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Multiplayer games, though, I will burn them with fire.
"how can I exploit in <multiplayer game>?" is a class I don't really like, but I haven't figured out exactly how to word it so that it doesn't cause issues.
@agent86 The only exploits I will encourage are those that take advantage of your opponent's stupidity.
there's also the "we're not lawyers" thing too, which always comes up when we try to sort what violates the EULA/TOS from what doesn't
I guess I'm saying the same thing as @bwarner, if it looks shady, downvote it.
@agent86 Yeah; the problem with EULAs and TOS is that most of it is legally unenforceable.
perhaps at some point we'll work out the magic word mojo that makes sense.
Fun story from my previous job:
I was supposed to sign an IP contract.
I looked it over and refused to sign the thing. Here were some points in it that amused me:
1) They tried to claim that everything I wrote while employed by them was theirs. Didn't matter if I wrote it at home, on my own time. It was theirs.
@fbueckert Is this that terrible job that was terrible?
@Wipqozn Yup
@fbueckert O.o
@fbueckert So, basically, they thought they owned you?
@fbueckert That is a fairly common clause in most development companies.
@fbueckert I believe that is unenforceable (at least here - your laws may differ, yada yada yada).
2) It had a non-compete that basically said after I left, I couldn't work in any industry that might even marginally compete with them.
There were some other clauses that were crazy restrictive. I don't remember the exact wording.
@fbueckert That one has failed to be enforced ... well almost all of the time. As long as you are not dirty dealing :)
The kicker, though, was this:
They had a clause that basically said, "We understand that many of these items may be unenforceable under current law. We reserve the right to modify these items at will, and your agreement to these items will be retroactive."
@fbueckert O.O So they could just be like blah blah we change all things and you would just have to magically be in agreement?
@JasonBerkan Unenforceable or not, all it takes is the threat of lawsuit to get most people to back down.
I wasn't going to sign something that gave them the threat to do so, whether they could enforce it or not.
It's stories like this that make me want to consider hiring a lawyer to read through any contracts before I sign them.
@AshleyNunn Yeah; best part is, you literally cannot enforce that.
@fbueckert That is true. I certainly don't have the time or money to fight a contract, even if I am sure I will win.
Summer Sale hasn't started...
If it's a private company, i'm pretty sure they can make you do anything that isn't against federal law
A new daily deal did though...
If you signed the contract
But if you sign it, they can go, "But you agreed to it! We'll fire you if you don't!"
@UQAllulloo It probably won't start until July.
@fbueckert O.o That's just underhanded and dirty
I have some more fun stories, if anybody is actually interested in hearing them.
@fbueckert I am.
@fbueckert raises hand
Not only are they interesting, but make me appreciate the awesome company I am currently working for even more.
I work in a library. The most we have to deal with is copyright issues.
I told you guys about the moving story, right?
@fbueckert Yes.
You should just edit your profile to include links to all the stories you tell.
Alright. Here's part 2.
and then people can read them whenever they want, or share them with others!
When we moved into the new building, we moved into a temporary location, while our new digs were being constructed above us.
Or make a community wiki. We can call it "@fbueckert's Horror Stories"
@Wipqozn Keep in mind, these are all from the same company.
@fbueckert I'm well aware.
@James I just got 2 firework dragons in a row. >.> I wouldn't worry too much about limited availability.
That's what makes them all the more amusing.
Anyways. We got our offices built, had a proper server room (in the temporary location, we just stuffed them into an air-conditioning closet. That's another story.)
@Fluttershy Hmm I will not waste gems on hurrying the ones I am working on now up then :)
We get all the servers moved, have everything wired, labelled, you name it.
I'm in charge of this, as one of the other techs went on stress leave, and the other remaining one had no interest in more responsibility.
@Wipqozn Not too bad of an idea man. Especially if you have IP of your own before going to work for someone else as then working on it during their employment can often make its entire works their property.
So, I'm rightfully proud of all the hard work I've put into this room. Everything's humming along, and we move the rest of the company.
Q: How do you complete the Wizard Dance challenge?

Jason BerkanThe second to last Meet the Council challenge involves a row of wizards against an array of Tribe units, but I cannot figure out how to take out all the units with just five action points. Specifically, the Axe Thrower in the bottom left corner is a problem, as none of the wizard's bolts will (i...

My dance studio was literally only two blocks away from work. So on a Friday night, I offer to show a couple friends the server room, as they're not technical at all, and it's a neat sight.
Keep in mind this is a 24/7 call center; there's always someone there.
So I show them in, and give them a quick tour of the new office, and then show them the server room.
It all goes well, we go home, yadda yadda.
On Saturday, the server room starts overheating, so I get called in.
@GarethJones Oh... right. Those aren't Steam keys... sorry...
My boss is already there, so we start getting some portable air conditioners in there to help cool it down.
I tell him it was working fine last night, when I was showing some friends the room.
At this point, I've explicitly told my boss I showed the server room to some friends during off hours.
He's fine with it, he doesn't mind at all.
Q: How can I unlock the whole map on the PC version?

The Mad PandaI would like to play the entire map without playing through the game, I only play for sentimental reasons (for the good old days). I would like to play the whole map, and there is no "cheat code" for this. I won't play multiplayer or do any other thing with this. I only play single player once i...

Tiddy Rule #4212 Don't volunteer information to your boss
He answered it in his question with an edit.
Later that week, I get called in to talk to the HR guy. Boss is there, too.
And I get given a written letter of warning for exposing trade secrets to non-employees.
@GnomeSlicE Just comment that he should edit that part out and post it as an answer.
Both of these non-employees are non-technical, and have no idea what anything they saw in the server room even meant.
I didn't know server rooms counted as trade secrets.
That tell me it doesn't matter, and I'm lucky that they didn't fire me.
@fbueckert O.o
@AshleyNunn Yeah.
@Wipqozn With x-ray vision, you can read the bits on the hard drives.
That sounds wrong to me. Mind you I dont understand a lot of tech related things, but that just sounds weird
If that's the wording they used then I think you have a pretty clear picture how much they respect you and your job
I tore a strip off the VP (who was my old boss) for allowing this at all.
He doesn't respond, and yells at my new boss for not managing his subordinates better.
So, yeah. There's another fun story from my time there.
Good thing you left them.
In the time I worked there, I got one raise, and that was when I was seriously talking about moving on.
Did you get in a fistfight with any of them?
Yeah, did you beat the crap out of any of them?
@Mana Good question Mana!
@GnomeSlicE I'm a professional. I don't resort to vulgar displays of brutality.
@fbueckert pfft
@fbueckert And you call yourself a professional?
I just destroy hard drives on the way out. :P
Oh, hey, that reminds me of another story.
Daphne's dad told me he thought I was a pretty cool guy. I punched him. Twice.
@fbueckert Oh man.
I really should have popcorn for this.
@Mana You're such a bad ass.
TBH though, in most places I've worked, allowing anyone unauthorized access to the server room would result in a lot of discipline.
@Wipqozn I was taking GnomeSlice's advice. It seemed to work out really well.
Stupid question - what would you see in a server room anyhow?
@JasonBerkan I built the thing. Got no raise, even when I took over for the other programmer, and had five times the responsibilities I started with.
@AshleyNunn Servers.
But anyways, new story.
Yeah a lot of big places have server rooms under 24/7 surveillance and keycard access
@Wipqozn This is not helping me
@fbueckert I'm betting the servers don't handle financial transactions, then.
@AshleyNunn lots of computers
@AshleyNunn Oh, sorry. There would be a lot of servers.
@Mana Ah, see, this I understand.
We had a single server to handle all of our financial data.
@Mana Moral of the Story: Always follow @GnomeSlicE's advice.
@Wipqozn pokes you with sticks
@AshleyNunn y r u doing that 2 me?
@EBongo Oh look, another question getting downvoted to hell because nobody likes the asker.
@AshleyNunn A server is just a computer that's being used to host some data for a service, like maybe helping to host a website or something.
All of our servers used RAID-0, so each hard drive was duplicated.
@Mana Ah, right, okay that makes sense
@Wipqozn Because you are doing things like that to me
I develop for a university and it feels like walking into the CIA Building when I need to get to the server room
Prior to me starting (or shortly thereafter), one of the hard drives in this server failed.
@AshleyNunn (somewhat simplified explanation) - with physical access to any computer, you can obtain access to the data on the computer. Thus with physical access to the server room, you theoretically have access to their data.
The person in charge of replacing it either never got around to it, or didn't get approval from higher up to replace it. Either way, financial data is now dependent on a single hard drive.
@JasonBerkan Okay, now I understand some. I suspect it is more complicated than that by a millionfold, but it makes some sense now.
This person got laid off in favor of keeping me, and nobody realized the server only had a single hard drive.
Fast forward about eight months.
The hard drive dies.
@AshleyNunn Also, if your business relies on 24/7 availability, a single pulled cable can cause issues.
All financial data is toast. No backups.
@JasonBerkan Ah. Like sites can go down, that sort of thing?
@AshleyNunn Exactly.
So we pull the hard drive, in an attempt to recover something from it, so we haven't lost everything.
It's SATA. No other computers in the company use SATA; they're all so old, they're still using IDE.
So rather than waiting for someone to figure out something, I offer to bring my personal computer in, that does have SATA.
So we make a special trip to go grab my computer and bring it back.
@GnomeSlicE The down votes are probably in opposition to him rolling back the edits.
@Wipqozn So? That doesn't affect the quality of the question.
We get the hard drive installed, and I start pulling as much off of it as I can.
All in all, we manage to get about 70-80% of the data.
are we seriously having another edit war? sigh children, children...
I'm clocking in several extra hours of overtime, because I want to take my computer home.
Guys, stop having edit wars.
We finally manage to get the data off, and I take my computer home.
do we need a "no edit wars" meta post or something?
@GnomeSlicE It sounds like people think the title negatively affects the question. I disagree with them, but that's probably what is happening.
It doesn't matter if you're in the "right". If someone's being stubborn about it, warring with them isn't going to change anything.
@Wipqozn It's been edited though.
@agent86 There already is an official blog post.
@agent86 Show me to the FRONT LINES
The next day, I make up a bill, as per my boss's instructions, to compensate me for the use of my computer.
Give a polite explanation in the comments and then bring it up with us if you get argued with.
We can lock posts so they can't be rolled back.
People are downvoting the user, not the question.
@GnomeSlicE and rolled back several times. People probably down voted it during one of the times it was in the original version.
@Mana doityoubitchdoit
Jeff Atwood on March 03, 2009

Alas, Stack Overflow has fallen prey to that dread disease that plagues all wiki systems: The Edit War.

We’re not exactly like wikipedia, because we are a hybrid system, but it’s worth scanning the official Wikipedia definition:

Edit warring is the confrontational use of edits to win a content dispute. Administrators often must make a judgment call to identify edit warring when cooling disputes. Administrators currently use several measures to determine if a user is edit warring.

The most common measure of edit warring is the three-revert rule, often abbreviated 3RR. The three-revert  …

@Wipqozn So you disagree with me?
I figure I'm being quite reasonable by only asking for $100. For the amount of time it saved us, that's peanuts.
@GnomeSlicE oh oh, hang on while I flip the switch that stops people from voting like that
@GnomeSlicE I'm just offering an alternative explanation to "They dislike the user" for why the down votes are happening.
From point #3: " However, if the author of the post is resistant to your editing changes, even a perfectly legitimate edit based on the above rules, be the bigger man (or woman) and let them have it their way."
okay, great, it's fixed :D
Most importantly from that blog post
@Wipqozn I think it's pretty clear that it's getting so many downvotes because of the asker's attitude.
> However, if the author of the post is resistant to your editing changes, even a perfectly legitimate edit based on the above rules, be the bigger man (or woman) and let them have it their way.
The CEO says she thinks that $100 sounds a little high.
All I can do is look at her in disbelief.
@Mana But make sure to downvote them into hell.
Also, @agent86 you really should make a meta post. These edit wars are getting really annoying.
@GnomeSlicE You make a lot of assumptions - how are you determining the "clarity" of your argument?
Always respect the original author.
@AshleyNunn The question is perfectly fine, doesn't deserve a net score of -5.
The asker might, but that (should be) is irrelevant.
@GnomeSlicE Except for his title, which the users editing it think has a negative impact on the question.
@Wipqozn You really think that that slight difference in title garners a score of -5?
@GnomeSlicE No, but other people might.
Whatever, I don't want to get into this again.
holy... crap...
congratulations on walking away from a pointless argument!
@agent86 ?
Wha......what IS IT AGENT?!
Trouble? Trouble at the well?
@tiddy arf ARF ARF
@tiddy It's Timmy's fault, he never learns. We should just leave him in the well this time.
Yeah Timmy needs to drown
or that family needs to move. I mean jeez, they have the most accident prone kid on earth.
looks around shiftily
or, like one of those shock collars that goes off when you leave the area.
Happily, someone finally managed to convince her that was I was asking was more than just reasonable.
Just close the well already!
ooh, or a FBI monitoring anklet
what is it, anklet? Timmy's wandered off the farm again, towards the salt mines? sigh
Get with it agent86, anklets are so 90's. That stupid kid needs a sub-dermal implant!
@fbueckert Your CEO doesn't sound all that bright.
@tiddy cue the deus ex "I didn't ask for this..." quote
Like, @agent86, seriously. MAke a meta post.
Because I've been tempted to make one myself. The last thing we need is another user raging because people got into an edit war with him instead of explaining the edits.
@Wipqozn maaaaaaaaan why does agent86 have to do everything.
10 mins ago, by agent86
do we need a "no edit wars" meta post or something?
Q: Minecraft Server save-all does not work as soon as expected?

Dominic BarnesSorry in advance, this question could fall into 1 of 3 categories (server admin, gaming, or programming) I'm working on a personal Minecraft server for my friends and I, I'm having the server back itself up on an interval, which requires the commands save-all and save-off to be called in success...

priorities ftw
@Wipqozn THANKS?
@Mana In other words because he mentioned it :P
@Wipqozn My previous CEO was of the opinion that all her employees should work as if the company belonged to them, but refused to give anyone any raises.
@Mana I'm not the mod this meta deserves - I'm the mod this meta needs. cthulhu shades
@fbueckert ah, I love that attitude.
I'll write the post for ya agent
@Wipqozn Yeah. On-call work was done out of the goodness of our hearts.
They'd give us a cell phone so they could reach us, but they wouldn't pay us for any on-call work.
They got mighty annoyed when I told them I refused to do on-call work for any less than twice my regular rate.
@tiddy you'd just have the word "tiddy" and a pic of tom selleck. I can do that myself.
That's called being salaried; if you're an engineer that's fairly common
@NiQAlasT Did I mention we had to account for every hour we worked?
Edits and the wars they make: A reflection on children and bored users by tiddy
There, I even gave you a great title
are you a contract house? some places do that to know how much to charge their customers for labor or whatever
it is retarded imho tho
@NiQAlasT Nope, all internal IT.
Another fun fact was that whether we were hourly or salaried switched to whatever benefit them more.
Work less than 40 hours? Hourly.
Work more than 40 hours? Salaried.
So either way, they came out ahead.
It's that the point of a business
sounds like a shit company is shitting on you, why are you working there :P
I was working there.
No longer.
there will always be good and bad employers
Fuck you Mom!
Canada's different in that you can't hire employees as both hourly and salaried; you have to choose one or the other.
I've got the Sun!
Whatcha gonna do about it!
And the implication of having to keep track of our hours implies that we're hourly.
not sure if I categorically believe that
@fbueckert Everyone in IT has to keep track of their hours. How else would PMs know how long a project took?
and Steam has crashed in the meantime so this achievement really better save
@QAdp I really want to pin this, but we have enough things pinned as it is.
@JasonBerkan We didn't keep track of our hours to know how long a project took.
We kept track of our hours so that the CEO knew we weren't screwing her by not working 40 hours.
@Wipqozn your mario marathon thing seems a bit broken anyways
I read that as 15 people donated $1, 1 person donated $1.50, 1 person (probably some SE employee for the sake of publicity) donated $1450
@thomasmcdonald Steam crashed so what you told me didn't get through
I have to keep track of my hours so the customer can be billed, i have a hard time getting it to fit, not sure if it is because i work to slow or the problems are wrongly estemated :/
Oh, I see @QAdp cleared out the pins so I can pin his message.
but I've got a feeling it's a trap.
Wise tortoise
@Wipqozn it looks about as stupid as EVGA.com which has 3 donors and $650
maan,I haven't got any work done on my main project for the 2 weeks my boss is afk. I keep getting bugs to work on.
So yeah, I'm glad to not be there anymore.
I think I've put in my time at crap IT jobs from that one alone.
@QAdp planning on acting on this or should I do a manual merge
@NiQAlasT I've decided to take a moment of break from destructively acting on tag merges
@QAdp I can't even get Steam to open on my laptop any more.
There's enough of a mess without untrackable edits
@QAdp yeah, but tbh that one is fairly straightforward. You've made far worse ones in the recent past.
There's 4 other mods
get the secret room finder item in basement 1
use my one bomb to get in
find a slot machine
roll my eyes
got two coins, first does nothing
second gets me the dollar and Cain
@QAdp And there you go.
If you get the Bible, Mom is EZ-mode.
@fbueckert I just defeated her with the sun
@QAdp Don't remember what that does.
@fbueckert Among other things it drops Mom to like 20%
@fbueckert Shines, presumably.
note quite a one shotter but
@QAdp The bible is a one-shot. :P
yeah, hence why I said "one-shotter"
heh, another dollar
same playthrough
@QAdp Useless. Unless you've already spent some of the money.
eh, I'm in an arcade room
then I still need to find the shop
Anyone care to explain to me how the Affordable Health Care Act "inserts government between you and your doctor"?
tortoise swoosh
and how the law is a "massive tax increase for the middle class"? I thought if you already had health care it basically did nothing (as the mandate part was moot).
everything the US government does is terrible, inefficient, useless and ineffective
and could be done in half the time, quarter the money and twice the awesome if you just left the matters to the relevant lobbies
that's how the United States works right?
@QAdp Or so the lobbies want you to think, anyways.
lobbies don't do anything directly; they're just yet another layer of bureaucracy
@fbueckert I formed this opinion by listening to US citizens talking about the US, not lobbies
Q: Is it possible to farm rubber?

QAdleyI'm using the Technic Pack, and one thing I'm finding tedious is getting Rubber. I've got a patch of rubber trees, but I have to get the rubber by hand. Is there a way of automating the process?

@NiQAlasT aren't they the representatives of the American non-People People? (Corporations are people too, right?)
Yeah, but ObamaCare doesn't "do" (provide health-care directly; the "public option") anything, it just says you need health care
@QAdp Refresh my memory, does the Binding of Isaac support a gamepad?
no idea
wait a second - I think it does
there should be a Steam achievement for playing it on a gamepad
@GnomeSlicE steam page doesn't say so
something like "stick it to the meat boy"
I need to play more Super Meat boy. I find it more monotonous than the original for some reason, even though it has a lot more to it.
@GnomeSlicE it does not support a gamepad, it mentions to look up Joy2Key for said support
@QAdp nupe
wait a second
go ahead
reading equivalentexchange.wikispaces.com/Getting+Started+in+v6 and I have no idea wtf is going on
Bah, BoI needs an update anyway.
Not worth it.
309 Mb
Q: Desura won't launch on Ubuntu 12.04. Permission denied

neilHNothing happens when I click Desura, clicking force update works but that does not fix the problem. EDIT: I know am getting this error: Details: Failed to execute child process "/home/neil/Downloads/desura" (Permission denied)

It sure is taking a long time to read all these TF2 weapons. I'm through the Heavy, and none of them are too far out there yet.
Will I get berated for using certain items?
@StrixVaria It's a multiplayer game, do you expect any differently?
Rephrase: How much shit will I get for using sub-optimal items?
@StrixVaria People get pissy if you use the Quick Fix as the medic.
I usually just tell them to fuck off.
I haven't gotten to Medic yet so I don't know what that is.
@GnomeSlicE which one is the Quick Fix again?
I used to use Kritzkrieg specifically because it was bad.
@Mana The one everyone gets pissy about if you use.
@GnomeSlicE ............
@StrixVaria You hipster you.
@Mana I don't remember what it does...
It heals people quicker than normal, and gives you a speed boost when healing scouts.
But the ubercharge is bad or something. No invulnerability.
@GnomeSlicE Like the Kritz.
Kritzkrieg was actually really good if you put it on someone useful, though.
It was just situational and required skilled teammates (which is unfortunately rare).
so do the day 3 items actually do anything or are they just reskins
A: Why does it say "that player is offline" when that player is most certainly online?

sfsdasdIt's a bug - just like all the other crap in that game, still filled with bugs that the shitty devs say they're going to fix. Easiest solution to this is to google offline playing or play on a private server - some have started to pop up. My recommendation is to find an offline crack to play with...

Q: Edit wars are bad. Don't encourage or participate in them

agent86I've noticed a disturbing trend in the past couple of weeks - there's been a surge in the number of edit wars, including some that have spilled over into Meta. I keep having to cut and paste the same thing into these questions, so perhaps it's time for a refresher. Sometimes we see these meta...

Someone's pissy
@fbueckert This is still an answer though. I'm editing and rejecting the flag.
@Mana ...The answer is to use a private server.
We shouldn't be encouraging pirated use.
@fbueckert Then edit it out.
The answer ultimately boils down to "it's a bug".
no it doesn't.
Sorry, you're right.
bluh, should not be handling flags while studying for finals.
I hate it when a meta post is brewing in my brain cells and I have to let it distill before I can type it out. It's always nice to have it done though, although then I usually open a whole can of disagreement worms.
@NiQAlasT, did you have to tell amazon anything in particular when you called them?
@NiQAlasT I think they're just reskins from the wiki article descriptions.
I think I could pretty much say "the moon orbits the earth" in a meta post, and back it up with freehand circles and still have at least one person vehemently disagree with my assertion.
Q: Edit wars are bad. Don't encourage or participate in them

agent86I've noticed a disturbing trend in the past couple of weeks - there's been a surge in the number of edit wars, including some that have spilled over into Meta. I keep having to cut and paste the same thing into these questions, so perhaps it's time for a refresher. Sometimes we see these meta...

@Lazers deserves to be here twice
> Buildings can be packed up and moved by their owners by pressing the alternate fire button while looking at and standing next to them.
When was this added?
@StrixVaria a while back, as I recall.
I'm assuming we're talking about TF2

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