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Cleaned it up, should be better worded now.
Anyone tried Sword of the Stars 2 recently? It's been out for close to a year now.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I didn't mean to say it was garbage, just that it could use a little touchup.
I wouldn't vtc it if it had been opened on SU
(I would edit it though)
Yay Just finished NFS The Run
If it taught me anything, it's that the metros in NewYork go over 250KMH
Damn I was flooring a Corvette and they were catching up
@LessPop_MoreFizz It would appear I misread that on my first attempt and prematurely downvoted. I merely thought it was saying "stop leaving comments" overall. x_x Luckily, I edited a couple of spaces into the answer so I could undo my downvote.
@Fredy31 We don't have metros in NY. Unless you mean the Metropolitans, and they are a mediocre baseball team and not very fast at all.
Underground train?
@LessPop_MoreFizz I think he means "subway"
Oh yeah.
@Fluttershy I'm onto you. >.>
In Quebec, we call these the Metro
@MarkTrapp >.> I fixed it!
@Shinrai Oh, I know what he means.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Just making sure...I couldn't tell if that was supposed to be a funny joke or omgsportsaresrs joke (I am not a sports person)
@Fredy31 The only thing I can think of that comes close is the Acela, which doesn't go anywhere near 250 kph even in rural straightaways. It's also locked to go the speed of normal trains in the New York area because it doesn't have a dedicated track
Okay, apparently its top speed is 240 kph, but fat chance that ever happening in the real world
Yeah, the newest subway cars in service have a top speed of about 55 MPH, IIRC.
Which is 90? kph
@fbueckert you around? :/ need halp
@LessPop_MoreFizz roughly, yeah, 88ish
@FAE Wait, 88 kph?
Does that mean that the subway can take me Back to the (metric) Future?
four epics \o/
my heals are starting to do big numbers
@spugsley I got a few minutes. What's up?
@fbueckert help me and @OrigamiRobot with Kulle real quick? We are stuck
@spugsley Happily!
@fbueckert thank you thank you thank you!
Romney is in some serious shit.
This Bain story is really, really, really bad for him.
@LessPopMoreFizz yes
btw the last quest in the main story is absolutely unique in MMOs from my experience
I think you'll like it a lot
@pixel I'm excited, but it'll be a while before I get there I suspect. :/ I just hope I can finish before the content update
Romney isn't that far away in the grand scheme of things
one full zone of quests + whatever you have left in that zone
I haven't completed every quest if I'm honest, probably about 70%
done the full story though
several quests were bugged to hell
@pixel Ummm... what?
I'm talking about Mitt Romney, a guy running for president here in the US.
Romney is an area in the second to last zone
Well, Mitt Romney is in a bit of a catch 22.
wow that must have caused some confusion
Because either he has been lying to the press on the campaign trail for various offices, and the public at large, for the past 12 years...
@pixel This mixup really amused me.
He has committed a substantial act of felony grade Securities fraud.
@FAE :)
He could end up running his presidential campaign from a prison cell.
@LessPopMoreFizz I actually have no idea who you're talking about, politics doesn't interest me at all
the way the world is run infuriates me, so I ignore it since I can't change it
@LessPop_MoreFizz At least he could pardon himself if he wins.
New Obama ad is damning.
Go Obama
Q: As Heavy, should I be aiming for the body or the head?

ShaderachWhen playing as Heavy in TF2 and using the minigun, should I be going for body shots or head shots? Does the distance matter?

Q: What are effective champions two use in a double ad comp?

thunderingiceStarted learning ad kayle top lane today and became excited about double ad comps. However I don't really know how to get the other roles to coordinate with it well. I know that a support nunu can be quite fun for it. that attack speed buff is awesome, not to mention that zone control his ult ...

@Lazers I've edited this to be much more coherent.
Have people noticed any improvement relative to the last LoLstorm thanks to the new quality standards so far?
@LessPop_MoreFizz there are fewer of them, which is effectively an increase in average quality
@murgatroid99 I would disagree, actually. The influx we're getting now seems to have paid NO attention at all to the contest rules. And I'm not noticing any previous users; these are all new.
@fbueckert I mean average quality of the site
@murgatroid99 Ok, in that regard, I would agree. Less junk = higher site quality. :P
With the assumption that most new LoL questions are junk.
Q: Does Sivir's Boomerange Blade do damage on it's return if you die after activation?

peeps625I want to know if Sivir's Boomerange Blade does damage on it's way back to you if you die when you throw it? Sometimes you die but want to do as much damage in team fights as possible before you fall. With that in mind, does it finish it's animation and do damage?

Q: will the new eve and twitch changes make them viable in high level tournaments?

peeps625After testing eve and twitch on the PBE they seem pretty good, but do you think they will ever be viable and show themselves in high reward tournaments like IPL. Or will they still be a too risky, "must be fed" picks. then forgotten again. I know twitch has been seen in tournaments but it almost ...

@Lazers This looks too localized
@murgatroid99 And it's referring to "the PBE", which I'm assuming is a beta server or something. At least, that seems to be the context of it's use.
Bah. I'm making spelling mistakes in my comments. Stupid five minute window!
@agent86 Evening
I left a 748 MB Steam update going and went out for like three hours.
It's got like 500.
@MarkTrapp 'Worse than slow' would have sufficed.
It's actually ~380 kbps. FORGOT TO MULTIPLY BY 8 SORRY OK
I can't animate running to save my life.
@MarkTrapp Unrelatedly, which 'song identification' question were you and Lesspop discussing earlier?
@RavenDreamer Wheels.
Goblins... with wheels?
@RavenDreamer Or ghosts.
Q: "Here is a thing. Look at the thing. Do you see the thing? I would like to know what this Thing is Called." A plea for sanity

LessPop_MoreFizzidentify-this-game was a Bad Tag. It was applied to Bad Questions. It is gone forever, and I could not be happier. But it appears, that we have been throwing some babies out with our admittedly filthy bathwater. So, before I move on, I want to talk for a second about why identify-this-game is b...

I went from the nothing to the top to the bottom today.
And now I'm trying (and failing) to get a running animation for that guy.
Q: Who sings the Portal 2 song "Want You Gone" by Jonathan Coulton?

user390480What is the name of the singer who sings the Portal 2 song "Want You Gone" by Jonathan Coulton? Thanks!

[tag:Identify-this singer]
Interestingly, I don't find these questions to be problematic.
unlike questions, they have answers which can be defined as 'correct' by people other than the original asker.
...depending on how the question is asked. Generally? Yes.
@RavenDreamer Well, 'what is the song played [here] in x game?'
It's only one song, it's not going to change depending on who asks it.
There are lots of successful questions like that.
Q: Name of the song in Purgatory?

Fredy31I could stay for hours in the purgatory bar in the citadel just to listen to the music. What's the name of that song, so I can put it on my iPod; on repeat.

Right. It's when they're missing the [here] that I'm worried.
The Portal 2 one I linked above.
Hey, thats me
@RavenDreamer That has nothing to do with the fact that they're trying to find a song from the game, it's just a shitty question like any other.
So, like I said.
Q: What are the lyrics to the Turret Opera at the end of Portal 2?

Raven DreamerSo after you beat the main game and the finale movie starts to run, Chell's upward elevator-ing is abruptly halted by a quartet of turrets. Rather than shoot at you, they start to... sing? What are the turrets singing about? Is it Latin? (And even if it isn't, what are the translated lyrics?)

Generally, yes.
(As in, I agree with you)
@RavenDreamer Yes, but 'generally' in the same way that any other question can be generally acceptable. No topic is going to be successful 100% of the time (except Portal, Diablo, Mass Effect).
What do you think of my goblin, Gnome?
Does it have wheels and/or is it a ghost?
6 mins ago, by Raven Dreamer
user image
@RavenDreamer Whoa, that looks mostly sweet.
The sword has shading and the rest of the character does not.
Hm. The art style I'm endorsing would suggest fixing the sword, then.
@MarkTrapp Okay, come on, that time it was a joke =[.
@MarkTrapp Anyway, did the two of you come to an 'agreement' about those types of questions?
@GnomeSlicE It's pinned in the sidebar. Also this
@MarkTrapp In my defense, only 13 closed for Portal, which is far, far fewer than there should be for such a popular game.
@MarkTrapp Unfortunately, I don't know what 'pro-forma' means.
Oh, but I can infer.
@GnomeSlicE We only see what hasn't been deleted.
Ah, so this whole thing was about comments people have been leaving on inappropriate posts?
@GnomeSlicE It'd be really sweet if the world's collective knowledge was available at our fingertips and you could go to some…. "website" (not married to the term) and find out what a word means
@MarkTrapp It would be awesome if I was able to use the internet to do many things like that, yes, but I cannot, it's too slow.
Also, you could not be rude and just explain it.
@GnomeSlicE As LessPop explained in his post, this whole thing is about people mischaracterizing why questions should be closed
Am I missing a heated discussion?
@MarkTrapp I was just going from the chat messages, until I read the meta.
@MarkTrapp Just out of curiosity, which 'standards' do you think the music identification question (still not sure which specific one) violated here?
@pixel Discussion is now as warm as pizza left out overnight, but see here and here
I don't like cold pizza :(
*points at microwave*
If you're going to re-heat cold pizza, use an oven for Pete's sake
Cold pizza is amazing.
Yeah, well, no ovens here. Which is probably why pizzas are so expensive
@MarkTrapp I was just curious.
There's also those weird microwaves that double up as convection ovens, but nobody ever actually use the oven function
@MarkTrapp while not specifically related to @LessPopMoreFizz's post, I'm of the opinion we close too many questions too quickly and classify too many things as off topic
@GnomeSlicE It's explained in the answer I provided
@MarkTrapp the font thing as an example, it was closed as off topic even though it is loosely related to gaming, and was easy enough to answer
@pixel I'm of the opinion both of those numbers are meaningless out of context.
@MarkTrapp I'm not sure what you mean, you gave me a link to a post by Lesspop a little while ago. Other than that, your two chat messages say it did, and then didn't break any 'rules'.
@MarkTrapp "too quickly" and "too many" ?
@GnomeSlicE Read the answer I provided, it's directly addressed there
@MarkTrapp ...Answer?
@pixel Yes. Too many compared to what? Too quickly compared to what? Yahoo! Answers? Quora? Mission Accomplished.
@MarkTrapp Who says everything has to be compared to something else?
@GnomeSlicE Yes, a post that responds to a question. I'm not sure where you're getting tripped up
@MarkTrapp ...I dunno if you checked the link I pinged you with, but it went to your chat message.
Not a question.
A: Where can I find vampires in Skyrim?

faBDawnguard. The upcoming expansion/dlc. Lots of vampires. :p

@GnomeSlicE I do. That's why I voiced it as my position.
How did this answer get an upvote?
@MarkTrapp nothing like that at all, it isn't a comparison with other websites because Arqade is not other websites. This is a site for Q&A regarding games but a fair few gaming related questions get closed as off topic just because they may promote discussion, may be difficult to answer, may require expertise knowledge to conclude, etc
but without ever allowing the time for us to attract an expert to answer it, without providing the time for it to be thought through... its like "oh this one might be hard or might promote several answers that could disagree with each other" VTC
@YiJiang I dunno, but it's technically correct, the best kind of correct.
Just my opinion from what I've seen anyway, the font thing being an example... it was a question about gaming closed as off topic on a website for questions about games. Find the logic in that.
Sure, "Identify this game" might be hard, since you're working from fragments of memories
@pixel Those are definitely not suited for the site.
"Identify this song in this game" is definitive, there are only so many songs in a game, where is the problem in spending some time answering it
Q: What is the purpose of putting ad/support top?

JoekoI often see pro league players switch their top and bot - ad/support going top and bruiser going bot. What is the purpose of this switch? Is it more efficient for ganks and securing objectives? Or is it to counter certain team compositions?

Q: Why do laptops with superior specs perform worse than desktops with inferior ones?

Terrance ShawSo I had an early-2010 iMac, I believe, with 512Mb of onboard video. It played WoW pretty well with near-max settings. I then went and purchased a 17" MBP in late 2011. Faster processor, more RAM, and a 1GB video card. I had to crank the settings on WoW down quite a bit, and I'm almost entirely ...

@GnomeSlicE A question about a game on a website about gaming "is not suited to this site"?
@pixel That's what I think.
@pixel A question about 'what game is this that I played a long time ago' is not suited to a Q&A site about gaming, no.
I was probably the last person to come around on ITG, I used to love those things.
@GnomeSlicE no, if you read what I said I agree with ITG questions being 'difficult and useless for others'
But this isn't a forum.
one persons memories about a game is their own memories, very few others will identify the game in the same way, and it will turn into a guessing game
I'm gonna let you guys argue this one out, I'm too tired.
@pixel Exactly. Not good.
@pixel which makes them bad questions.
@GnomeSlicE 'what is this font', 'what is this song' can be definitively answered, and are gaming related in context
1 min ago, by GnomeSlicE
@pixel That's what I think.
@pixel Arqade at present doesn't exist in a vacuum: it draws upon the collective wisdom and experience of not only its own past (now 2 years worth), but 80+ other sites in the network. We, as a community, know a thing or two about what works and what doesn't work in the Stack Exchange engine. While I think we are particularly bad at explaining why things don't work here, what doesn't work here is much less of an open question.
@MarkTrapp This.
@MarkTrapp and in my mind, too many people are too stuck in that mentality to even consider it, hence why certain subjects consistently get brick walled around here.
@MarkTrapp I'm not so sure about this sometimes (the non-open question bit).
@pixel This
@pixel Such as?
The point is, you want to attract people who know things to a site, yet you're willing to shoot them down as they sign up because their question doesn't fit in with your ideology of how things should work
@AshleyNunn I will say 'the font question as an example' again.
Tell me how a question about the pokemon font is not suitable on a gaming Q&A website and I will be quiet
And you won't be able to provide a good enough example when the guy that asked the question provided multiple screenshots of the font, asked politely, provided a mini wall of text to back it all up
To the point where the question was answered within minutes but still closed as off topic
I'm not sure which side of the argument this supports, but this question is basically identical to the 'pokemon font' question:
Q: Who sings the Portal 2 song "Want You Gone" by Jonathan Coulton?

user390480What is the name of the singer who sings the Portal 2 song "Want You Gone" by Jonathan Coulton? Thanks!

But it wasn't closed.
I am on nobodies side, I just call it as I see it
Or even downvoted.
It's exactly the same type of question.
@pixel How you see it, though, denotes your side that you have chosen.
@AshleyNunn This is unimportant, it's not about sides, it's about the site.
@AshleyNunn just because my opinion on this matter doesn't match with yours does not mean I am on an opposite side to you, looking at it in terms of 'sides' means there is something seriously fundamentally wrong around here.
'what font' and 'which singer' are the same.
@pixel Yes, that's what differentiates Stack Exchange from its competitors: we have a much higher standard for quality than Yahoo! Answers or Quora. While their goal may be to attract users by any means possible, our goal is to create a lasting repository of a very specific type of knowledge. That said, I think we could be a whole lot better at explaining that mission to new users instead of the rudeness and terseness that exists today.
@pixel I dont understand this logic, but okay.
@MarkTrapp "much higher standard"? The font question was one of the highest standard questions we've had in a week or so, and you're telling me you want high standards while attracting LOL players here to spam the place up?
@MarkTrapp This. I just am not able to word it like that.
Massive contradiction.
@pixel I think you have different definitions of 'high standard'.
@MarkTrapp Yeah, we need to get a bit nicer - that doesn't mean sacrificing standards or quality, it just means we don't get to be dicks about our standards
@GnomeSlicE well written, concise, polite, backed up with examples? how else would you justify quality?
@pixel .....what.
Does nobody agree with me that the question about who sang the portal song is nearly identical to the one about the pokemon font?
@pixel on-topic, for one.
Which is think is what he was getting at.
I personally think it should not have been closed.
@GnomeSlicE how is a QUESTION about GAMES on a Q&A site for games off topic ?
@pixel For starters, I'm with you on this one. Second, just because it's a question relating to a game in some way doesn't make it on-topic, or a good question.
@pixel because just because it is about games doesn't make it automatically suited to how Arqade is modelled?
@pixel I disagree, and I hope my answer here explains why.
It seems the definition for 'off topic' is some proclaimed 'it doesn't work on other stack exchange websites'
Q: What font is used in the codec screens in Metal Gear Solid 4?

GaryWhat's the font used in Metal Gear Solid 4 for both the subtitles and Codec screens?

Oi, look at that.
no downvotes.
Funny that.
@pixel Quite often, yes, which is one of my biggest concerns.
@MarkTrapp Where would you have people ask about the fonts, then? Why not ask gamers?
@GnomeSlicE A) we cant possibly expect every question to get caught, and b) we can't stop people from voting how they choose, despite site policy decisions (or lack thereof)
@MarkTrapp I don't really need to say more, @GnomeSlicE will continue digging up history (of which there is lot to make all of your 'off topics' hypocritical) which demonstrates that before people decided they couldn't be bothered answering half of the questions gamers raise these questions were acceptable around here.
@pixel Hey, don't put this on me.
@AshleyNunn Indeed, which is why I think killing the practice of commenting at all costs would help a lot: I think it's leading to unnecessary optimization, which leads to too much rudeness. (PS congrats on the mod pro temp! Just saw that yesterday)
@GnomeSlicE I'm not enforcing my opinion as yours, you keep linking perfect examples over and over again though
@pixel or maybe, site policy and direction changed, and some things slipped through the cracks. it happens.
@MarkTrapp Thanks. :)
@pixel Not really, things get missed. All I'm doing is saying 'look there's more', before I think about it.
@GnomeSlicE "missed" wouldn't indicate large numbers of upvotes and views, these weren't "missed", thats just the excuse they're using now
@MarkTrapp this pretty much sums it up - once it becomes forced, people tend to get terse, which can come off pretty icky to a new user (or even old ones)
@GnomeSlicE WhatTheFont! and Identifont are both excellent, and I say that coming from a family background in typography and graphic design.
@pixel I've been through the 'portal is exempt' discussion before, just let it go.
@MarkTrapp I know that, but you expect all gamers to know about those tools?
@pixel You are creating a conspiracy where there isn't one.
@GnomeSlicE with the hard line 'its not acceptable' attitude you would think exceptions would never happen. The fact they're do means there is something else also very wrong.
@GnomeSlicE Those are the top two Google result for "identify font"
@GnomeSlicE No, but I don't expect gamers to be coming to us with typography questions. We're not a thin veneer over Google.
@MarkTrapp If I want to know what font is in a pokemon game, and I google it, chances are HIGH that I will end up on a gaming-related website when I find the answer.
Fair rules regardless of game, otherwise your rules are meaningless
@MarkTrapp typography in your opinion, gaming question in the askers opinion
@MarkTrapp 'which font is in x game' is not a typography question, in much the same way that some of the questions we get on the site with a game in them are not about games.
Gamers don't sit there and go 'ooh look at that postscript!', they go 'on this menu there is this font, what is it'
@pixel We're not in the business of opinions here, which is why we don't cater to "What are some good websites for identifying fonts?"-type questions. Chat, on the other hand, is the perfect place to ask about stuff that doesn't work as an SE question but is tangentially related to the topic at hand.
@pixel It is tangentially related to gaming, and chances are it is asked because they want to use it in a nongaming way, most likely
@MarkTrapp that's a recommendation question, not the same thing.
@AshleyNunn the question wouldn't exist without the game, and highly unlikely, but is that our judgement call to make?
@MarkTrapp the font question didn't ask for any recommendation
I'm not saying they're particularly GREAT questions, but I don't think they're off-topic either.
@pixel ....that's what judging on topic or not is all about?
@AshleyNunn You still haven't given me any justification of how a question about gaming is off topic on a gaming website, you and @MarkTrapp just keep repeating the same thing in response
@AshleyNunn I could give you a ton of examples of shit like this, you know.
@pixel No, it didn't: I don't think it was or should've been closed as a recommendation question. You seemed to have a problem with me recommending a couple of sites to GnomeSlice for identifying fonts, which is what I was responding to.
@GnomeSlicE You probably could.
@pixel .....because at the core it is not really about a game
@MarkTrapp why ping me in a response to @GnomeSlicE ? "@pixel we're not in the business of opinions here" is a response to me, I responded to that
Also, unrelated, but I just found a pair of dupes:
Q: Civ V GOTY edition soundtrack download on Mac

GordonMWhere does the Game Of The Year edition Civilization V soundtrack get downloaded on Mac? I looked at this question and from it deduced that the equivalent location on the Mac would be ~/Library/Application Support/Steam/SteamApps/common/sid meier's civilization v/assets/DLC/DLC_Deluxe but this d...

Asking a question about what font a book uses wouldn't be on topic on literature (if it still existed)
Q: After buying the deluxe version of civ5 on Steam, where is the soundtrack?

RyanI've checked the media tab on under Library and the purchase email doesn't say anything about it.

@AshleyNunn a question about a custom font used in pokemon will only ever be about pokemon, stop kidding yourself
@pixel Arqade isn't just a gaming site: it's a gaming site with a very specific scope and set of quality guidelines. If that's not your bag, no sweat: there are literally countless other gaming sites out there that have different scopes.
@MarkTrapp this.
@AshleyNunn Books aren't meant as a form of visual art, the presentation is not an integral part of the media.
@GnomeSlicE says who?
Font choice for a book is actually a pretty big choice.
@MarkTrapp maybe you should be consistent of your application of the scope then
@AshleyNunn Not generally, there's a pretty standard set of rules you use in print media, particularly novels.
5 mins ago, by pixel
@MarkTrapp typography in your opinion, gaming question in the askers opinion
@GnomeSlicE yes and no
4 mins ago, by GnomeSlicE
@MarkTrapp 'which font is in x game' is not a typography question, in much the same way that some of the questions we get on the site with a game in them are not about games.
@MarkTrapp the pokemon font question was on topic, nobody has said anything other than 'bla bla doesnt work on other stackexchange websites' to state otherwise
A question about the font used only in a game, never anywhere else, will only ever be able that game = gaming question
It was a font specific to that series, it is not a typography question, it is a gaming question
It wasn't vague, it was very specific, very well worded, didn't have any loose ends, no guesswork, nothing
@AshleyNunn Mostly yes. But it's beside the point. A book is written by an author, edited by and editor, and published by a publisher. Those are all different people involved in the book. You could ask about any of them and still be asking about the book. Why is asking about the different elements of a (much more complex) video game any different?
Didn't fall into the ITG pit of opinion or belief or memory or anything
Whatever happened to the 'don't delete good questions/answers' mentality?
@pixel And coincidentally, none of those reasons are why I think the question was correctly closed.
holy crap, Civ Collection on Steam for $25 (normally $140)
There were 3 VTC on that question within a minute, there is something wrong
@pixel Everyone stopped at 'font'.
@Shinrai Niiiiice.
@pixel I agree: the asker was incredibly confused about what this site is for. We should be better at explaining that.
@MarkTrapp so what is this site for, enlighten me
See, I'm of the opinion that we do often close things that should be closed, but very often for the wrong reasons, and we often close things that shouldn't be because people stop reading after a word they associate with 'bad question'.
@AshleyNunn That's Civ 3-4-5 and all DLC
(except the new expansion I think)
@Shinrai Wow, that is a pretty wicked deal
Again, since nobody cared, I think these are dupes:
Q: Civ V GOTY edition soundtrack download on Mac

GordonMWhere does the Game Of The Year edition Civilization V soundtrack get downloaded on Mac? I looked at this question and from it deduced that the equivalent location on the Mac would be ~/Library/Application Support/Steam/SteamApps/common/sid meier's civilization v/assets/DLC/DLC_Deluxe but this d...

Q: After buying the deluxe version of civ5 on Steam, where is the soundtrack?

RyanI've checked the media tab on under Library and the purchase email doesn't say anything about it.

The bottom one could easily cover Mac OS as well.
And not to wade into this at the last minute (I just came in), but regarding the font question I'm with @pixel and @GnomeSlicE here. I don't see any problem with it.
@pixel Questions that require the specific expertise of gaming enthusiasts of all platforms and fall within the scope of SE's mission.
@MarkTrapp give me an answer that couldn't change with the wind, you are being so vague that you could change the rules in an instant.
@pixel Rules here do not change in an instant.
@MarkTrapp also, that statement doesn't make "what is the font used in pokemon" off topic
@MarkTrapp Can you explain to me how this can be applied to this question?
Forgetting the font question for a moment.
Let's apply our arguments to something different but similar, because I think we're getting caught up in 'typography'.
@AshleyNunn @MarkTrapp explain to me, as a new user, without using any URLs to FAQs or any other material that is going to get ignored by nearly every new user, exactly what is and isn't acceptable as a question around here - as this information is not readily obvious from my experience
@GnomeSlicE A question being similar or related is not the same as a question being an exact duplicate.
@MarkTrapp 'where is the civ v soundtrack'. 'where is the civ v soundtrack'.
@MarkTrapp But no, my reply wasn't about those.
@pixel the FAQ is right at the top of the page! That's like saying "I have a chainsaw, but I don't want to read about how to use it"
@AshleyNunn I haven't read the FAQ.
If you don't use the tools available to you, then yeah, you aren't going to know how things work.
I scrolled through it for the badge a few weeks ago.
@AshleyNunn The FAQ is at the topic of the page in size 8 font, the ask button is both more obvious and prettier to look at.
@GnomeSlicE Still? Really, fix that.
@GnomeSlicE I did this.
@GnomeSlicE Perhaps you should
@AshleyNunn I seem to be doing okay.
@pixel Sure it does: I went into the reasons why I believe that to be the case in my answer. I do understand where you're coming from (even though I disagree with your conclusion), and I specifically set out to address that. If my answer is still unclear, please let me know where specifically you're getting confused so that I can revise it.
@GnomeSlicE Er, while I do agree with your point, you really shouldn't be trumpeting that >.<
@MarkTrapp after this conversation, I still don't know why most of the questions linked are off topic. I agree ITG is off topic for the reasons @LessPopMoreFizz gives, I disagree gaming-font/music/etc questions are off topic. I disagree that many other questions are off topic
@GnomeSlicE You're missing "on a Mac" from one of those. It's a bit ironic you chastise people for stopping halfway through reading a question just to close it and are now doing the same thing
@MarkTrapp I don't mean to be annoying, but I'd be really interested to know how you apply your thoughts to this question.
In fact, there was a hardware question today, which was stated as 'IN SCOPE' for arqade, while every single 'related' question of a similar nature had been closed as off topic
@MarkTrapp I read it, but I've seen other questions closed as dupes because one was more general before.
@MarkTrapp The 'where is it' general one could easily be edited to include locations for both PC and Mac.
These contradictions are the reason for the confusion, it's like the sites rules depend on who is awake when the question gets asked and IMO that is unacceptable.
@pixel Another thing I've noticed is a kind of "gang" mentality. One person will say that a question needs to be closed and others don't critically think before casting their own votes.
I'll even admit I'm guilty of that a few times.
@StrixVaria This, yes, this.
@StrixVaria also completely unacceptable
Argh, I've been trying to explain that for MONTHS.
@MarkTrapp I think they can be merged. The difference between the two questions is kind of small, and agent's answer covers both bases
@pixel Again, I explained my reasons for thinking the questions should be closed in my answer. What part of my explanations there are confusing? I'd like to help you understand.
@StrixVaria This! This is a problem.
@MarkTrapp ...I don't mean to sound childish, but... are you avoiding my question?
@MarkTrapp your reasons didn't disprove the part that makes me disagree with you: A question about gaming on a gaming Q&A website, where is it stated that specific gaming questions are less gaming related
All I've read from what you've said is "oh they dont work on other stack exchange websites" which makes me want to use capital letters and bold and bad language
@pixel Stop repeating yourself, he's counterpointed that already.
The "scope" that is claimed rarely changes seems to shift from question to question from where I'm sitting
@pixel cough portaldiablomasseffect cough
@GnomeSlicE he answered it with some vague nonsense about a scope that is easily identifiable as inconsistent, so I ignored it, since it's factually unsound
@pixel I didn't understand any of it, so I can't agree or disagree with you on that.
At any rate, I'd still like to know what @MarkTrapp think of this question in regards to this discussion.
@pixel As I said in my answer, there are two facets of knowledge required to answer a font identification about a game: knowledge of typography (not gaming-related) or inside knowledge of the game (not gaming enthusiast related, at least according to current consensus). The fact that the font is in the game is incidental to the type of of knowledge required to answer it. SE specializes in attracting experts on a topic: if a question doesn't cater to those experts, that's what makes it offtopic
@GnomeSlicE he won't answer to that, because it disproves his 'scope' nonsense
Our expert audience is enthusiast gamers. Not typographers or game developers.
@MarkTrapp I didn't require either of those, and I answered it in under 5 minutes, NEXT
@pixel It doesn't 'disprove' anything, 'things slip through the cracks'.
@GnomeSlicE "slipping" would indicate nobody saw it, it has views and upvotes, thus disproving slipping through the cracks
@MarkTrapp Wait, you think that inside knowledge of the game is not gaming enthusiast related? Particularly on SE, which is loaded with programmers, this is just a silly thing to say.
@GnomeSlicE "Slipping through the cracks" in this context = "Disproves what we're saying"
@pixel Are you suggesting that anyone playing the game should know what the font is?
@MarkTrapp LOL
Really, did you just say that?

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