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00:00 - 21:0021:00 - 00:00

Anyone have some good book recommendations? :o
@Elva Scifi? Fantasy?
Yus, those two :D
@Elva What books have you read so far so we can have an idea of what you're after?
Wait I have Wipqozn and Ash on good reads I can just steal there lists
@Elise It feels so weird seeing that price after having ordered glasses online for the past two or three years.
@Elva How about a fantasy-ish take on Ocean's Eleven?
Oh sonds fun :o
The Gentlemen Bastards series, then.
Starts with Lies of Locke Lamora.
Oh I've heard that title! Yus
For some comedic scifi, there's Troy Rising.
That one starts with Live Free or Die.
@Yuuki when I saw that my wife had to pay that much, I immediately told her I'll be ordering mine online
if I had to order 10 pairs and only one of them was good, I'd still have saved money
@Elva I need to spend some time on reading original works.
And less on bad fanfiction
I read far too much fanfiction. I suppose it's because it's easy to find since they're typically in one of two places.
@Elva I mean, there's some good stuff and I've gotten fairly all right at finding "good" stuff. But yeah, there's a lot of bad stuff.
@Elise But which political ideology?
@Elva Hothouse by Brian aldiss
Really, fanfiction is fast food literature. It's really easy to find (these days) and it's mostly cookie cutter stuff.
I might download that at some point but I don't like paying for books written 60 years ago when they're sold at the price of new books
@Elva You need a library (especially one with eBooks)
The "fun" stuff is reading fanfiction based on a work you know absolutely nothing about.
@PrivatePansy or maybe just sail the sea for books thaaat old :p
Who cares about mis-characterization if you don't even know what the original character was like?
@PrivatePansy Does an actual library count?
Yes? You know, public library?
What else would I be talking about? Not the iTunes library
@Elva there's a search engine / library for books. I don't think it's quite legal tho, if that's an issue for you 🤷🏼‍♀️
@Elise "sail the sea" wasn't clear enough? :p
Also recommend non-stop by Brian aldiss
But yeah they are old
@Elva I... started typing my reply before that message showed up :P And I'm also tired 😔
I got that one for like $4 on Kobo store I think. One of em anyway
@PrivatePansy No, I have an actual library.
@Elise that makes sense too :D
Not a big one, mind, but enough to fill a room.
@Frank unless you buy books just for decoration, you probably won't find any new material there
Oh, that's nice. I don't think I've lived anywhere large enough that I can have a whole room just for books
@Elise Often, you don't need it.
I'm re-reading the Codex Alera by Jim Butcher right now.
I'm re-reading the wheel of time
@Elva Also a good choice.
But my sister is a bit... hmmmm over-eager with wanting lists for christmas
@Elva I know that feeling.
If you don't mind light novels, I would highly recommend Rising of the Shield Hero.
@Frank I liked Codex Alera, although I thought I was a little disappointed with how it ended.
Maybe a biiiit? But I thought it ended pretty well
Eh, I don't like the mid-series reveal.
Well, "don't like" is a bit strong, I suppose.
@Elva The anime?
@Frank Based on what I know of that series, having read a few chapters of the manga, I don't particularly like it.
@Frank There's an anime?
I was responding to Yuukis response to your Codex Alera message
That series (Rising of the Shield Hero) is packed with unfortunate implications.
I've been reading and enjoying a bunch of Seanan McGuire books. I think I started because of a recommendation someone made in here
> The challenger bet that Butcher could not write a good story based on a lame idea, and he countered that he could do it using two lame ideas of the challenger's choosing. The "lame" ideas given were "Lost Roman Legion", and "Pokémon"
@Yuuki Eh? How so?
@Elva Yes. Covers the first four or five volumes of the light novels.
@Frank just for context, of Codex Alera? o.o
@Frank The fact that the protagonist utilizes the slave market/industry quite extensively?
I prefer the books, but the series does an exceptionally good job of making you empathize with the protagonist.
@Elva No. Rising of the Shield Hero.
I don't know that :D
@Yuuki He...pretty much sucks at being a slave driver.
That's me being a Dragon Maid
Or Maid Dragon
Granted, it's a strange system, could've been called just about anything else, and would've worked the same.
I will also always recommend Brandon Sanderson's Cosmere books: Mistborn, The Stormlight Archive, etc.
I want to replay Hollow knight more than ever
@murgatroid99 They're good books, Brent.
I don't think I want to wear a dress ever again
I'll also toss in assassins apprentice by Robin Hobb, because she's my favourite.
checks her bookcases Have that!
It's great
Outside of the protagonist, I had some trouble with the series's use of antagonists who are so incredibly comically evil, probably to make Naofumi's morally grey decisions look lawful good by comparison.
Also I'm dealing with a CSS bug that only reproduces on hidpi screens. This is ridiculous
@Elise Don't you want them to recognize you as a girl?
I stopped reading Akame ga Kill for similar reasons. That series was so grimdark and the antagonists were so beyond the pale that it was emotionally exhausting to get/stay invested in the story.
@SaintWacko yeah, that was a good thing. The blah thing was that my wife had to tell the lady that I was the same guy she knew from a year ago 😔
I haven't started transitioning socially and it's not something wife and I have really made a plan for, not yet at least
@Wipqozn It's on the Switch, plus I think the sequel's dropping next year?
Literally dragging the window from my hidpi laptop screen over to the normal external monitor causes the bug to fix itself
@Yuuki yeah, hopefully
@Yuuki Yes. I'm tempted to rebuy on switch. Team Cherry is deserving of me tossing more money at them.
How can I save a chatroom transcript? I'd like to save the books discussion for later reference
You can use the hover-arrow to get a permalink to a message
Or use the bookmarking feature
Scroll to the top of the chat, click "Full Transcript" then click "Bookmark a Conversation"
Okay, I made a bookmark called "Bridge recommends books to Elva"
Oh yeah just fyi those get saved publicly on your chat profile
it's probably not entirely what the bookmarking system is for, but I'd like to be able to check back in a couple months when I've finished reading the 5 books I just ordered
@RedRiderX them being public is not really an issue for me
Yeah it's not that big a deal just something that's not obvious
@RedRiderX I, for one, was not aware of that :o
@RedRiderX Oh man, I just dug up the first thing I ever bookmarked in this room.
And what a coincidence, it's about you!

In which @RedRiderX discovers his one true love: a chatbot.

May 11 '14 at 21:53, 1 hour 40 minutes total – 89 messages, 9 users, 1 star

Bookmarked May 11 '14 at 23:35 by Yuuki

Oh yeah that's a good one
thanks Tasker (I set my phone down on a library book)
just saw a spam email in my spam folder from Nigerian National Petroleum
Corporation (NNPC) and it made me think - it must really suck for whoever is trying to run a legit company from Nigeria 🤔
Yes it works with amiibo
@Unionhawk tasker? or nfc in general?
Both I guess
It's able to differentiate too
I recommend TagMo for use with amiibo, you can scan your real ones and write them to compatible NFC tags very easily
Or you can download someone else's amiibo and write to your tags 🤷🏼‍♀️
I'm trying to write something dumb like
Toon link amiibo -> play music Wind Waker Symphonic Movement
Q: How to pick the HQ you want in skirmish mode?

TristanI have the game including "Jupiter" expansion (it was auto included), which means I have 6 HQs available, but when I start a skirmish mode, I can see only 4 HQs. Is there a way to cyle through the 6 HQs ? or is there a way to disable Jupiter expansion so I can train only on the 4 basic HQs ?

@Unionhawk that seems highly impractical and awesome
The main thing I'm running into is it looks like Tasker and google play music don't play nice together
@Unionhawk how so? it worked fine for me
I use tasker to max out volume whenever I connect to bluetooth and then set it back to what it was after I disconnect
Wearing a dress makes me thankful for pants
@Elise I can't find any files in the "play music" task
@Unionhawk do you actually have the file on your device or is it downloaded through google play music?
you could also use tasker to trigger a google assistant command to play a specific song
bit hacky, I guess, but would cut out a lot of extra work for you
Yeah that'll work
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