJiang Nice! I wonder what's the point of the votes then
@YiJiang Oh!
Q: Multplayer html5 Canvas Card game

JohnyHello and excuse me if this question has been asked before. I am in the process of designing a multi-player card game but I find it difficult to decide which engine to use (or if i should use one at all). Most demos available are buggy and not smooth enough so I wonder if that would be the case...

belongs on gameDev
so, I guess this means not all the levels have secret rooms
I think that item doesn't show secret rooms. Unless I'm mistaken.
or the Treasure Map would've shown it
@murgatroid99 Seems like a rather poor question - game engine rec for building a card game? Eh. Anyway, any of the mods want to ask if the game dev people wants this question?
@RavenDreamer Treasure Map doesn't reveal Top Secret/Hidden rooms, but does reveal Secret rooms
(This is not the compass)
@QAdp Try the blank space in the middle there.
ya, hwha?
I never found it very difficult to find the secret rooms in The Binding of Isaac, because more often than not, they were in a blank spot on the map bordered by at least three other rooms.
also I love how Steam Remote Install claims my Win8 machine actually is a Mac.
@QAdp I'm guessing it's a bug
@QAdp Ha! How does it manage that?
@murgatroid99 Likely.
@YiJiang I guess it's like "is it a version of Windows I know? Then it must be a Mac!"
@QAdp I've seen a secret room in every floor that I can ever remember checking thoroughly
I have 10 bombs so I can't check it ALL
@QAdp have you checked those areas already?
I'm pretty sure every floor has a secret room.
If there's a blank spot on the map bordered by at least three other rooms, there's a good bet it's a secret room.
And you can open them from any side.
I'm so used to spotify, I keep closing Windows Media Player when I try to minimize it.
Geez, 3 comments in < 3 seconds.
@GnomeSlicE O_O
@RavenDreamer You must be spectcularly wrong!
@RavenDreamer ...What?
@QAdp More like 3 people being simultaneously helpful.
@GnomeSlicE You posted a comment a second after mine.
@RavenDreamer Oh, hah.
I flagged it for mod attention too, sorry.
I've already asked the game dev mods if they want it, so now we wait!
Is the soundtrack for Q.U.B.E. any good?
Rah, I don't have quite enough in my paypal to get both QUBE and Warp.
Goddamn US exchange.
We don't like your money, eh?
Spend 12 hearts in a Blood donation machine, get an IV bag. Spend ½ heart in another onne, get the blood bag.
Q: Crusader Kings 2 raise levy size

NickI'm trying to decipher CK2, and how I can amass an army. One of my vassals has a town, and in this town are 132/155 levy troops, and it says I can raise the top 20.2% of the levy. At the top, it says "we can currently raise 6 soldiers". How is 20.2% of 132 = 6? What am I missing?

$9.02 CAD is supposedly $8.89 USD right now. My order is $8.73 USD. I'm not sure where the problem is here.
(as Cain no less)
Do steam subtotals include tax?
No, they must not, because that's the price of the games added up. Argh.
...$0 tax? Wtf, why couldn't I buy those two then...
Steam doesn't tax me in NC
Origin does, though.
@#$* Origin.
4 mins ago, by GnomeSlicE
$9.02 CAD is supposedly $8.89 USD right now. My order is $8.73 USD. I'm not sure where the problem is here.
I swapped out Warp for Dynamite Jack, and it didn't tax me at all.
@RavenDreamer Because EA has offices/employees in NC. Valve doesn't.
So I'm not sure why I couldn't pay for the first two.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I know why.
I just don't have to like it.
@GnomeSlicE Is there a minimum amount you need in your paypal?
Nah, it's just a branch of the EA Sports team. Update the names and swap the jerseys each year.
WTF Steam users? You voted Grimrock for the deal despite it just having been on sale 2 days ago? Flarbelgrhaljet!
@RavenDreamer No, it went through fine when I swapped out Warp for Dynamite Jack, which is $2 cheaper.
@RavenDreamer Yeah, which is a bunch of people kept employed year round, year after year.
Sounds like beneficial economic activity to me.
@Sterno The other two options are even more meh
Also, i think Funcom has some people in NC, or did at some point if I'm not mistaken.
Is other news Brick Force is now publicly free-to-play.
Sounds about right.
@RavenDreamer I already have it.
@GnomeSlicE you know it can also be adjacent to two rooms, right?
I'm pretty sure that any time a company does anything to make or save money, they become soulless and evil.
@LessPopMoreFizz My new apartment is actually across the street from Epic Games.
@murgatroid99 Yes, it can, I'm just saying it's quite often adjacent to three, so those would be the places to look first.
@GnomeSlicE OK. weird part of that screenshot is that the map should have revealed the secret room, so the fact that it doesn't appear is more than just that he didn't find it yet
Maybe there isn't one, then.
@GnomeSlicE right. That's why I thought it was a bug
Anyone here play Two Worlds?
@murgatroid99 Or maybe not every floor has one then.
24 mins ago, by murgatroid99
@QAdp I've seen a secret room in every floor that I can ever remember checking thoroughly
If what you are saying is true, the probability of that happening is very low
Can anyone else vote in the current steam community choice?
@RavenDreamer I can't
@RavenDreamer I just did.
@Sterno Did it stick?
@RavenDreamer Nevermind, no, looks like it didn't
sage nod
@RavenDreamer Not for me either
Hey, you!
WTB Dawnguard
@murgatroid99 Only other explanation is a bug, but I actually doubt that.
@RavenDreamer Me?
@FAE Yes. As in, "Hello, you!"
@RavenDreamer Hello!
@FAE I found out I can't animate running :/ lol
@GnomeSlicE the changelog says that recent updates messed up secret/hidden room spawning, so I wouldn't be surprised
I'm a little ashamed that I only have 50 hours logged on Skyrim
@RavenDreamer As in technologically cannot or skillfully cannot?
WTF Steam. I have $2.00 left now, when 6.73 USD should have been 6.83 CAD.
@RavenDreamer If you get a minute, check out my sweet animations for a game I gave up on years ago: sandbox.yoyogames.com/games/40193-little-dude
(They're terrible. It's terrible. I was terrible.)
...I own all the deals I can vote for right now. Boo.
@FAE As in, I seem to lack a fundamental knowledge of how legs work. I made some weird crippled frankenstein that I immediately had to put down on account of moonwalking everywhere on spaghetti legs.
@murgatroid99 I dunno...
@RavenDreamer Wheels/Ghost is the way to go.
@RavenDreamer I just nearly spit out my drink at this
I can't make everything a wheels/ghost
At any rate - second attempt at the Cathedral is a go
@RavenDreamer what are you spriting in?
@RavenDreamer Says who?
Technology 2 with chances to freeze and slow is pretty awesomely broken
@FAE Then clearly I'm underperforming.
@GnomeSlicE As in, making the sprites, or as in making the animation?
It should come with a warning about epilepsy though
@QAdp If you consider the floors that I have searched thoroughly to be a random selection, then the probability that every single one of them had a secret room, but there was a chance that each did not, is astronomically low
ooookay, Skyrim. WHy are you suggesting a 5-star mod for me called "Ruby the Hotness"?
@RavenDreamer Both.
@QAdp all you need now is mulligan. Technology+mulligan is an amazing combo
@GnomeSlicE Paint / Paint.net and Unity/Orthello/TexturePacker respectively.
@murgatroid99 I thought it would be clear by now that "just released" 1.45 has a bug to this effect
@RavenDreamer Gotta put a little more effort in to please.
@FAE Gotta put a little more in, yeah.
@RavenDreamer It's just I've never found a good tool to use for animating sprites.
@murgatroid99 oh god I can see it now. Unfortunately I'm already at Isaac's door
@GnomeSlicE Gimp works well.
@QAdp right. That's what I meant to say
@QAdp do you have the polaroid?
Yeah, I'm saying the chances of the bug are definitely not negligible given my experience :(
@RavenDreamer seriously, check out my leg animations.
@murgatroid99 It's still locked, don't you need to defeat Isaac with all characters first?
You might feel better about yourself.
@RavenDreamer I'm sure you can manage if you work up to it.
@GnomeSlicE It's a cube...
@QAdp according to the wiki, you have to defeat Isaac 5 times. That matches up pretty well with my experience.
Supreme Court (Canada) strikes down copyright fees on music, video game downloads | http://yhoo.it/LYfqfL
Yeah, this would be my first win 12 if all goes well.
@QAdp I have it and I still haven't beaten Isaac with ???
@RavenDreamer Oh, it's horrible, I was working on that like four years ago. The legs just move in and out.
@GnomeSlicE Yeah, if you buy music, your ISP shouldn't have to pay money for letting you download something you've already bought.
oh god this isn't going well at all
I'm hitting him a ton of times which means he's retailating a LOT
He's down half heart, I'm down 3 hearts
@RavenDreamer I don't actually understand most of this. =[
Down to 1 heart I went
to 1 fucking heart.
Oh Apple. You ran out of space on your ... Microsoft server. http://t.co/zOxy80Cz /via @e2b
@agent86 lol @ tweet
@Wipqozn So THAT'S why everyone wants to be an English Major
I thought it was just an easy way to get a degree.
@fbueckert That too.
@Wipqozn oh man, that makes me wish I had picked English instead of something useless like Computer Science
I hate it when people choose ridiculous, unmarketable majors, and then get mad when they can't get a job or pay off their school loans.
If you're spending $80k to become a photography major, you're doing it wrong
Q: Companions "Glory of the dead" bug PS3

Nalle MontanaI can't get the glory of the dead quest from vilkas, I only get "Jobs" from vilkas and the other two leaders. I have done all other companions quests. And I'm playing in ps3

Q: i havent all minecraft files

nakkivmin appdata/.minecraft i have only bin where is file named version and in to .minecraft fplder i have too folders named resources and options (options is not folder its text file) can someone help me how i get all files i cant play minecraft it say: Failed to launch ...

Q: Does army size affect speed of siege?

bluIs it better to split my units to siege multiple counties at once, or does a stack wear down the defenders quicker?

Q: Is Stack Overflow going to be dead?

A_nto2It seems that most af all important questions were answered, so what about the actual state of Stack Overflow? I don't refer to the whole Stack Exchange network. How the statitics says? And hoe about the possible future, considered that today much more questions than in the past are suddenly clos...

Q: From windows 7 to unbuntu 12

Maik KleinWhat are the pros/cons switching from windows 7 to ubuntu ? I manly develop software and play games. I obviously don't play games on my laptop that's why i give ubuntu a try. But the whole OS looks great and i recently discovered playonlinux. How big is the performance hit from windows games ?...

yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey. Just got Mom's purse from a boss fight! Tears down, tears down, health down and telepills!
(this isn't the 7 years bad luck challenge)
I tweeted a picture to Jin, and now Greenville NC Art is following me on Twitter. What? lol
come on!
@murgatroid99 4 day member is forseeing DOOM!
I definitely don't need luck down
Is Two Worlds II any good?
my morale is crushed :(
Maybe the stigmata has an unlisted luck down effect
Awesome costume.
oh well, start over ._.
Q: How to see diablo vs imperius

Jim ThioAt the end of act 3, I was asked whether to go to the next act. If I press yes I ended up in heaven without any cut scene. I think I saw the cut scene once. Don't really know how to trigger it again.

@wipqozn this is why i am an english major (also so i can get all the girls. Or something.)
I laughed my ass off
so bad
Serious Sam 3 is $10 today.
That's what I get for buying Trine 2 for $7.50 two days ago
@QAdp ...Dammit. Now I have to buy it. Stupid nostalgia.
(I think the game gives you that in the first level anyway)
Fork Parker thanks you for your purchase.
@Sterno Watch. Now that I've bought Serious Sam 3, it's going to go on sale for $5.
@fbueckert Yeah, WoTL went 75% off a few hours after I bought it 50% off
that said... that's like €.5 instead of €.99
the DLC is worth that and probably more if you have gone all the way in the main game.
Dunno about buying the game and the DLC together though
@QAdp SS3 is currently 75% off. They'd have to reduce it by 80% or more. And either way, it's $10. That's minimum wage right now.
@fbueckert I hope you're aware of the few changes in this game from previous installments though
given that you're buying it out of nostalgia
@QAdp ...It's Serious Sam. Point weapons at bad guys and pull trigger. Cackle in glee. Rinse and repeat.
namely, reloading weapons, scoping in and waving goodbye to the sniper rifle and the plasma gun
@QAdp I was always a fan of the faster shooting weapons, anyways.
But...reloading? Boo.
@fbueckert yeah, I never liked the plasma gun anyway
@fbueckert Well, it forces you to think your approach through a little more.
after all the game actually was about pointing the right weapon at bad guys and pulling the trigger
this makes that choice a little trickier.
@QAdp With the right weapon being "bigger is better".
You wouldn't use the SMG vs the skeleton clopping stuff when you can one-shot them with a well timed double-barreled shotgun round.
@QAdp Sure I would.
Harder to kill, but still very possible.
Wait, SS3 has reloading?! Booo
Woohoo! Dinged 17 on Arqade
In case anyone cares (and has the same TV schedule as me), Serenity is on Syfy right now
@Shinrai Yes, most of the guns must be reloaded and it actually makes the game better imho
Guns that don't need reloading (IIRC) include the rocket launcher and the chaingun however
@QAdp I guess it's probably better, but it's not as awesome
@Shinrai You know what's awesome? Automatic shotguns.
(Minor spoiler, but you probably want a carrot for those first couple of levels.)
Well, I did just buy it, sooo
It'll hafta wait though. Too many games. (And anyway, TSW)
94% downloaded!
Great video
@RonanForman Ready for GameOn?
@Fredy31 Not yet, we're fiddling with the server, but it's set for 2 hours time anyway.
@RonanForman It's Two hours time. Here, anyway
@agent86 your explanation of the GameShark is great and I totally understand it. :)
@QAtash 17?
@Lazers Dupe
@AshleyNunn Got to level 17
I'm making a leveling system for Arqade, and I just leveled up today lol
Ah lol i was so confused
Yay levelling!
@Raven is level 91, and @agent86 is closest behind at level 62
My brethren grow stronger every day.
A: Is it possible to join the Aldmeri Dominion?

cadcerYes you can with console commands. its on elder scrolls wiki.

What a terrible answer.
Hey guys, I'm back.
I got whisked off to cottage-land and forgot to drop a warning.
Er. Oops.
@RavenDreamer So Dirk is confirmed for being the best kid.
@Mana I thought you just decided you hated all of us.
@Wipqozn Silly boy, I decided that a long, long time ago.
@Mana Ah, but of course! Foolish me.
Man, seeing you makes me want to play Starcraft 2.
I've been having an increasing desire to play it for the past while now.
Your reappearance just made it worse.
@OrigamiRobot Snakes aren't turtles.
@GnomeSlicE ...ok?
@OrigamiRobot I think he thinks you're me.
@Wipqozn I did.
My bad.
@Wipqozn We are both badasses.
Q: Ace mod self interaction key

Alex Millarive downloaded the ace mod for arma 2 OA and is says that the self interaction key is the right windows key. When i press it nothing happens, ive tried changing it but it still does nothing. Does anybody know how to fix this?

@OrigamiRobot yeah, I can understand his confusion.
Hi, @Mana, I missed you.
^ Current level standings on Arqade
@QAtash I'm famous!
@QAtash Level...standings?
@OrigamiRobot I'm a higher level than you.
@Mana Yes. SE implemented a leveling system while you were afk.
@Mana Well, I sorted by rep, and it calculates the levels now
@Wipqozn hm. that is certainly a thing.
What it do?
You fear us.
@Wipqozn They... what?
@Mana High level users get additional close votes, flags, votes, et cetera
Oh, and lower level users can't edit the posts of higher level ones. They can only suggest them.
Mods being the exception to the rule of course.
@OrigamiRobot It's good to know we've spent time fantasizing about our hypothetical children.
@Wipqozn wait, what?
@Wipqozn @FAE would ship it.
@Mana Yeah. Quite a few people got upset by that, but the SE team seems determined it's a good idea.
@QAtash I didn't even make the list...
@GnomeSlicE Every suspension == -1 level. Didn't you read the meta post?
@QAtash wat
@Wipqozn Link please. :)
Raven has to approve all edits to his posts?
To meta!
@Wipqozn It's funny because I keep open a Meta tab on the new questions page
@Wipqozn Imagine that.
@QAdp Are you guys still getting the cached, non-level version??
I tip my bowler's hat to the both of you.
@Wipqozn @QAtash bravo. clap clap clap
THank you, thank you. tortoise bow
@Mana When you level up, it will be a top hat.
@OrigamiRobot The top hat costs extra
Unless you won it before
@QAtash Yea, but it gives you a rep boost for your next 5 posts.
The top hat is so OP.
They're going to nerf it in the next patch.
Haha, so, to actually explain. I made a script that adds leveling to Arqade, as seen in my screenshots
@QAtash yeah, I remember you said you were working on it. So you finally finished it then?
@Wipqozn Successful troll: @Wipqozn gets a LEVEL UP! Reward: a 5 year suspension!
Just adding in an updating script and then I'll push it live and add a meta about it
@Wipqozn You just need to ult the AD carry when the baron is jungling.
@QAtash are you using the SE API? Then you want to post on StackApps instead
@QAdp pfft, I'll just make a bunch of alts.
@QAdp No need. I just do it off of what is loaded on the page
@Wipqozn each gets you a new level!
@QAdp yay!
NP++ just crashed!! NOOOOO!!!
@QAtash It never really was on your side
That reminds me. I need to finish my countdown to Guild Wars 2 clock. I started it, but then I was lazy.
I'm interested to the answer to this question but for PC. Should I create a new question for it or what?
@StrixVaria edit out the 360 tag, comment for a PC solution and/or place a bounty.
I'm pretty sure the 360 tag doesn't belong anyway.
I don't think we need a question for each platform.
@Wipqozn During the big argument last night, most people determined that these two questions weren't dupes:
Q: Civ V GOTY edition soundtrack download on Mac

GordonMWhere does the Game Of The Year edition Civilization V soundtrack get downloaded on Mac? I looked at this question and from it deduced that the equivalent location on the Mac would be ~/Library/Application Support/Steam/SteamApps/common/sid meier's civilization v/assets/DLC/DLC_Deluxe but this d...

Q: After buying the deluxe version of civ5 on Steam, where is the soundtrack?

RyanI've checked the media tab on under Library and the purchase email doesn't say anything about it.

Even though they're basically the same question for different platforms.
Ugh, I don't like these coloring puzzles
@murgatroid99 Like the other people, I don't think that treads new ground. I'm fairly sure there's a level of consensus that they are on-topic, but that the examples LessPop provided aren't exemplars of them and should be closed for other reasons. That is, the real problem is people miscommunicating close reasons, not whether those questions should be closed.
Oh hey, I just discovered Ian Anderson
Anyone here played any of the Hitman games?
@GnomeSlicE Link?
@MarkTrapp OK. It seemed like there was significant disagreement that was different from what LessPop talked about, but it's closed now and I don't really care enough to argue about it
16 hours ago, by Mark Trapp
@GnomeSlicE You're missing "on a Mac" from one of those. It's a bit ironic you chastise people for stopping halfway through reading a question just to close it and are now doing the same thing
On further inspection, it looks like not everyone agreed they weren't dupes.
@GnomeSlicE One user != most people.
@Wipqozn Don't think he was the only one, but in any case, it's relevant to the current discussion.
16 hours ago, by Yi Jiang
@MarkTrapp I think they can be merged. The difference between the two questions is kind of small, and agent's answer covers both bases
I agree with @YiJang here --^
Got lost in the scuffle of 10 billion pings from pixel and GnomeSlice
@MarkTrapp re: The civ v soundtrack questions?
Q: Crusader Kings 2 raise levy size

NickI'm trying to decipher CK2, and how I can amass an army. One of my vassals has a town, and in this town are 132/158 levy troops, and it says I can raise the top 20.8% of the levy. At the top, it says "we can currently raise 6 soldiers". How is 20.8% of 132 = 6? What am I missing? -Edit- I ...

Yeah, I feel the same way. I don't think the questions are different enough to really warrant separate questions.
Should I cut out the OP's answer and post it as an answer, rather than leaving it in the question?
@GnomeSlicE Comment for him to leave it as an answer.
@MarkTrapp You didn't agree with me when I said it, but okay.
@Wipqozn There already is one, but it was 3 hours ago.
@GnomeSlicE Yes, and he hasn't been seen since then.
So he probably hasn't seen the comment yet.
I just don't think you should edit out his answer, and then copy-paste it into your own.
Fair enough.
@Wipqozn Yeah, me neither, what's the protocol for that?
No idea.
Don't recall ever needing to deal with a similiar situation.
I think just leaving it alone for now is best.
4 mins ago, by Mark Trapp
Got lost in the scuffle of 10 billion pings from pixel and GnomeSlice
If in a day or two he hasn't posted an answer, then we may wish to take further action.
@MarkTrapp You were talking about a different message. It doesn't matter, just forget it, it's not worth arguing over.
@GnomeSlicE I'm fairly (4.9 sigma) certain I know what I refer to when I say something.
At least more than you would.
@MarkTrapp Yes, you said you agreed with yi jang, but you missed his message. I basically said the same thing as he did, and you disagreed with me.
@GnomeSlicE If you basically said the same thing as YiJiang, which was that agent86's answer covers both cases and the questions should be merged, then I agree with you too. I saw YiJiang say it, not you, which is why I referred to his ping and not yours (assuming it exists)
@GnomeSlicE: Looking through the messages it looks like Mark never replied to your message where you said that, so as he said it probably got "lost in the scuffle".
@MarkTrapp It doesn't matter, just forget I said anything.
It's irrelevant who said what.
As always, I have no idea what anyone's arguing about
@GnomeSlicE but if we don't know who said what, how can we determine who won the conversation?
Okay, Qube lost me at what must be the end of chapter 5
@Wipqozn It's not about winning, man. That's not the point.
@GnomeSlicE IT totally is man. I need to claim victory whenever possible so I can feel better about myself.
oh dear, that wasn't the end of the chapter
Apparently this is really good.
A: Where are the Act 3 lore books?

anonlast i tried battlefield reports are bugged idk if they fixed it, i do know some were bugged and fixed, when that happened the battlefield reports werent fixed at that time, about 2 weeks ago this happened. btw it spawns in battlefield stores, just that the tile where the jounal drops is bugged a...

Not sure how to deal with this.
@MarkTrapp You have music questions in your font section. And peanut butter in my chocolate.
@OrigamiRobot jerky bits*
@GnomeSlicE RIP
@Mana Oh, I can't watch it, my internet is too slow.
No idea what it's about.
@OrigamiRobot wat
@GnomeSlicE It's just a bunch of cutscenes put together with some dramatic music. It feels like I'm watching a funeral for the GTA series.
@MarkTrapp "These two are font identification questions and were correctly closed as off-topic." The links are for the music question.
@OrigamiRobot Oh, oops: I copied from the wrong list of questions (the ones I thought were good). Thanks
@MarkTrapp I will accept payment in trappbucks.
They have been wired to your Swiss bank account… in the Caymans.

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