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(X3 terran conflict was with Tages, they removed it a year after, that's why i ask)
(but anno being from Ubi, I doubt it)
:73221 I'm twice the worth of you. steamcalculator.com/id/alexanderpas
holy shit
:73239 complete packs help indeed
you work at Ubisoft @Gnoupi? :P
no, but they are not really going in the good direction with DRM recently, so.
ah ok
uhh @ArdaXi does FroydVillain check your SDcard for apps by any chance? since I already had apps2sd, it automagically installed everything back apparently
:73234 No additional DRM besides steam I believe (and no mention of it on the store page.)
err, I'm not sure if you should've wiped that beforehand, but I think so, yes
ahh, a steel chain is furniture
should've known
anyways UBI has a DRM boycott from me since settlers 7, not buying anything new from UBI on PC anymore.
3rd-party DRM: TAGES™
3 machine activation limit
(I should read better)
it's annoying, Anno 1404 is a good game, but such DRM politic is too annoying to agree with. Well, anyway, it's not like if I didn't have other games. Busy skydiving/grappling jets/parachuting/exploding stuff currently
/me agrees, no more new UBI games on PC for me.
UBIs DRM is fun. You can't play games you purchased without an internet connection, so awesome.
anyone else waiting for/wondering about the Worms reloaded?
already preordered.
:73294 That's why I don't buy games from them
My problem is that the only recent worms I played, on console, were on psp and ds. This worms is supposed to be close to the one on PS3 and Xbox
@JuanManuel I've told you about the server browser already didn't I?
so I don't know if they made correct physics or not, finally
on psp it's slow, slow, and not really pleasant
:73309 the what?
Does worms need correct physics?
on ds, I suspect it's adapted from the original pc game
just imagine worms armageddon/world party
:73312 l4d2's serverbrowser
my question...
If you did, I don't remember
hmm, must've been the alien swarm question
DS and PSP are low-end devices, ps is high end (for worms)
I have this problem with all games :P
basically you can enter openserverbrowser in the console to select servers based on latency
ahh, yes, it was in alien swarm
I remember now
i mean, the DS one has great feeling, surprisingly, because they copied from pc. I was afraid they slowed down a bit the game in the other console ones, like on psp
well, Alien Swarm is based on L4D2
but ech, it's team 17, on pc... let's be confident
and enough chatting for today, back to work.
this question is going to get out of hand:
Q: Do you know of alternative Nes Flashcarts?

FernandoMy beloved NES cartidges are getting pretty old, and some of them have been functioning sporadically recently. Do you know of other backup alternatives other than RetroZone's PowerPak? It's pretty expensive, is it the only alternative?

actually, it already did twice...
I already deleted 2 answers
I don't see it getting out of hand any more, unless someone else suggests downloading ROMs
we'll just keep an eye on it
this question needs to go
Q: Are there any PC games like Jedi Power Battles?

The SasquatchThere was a game I used to play on the DreamCast called something like Jedi Power Battles. Is there a version of that I could play on the PC not using an emulator? If not are there any other PC games that are like it? (Two player co-op with leveling characters.)

That entire tag needs to go :p
name two "Two player co-op with leveling characters." games, and i will vote.
Battlefield Vietnam
Fable 2
Like yesterday:
The following is a list of computer and video games that feature cooperative gameplay. Note 1. To sort by multiple columns, start from the least-significant column first. E.g., to easily find specific genre results on a specific platform, first sort by genre, then sort by platform.Note 2. Simplified for efficient sorting. Follow or hover over the links to see more specific genre descriptions.Note 3. Available co-op content is limited in scope and doesn't simulate the entire single player campaign. {| class="wikitable sortable" style="margin-left:.6em; |- ! style="background: #CCCCCC; co...
:73365 satisfied?
if you feel bad about your "game-rec", have a look at this: superuser.com/questions/tagged/software-rec
and see that it not so bad :]
That's just worse :P
I think it's inevitable
the books site would have a book-rec
the cooking site a recipe-rec
wait... so you can play HL2 co-op?
the tv shows site a show-rec
and so on and so forth
So Blacklist
or embrace it
In my opinion these questions are ok and occasionally useful
only ban the too vague ones
but when it's specific, nothing against
keep your friends close, and your enemies closer.
We need to have a room dedicated to this discussion
A: Voting on the future of list of X questions

Grace NoteI think the major flaw in list questions is not only the size, but the approach that we take. I completely disagree with the popular approach of "one-per-answer" polling for list questions. I know, everyone loves the fun of the rating system that you can simulate with votes. However, I believe it...

because we have this fight three times a day
perhaps adapt the way we use the site
if it's inevitable, we should adapt
oh, I'm mentioned in that question
:73395 tl;ardra
:73412 I kinda feel mentioned
lol, ardra means "already read, didn't read again."
I only know tl;dr :P
this is an adaption of that.
best answer ever:
A: "Must-Have" Open Source software?

paulgregUbuntu Linux ! By the way, it includes Firefox, OpenOffice, Pidgin, GIMP,... :)

10v10 L4D2? how would that work? having Coach walking around three times?
is that "legal"? (in the sense of getting you account banned for using a modded server)
nah, that's legal
not to close the question, just out of curiosity
it's just sourcemod running on a server
which has been legal all the way from original CS
quick DF question: whether a dining room/quarters/office is meager or modest or whatever is decided by furniture/statues right?
total value of contents
size also does matter, and also weither the walls and floor is smoothed/engraved.
furniture, statues, value of the stone floors (increased by smoothing), more if wall/floor is expensive (gold, gems, etc), value of engravings
you can smooth floors as well?
I can't smooth my floors anyway
meeh this is pure discussion to me
:73493 Yes you can, if they're stone
oh yeah, now I see it, my engraver is just being lazy and taking breaks again
dorfs taking a break is annoying... I want slave dorfs!
my miner/engraver dorf takes way too many breaks though
DF keeps freezing, thank god for dfunstuck
mabye you're giving him too much work ;)
you know, I keep forgetting that these dwarfs think they're people
y'know, rather than slaves
maybe we should try to get toady implement gobbo slaves, which you can buy from the caravan too. (won't happen)
Oh, the bookkeeper and the leader got married, they're holding the reception at the siltstone table on the 1st of Granite
how is this not modest :/
hmm... we need an independant accountant to verify the books... I get a feeling there is foul play.
three statues, smoothed engraved walls
I have no idea what'll happen if I don't give the sheriff what he wants by the way
does he just fail his duties?
he doesn't do his job.
that's great
we need more catchy titles like this one
Q: How can I tell if a corpse is safe to eat?

Kaestur HakarlI am playing a human wizard, and I just killed a monster, leaving a corpse on the ground. How do I tell whether it is safe to eat this corpse? I leave the monster unspecified because I am interested in "how can I figure out whether this is edible," rather than whether any particular monster is e...

you might want to smooth the wall bordering the water.
I have no idea how to fill the meter further, I can't keep stuffing it with statues
it drew a lot of views from the SE homepage
:73544 I can't, it's dirt
can't smooth dirt
well, according to a mythbusters episode you can, but not according to this game
well... that's a problem, dirt isn't very valueble...
so I should build the room elsewhere?
you might want to relocate that dorf.
> I leave the monster unspecified because I am interested in "how can I figure out whether this is edible," rather than whether any particular monster is edible
very nicely described his question as well
any way I can see what kind of stone I'll be digging in before I start digging?
I can make modest out of a 3x3 full smoothened & engraved stone room and a stone chair.
I need a modest office, a modest dining room and a modest quarters though
alright, hopefully mining 3 3x3 rooms in siltstone
hmm, all this smoothing should give her enough experience to become a pretty good engraver too
hmm, after all this talk about how Hard this game is, I was expecting a harder time
I've got it pretty easy so far, plenty of booze, plenty of foodstuffs
just wait untill... you have 80+ dorfs
oh right, more immigrants arrived
great, two engravers with plenty experience
great, a party. you're not supposed to party, you're supposed to work
well, the sheriff is finally happy
oh my @ArdaXi the keyboard is really really snappy on 2.2
are you using the stock keyboard or the htc mod?
stock atm
wanted to go back to Swiftkey
but something went wrong (they were installed from the apps partition)
that seems interesting, I'm gonna try it
I had a modded version of Swype, but never got it working
hm, I should probably update to the newest froydvillain
time to update my backups
hehe, it seems I did something wrong, since it takes ages to find apps to pin to the homescreen
hmm... I closed that question but now I'm not so sure
As stated in the thread
"REMEMBER the ROM will only be at peak performance after it's been rebooted a couple of times, and when you've opened your apps once prior. "
(there's another catchy title)
yeah I'm noticing it @ArdaXi after adding a couple of apps, it's speeding up
:73677 Yeah, it basically boils down to the same thing, although the other is more of a duplicate
the other as in the older one?
@JuanManuel if it turns out it's not a dupe, he will have to edit his version and add information making his question distinctly different
then you can reevaluate it and decide whether it should be reopened
:73680 Where would we be without nethack
:73688 duplicates work the other way around (new ones are always duplicates of older ones)
I know, but this one is more generic, while the older one is more specific
:73695 ok, I'll leave it closed for now
wow, Grace types fast
sockpuppet! :P
I'm reinstalling all apps that are buggy, that should fix it @ArdaXi
that's what I have titaniumbackup for :)
you didn't have 2.1 before it? since I went from a rom with apps2sd to this one, perhaps I should have wiped my apps partition :P
(also, I think the use was trying to post an answer for every special infected himself)
I went from 2.1 to 2.2
but titaniumbackup reinstalls the apps and then restores the data
> Wipe SD:Ext (If you have apps2sd and/or an ext partition)
guess that's what I did wrong
so, you have froydvillain 1.1.9 right?
another issue is probably the over 100 apps I've got
which kernel did you pick?
good question
since I just picked the default installer
it's like really big and bright blue on the thread
@tzenes grats on 4k rep
I see it, I came from another thread I guess
614 mhz that's what it's running on apparently
I'm just curious as to whether I need to flash it
yep, looks like it
When you install this ROM, DO NOT USE GOOGLE BACKUP OR RESTORE. It really slows the ROM down, like all Froyo ROMs, and it uses loads of battery even when you think you're not doing anything. So it's not cool. So turn it off in the setup wizard
so I have to turn that off too
what's your linpack score? mine's 4.2
I'm in recovery right now :)
ah what kernel are you flashing it to?
352-748 MHz
if it blows up I can always return to recovery and reflash
well, maybe not if it blows up... let's hope it doesn't come to that
I'm going to give that 18-768 a try :P
oh by the way, never apply a radio update, even if the ota updater tells you to
it's really easy to brick your phone with them
hmm, 19-768 will probably use less battery
I already did a radio update, but downloaded it manually
I bricked my phone with one
luckily HTC were nice enough to replace it for me
:) I'm puttin all the kernels on my SD card and try them out
that's weird.. it's never told me to nandroid over adb
is flashing the kernel just a recovery option?
ah well, just as easy
Q: How to pray safely (to god)?

espaisCan somebody please give me a good overview of the prayer system in Nethack? From what I understand, pray once and your god is more than happy to help you out, but if you pray again you get punished pretty severely for being so needy. Basically, how does Nethack prayer work?

this gaming site generates the best titles of all SE sites
also drawing nice pageviews
quite some 1k+ views questions
well, phone's reflashed again.. funny, I've only flashed VR roms, but I've still flashed about 10 different roms already
@Ivo and @Arda - "Get a room", if you don't talk about the gaming site or gaming in general, in my opinion :]
but.. I'm flashing my phone so I can play the newest 2.2 games!
indeed! plus we do discuss games too, in between, should we be ontopic nonstop?
Seems like not a real question as it stands
well if he adds what his platform he's using it could be
And "tracked" is kinda vague
I have noticed a patern
it is not completely consistent but it goes as follows
People find a game-rec question they like. They advocate game-rec (look at x, y, z). Eventually an argument takes place. They then start advocating trying to find a middle ground (well maybe we get rid of some game-rec but not all). Eventually, they start to look at the shear volume of game-rec and they finally decide, get rid of them all
it doesn't happen 100% of the time, but it is an emerging trend
let's hope the trend will continue and good morning @tzenes!
We're making progress at least
anyone got a close vote to finish off
Q: Games for someone who loved Godfather: Blackhand Edition

HeatherMy husband is not a huge gamer, but he loved Godfather: Blackhand Edition for the Wii. He's deleted his save game, started over, and beat the game at least four times since we've bought it and he's finally gotten bored with it. I can't think of another game of mine he's played more - I did try ...

It's on 4, and I don't want it to fade away
:74047 What is up with these question titles
They are great!
although the FBI will be visiting the SE headquarter soon...
I edited the question because I think it needs to be more clear, just in case the FBI is watching.
Well, the details of the question, not the question title. That's awesome.
yes, nobody touch that title, it's perfect
> No job? Cupboard bare?
one room, no one there?
Hey, pal, don't despair-
You wanna shoot a president?
c'mon and shoot a president...
we still here?
all the sites are down ... :-(
I read you.
But the sites appear up
Morning Ivo
I'm glad someone finally asked this question. The knowledge needs to spread!
:74252 Back up now ...
I must have just missed it then.
@McKay you're still going through Battl.net you can't leverage your LAN for pingless games
so the president question got killed?
@McKay Whether that's a big issue or not definitely depends on what kind of connection (if any) your LAN is hooked up to
Why do all Graces's answers make me feel humble and insignificant?
because she's **grace**ful :D
I think this is illustrative of the power of comments:
Would I have got as many upvotes if C. Ross had not posted that comment?
@Macha You're just saying that because you got a compliment ;-)
Q: What is the accuracy of Hypnosis in a battle between Diamond and Platinum versions?

MachaIn Pokemon Diamond, Hypnosis has 70% accuracy. In Pokemon Platinum, it has 60%. In a battle between these two games, which value is used?

Maybe :P
Hehe :P
btw @ArdaXi I ended up with more or less the stock values, all the others kernels weren't stable :(
/me hopes no one reads that and thinks "Yeah, I better downvote him now"
@IvoFlipse I reverted to my nandroid backup, it wouldn't boot
naah, you even got yet another upvote for the shameless plug
@Macha It's nice that you attribute it to @CRoss' comment and not your question though
He's right though, these are the kind of questions we want if we want to attract experts
@ArdaXi do you play any Storm8 games?
@IvoFlipse Maybe.. what's Storm8?
World War, iMobster and the like on Android/iPhone
according to their website it's just iPhone though
and seeing as I haven't had an iPhone for about a year now
nope they're crossplatform
or Pocket Empires?
nope, I haven't played a lot of mobile games lately
I usually only play those in school
you know, when I have nothing better to do
I do not understand the purpose of rep whoring, your rep has no value to you
sure it does
you get privileges
yeah, that's why I play all the time
well it aint going help me get a job @tzenes :P
rather the contrary
what privileges?
especially 'moderation tools', it sounds like someone people really want to achieve
no matter how pointless they really are
moderation tools are overrated
it just forms search queries for you
hello @systempuntoout
there is no value in anything beyond the ability to up and down vote
:74530 I said: "no matter how pointless they really are"
my google-fu doesn't need moderation tools
the only value reputation has is to other people
all I need is the close votes tab perhaps
The FAQ says: "At the high end of this reputation spectrum there is little difference between users with high reputation and ♦ moderators."
Those people can create value for you
Maybe not in Gaming
Well the FAQ is incorrect
But on SO, and GD maybe :)
which, albeit a lie, makes rep-whoring attractive
I want that line stricken
well maybe I'm being harsh
I take it back
well, no, it's a lie
plain and simple
well the difference is that a Mod can cast multiple close/delete votes
and has the ♦
mods can close and delete immediately
Oh, and flags
they get the emailaddresses of users
yeah, multiple votes
do they get email address?
the best diamond function is the single kill vote :P
The close and delete thing is a double edged sword. If I just close stuff people get mad ><
yeah I now know where your house lives @tzenes
And open meta threads about me :p
:74564 Which is a pretty big weapon
ok, nm
I'm just upset about rep whoring
:74568 Which you can then instantly close and delete
forget I said anything
I'm 100% wrong
rep whoring is going to happen either way
human nature
Uncle Ben was right all along: "With great power comes great responsibility"
@tzenes you're just annoyed you're at the top ;-)
Anyway, I promised myself I'd get some work done today.
I'm promising myself that all week @Macha
I like the tried and true method of slacking and putting in a ton of hours during crunchtime.
Woah, messages flipped order. The :P should be after the other one.
I'm still trying to force myself to start to get into the Dokan library
@Noctrine It looks fine to me. Probably a bug.
@ArdaXi well that too, someone should really pass me already
Hey, someone finally passed me
what the hell are you all doing, get out there and answer questions
thanks by the way
unfortunately its like Old Maid
in that I'm now the Old Maid
or, more accurately, the loser with no life
okay, you're right :(

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